MediaTEMPLE Liars ••
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- 95 Responses
- ********0
bloody protestants!
- ********0
always making my day go faster....
oh wait it's only 11:00 :(
(Jan 10 07, 07:34)Well played sir.
Well played.
- mpfree0
Indian givers, is it?
- ********0
- OeufOeuf0
Guess that code no longer works.
- TheBlueOne0
MT makes coffee?
- horton0
*** update:
i got an email from (mt) this morning... perhaps someone is watching this protest?
As a courtesy, (mt) Media Temple is automatically switching your billing to a monthly service while keeping the same discounted pre-paid rate that you where previously accustomed to. Normally you would be billed $(xxx) for the next full 2 year term. Since you have demonstrated that you are a loyal customer (mt) Media Temple is happy to extend this discount to you without requiring an additional pre-payment.
- Fariska0
I feel exactly the same way. The smell is alright, but I will never like coffee (or tea) and I won't be addicted to it either. Nearly every student in uni needs coffee to stay alive. I've tried it once and it was disgusting. My sister loves all that stuff, but she uses SO much sugar and creamies that I can't imagine that she actually tastes the coffee.
(Jan 10 07, 07:42)If you are talking about that black and bitter liquid served in nearly-a-pint paper cup I hate it too.
If you are talking about that black and bitter liquid that comes out of my moca coffee machine in the morning, dense and creamy, that fits on a little glass cup well... I can't live without it.
- Mimio0
That's a standard renewal email horton. If your credit card is still valid they'll go month to month.
- ********0
oh stop the MT hating. they are good people. maybe the first email was jsut a mistake. don't bash them right away before you have spoken to them about this matter.
they provide us a great deal with rebates, sponsoring and all, and it's not very decent to act so unthankfull.
MT has cared more for the ambitions and ideas of designers then any other host i have ever known.
- ********0
ie don't bite the hand that feeds you.
- radar0
media temple feeds you?
- ********0
yeah, they feed me bits..
- Jaline0
janne is their bitch.
- formcounterform0
media temple is overhyped fashionable hosting. for the life of me i can not understand why people are paying that much to let them host their sites.
- spot130
I also switched to mt based on the 50% off "for the life of the account". Sounded too good to be true but I have an email trail (will dig out tonight) of the details and the definition of the "Life of the account" and it clearly stated that unless I canceled / changed the account I would continue to recieve the discount.
Maybe we can start a class action law suite.
- Dancer0
... I was gonna say and then it was said...
- spot130
I just got off the phone with mt...
They said are continuing to honor my discount. Hopefully that doesn't change.
- ********0
media temple is overhyped fashionable hosting. for the life of me i can not understand why people are paying that much to let them host their sites.
(Jan 10 07, 09:29)because i had tons of other hosts and, even though they did not respond my recent ticket about email issues (YES MT WHAT IS UP WIT DAT?), they are generally better and fresher (in features and updates) then many other hosts i have tried...
- spot130
Maybe this only affects the shared hosting? I'm on the dv plan