America is Fucked

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  • grafician2

    Idk, not really a "fucked" thing, but didn't know where to post this, so...

    "Airline Pilots Landing At LAX Report "A Guy In Jetpack" Flying Alongside Them"

    'Even in an era in which congress wants to openly investigate UFOs, a dude flying alongside an airliner over Los Angeles in a jetpack is still bonkers"


    "Fox 11 broke the story and has the air traffic control audio clips which you can listen to here. The exchanges went like this according to their report:

    American Flight 1997: "Tower, American 1997, we just passed a guy in a jetpack."

    Tower: "American 1997, OK, thank you. Were they off to your left or right side?"

    American Flight 1997: "Off the left side, maybe 300 yards or so, about our altitude."

    Fox 11 reports a Skywest pilot confirmed the sighting:

    Skywest Flight: "We just saw the guy passing by us in the jetpack."

    Then the tower alerted an incoming Jet Blue flight to the reported hazard:

    Tower: "Jet Blue 23, use caution, a person in a jetpack reported 300 yards south of the LA final at about 3,000 feet, 10 mile final."

    Jet Blue 23: "Jet Blue 23, we heard and we are definitely looking."

    Another pilot chimed in: "Only in LA.""…

  • PhanLo0

    Crazy system of rinsing a place as much as you can and then boosting to make a new place shitty. Good cast of folk in this move to Texas ad.

    • "rinsing" a place?
      People go to LA & SF for jobs. Housing prices go up, economic disparity increases. Not caused by liberal policies. Urban areas vote dem.
  • Sellies1

    I feel like another uproar is about to come!
    When will people learn, or when will they be educated?…

    • Youd think theyd be like "due to current events, we shouldnt shoot the blacks for atleast 2 months"moldero
    • Hahahah If they don't know how to play nice, take their toys away.Sellies
    • Wow, ride a bicycle a bit hap hazzardly and get shot dead. USA sounds like a lovely place to ride a bicycle.shapesalad
    • God forbid you pull a wheelie...! The consequences. Perhaps police murder you and your whole family if you pull a wheelie?shapesalad
  • autoflavour1
  • neverscared3

    i guess they call it in love with a murderer...

    • Lol, Greta still bugging the big brainsGnash
    • Maybe Greta should just start murdering folk.PhanLo
    • ^ lol. It really is odd how she freaks some people out. I don’t get itGnash
  • PhanLo6

    • ...for about 40% taxesgrafician
    • Imagine 40% taxes on Bezos lolgrafician
    • Hehe, yep, Bezos is a ledge.PhanLo
    • Other countries guarantee meals, clothing and a place to live?Gnash
    • ^no country did that in the history of countries lolgrafician
    • Woah... so I get a free car... free travel in general (planes, trains and green ebikes?). Now... let's talk 'rent'! ...or do I get a free plot of land?PonyBoy
    • people missing the point entirely.utopian
    • At least the US has a standard for air conditioning and giving ice and water at restaurants, that's what all the tax is really for ;)whatthefunk
    • What point, 'topes? What 'other' countries are capable of 'guaranteeing' a thing to ALL 'their people'? To give this tweet any credence is ridiculous.PonyBoy
    • using the words 'guarantee' and 'all' in reference to anything the Gov provides doesn't seem overconfident at allPonyBoy
    • Imagine corporations paying their fair share of taxes, funding schools and giving teachers a decent income... but that makes too much sense, what do i knowdorf
    • PonyBoy: he also says basic necessities, like healthcare for example. Not a car or a plane ride...zarkonite
    • Don't worry about Pony, he lives in his own basketcase world. Full of smooth brain trees and kneejerk irony fairies.face_melter
    • but SOCIALIZM programz bad! so lets defund them all, like police, firefighters & social security checksmoldero
    • at this point I think Americans are just institutionalized and used to living like shit.moldero
    • tbh unless you own a house/ have a good accountant in the US you pay similar tax as most countries with free healthcare/ state pensions.kingsteven
    • lived in NYC for a couple years and paid more tax there than i would have in the UK (at the time). i think americans just don't understand tax bracketskingsteven
    • Who wants to live in theredeathboy
    • zark, a car is a basic necessity in the US, unless you live ina city in which it's still usually a necessity. Nothing knee jerk about living in reality, face.PonyBoy
    • Not sure want you mean by 'irony fairies' although you are living in a fairytale if you think the US Gov can provide the 'basic necessities' for 320+ Mill...PonyBoy
    • ...folks from all walks of life and culture.
      Just get the fucking prices down(& of course get the zero-paying corpos on the paying side of the dole already).
    • A car is not a necessity, it's a very convenient thing but it's not necessary.zarkonite
    • A home is. Do I get a home? :P I'm fine w/a nice Chicago 3 story brownstone. All our own. Who determines who gets what btw? Who gets the 'good' 'necessities'?PonyBoy
    • It's called public housing, and research shows it helps the economy. You'll have to work for your brownstone, cuz that's not a necessity.zarkonite
    • It's a shame we don't push that idea more—or really even talk about it much. But I'm grateful you at least mentioned the idea of having to 'work' for something.PonyBoy
    • like how things 'work' in most developed countries :)kingsteven
    • In rich and successful Singapore, 80% of the people live in subsidized dwellings: https://www.economis…zarkonite
    • When you take care of people's basic needs they are free to pursue higher callings like starting a business, etc. It increases freedom, it's a good thing.zarkonite
  • utopian1

    • pure madness. we're still in dark agesBennn
    • social media has given tiny insignificant corners of the population a very loud voice. fuck Facebook and twitter to hell.inteliboy
  • utopian0

    • I hate it when it says "Video unavailable
      The uploader has not made this video available in your country." Makes me want to watch it more now.
    • I just figured the content providers don't like my country, so fuck them.eryx
  • nb10

    America will not be great until all Americans have access to healthcare without fear of going broke.

    Sorry if the truth hurts. Good countries take care of their citizens.

    • So glad to be Canadian, especially in these times...
      I feel sorry for you my American mates
    • yupmoldero
    • Sorry, also - America will not be great until it does *something* about its guns - otherwise the cycle of fear and violence has no reason to stop perpetuating.Nairn
    • also, also. Systemic racism, and our shitty educational system keeping us ignorant. The USA needs more critical thinking.brandonp
    • changing things that are so culturally encrusted into a society takes generations to moveBennn
    • any nation will be great when citizens put their fitness & wellness as a priority so that healthcare needs are minor & infrequent. It's difficult to heal stupidBustySaintClaire
    • Fuck off busty. Your argument is so juvenile, it takes no effort to see the holes in it.nb
    • ^ aww, you're hurt again, pity, you can have the pillow after utopian. You've reminded us to add mental health to the list. Good citizens look after themselves.BustySaintClaire
    • Your dumb theory excludes all diseases which primary risk factors aren’t behavioral. But I guess fuck those people, right?nb
    • Hmm. Us pays more than other countries...what do u expect besides rationing?deathboy
    • Oh deathboy, more dumbness from younb
    • It annoys when people defend the US system as something good or necessary, when there are like 80+ countries with better healthcare systems.nb
    • Uhm better... Explain why and what that means. We spend more as per of gdp for medicare than most countries u think are greatdeathboy
    • We could expand that to 100% vs less than 20 and we d have universal care. Same as other countries but we spend more cause we care...deathboy
    • But that doesn't mean quality care. It doesn't mean innovation. It means lowest possible care. Which will drive up costs and make decent care unaffordable fordeathboy
    • Creating serfs who rely on free shit they pay for through taxes and rich who have extra capital. Maybe one day u will realize the shit u are for has the opposideathboy
    • Te effect of your intentions.deathboy
  • scruffics1

    ^ that's definitely one of the larger parts of the problem.

    even if you as an individual can afford your healthcare, there is still such a massive proportion of the population that can't, and that creates a toxic society that is destined to fail.

    • Well the actual problem is that everybody knows this, while nobody does a thing to fix it...grafician
    • Also the another HUGE problem is that America chose to try to wake up, under the worst presidency in history arguably...grafician
    • America needs to learn empathy, maybe under a moderate woman president, they will make some progress, but if Trump gets re-elected, it's game over for them...grafician
  • PhanLo2

    Big mad Gav says RIP.

    • who is the ignorant idiotBeeswax
    • Generic Barfly X.

      Fuck off for Canadian "facts".
    • Lol, this guy is such a hoser.nb
    • Which QBN’r is this?NBQ00
    • It is medrgs
    • thats a tough looking 50 year-old... hate ages the shit out of people. must be a miserable fuck.jonny_quest_lives
    • Vice Magazine founderyuekit
  • PhanLo3

  • utopian8

    52% of young adults in the US are living with their parents. That's the highest share since the Great Depression.…

  • utopian5

    Americans are flocking to COVID-19 hot spots for holiday.

    Covidiots Everywhere!

    Millions of Americans are expected to hit the road this Labor Day weekend, and a top destination is a place where the coronavirus crisis continues unabated.…

  • BusterBoy1

    Not sure if already posted...but worth reading.

    The Unraveling of America…

    • I think I posted this before here or it was posted so TLgrafician
    • but nvrmnd it can reposted as it's very relevantgrafician
    • We are a resilient folk, this isn't our first rodeo.toemaas
  • whatthefunk4

    • These people are goofballs, but there is fuckery everywhere. Have had 4 acquaintance go for test, left because of line, then got a "pos" in the mail...toemaas
    • What a bar, it's full of some right charactersfadein11
    • Why is everyone so old?fadein11
    • They're only in their mid twenties, they just live life to the max like red-blooded MAGA legends!PhanLo
    • They dismissed everything, fat motherfuckers.i_was
    • why is everyone holding their phones?pango
    • They're holding their phones, taking photos of the libs they owned by dying of COVID.CyBrainX
    • What's Only Fools and Horses got to do with all of this?fadein11
  • whatthefunk0

    • Because voting for Biden will make the whole USA into what Fox says Portland is.omahadesigns
    • And voting for Trump will make the whole USA worse...whatthefunk
  • sted5

    The economic turd has grown so big in the recent month and you got like an other month to turn things around, after November you will be fucked in so many ways that it will be very difficult to climb back to the level the markets should have been two weeks ago.

    And don't think for a minute that this will not affect your life.

    The last few days have shown how volatile this artificially pumped economy is, and things don’t look very good.

  • neverscared0

    • https://www.theguard…neverscared
    • this is fine.hans_glib
    • I had no idea the ones on the left were so armed as well. Thought it was only right wingers who were NRA nut jobs.NBQ00
    • sorry but I really can't understand why would something like this be legal.oey_oey
    • all empires have fallen...would be pretty crazy that the US downfall would be in such short time and in my lifetime.oey_oey
    • It's Kentucky, I've seen people eating dinner out with pistols on their hip.toemaas
  • colin_s0

    "fucked" is probably right on at this point.

    i don't really see a scenario where ANY election outcome doesn't result in violence.

    biden wins and trump's people take up arms if (when) trump questions the legitimacy of the results, police supply help to paramilitary groups and there's war in the streets

    trump wins and all major cities have riots the way portland has been keeping on with, trump unleashes the national guard and then we have war in the streets

    i dunno i haven't ever been concerned during the trump administration, but if i was a betting man i'd say the way this is all unfolding is going to come to blood (like, far more than has been shed already)

    • sounds like a failed statelowimpakt
    • mate ppl don't know Puerto Rico or Alaska are US states, like Europeans don't know the Swiss or Norway are not in the EU. Ppl are stupid, the American social exgrafician
    • experiment is over! This is very concerning...grafician
    • Err ... I'm fairly certain everyone in Europe knows N and CH aren't in the EU.Continuity
    • What in the fuck are you yammering on about, grafican? People don't know PR, Alaska? huh? PR is NOT a state, btw... Alaska is.PonyBoy
    • Cali has the 5th GDP in the world, they will split first...many will move to Canada and Europe, America will be pretty much empty in the blue statesgrafician
    • The fools will "inherit" the land, we'd rather take in Syrian refugees than MAGA pplgrafician
    • @Continuity You underestimate the idiots in Europe too my man, I have very well educated friends that still have no clue about the EU politics and state affairsgrafician
    • @ponyboy you're a case on point then, lol PR is an unincorporated territory of the US, that's why the idiot in chief had no clue about itgrafician
    • All you proved is you don't know what you're yammering on about, graf. You're coming up w/some gross worse case scenarios that you almost seem hopeful to occur.PonyBoy
    • I for one DO NOT want in my craziest nightmares this to occur, are you f nuts?! Nobody wants this!!grafician
    • But never underestimate the power of idiots in numbers!grafician
    • Not to mention armed idiots...but we'll see in November...grafician
    • The armed idiots (really truly armed—not kids in the streets/rednecks w/bear spray) have shown a lot of restraint so far. I agree—November will be interesting.PonyBoy
    • Well let's hope they'll just sink their own boats again coming this November. I want to watch the new James Bond in December in peace!grafician
    • trump looses and there is no way he'll leave the wh peacefully and magaturds go wild, trump wins and the streets explode... take your pick.renderedred
    • Sounds like the military vote is increasingly anti-trump, culminating recently in the pulling of funding for Stars & Stripes after a critical article on him.Nairn
    • I suspect/hope 'deep state' or just plain patriotic entities within The Establishment would take Trump down before the country implodes too much.Nairn