America is Fucked

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  • NBQ00-1

  • milfhunter-3

    Lol with some random maps on his desk

    • They’re puzzles of maps. Gotta keep the ol’ noggin busyGnash
    • At least he isn’t drawing the map course with a sharpie like a trump the idiot.monospaced
  • srhadden-1

  • milfhunter-2

    tiktok inbread

    • This is trump’s base, if they’re not insurrectin’ they’re screwing their sisters_niko
  • utopian-2

  • imbecile-2

  • grafician-2

    "BREAKING: Bloomberg poll shows Trump now leading Biden across all seven key swing states with eleven months left to the election"

  • utopian-1

  • neverscared-1

  • utopian-1

  • PhanLo-1

    L O L

  • ethered-3

    OP is like:

  • utopian-3

    A woman purposely coughed on $35,000 worth of food at a Pennsylvania grocery store, sparking coronavirus fears, police said.…

  • shapesalad-5

  • tangoxray3-2

    Trump started out as
    President Roscoe P Coltrane
    but ended up as
    President Boss Hogg.

  • PhanLo-2

  • robotron3k-6

    Look at this shit... a millennial liberal mayor of Minneapolis far in over his head.

    Wow just wow.

    • The motherfuker doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He can't answer a goddamn question. Lolz.robotron3k
    • Unlike Trump who is an articulate force of intellect, consistent and logical and in no way a mentally retarded toddler.Morning_star
    • Apologies, that was unfair to mentally retarded toddlers.Morning_star
    • Obviously you have not watched the vid.robotron3k
    • Why do you still come here bobo? Everyone hates you and has zero respect for you and what you have to say.garbage
    • Sure garb, I'm always correct but have unpopular opinions, but on occasion I post some bad ass content on QBN. So who doesn't love good links, right??robotron3k
    • leave Mcdreamy alone!_niko
    • Ha!robotron3k
  • deathboy-10

    this shit riot shit, also similar to mass shooting reactions, always esacalating and seeming to grow. shit just keeps making me think of the dancing plagues. irrational social mania. small outbreaks due to connectivity, but with advanced data systems and interconnectivity amongst people you could quite easily and organically set up conditions to create such phenomenon on a large scale with few actors. And seems like methods are getting more precise with each interration for spread. Not to say a single organization but definitley fewer players all with own motives that just hit a synchronicity point like the speed on the road when the windows is down and gives that horrible reverberating sound. just kinda stop and like huh stare at a trainwreck with a jackson pollock painting of colors and body parts. and think so strange the way people are acting. and wondering if the mere idea of being an adult or maturity of it has been deleted. especially since socials media brings adults back down to grade level school interconnectivity and shallowness. ... also again this race shti is old because we do nothing but deny any idea or acceptance that race fear can be natural and cultural. We just say hey you a racist cracka. Let if build and fester irrationally. we should be a little more open about peoples stigmas. I find it hard to believe anyone hates a person only on the value of the color fo there skin as so many like you to believe. No one ever says well they are nice peopel and i quite enjoy there humor or habits, but hat e them on color. Typically peopel focus on color as major physical attribute vs harder to describe applied values. Callign someone fat ass vs saying im upset that they are so lazy to not take the stairs. Word and physcial descriptions are quicker simpler twitteresque ways to think about things. So if we were to accept that most of it has little to do with color and applied values the idea of race based hate would disappear and the generalization of such issues could be dropped for better understanding. for starters race is a huge excuse for economic cercimstance. If you live in a poor hood, you have to culturally dress and act in a certain way or risk being a target. In your hood you are blending however the outliers of that hood who cause trouble outside there hood now put a sterotypical mark on you regardless. Look and act liek a duck u must be a duck as logic goes. Now most peopel only think there situation and not the cultural boundaries. It's nto to say dont get caught slippin, but is there any discussion in discussing closet phobia white person fearing black males because they only associate them with thugs they see in pop culture music videos or in shady areas of town they dont visit often. Its a bit like wakign up to see a coyote scalled your 6ft fence and is in your backyard. Do you get frightened or protective, do you instinctivley think the coyote is a predator? Am i racist to question wether the coyote is a predator or should feel racist(racism is just fear)? I think the way peopel are thought to think about race as a color issue is dumb as fuck. And media could really do a better job than leveraging it for views. Just some thoughts i wanted to write out. Could jsut not hit send but i put in the time to write it so maybe get lucky and spur something that progresses my own thinking.

    • wordvomittank02
    • you write like an ai bot :)renderedred
    • loldeathboy
    • couldnt even get one of you 3 to rise to challenge and offer anything. plenty of areas to pick and say no i think u missed X or Y because...deathboy
    • guess i shoudlnt expect much sluming it, but i have that good ol obama hope poster that ealsly motivates me to try.deathboy
    • pls stop tryingdorf
    • Some of us are too smart to waste our intelligence on little things like spellingnb
    • lol@ nbneverscared
    • It's so hard to read your incoherent ramblings.PhanLo
    • I tried reading this outloud and my toddler laughed at how stupid it you are. Let that sink in. A 2 year old thinks you communicate like an idiot.monospaced
    • Also your idiotic analogy about the coyote is bigoted as fuck. You’re saying the rioting is natural for some and you can’t blame that? Go fuck yourself to deathmonospaced
    • lol. this is great. by the way a 2yr old doesnt understand language and is dumber than a dog. they understand sign language betterdeathboy
    • and you failed the coyote portion. coyote = random variable. One you never thought could be in "safe space". The edition of the variable leads to 2 modes ofdeathboy
    • fight or flight... you know if you were too stupid to understand it (and so far off) .. meh whats the point of explainingdeathboy
    • clearly u do not comprehend. in so many waysdeathboy
  • NBQ00-2

  • deathboy-10

    im still trying to figure out how any of this is racially "motivated". Here's what i see. All the videos show cops dealing with suspects in pretty chill manner. The suspect seems to be more incoherent, in body language and crying and emotion through most of it. He also did fall down a few times before being moved to the car. everything is routine from the car angle. cut to the people filming and we see a very annoyed cop taunting suspect, as he cries out and they tell the video people you don't get it we have been trying to put him in the car for the last ten minutes. More than likely that is true. He's a big boy and fucked up dead weight is a bitch when person wont comply.

    So what started it was a stupid crime of fraud with a 20 spot., which if just happened to be circulated no big deal. but more than likely fake.A fucked up guy not owning up or obeying police (ive had had my arm wrenched behind my back by cop where i thought it would be broken before and knew if i chose to break his grip and pummel his ass I'd be fucked... i have no love for police and authority, but know you can win... sad thought but true why avoid them at all costs). Leads to frustrated ridden officer pinning guy down. Not sure why because haven't seen video of action but educated assumption on video leading up. Than the people filming and calling out the cop.... now this is a big one. A frustrated cop (who else gets frustrated?) who clearly exerts his position of dominance (not sure if he realized piss is happening, probably use to it with drunks) to vent is only exasperated to double down to not look as succumbing to their whims. Perfect example is holding him down after dead.I wonder what could have been outcome if not there or if they soothed cops ego by trying to get suspect to stop fidgeting and obey.

    All in all i'd say its tragedy, but its just stupidity meeting stupidity. Mix one annoying giant suspect, with small dick cops and and in a healthy measure of instagram video heroes and you have a cocktail of shit. There is hardly anyone involved that is guiltless.

    So I'm still trying to figure out how anyone might think any of this is race related at all. Because it is clearly NOT. and exactly who is profiteering from pushing that narrative. but think that probably all i got to say on it unless any new evidence of any sorts.

    • this shit is pretty horrible too…deathboy
    • Murdering someone in broad daylight in a "pretty chill manner"lowimpakt
    • well if you say so low. i never said that. i dont even think i mentioned murder. if i did it would definitely be 3'd degree. but only seeing the end is lamedeathboy
    • context is key and without a doubt there is 0 racial motivation. so why the hype?deathboy
    • Deafbbbboiiiiiscruffics
    • Online level of disccourssse!!!!deathboy
    • dealing with suspects is the murder case , lol . what a retard.neverscared
    • Patheticmonospaced
    • scumboyd_gitale
    • stupidfuckboi here doesn’t have the brain capacity to figure out what everyone else finds blatantly obvious. Surprise surprise.monospaced
    • Cite a case where the same thing happened to a white person. If you find one case, then look for 2, and keep going until it's remotely equal.ben_
    • There's a challenge deathboy... don't deflect. Can you back up your opinion? doubtful, right? Maybe go back to keeping us posted with your garage progress.ben_
    • When was the last time a cop shot a white man after breaking into his apartment illegally? Or a white kid for wearing a hoodie?monospaced
    • If we’ve learned anything from the riots so far is that cops are dicks to anyone regardless of the cops colour or the victims colour._niko
    • Regardless of gender and age too. It’s racist because it’s white cop killing black victim in America. It’s racist because of thei orange idiot in charge_niko
    • In the whitehouse. It’s racist because of all the pent up anger, it’s a symbol of everything that’s fucked up in America. A white cop killing a black dude doesn_niko
    • Automatically make it racist but they have enough evidence on the cops previous actions that make this more than a good cop having a bad day._niko
    • Some people need to see the perpetrator wearing a KKK hood or sieg heilin' all over the place to understand an action as racist.ben_
    • so no evidence this is racial by anyone?deathboy
    • and ben if i find one look for 2 and until its equal.... that is emotional not rational... that displays your bias no matter evidence u wont except itdeathboy
    • niko you mention cops abuse authority despite race. but call racism if it white on black. seems your value definitions are a bit fucked up. is it abuse ofdeathboy
    • authority or racism. It logically needs to be one or the other. Cant have your cake and eat it too unless there is direct evidencedeathboy
    • hell you even backpedaled and after saying its racist and blaming donald trump you say its not racist. come on guys grow the fuck updeathboy
    • No it’s you deflecting again. Asking you to find equal accounts of police brutality against whites and people of colour is just math.ben_
    • let's face it, deathboy is so goddamned idiotic, or bigoted, that he is willfully failing to see the obvious. He's helpless and moronic. Give up.monospaced
    • I would love to meet him, just to put a face to what absolute idiocy looks like.ben_