America is Fucked

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  • BusterBoy2

    Nothing screams "freedmb" more than hauling a rocket launcher into a Subway on a Sunday afternoon. Not quite sure if this was the original intent of the Second Amendment.


    • Or grenade launcher...whatever the fuck that thing is.BusterBoy
    • If we were to take the 2nd Amendment at full face value (intent) then we should all be allowed tanks, fighter jets etc. 'Intent' is to defend against your Gov.PonyBoy
    • These folks look like fucking idiots (in case you think I was supporting them).PonyBoy
    • what is the point of hauling a 3k purse into a subway. dress it up all u want its still pointless and sillydeathboy
    • Fucking moransutopian
    • i agree with utopian 3k purses and rocket launchers as decoration are a waste of money. but hey freedomdeathboy
    • Subway is a foot long of fuck that.MrT
    • what would happen if they shot someone with a grenade launcher in the middle of a downtown starbucks ! WHAT WOULD HAPPEN !????_me_
    • would the police arrest them ? what are these people doing ??? protecting their rights to carry arms - what happens if they fire said arms ?_me_
    • The police can't do anything about it, because they're outgunned. And, you know, if they did try to stop them, there would be innocent people hurt.boobs
    • so no SWAT team, no FBI, no nothing, BillyBob launches a grenade launcher because his CuppaJoe was cold and NOTHING HAPPENS ? oh man._me_
    • so will they never fire these weapons they so vigourously defend ? and the police wont tell them to stop because they might fire them... hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_me_
    • why these fuckers in subway anyway - surely they've doomsday prepped ! cunts.

      they want a uncivil war.
    • *an_me_
    • Could you imagine if theses guys were black?utopian
    • Or Muslim?BusterBoy
    • Its like cosplay for them isn't it.webazoot
    • Maybe it's a sub thermos? Could fit a few foot longs in that.thumb_screws
    • in the second pic from top .. that "little pistol" is made out of wood, afaik. cosplay for retards.neverscared
    • Utopian 100% - "America, where the land of the free only applies if you're white"necromation
    • If a cop pulled a gun and told them to go home they would.monospaced
    • None of them can afford the ammoGnash
    • Lol, I just noticed bazooka joe’s side-arms. How is he not embarrassed ?Gnash
    • It's crazy to me that these people think that this is completely normal behavior!nb
    • bazooka joe’s 'weapon' is also marked "inert"
    • Fucking terrorists.sr_rosa
    • i assume the "inert" refers to bazooka joe's brainhans_glib
    • "I just noticed bazooka joe’s side-arms. How is he not embarrassed?" probably because those 44 mag bullets can go through an engine blockmoldero
    • MURICUH!moldero
    • qbn notes illustrate the same poise and dignity displayed in these photos.imbecile
    • The second one is definitely a piece of wood. There is a giant knot in it.dbloc
    • lol.
    • /\ the houndstooth hero we needmantrakid
    • i like the "safe" sticker on the bazuka.pango
    • Haha, dbloc! That’s totally a larper build. So sadGnash
    • Meal Team SixPalindrome
    • ^lolmoldero
    • Lol ^^Gnash
    • Rude mother fuckersi_was
    • Trump has done nothing but emboldened these white terrorists and their movement across the country.utopian
    • haha come on white terrorist rhetoric. troll... yesdeathboy
  • utopian0

  • neverscared0
  • neverscared0

    • aboveneverscared
    • Your country is so fucked... getting worse day after day...
      Civil war soon?

    • Sadly it's quite easy to imagine the current US president cheering on a race waryuekit
  • dmay6

  • yuekit0

    A glimmer of hope yesterday?

    "Only" 18,000 new cases in the USA and around 1,000 deaths.

    Still terrible numbers but it could be that the worst is over.

    • Hopefully yes, but we (PT) usually get low numbers on mondays, picking up the rest of the weekdmay
  • Krassy10

  • Bennn1

    This is a translation from an article someone wrote in a newspaper over here... :
    - - -

    'The United States is only a shadow of itself'

    Crisis reveals vulnerabilities, polarization, cynicism and dysfunction of American society

    At the heart of the current global crisis, what is wrong with the United States? As they have become the world's primary focus of the pandemic,

    ## the Americans are sinking into their divisions instead of uniting in the face of the challenge ##

    While the United States should be a leader and an inspiration in the fight against COVID-19, it is an example not to follow.

    The pandemic has taken on gigantic proportions in the United States, where it has struck a dysfunctional political system and a deeply divided society.

    What is obvious when observing the evolution of the pandemic in the United States is first of all the monumental incompetence of the current occupant of the White House.

    Donald Trump did not create this virus, but he is largely responsible for the catastrophic scale of the pandemic on American soil.

    ## Faced with his mistakes, Donald Trump categorically refuses to assume his responsibilities. He gives himself the perfect mark and, whatever the death toll, he will present it as a success for him.##

    Whatever he says, especially when he is promoting unproven or downright dangerous "treatments", it's wise not to take him seriously.

    The pandemic has also highlighted the dysfunctional nature of American political institutions in the Trump era. Far from facilitating the production and distribution of essential products for the control of the coronavirus, the federal government has pushed the states to compete in harmful competition.

    The federal government's failure to act in concert comes, among other things, from the dismantling by Donald Trump of the structures put in place by the previous administration to coordinate the action of the various stakeholders.

    After three months, the federal government's implementation of screening tests remains totally inadequate, whatever Trump says.

    ## The glaring inequalities of American society are exposed by the pandemic.##

    When the first drug tests were available, it was easy for professional basketball players to take advantage of, but they remained inaccessible to ordinary people.

    ## According to a joke that is still circulating, the best way to get a COVID-19 test in the United States is to sneeze in the face of a millionaire.##

    Wherever the coronavirus is rife, members of racial minorities and the less fortunate are the hardest hit.

    These disadvantaged groups do not have access to adequate preventive care and a large proportion of them have preconditions that make them more vulnerable to the virus.

    ## Unfortunately, when a president spends more time lamenting the fate of the media than expressing compassion for the victims ##

    ## and when the same president cares more about the political fallout from his actions than their impact on health public, one cannot immediately reject the interpretation of cynics ##

    ## The partisan polarization that plagues American politics harms the fight against a virus that makes fun of parties. It is part of a deeper political crisis of which Donald Trump is as much a symptom as a cause ##

    In past great trials, the Americans have put aside their political differences and have come together to better overcome the challenge. Not this time.

    --The twilight of American international leadership ---

    When we observe the crisis in the United States with Trump in the foreground, we do not see a very inspiring model. We especially do not see a leadership that we would be willing to follow with confidence on the difficult road to recovery. We see a country in the grip of a dangerous slippage and a president who has become the laughingstock of the whole world.

    The coronavirus crisis reveals a political crisis in the United States whose causes precede the arrival of Donald Trump in the White House and whose consequences will survive him.

    • Creating division and chaos are the first steps to make an Empire crash...Bennn
    • Just a prank bro!inteliboy
    • "Opinion" piece, but more like expressing "wishful thinking"Krassy
    • A lot of people around the world are viewing America as a disaster movie right now.yuekit
    • https://www.nytimes.…yuekit
    • Final 2 paragraphs are right.Fax_Benson
    • Trump's a disaster but he's a product of the system. Dem party has to take some blame for squandering the Obama years and offering up Hilary, Bernie v BidenFax_Benson
    • He certainly capitalized on existing problems and divisions in US society. But I think it's safe to say Trump is also a uniquely negative influence.yuekit
  • utopian1

  • yuekit1

    Asian countries: we're down to 1,000 cases or less, time to carefully reopen the economy.

    European countries: 100,000 cases or less, we can start to plan to reopen.

    America: Only a million cases! Get back to work assholes!

  • Bennn3

    another translation from an opinion article over here :

    ''How the Americans came to be led by this businessman as they face their most serious crisis since World War II''

    Understanding the reasons for the election of Donald Trump in 2016 is essential if we are to assess his chances of obtaining a second term.

    Trump narrowly won, and his victory surprised many - he the first. He lost the popular vote by about three million votes, but he won the electoral college by snatching Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by a total of 80,000 votes.

    To win, Donald Trump had to choose the right time, win the Republican nomination, keep the votes received by Mitt Romney in the 2012 election, and "convert" just enough voters in certain key states to tip the electoral college. .

    When he came down the escalator of Trump Tower to announce his candidacy in front of a dozen paid extras, he was given little chance of success.

    In addition to a favorable cultural context, the businessman had four determining advantages: a receptive partisan base, his celebrity, polarization and resentment.

    Trump has been ousting presidential politics for a long time. He talked about it in 1988. It almost launched in 2000. In 2008, the economy was playing against the Republicans.

    He thought of diving in 2012, but his time had not come. However, he had established a connection with the far right by peddling preposterous rumors about the president at the time, Barack Obama.

    The republican base has not drifted to extremes, white nationalism, xenophobic paleoconservatism, the religious right and systematic opposition to any redistributive intervention by the state, not for yesterday. This transition had been underway for decades, but the party remained controlled by an elite devoted to economic conservatism and an internationalist foreign policy.

    Trump joined the party base by playing on all of these elements - except internationalism - and relegating fiscal conservatism to oblivion. His message was in line with the Republican base. It was enough to mobilize it.

    - Celebrity and media flair -

    In June 2015, the majority of Republicans rejected the billionaire, but with 17 candidates for the primaries, his notoriety propelled him into the front runner. Its xenophobic and protectionist message appealed to the base. His fame and wealth supported his behavioral deviations.

    Subsequently, his fame, his showmanship and the complicity of the media gave him the momentum he needed to take the lead and his electoral successes "normalized" him in the eyes of the Republicans. His ability to monopolize media attention has never wavered.

    Concerned with balance, the mainstream media felt compelled to moderate Trump's negative coverage and make a mountain with the emails of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. The circus atmosphere of Trump's partisan rallies guaranteed him incessant and inexpensive coverage.

    From the moment Trump got the nomination, partisan polarization ensured him the support of a large majority of his party. In addition, the Democrats gave her the gift of an ideal opponent.

    To keep the Republican vote of 2012, he could bet on the visceral aversion of the Republicans for a woman they had hated for a quarter of a century.

    During the campaign, Donald Trump was met with resistance by part of the Republican electorate, especially among the more educated women. This is what the polls showed until the last days of the campaign. But a combination of events, including the reopening of the Clinton email investigation, brought the lost sheep home.

    - Harnessing resentment -

    In addition to the states won in 2012, Trump had to tip others. He targeted a few northern states where industrial decline has fueled the resentment of poorly educated whites: resentment against globalization and free trade, blamed for the loss of paid jobs; against immigrants, perceived as job thieves; against metropolises, big winners of the globalized economy and poles of immigration; against public employees, perceived as parasites, and against certain redistributive policies, even if they benefit from them themselves, because they believe that they unduly benefit visible minorities.

    By capitalizing on this resentment, the New Yorker managed to convert just enough voters into the few key states he had to earn to prevail in the electoral college.

    - What's left? -

    In 2020, are these conditions still favorable for Donald Trump? As far as the party is concerned, it's obvious: the Republican Party has literally become a cult of Trump's personality. Voters identified with the party are not enough to win an election, but their enthusiasm and aversion to opposition are major assets.

    In addition, demographic and economic developments condemn the long-term republican base of poorly educated whites in peripheral regions to shrink, but these changes are slow and, after four years, the base is still very present.

    During his presidency, the 73-year-old politician never sought to extend his support beyond this base. This is why his approval rate never exceeded his percentage of the vote in 2016. His supporters remained loyal to him because he responded to their requests.

    Voters less identified with the party stayed with him because of economic growth.

    With the huge unknown that represents the health and economic impact of the pandemic today, in addition to the assessment that the electorate will make of Trump's response, the forecast of November's results is risky. Will Donald Trump succeed in rebuilding the coalition that allowed him to sneak narrowly into the White House in 2016? I will come back to it soon.

    - Tiger King , a metaphor for the Trump era -

    In the United States, as at home, confinement leads to overconsumption of television series.

    One of the talkies is Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness , the surreal story of a swarm of incredible characters, starring Joe Exotic, a flamboyant, tattooed, polygamous homosexual, avid gun user, Libertarian and addict.

    Endowed with an undeniable charisma, he even dabbled in politics. The series focuses on the chaotic functioning of a few private zoos and the conflict between Joe and an ex-hippie activist for animal rights.

    How is this story a metaphor for the Trump era? Rest assured, it's not (yet) because of the allusion to murder in the title.

    Minimally, we could conclude that in a country where Joe Exotic can prosper and look good in an election, it should not be surprising to see a character like Donald Trump become president. It doesn't stop there.

    Fantasy and spectacle

    One of the particular cultural features of our neighbors to the south is their propensity to get caught up in all kinds of fanciful visions which they end up confusing with reality.

    As Kurt Andersen sums up in his Fantasyland essay , being an American "is to claim the right to believe what you want."

    It was this propensity that led to phenomena like Mormonism, PT Barnum and the televangelists. It has also spawned a huge imaginary industry, including Hollywood, Las Vegas and Disneyland.

    In the age of the internet, reality TV and continuous entertainment, characters like Joe Exotic find their audience always more shocking, more " outrageous ".

    Like a pileup, you can't help but watch. As we are in the United States, many are willing to pay to be part of the show.

    It is in this cultural context that Donald Trump developed his character of "decision maker" in reality TV The Apprentice , by multiplying the escapades who made it an unavoidable media phenomenon.

    Personality cult

    His supporters, convinced of their right to believe what they want, trust this compulsive liar. They'll believe one thing in the morning and its opposite in the evening, if Trump says it.

    The other worrying phenomenon that we observe in Tiger King is the cult of personality that the main characters inspire in those around them. This is as true for Joe Exotic as it is for the animal rights champion who keeps him from sleeping.

    Can we consider Trumpism as a cult of personality? It's not difficult. You just have to place a microphone in front of a participant in “MAGA” partisan rallies to see it.

    The unconditional Trumpists do not see the inconsistency of his crazy words. If he says bleach is a cure for coronavirus, his "reasonable" supporters will give up, but poison centers will see an upsurge in calls.

    Not all Republicans have drunk "Kool-Aid", to use Jonestown's analogy, but Trump's grip on the Republican "base" allows him to intimidate all Republican politicians who might dare to hold him head.

    King cynicism

    Of course, the worst features of American culture illustrated in Tiger King are the work of only a minority.

    However, in a country of 330 million inhabitants, a small minority can represent a considerable audience. What makes you end up normalizing certain aberrations is another omnipresent attitude in this series and in American society: cynicism.

    In varying degrees, almost all of the characters in Tiger King are corrupt, including the ex-hippie who makes a bonanza on the backs of volunteers and donors for his beneficent work, but the prevailing cynicism makes it all trivial or, worse, normal.

    In this context, is it any wonder that the corruption and patronage that Donald Trump exhibits in the open are considered as "normal" practices by his supporters, who do not hesitate to point the grains of dust in the eye of their opponents to proclaim that everything is completely normal with a president who has a beam in his.

    In the land of the Tiger King , is it any wonder that Donald Trump passes for a "normal" politician?

    • This ain't about the orange guy man, this is about half the country being braindead zombiesgrafician
    • they don't read QBN or Times or CNN, they just have gunsgrafician
    • they vote toografician
  • fooler9

  • yuekit2

    Trump calls Fauci's warning that the USA could be risking disaster by reopening too soon "not an acceptable answer"…

  • fooler1

  • utopian2

    Republican Mitch McConnell is pushing the Senate to pass a measure that would let the FBI collect Americans' web-browsing history without a warrant.…

    • results: they're really into fake incest porn._niko
    • as if they don't already. c'monAQUTE
    • What a fuckfacei_was
    • and an attempt to stop it failed by a single vote. Two democrats including Bernie Sanders did a no show.Bluejam
    • https://www.independ…Bluejam
    • they're all fuckfacesBluejam
    • Palpatinemisterhow
    • The insane irony in all of this is that republican voters are allowing their country to turn into the totalitarian communist state they so much fear.inv
    • Simply because they have failed to understand that it is
      not the same as the social democratic state that they so desperatly need.
    • "9 Democratic senators also voted “No”…
    • They probably do this anyways.section_014
    • The droopy of politiciansdbloc
  • i_was0

    1813 coronavirus deaths in the past 24 hours, America did it again !

    • Yeah if we're being honest it's not looking like much of a drop off this week with another 27,000 new cases yesterday. I take back my earlier comment :(yuekit
    • We're rockin' the free world!utopian
    • It's OK. If you don't count them, then you don't have any. So stop counting...simple!BusterBoy
  • scruffics3

    “Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger,” the columnist Fintan O’Toole wrote in the Irish Times. “But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity.”

    • https://www.theguard…Bluejam
    • definitely.microkorg
    • I think this is the major thing. EU/UK/CAN JPN/AUS/NZ etc are feckless and neutered, US has been the lynch-pin for decades over a shared philosophical valueNairn
    • In a multi-polar world. the biggest bear gets the honey. As I see it now, China is the biggest bear. Whether that's a good or bad thing, I don't know.Nairn
  • neverscared0

  • PhanLo0
    • "I don't understand - why did they wear body armor and carry rifles if they were just going to roll over the second the evil cops showed up?"pango
    • 'Texas don't give a fuuuck' Joe Rogan.
      Cheesecake Militia.
    • That place looks awesome, its in a shed next to a trailer park with huge trucks outside.…
    • and the logo is a rip off of Harley Davidson.fooler
  • R_Kercz1

    Podcast about the rehabilitation of Bush 2:…