Charlotsville Incidents

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  • lowimpakt2

    Latvian professors remove statue of KGB founder

    Lenin statue dropped in Kiev

    Statue of the queen being removed in dublin

    Hoxha statue toppled in Albania


    • robomguri would like to preserve thisRamanisky2
    • the type of person who wants to create statues also desires to see them fall. they are a scary folkdeathboy
    • i prefer those who see statues as what they are. innate material that might try to capture the primate intelligence into something of power, but that power liesdeathboy
    • only in the mind of the primatedeathboy
  • pango0…

    ‘I'm glad that girl died’ during Virginia protest" says NC KKK leader

    • wow these are literally the dumbest sounding hillbillies ...
      1 min in annnd I'm out.
    • all these hillbillies come mostly from the Germany and UK ancestry. Are you trying to say they didn't send their very best??robotron3k
    • yes deport all these dumb fuck cracka hillbillies.utopian
    • lol, robo comes in strong to show his complete ignorance of history, nice one dumbassmonospaced
  • _niko-1

    I find it funny that people are losing their shit over these statues and what they stand for and maybe rightfully so, maybe all the evils committed in the past should be vindicated, but do any of these triggered SJWs feel so much white liberal guilt that they are willing to leave their country and give it back to the natives? isn't that the ultimate social injustice? We're talking about a full blown fucking genocide.

    They take the moral high ground on every stupid fucking issue but they ignore the biggest and most hypocritical one.


    • are you suggesting there isn't an advocacy movement for first peoples?plash
    • I think the next step is repatriate all US citizens back to their mother countries and clear out the USA back to Indian days...robotron3k
    • if i can be facetious, don't see anyone pulling down the statue of liberty, the ultimate symbol of unwanted immigration to your land, of european colonialism_niko
    • all i hear is but but but slaves, but nazis but trump. look further back for the real injustice._niko
    • Europe... you think you have an immigration issue now? Wait till America comes home, Fuckers!!PonyBoy
    • lol ponyfadein11
    • ha_niko
    • Hahahaha lol ponyrobotron3k
  • yuekit4


    After largely sticking to the script on Monday, President Donald Trump "showed his true colors" once again at an impromptu press conference Tuesday at Trump Tower, where he suggested that white supremacists and counter demonstrators were both to blame for the deadly violence that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend, and argued that torch-wielding neo-Nazis were merely expressing peaceful disagreement with the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee.

    In what many observers characterized as an "unhinged" display for a president, Trump repeatedly assured reporters that he watched the events that unfolded over the weekend "very closely," and came away with the conclusion that anti-racist protesters—who Trump claims "came charging in without a permit"—were "very violent," and argued that there were many "good people" among the white supremacists who participated in the so-called "Unite the Right" rally on Saturday.…

  • nb2

    Hey guys

    Is America Great Again, yet?

  • CyBrainX3

    It's amazingly ugly. I'm surprised we haven't seen more incidents like this to be honest.

    • I think you'll be seeing more. Trump's inability to condemn the Nazis signals that they can go ahead and ramp it up.Continuity
  • utopian4

  • chukkaphob2

  • colin_s2

    In response to the Antifa / alt left stuff:…

    "Something like “alt-left” was always going to happen; it’s a product of whatever it is in our brains that conditions them to think in terms of opposites. As soon as everyone starts talking about the “alt-right”—that inchoate and incoherent grouping of Nazis, Klansmen, resentful failsons sweating from video games and chicken fingers, cynical media wannabes, bloviating internet commenters who think they’re Ignatius J. Reilly, and others who think they’re the Joker—that word seems to sit on one side of a seesaw, across from a silence waiting to be filled. If there’s an alt-right, there must, somewhere, somehow, be something called an alt-left, otherwise the universe is unbalanced. And while the universe is unbalanced—everywhere, from the points of terrifying heat scattered haphazardly across a lonely void, to the murder and oppression that break out constantly across the world and are never met with justice—for a lot of mediocre intellects, good judgment basically consists of pretending that everything balances out somehow, and all the ledgers are even. Something like the alt-right sticks out, a lexical blasphemy: to put the world in order, you have to invent something equivalent on the left."

    • I like his but at the same time we have been educated to only think in the left vs the right. Humanity is complex. Its more dynamicmugwart
    • I also see this as a closed and rigged system, on both sides. Fuck same people stop being sheeple!mugwart
  • sarahfailin1

    "As members of a largely anarchist movement, antifascists don’t want the government to stop white supremacists from gathering. They want to do so themselves, rendering the government impotent. . . .

    "Antifa believes it is pursuing the opposite of authoritarianism. Many of its activists oppose the very notion of a centralized state. But in the name of protecting the vulnerable, antifascists have granted themselves the authority to decide which Americans may publicly assemble and which may not. That authority rests on no democratic foundation. Unlike the politicians they revile, the men and women of antifa cannot be voted out of office. Generally, they don’t even disclose their names.

    "Antifa’s perceived legitimacy is inversely correlated with the government’s. Which is why, in the Trump era, the movement is growing like never before."…

    As a flaming leftist and activist for forever, I feel discouraged and alienated by the escalating violence coming from the left, and I worry how things will escalate as more protests occur. Trump talked about violence on both sides, and it would be easier to say our side was without sin, were it not for these forces who are advocating violence and unilaterally shutting down people's ability to speak and demonstrate.

    The Alt-Right is setting up a fake enemy in the "Alt-Left," but this would be harder to do if there weren't forces of violent, leftist activists. The violence of the far right remains, and has been historically, much worse. But that fact should not legitimize any amount of physical violence against people who are demonstrating peacefully.

    People on both sides are showing up to each other's demonstrations with battle armor, shields, clubs, knives and guns. The resulting melees are launching what would otherwise be small rallies (Like in Sacramento in June 2016 when 10 people were stabbed) to headline, national news.

    I feel like I can only plea to my own side to remain peaceful. Impinging on lawful (however repugnant) demonstrations will only garner sympathy for the Alt-Right and Crocodile-Tears Cantwell.


    • yupmonospaced
    • I'm apparently a mid left anarchist. I denounce all violence. I can't help feel that the far let and far right are as bad as each other.mugwart
  • pango0

    Didn't see anyone bitch about preserving history when this came down.

    • robomguri would like to preserve thisRamanisky2
    • u didnt see anyone because u didnt look. but perhaps the majority didnt want a reminder of there failuresdeathboy
    • also i see no questioning rule of law if this is vandalismdeathboy
    • vandalism committed by the US Army. and everyone were ok by it.pango
    • in a legit society not a failing one such things by rule of law would be vandalism or mob rule. if it had the paper work and full authority of democractic ruledeathboy
    • than so be it. but if it is jsut an angry mob. and that is ok... than technically any public destruction is ok...deathboy
    • its akin to flipping cars and startng fires if your college team won. fuck public or private property this jsut happeneddeathboy
    • really u can judge a state of society on such acts and if it we are that far gone well shit we are fuckeddeathboy
  • Ramanisky21

    Designed by robomguri

    • this has to be fake, it's got Pepe in itmonospaced
    • i thought they officially embraces pepe.... i can't tell anymore...pango
    • the real scum bag white pride nazi fucks do, but I didn't realize they would put that on a peaceful march postersmonospaced
    • the right has been arguing that their protest was legitimate and should be respected, and then I see this and I see a disconnect and I don't believe itmonospaced
  • Beeswax1…

    "Imagine if these people ever faced actual oppression.

    Nobody is trying to legislate away their right to marry. Nobody is trying to make them buy insurance to pay for 'male health care.'

    The law never:

    Enslaved their great-grandparents
    Robbed their grandparents
    Imprisoned their parents
    Shot them when unarmed

    There is no massive effort at the state and local level to disenfranchise them of the vote.

    There is no history of centuries of bad science devoted to 'proving' their intellectual inferiority.

    There is no travel ban on them because of their religion. There is no danger for them when they carry dangerous weaponry publicly.

    Their churches were never burned. Their lawns never decorated with burning crosses. Their ancestors never hung from trees.

    Their mothers aren't being torn away by ICE troopers and sent away forever. They won't be forced to leave the only country they ever knew.

    The president has not set up a hotline to report crime committed at their hands.

    They are chanting 'we will not be replaced.'

    Replaced as ... what?

    I'll tell you.

    Replaced as the only voice in public discussions. Replaced as the only bodies in the public arena. Replaced as the only life that matters.

    THIS is 'white people' oppression: We used to be the only voice. Now we hold the only microphone.

    THIS is 'oppression' of white Christians in this country. Christmas used to be the only holiday acknowledged, now it's not.

    I would so love to see these people get all the oppression they insist they receive, just for a year. Just to see.

    Give them a world where you ACTUALLY can't say Christmas. A world where the name "Geoff" on a resume puts it in the trash.

    Give them a world where they suddenly get a 20% pay cut, and then 70 women every day tell them to smile more.

    Give them a world where their polo shirt makes people nervous, so they're kicked off the flight from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis.

    Give them a world where they inherited nothing but a very real understanding of what oppression really is.

    Give them a world where if they pulled up on a campus with torches lit and started throwing hands, the cops would punch their eyes out."

    • if you are used to privilege but blind to the fact, anything that resembles equality for people you see as inferior will seem unfairlowimpakt
    • person needs to stick his dick in a pussy and smoke a cigarette.... or an ass, or a shoe, im totally cool with whatever these gender turds are swingin. but getdeathboy
    • it done and let godeathboy
  • Miguex0


    is it because he is WEARING white?

    • Real life Clayton BigsbyMiguex
    • @NotACopMiguex
    • I thought the same thing when watching the video. He is just a little too "tan" to be whitecapn_ron
    • Polo shirt camouflage!Miguex
    • he probably says "crack one with the boys" too as a way of sounding white.capn_ron
    • CALLES?ernexbcn
  • pango0

    Didn't see anyone bitch about preserving history when this came out.

    • trust me a lot of people remember this statue, and the day when it came down.sted
    • and a lot of fuckers bitched about it, as matter of fact all of the folks involved taking down this where killed few days later.sted
    • robomguri would like to preserve thisRamanisky2
    • it was a totally staged event also - orchestrated by the good ole US of Afadein11
    • lol fade tell that to my grandad, i think he would shot into the face...sted
    • Sorry Sted - my comment was intended for Pango's post below - Saddam lol. On phone - forgive me.fadein11
  • autoflavour0

    the poor mother, she seems totally unaware of how messed her son really was..

    • Weird reaction,my mother would fall on the ground crying and in shock if someone would tell her i drove my car into a crowd and kill someone and injured dozensBennn
    • yup, she seems oddly calm and collected about it.renderedred
    • "No no... I'm so sorry." Please. Yes, she is the mother of a fucking dickhead, but you are going after his mother. So you are also a dickhead.cannonball1978
  • detritus0
  • Ramanisky22

    fucknugget Jason Kessler,
    organizer of 'Unite the Right' deserved every bit of this.

    • reminds me of black mirror-white rabbit.lvl_13
  • set-7

    "Checking my Twitter Feed on the 'violence' in SC and noting the comments coming from all sides of my fellow americans. I have assortment of libertarian and Alt handles that I follow but also @realdonaldtrump of course, which mostly the left/libs reply to, lol.... Just some comments of my own and welcome yours....

    I don't think I'm alone in saying these 'white supremists' are paid provocateurs and crisis actors. The wasserman scandal is heating, Goolag proving to be the left wing tyrannical force we knew it to be and the DOJ releases Mueller finances, etc, etc. The swamp is looking swampier than ever and with exception of tearing Manafort's house apart the swamp can't really find anything on trump. They need distraction from us concentrating on swampiness and back to trump as nazi, racist, homophobe, blah, blah...

    Enter the Reliable White Supremacists! The can always be depended on to disparage whomever Intel wants to tar and feather...

    Many of you see all this but what is getting me down is the average joe is buying it all, hook, line and sinker. On Twitter the racists of color are tweeting things to the effect 'yup, white people are like this...', White liberals are attacking the handle of the @realdonaldtrump with "You Did This", and the in-betweens are lamenting there are still people like this around, boo hoo hoo...

    Each passing day I feel moreso that the persecution of Donald Trump is only secondarily about donald trump. It is about stereotyping, demonizing and demoralizing his constituents. Robert David Steele, Michael Moore and other assorted characters have warned about a very hot summer of protests, etc. Silly me thought we would sail through it...

    Our NWO financial overlords cannot use all the same tactics they use in Europe to kill the culture of caucasian people, too many americans are armed to wantonly allow them to flood us with refugees as they have the more vulnerable europeans... So the main weapon is psychological. Charlottesville is classic Cointelpro since the '50s though the government will insist they dispanded these cultural disruption programs decades ago. Of course I'm not saying there are no whites that are racists but I'm saying that ordinary whites are not organizing into violent white supremists groups and conveniently saying their actions are fulfilling the promises of Donald Trump.

    Lights, Camera, Action!! How convenient for our NWO overlords that the white supremacist bogeymen have finally shown up. But so many americans are falling for the entire thing... where does the naivete lead?....."

    So now the fake american government will investigate the fake unite the right movement to achieve fake justice....
    We are all living in The Truman Show...

    • no big plan. just dumb herds. and everyone focused on short term self interests. most which are of a child like nature. clearly most adults have fallen backdeathboy
    • into their school days.deathboy
    • it would be easier to belie some smart guy like god is plannin this shit than stupid parrotsdeathboy
    • right up there with believing the russians totally got trump elected.deathboy
    • ^ Hey look, guys, we've found ourselves another Trump fanboy.Continuity
    • I have to say I did say to a friend they look like Hollywood extras not extremists. But nope this shits been bubbling for too long, the official narrative isfadein11
    • like lythe correct one here. Or as close to the truth as we ever get.fadein11
    • but I'm a "retarded idiot" so ignore anything I say.fadein11
    • ^will do ;)PonyBoy
    • lol pony, stop it! we disagree but I always appreciate what you have to say - you make some kind of sensefadein11
    • :DPonyBoy
    • "can't really find anything on Trump"? Really? Did you forget Watergate took two years? There's already enough that Trump did on television to impeach him twiceCyBrainX
    • yepfadein11
    • All a NWO conspiracy? I completely disagree and find this analysis utterly fanciful.dorfsman
    • Let's note the irony of saying white nationalists don't exist...but whoever wrote also believes refugees are a plot to "kill the culture of Caucasian people."yuekit
    • Refugees are Caucasian too technically. From Spain to Greece you'll see men and women that are not genetically different from any Middle-easterner.Beeswax
    • If you say "kill the Christian culture" that's already dying in Europe by itself.Beeswax
    • Yeah it's a dumb argument on many levels. But what really gets me is that literally in this post she is promoting the same hysterical storyline that whiteyuekit
    • nationalists believe in about the white race being wiped out. But then is seemingly unable to comprehend that someone might be radicalized and driven toyuekit
    • violence by that. The level of cognitive dissonance among some people....FFS, it's making me lose faith in humanity :/yuekit
    • FTR I'm just sharing I don't necessarily buy it.set
    • Yeah understood. I guess ultimately I don't have trouble believing these people are real because you can see lots of this rhetoric online.yuekit
    • The pro Trump sites are completely infested with racist nonsense at this point.yuekit
  • imbecile3

    Ban cars.