When I was a kid...
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- Gnash16
... I thought quicksand was going to be more of a problem in life
- me too!maquito
- Ha, me too!canoe
- Quicksand... and lava.ETM
- HAHA yepHijoDMaite
- your life aint over yet young padawan********
- surviving quicksand was a fucking serious discussion among us as kids, among other survival techniquesmonospaced
- lolmoldero
- yes! watching this was terrifying https://www.youtube.…prophetone
- we didnt had ant quicksand in Holland. Barley. yeah on construction sides. But that was scary as fuck..sureshot
- ant= anysureshot
- don't get complacent - that's when it gets youFax_Benson
- It's in 40% of the cartoons you watched as a kid. It's understandable.CyBrainX
- don't feel bad, surest, nobody actually had quicksandmonospaced
- anyway, I wholeheartedly blame The Neverending Story for the quicksand fear that instilled itself in an entire generation of young menmonospaced
- https://www.youtube.…HijoDMaite
- https://www.youtube.…monospaced
- microkorg0
porn mags in the bushes at the park
- older kids must've stolen them and stashed them there.microkorg
- I remember finding a huge bag of the things when I was about 7 or 8, swapping them for likely fuck all to a friend's older (12) brother.detritus
- omg we used to find heaps of that sort of shitrabbit
- yup with weirdly stained and used to be wet wrinklesmoldero
- Found a trash bag full of porn mags while riding bmx near the higway with fellas. Spitted with chaps, then my mom found them.ApeRobot
- The internet killed bush porn.microkorg
- @microkorg, went for a forest walk a few weeks ago, found some bush porn, they are still there to be found ehehheGeorgesII
- ^ a rarity in the wild. endangered species.microkorg
- what's a forest walk? url?uan
- ^ Think it was a typo. Did you mean Forest Wank?microkorg
I was convinced there was a left and right sock. I would look at one before putting it on and judge if it was a righty or lefty before putting on. Never got it wrong ;-)
- section_0143
I had no fear when it came to riding bicycles, skateboards, climbing trees, etc.
Make a ramp from an old door with stacked up cinder blocks? Fuck yeah! Ride full blast down a sketchy trail just to get thrown over the handlebars by a downed tree? Of course!
I can remember going so fast at a table top jump that I cleared the whole thing, and snapped my wrist while still holding on to the handlebars when I landed.
- monospaced1
we used to wait
- < this. great answer.********
- http://www.azlyrics.…CyBrainX
- yup, that's the songmonospaced
- < this. great answer.
- ********1
At the age of about 8 or 9 I once wanted to stay up later than my designated bed time, so I sat on the stairs for ages coming up with the perfect story. I went in to the front room and told my mum I was feeling really ill and couldn't sleep. I told her I had a headache and sore eyes and my skin hurt all over. Complete lies, but I got in to the mindset of it and acted it really well.
Anyway, after staying up for another hour or so I went to bed, only to wake up the next morning with a really bad headache, sore eyes and skin that hurt all over. After that I was convinced that I could make anything happen if I truly believed it. I used to sit and 'meditate' and focus on the things that I wanted to come true in my life. My first focus was that I wanted to become captain of my football team. I focused on that intensely for a few weeks and low and behold one Sunday my manager decided to make me captain.
After this I decided I was master of the universe, but my bubble soon burst when after weeks of focusing I still hadn't been to the moon and or have every shiny sticker in my premier league sticker book.
- don't give up. I don't think they actually released every shiny as a deliberate ploy to keep you buying the packs. Also the moon doesn't exist.Fax_Benson
- it's the secretdigitdaily
- duckseason3
The Unsolved Mysteries theme song used to scare the shit out of me for some reason.
- sea_sea3
At night, I would stare out the car window with my eyes half closed and trip out on how the lights got distorted. I still do this sometimes.
One time I asked my dad what those huge construction cranes were for, he said they were for killing monsters, I of course believed him.
There is to this day, a power plant on the side of the road that we would sometimes drive by at night, it still lights up like a Christmas tree, in my head it was an underwater city. :)
- scarabin3
mad scientist seemed like a reasonable career
- mugwart0
thought animations were real life - just shot with a special camera
- who framed roger rabbit really fucked with my head too.sarahfailin
- patter cake patter cake ... ;-(mugwart
- I used to think LSD would make everything look like a cartoon animation. Because that's how my friend described it.rabbit
- mekk2
Grow up in the not so nice areas in Munich (nothing compared to US..) and Mom was alone. Tough, but good times! Thanks Mom :-)
- bainbridge2
I used to get dirty and not have to clean up and mom made all my meals.
- prophetone1
I watched westerns and war movies with my grandpa and when soldiers were being shot and killed I would wonder "why would these actors sign up for this?"
- haha snap. I would always prefer the Indians/natives.... father disowned me!
My family were colonial cunts...mugwart
- haha snap. I would always prefer the Indians/natives.... father disowned me!
- HijoDMaite0
I used to think that men and woman were equally doomed as adults. Women would have to go through horrible pain during child birth and men would have to go to war.
- ArmandoEstrada2
Your mom could whip the ass of the neighbor bitch cause she hit you without getting arrested.
- CyBrainX2
I got in a lot of trouble
I watched the moon from the front of my house trying to make out the lunar module or the flag during Apollo 11
the best time I had was jumping bike ramps made from wood I stole from my next door neighbor (I didn't got in trouble that time)
- PonyBoy2
i used to run around naked and nobody gave a shit... give me back my youth