I'm a muslim, ask me

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  • 128 Responses
  • fadein110
  • set15

    How's praying 5 times a day been working out for you?

  • docpoz0

    When is the worldwide muslim community going to unite and denounce the jihadists in a strong, unified voice?

    • it is scheduled to...never.ApeRobot
    • er, why should they? When are American's going to denounce half of the fundamentalist Christian nutjobs who want to lynch gays?fadein11
    • I denounce the nutjobs daily.docpoz
    • US is always apologizing for it's actions also... like blowing up that hospital accidentally in afghanstandocpoz
    • plus, the US is a nation not a religion. I would feel ok about the Vatican denouncing a terrorist attack by the KKK... even if those are protestants probably...docpoz
    • There needs to be something to quell the growing distrust that some people have for Muslims.docpoz
    • US military bombed that hospital... the muslim faith did not commit terrorism. what the fuck are going on about?
      You sound v.confused.
    • For example, if you went to a school and one of you gun nutjobs killed a load of innocent people, would you feel obliged to apologise because you went to thefadein11
    • same school... anyway STFU - you live in a weird country - the islamic community in the UK is constantly denouncing these actions, do some fucking research palfadein11
    • ahh fuck it. whateverdocpoz
    • learn how to read.docpoz
    • Like I said do some research - what makes you think a religion of nearly 2 billion people are unified in any shape or form... but why should innocent peoplefadein11
    • denounce the actions of a tiny amount of people who have bastardised their peaceful faith. Stop thinking you sit on the right side and read some history books.fadein11
    • Your statement supports ISIS. Absolutely absurd statement derived from a v.blinkered viewpoint.fadein11
    • i hate you and I want to kick your ass now.docpoz
    • lol - same...fadein11
    • idiot.docpoz
    • i will apologize for my shitty grammar but you have major reading comprehension issues in english.docpoz
    • So what you are saying is Islam's equivalent of the Vatican (which does not exist) should denounce jihadists... hmmm, muslims are denouncing this constantly.fadein11
    • Do not mistake a deep dislike of America and its foreign policy with support for ISIS/terrorism.fadein11
    • but you like to kick peoples ass during a debate - interesting. Laterz bro.fadein11
    • I am saying that there should be a pro-active voice of dissent concerning the actions of the jihadists from the muslim community. This is what everyone wantsdocpoz
    • i want to kick your ass because you are a disrespectful knob, punk.docpoz
    • What makes you think the islamic community do not denounce it on a daily basis? They certainly do in the UK. Sorry if I dislike the ignorance of your idea.fadein11
    • anyway I am pretty much done with this site - fucking bullshit.fadein11
    • just get out of here. and try debating without insulting people, you dick.docpoz
    • and learn how to fucking read.docpoz
    • fuck you. write a statement based on education and basic facts of the situation. You are a fucking ISIS pawn. When did I insult you?fadein11
    • fuck off.docpoz
    • Look - genuinely sorry for offending you, its a v.difficult subject I feel v.passionate about and tend to get heated. Sorry for flying off the handle. But Ifadein11
    • disliked your statement. Let's leave it there.fadein11
    • apology accepted. I understand.docpoz
    • why does the statement bother you so much?docpoz
    • If you guys read these notes again, with a clear head and from an unbiased perspective, someone clearly overreacted and misunderstood what was being said_niko
    • and it's much more effective and productive to say "I hear you but completely disagree" as opposed to "you're a fucking retard" which is what QBN arguments end_niko
    • up degrading to most if the time._niko
    • Let's make QBN great again lol_niko
    • Yep i did overreact. And some of my statements were insulting. Partly due to a missing 'r' on you. Should have been your gun nutjobs. Not you gun nutjobsfadein11
    • I knew what he was saying i just strongly disagreed with it. But i do apologise. Rereading i did sound lick a dick. But i do disagree with the sentiment behindfadein11
    • The post. It assumes innocent people are somehow responsible. And that islam has a xentral vatican style leadership. But sorry again for being a dick.fadein11
    • lick=like, xentral=central... written on phone after just waking up.fadein11
    • Innocent people should be the ones to stand up to the extremist oppression.docpoz
    • Classic QBN notes argument hahaset
  • detritus0

    Would you vote Trump?

  • pango4

    "Getting frustrated by some people expecting racism from me, because I got blown up. Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg.

    A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.
    A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field
    A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life
    A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK
    A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk
    A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.
    A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didnt know how to deal with my medicines and side effects.

    Contrary to that,
    A white brit spat in my girlfriends face for ‘fucking a cripple when you could have me [him]’
    A White brit pushed my wheelchair away from a lift so he could use it first.
    A White brit screamed at my Dad for parking in a disabled bay when I was in the services coming home
    (Although, alot of people helped in my recovery! I dont hate white brits either! hahaha)

    Point is, fuck off. I know who I dislike, and I know who I dont. I know who I appreciate, and I know who I dont. If you want to hate an entire race of men and women for the actions of a few dickheads feel free, but don’t push your views on me, thinking I am an easy target because one douchebag decided it was my day to die.

    Blaming all Muslims for the actions of groups like Daeshe and the Taliban, is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the KKK or Westboro Baptist Church.
    Get a grip of your lives, hug your family and get back to work."

  • indian_pole0

    Bit late to this party, but have been wondering about the divide within Muslims themselves...
    Do you identify as Sunni or Shia, or neither? - and if so, i don't really understand the divide, which seems to me is based on a controversial election that happened centuries ago. Given that both sects believe exactly the same thing. Does it still matter now? - is there still a bloodline that exists from Mohammed?
    i'm sure it's way more complex than that. School me.

    • Just have to look at the many branches of Christianity to understand it.fadein11
    • Christians seem equally odd to me, but many have different belief systems. Shia/Sunni seems to be about an old Caliph Story...indian_pole
    • ...and didn't Ali become the 4th Caliph anyway? i don't understand the dispute.indian_pole
    • I have no idea to be honest lol. My point was Christianity broke up into different branches for similar disputes - look at Martin Luther etc.fadein11
    • haha ok. #youaintnomuslimbruvindian_pole
    • hahafadein11
    • you guys are weird.sureshot
  • omg-4

    From a Muslim perspective. Why do Jews not allow other races into their religion?

    • Its written in Talmuddrgs
    • unlike other religions - they don't force you to convert or head gets chopped off. I'm not a jew - but I do prefer this approachhotroddy
    • ignorance always astounds me. extremists/fundament... from every religion (and atheist) kill folks. Jews (look at Palestine), Hindus, Christians... all of emindian_pole
    • *fundamentalists ^indian_pole
    • the reason jews are a minority because they didn't follow in the practise of christians or muslims.hotroddy
    • christianity enslaved millions of africans and native americans = the dominant religion in the worldhotroddy
    • muslims converted by sword in north africa and central & south asia = 2.2 billion muslimshotroddy
    • jews don't give a fuck = minority religionhotroddy
    • your ignorance equally outstands mehotroddy
    • is that why they've killed a couple thousand Palestinian children to take back their holy land?indian_pole
    • although i'm not suggesting this represents the entire jewish religion.indian_pole
    • I'm talking about converting to religionshotroddy
  • colin_s1

    what's the general view on saudi arabia? with this new iran situation developing there's a split happening in the muslim world it seems.

  • robotron3k-1

    Muslims and Jews are so similar in many, many ways! From holy sites, holy days, to beliefs, to practices, how you eat, men and women dress and behave, and to believing in the same god, etc. Do you think somebody screwed up long ago and you could actually be one in the same people??

  • kingkong0

    Too much?

  • Beeswax-2

    This topic needs some update again.

    I see that ISIS is winning in playing with your minds.
    especially @drake-von-drake and @chukkaphob

    I quoted here, in the first page, several verses from Quran about the importance of human life. So I won't repeat those.

    On top of that you should or YOU MUST have a knowledge of history a bit. Without that you're just an empty can waiting to be filled with bullshit.
    Islamic empires, states, islamic way of life has been governing a huge part of this world since 7th century. Parts that had been majorly Christian or Jewish in the past and today.

    If Quran was teaching violence against any other religion or thought, from Balkans to India to Africa there should have been an annihilation of anything other than Islamic.

    How many muslim countries are in Balkans except Bosnia?

    Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Hungary(outside of balkans) were under Muslim Empire(Ottomans) rule for centuries.
    If ISIS mentality was actual Islam, shouldn't all of them have been wiped?
    Koptic Churches in Egypt, Jews in Iran, Capital of Orthodox Patriarchy in Istanbul, Hindus in Pakistan still going on right? Nobody is denying that there have been interfaith problems in these communities but mostly they live peacefully.
    I’m talking about 14 centuries of co-existence under Muslim rule. In times where it wouldn’t be imaginable for any Muslim mosques to exist in Europe there were multi-religious groups in Muslim lands.

    So Quran teaches violence is BULLSHIT. NOnSENSICAL. KIDDISH
    You won’t believe but it’s actually the opposite at least for me, for my family and other Muslims that I know.

    People who think Islam teaches violence after every ISIS attack is serving ISIS. Partnering with ISIS. Doing what ISIS wants them to do.

    Millions of muslim Turks and Kurds living in Germany. Millions of African Muslims in France, Britian or other parts of Europe. They pray, they read Quran and they live in Europe.
    ISIS wants to turn these people against their now home country.


    As an outcome, muslims in the west will be treated bad, discriminated, isolated(some already did) and eventually they will fight against their country where they immigrated to have a better life. They will see that they are not allowed to have the better, so they will say” if we can’t have it, they shouldn’t have it too”.

    This is what ISIS wants, this is how they win people. And every time you say “Muslims are dangerous, Quran is violent, Muhammed is a murderer” just like Trump in the US, or Geert Wilders in Holland, or Jorg Haider in Austria, you are helping their goal.

    • It appears incredibly insensitive to wider Europe if your 1st concern is to worry about Islam being blamed.drake-von-drake
    • Dear @HillaryClinton: Speak honestly about "jihadism,""Islamic terrorism," "Islamism," "political Islam." Or it'll be #PresidentTrumpdrake-von-drake
    • i wouldn't worry about drake-von-drake. he has all the trappings of another fly-by-night, duplicate account troll that will last a week tops.sarahfailin
    • ^ +1oey
    • +2 Beeswaxoey
    • ^ lolyurimon
    • @Beeswax, I never suggested that ALL muslims are violent. I have awesome muslim friends. Who are peaceful! But they don't follow the Koran. And neither do you.chukkaphob
    • @Beeswax, it appears that you're not a true practicing Muslim; you most likely culturally identify with Islam. It is part of your heritage and upbringing.chukkaphob
    • ...and it's part of your environment and traditions, etc... but you don't follow the Koran word-for-word.chukkaphob
    • The Koran teaches: "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"chukkaphob
    • I didn't need your history lesson there, and please don't insult your fellow QBN members' intelligence with your prejudice.chukkaphob
    • Regarding the statement you made "islamic way of life has been governing a huge part of this world since 7th century" WHY IS THAT?chukkaphob
    • Has that been the ultimate goal of Islam? To govern the rest of the world? To convert everyone to Islam????chukkaphob
    • Obviously not. Why do humans have been fighting since the beginning of the history? Just answer this why? Was it always religion?Beeswax
    • I'm sorry but you're looking at the world through a keyhole. You need more than a history lesson.Beeswax
    • @chukkaphob, bingo on both countsdrake-von-drake
    • @Beeswax humans have been fighting since the origin of humanity because of fear of the unknown.chukkaphob
    • ...Humans formed tribes in different geo-locations unaware of the existence of other tribes. When tribes "discover" other tribes, the fear of the unknown...chukkaphob
    • ...triggered by instincts of survival, force them to attack and fight one another. Along comes religion as well, which was socially constructed by the differentchukkaphob
    • ..tribes in order to fill yet another feared gap -- the meaning and origin of existence, etc. If religion was not man-made but an universal truth, all humanschukkaphob
    • ...would believe in one universal god and follow one religion.chukkaphob
    • @Beeswax and BTW, the one looking at the world through a keyhole is you, dude. The keyhole is your religion. Hahaha!chukkaphob
  • PaulAllen-1

    Who do you think is responsible for all the hate against Muslims?

    • .... in the U.S.PaulAllen
    • each individual hater is responsible for their own hate. how could they not be?sarahfailin
    • Muslims!utopian
    • I blame set for all the Muslim hate in US. Just because. Even though he doesn't live in US.pango
    • Who is responsible for hate against blacks, jews, rich, poor, democrats, republicans, asians in the US? It's the same people who is responsible against Muslims.Beeswax
    • People with fear, prejudice, pride. People without conscience, self-respect, vision, intelligence.Beeswax
    • good answerterry_cloth
    • they are different than anglo wasps.inteliboy
  • sarahfailin4

    You like Tribe?

  • trooperbill0

    Not muslim specific but why do 'minorities' self segregate? It seems to me that the government wants integration but the migrant population doesn't want to. you cant simply transplant a section of a foreign culture into another and expect harmony. For some its too 'different' which i think is the cause of a lot of tension.

    Why does a 'polish shop' have to have a sign that appears to exclude the native populace together with signs in a language that a majority dont understand, it seems provocative whether intentional or not.

    im also well aware of british ex pats doing exactly the same thing in other countries so not excluding this too.

    • It's human nature, we migrate to what feels safe and familiar. I don't like how all these hipsters dominate the coffee shops and breweries, but what can I do?formed
    • Aye, the comfort in familiarity. Being a filthy immigrant myself, I can understand how easy it is to stay within your immediate language / cultural circle.face_melter
    • Although, obviously, not to the same extent as coming from the Middle East or whatnot. I just hopped across from Scotland.face_melter
    • wouldnt dispersal force integration?

      as for face_melter away with you and your deep fried marsbars but we'll keep your shiskey lol
    • British ex-patism disgusted me when I lived in Spain as a kid. I thought it a uniquely British arrogance. Then I moved back and saw everyone else doing it here.detritus
    • One thing's having a temporary sense of home when you move, knowing you'll be going back in a few years (like most Brits abroad, Poles in Blighty)...detritus
    • ..another is moving to another country and simply assuming you can transplant your entire culture too, with scant regard for the natives.detritus
    • US has typically been a melting pot. even muslims eventually americanize.hotroddy
  • drake-von-drake-1

    If you do nothing else productive in response to #Brussels, please lose your patience for those who lie about its root cause. #Islamism

  • drake-von-drake-3

    By all means, please do explain:

    Muslim shopkeeper murdered in suspected 'religiously prejudiced' attack after posting on Facebook of love for Christians

  • notype1

    1. What's the best book or text to read on the Prophet Muhammad
    2. What's the best book or text to read for the best Islamic Poetry (translated to English if possible)

  • M01XXX-5

    I can't stand any organized religion and Islam is the worst of all.

    We teach kids at some point that Santa doesn't exist and then we have grown ups who become total cunts and do shit because of religion. Most of our world problems are because of it.

    And Islam still seems stuck in the middle ages.

    • but it's apparently racist to hate on islam. cest la vie.inteliboy
    • A truly nuanced position; we're all better having read it.i_monk
    • I'm left-leaning and free thinker. Today everything is "racist" for SJW's. Don't care. Bill Maher is so on point with PC culture & religion.M01XXX
    • haha "free thinker." That's literally the position of everyone these days....anti PC, anti Islam etc.yuekit
    • I'm a true feminist too. And as a true feminist of course I am anti Islam. There's no other religion that treats women like shit. Just look at Saudi Barbaria.M01XXX
    • Your view is akin to assuming every Christian is Eric Rudolph. It's tone deaf, but whatever floats your boat.garbage
    • That's not true. I'm not saying every muslim is a terrorist. I'm just saying screw all religions and especially Islam.M01XXX
    • M01XXX, It sounds like you're more of a group thinker and acquire your opinions in the echo chamber you find yourself
      most comfortable in. Lazy and ignorrant.
    • It's my opinion. Nothing to do with group thinking.M01XXX
    • I've been an atheist for about 20 years. I find nothing more annoying than evangelical atheists. There's a huge difference between philosophical discourse..garbage
    • ..and being some sort of spiritual fascist. You're also edging really close to some "religion of peace" dog whistle.garbage
    • Funny how it's mostly very left/ liberals defending Islam. Why don't they go to muslim countries and try to live freely like muslims to in western countries?M01XXX
    • In most of them they'd be jailed. Yet we in EU/ UK let them live freely as they wish and in some places even practice sharia law.M01XXX
    • All I'm saying is: I can't stand any religion but Islam is the worst of all imo. Just look at the western ally Saudi Barbaria and how women are treated there.M01XXX
    • And in Dubai you will be jailed if you're gay or openly express yourself as gay.M01XXX
    • Don't go to Dubai then.detritus
    • Really that's your answer to these issue? It's the 21st century we should be able to go anywhere we want and not be prosecuted because of religion.M01XXX
    • I agree with your sentiment M01. Just worded abrasively.inteliboy
    • What did you want us to ask you?robthelad
    • not a question, downvotedPeterPancake
    • Here comes the morons saying you can't make generalisations. Yes you can. Just because a few Muslims are lovely people doesn't really mean shitset
    • Overall it's an issue. Obviously. All religion is but this is quite clearly the most troublesome at the moment.set
    • his problem is with religion but he states what saudi arabia does or how dubai treats ppl etc.. that's a weak argument man. saudi royalty did not bring quranBeeswax
    • Suadi Barbaria is one of the most extreme examples. But in any muslim country freedom of expression or women's right are non-existant.M01XXX
    • or they are holy in any sense. They are entitled rich fucks and not representative of islam except to your western mindset.Beeswax
    • He makes an excellent point that we need to stop being scared of offending a group of people that believe in a magical angry sky man...set
    • Abusing religion in the name of wealth or politics is as old as humanity and you still can't separate them. And with that kind of thinking everything is wrongBeeswax
    • Oh and Beeswax, since you're from Turkey. I "pray" that your dictator president Erdogan doesn't turn your country into Saudi Barbaria.M01XXX
    • ... when significant numbers in that group are committing daily atrocities in the name of that angry sky man.set
    • Abusing environmentalism, democracy, money even feminisim and human rights is possible but this doesn't make them absolutely bad. You take things at face valueBeeswax
    • And people like you are the most gullible and fallible ones, always ready to be exploited by some party.Beeswax
    • It's archaic bullshit that needs to be purged from the earth, and if that means upsetting a few good Muslims in the process then tough luck.set
    • We can purge Christianity too while we're at it, but on the whole they seem to have grown up a little in recent history.set
    • Any room for empathy, engagement and respect of people's philosophies based on their circumstance and influences?PeterPancake
    • attempting to purge the earth of religion is doomed to bloody failure - quite a fundamentalist approach really.Fax_Benson
    • I'm making no attempt whatsoever to do such a thing. It's doing it itself. Slowly.set
    • M01, go away.notype
    • nahM01XXX
    • Turkey has given voting rights to women in 1934 don't talk out of ignorance. When did you country gave that right to women?Beeswax
    • ^ so? and declaration of independence stated in 1776 that 'all men are created equal" - words mean nothing when actions show otherwiseGnash
    • How about a disorganized religion?yuekit
    • It seems like a minor point in your question but the fact that people tell their kids about Santa shows how attached humans are to bullshit and deception.CyBrainX
    • There was a time when Christianity was the most troublesome of all religions.microkorg
    • I don't think islam itself is the issue but certain followers led by certain leaders in certain countries have made an absolute fuckery of things._niko
    • *reads “Im a triue feminist”
      *looks at M01XXX posts in chick of the day.
    • Islam is brilliantly written belief system that ridicules anyone that is not in it, criticizes it, or even tries to leave it. Why can't it play well with othersrobotron3k
    • Who cares if Christianity was once the most problematic religion? Now it's Islam. Facts is facts. Fuck people who are offended by facts.set
    • cannonball, are you saying you can't be feminist and appreciate sex/ sexy women? It's usually the hardcore feminazis that have a problem with it not the modelsM01XXX
    • Cheers, set.M01XXX
    • What innovations has Islam (and those respective countries) given the world in the past 100-200 years compared to the west?M01XXX
    • They're still stuck in past and Saudi Barbaria is still in the middle ages in most aspects. At least now there's a bit of progress there coming with king MBS.M01XXX
    • Unfortunately thanks to US meddling & wars have helped Islamic extremism. Iran, Iraq & Afghanistan were once progressive open societies. Like the west.M01XXX
    • Islam should be like the west, meddle in America and send them to the past like the Islamic Golden Age.PeterPancake
    • Don't all religion have extremists @set, I'd argue that there are some sects of Christianity that are incredibly problematic. I'm confused about what we're argunotype
    • -ing about here.notype
    • I'm not really arguing I just naturally communicate like I am for some reasonset
    • I hadn't smoked yetset
    • But yes, sure, all religions have extremism. Most religions are not as extreme as Islam though. I'm not just talking about extremism.set
    • I think that that’s still a generalization, or stereotype as a better word.
      But what do I know (not sarcasm)
    • The fact that people here are seriously conversing in a thread with "Suadi Barbaria", typed by a person that felt the need to make..garbage
    • ..a "YOU GUYS ARE TOO MEAN TO ME SO I'M GONNA LEAVE" post just shows that we probably need to do a little more to ignore an attention whore.garbage
    • I only chimed in to make a poor jibe, which was missed.detritus
    • Oh, and ^this.detritus
    • And, I guess ^that too.detritus
    • Damnit - i think i see where this is going - but, ^that too. AND THIS.detritus
    • Whatever, garbage. Are you now going to defend Saudi Barbaria and tell us how it's a great place?M01XXX
    • Generalisations and stereotypes exist for a reason. Its not a bad thing to make them based on personal experience. How can one not...?set
    • To say that saying Islam is currently the most problematic religion is just a generalisation therefore is incorrect just makes no sense whatsoeverset
    • Its an easy way to stay safe and warm and not upset anyone, sure, not that's utter fucking nonsense that isn't going to get anyone anywhereset
    • Fuck Islam. Fuck Christianity and fuck any other cunt who gets offended by that.
    • ITT: I'm a left-leaning freethinker <rightwing talking point, rightwing stereotype, rightwing position>.i_monk
  • hans_glib0
  • Beeswax-1

    Here are some notions in Quran. Compare it with your view of Muslim nations and other nations and societies. I don't believe in something that is "stuck at middle ages" I believe in something that is valuable today and in the future. I don't care if so called muslims or muslim nations or politicians don't practice these, I'm responsible for my own behavior.

    Patience - Mentioned over 100 times
    "But indeed whoever shows patience and forgives (the wrong done to him), surely that is a very meritorious thing, a matter of great resolution" 42 / 43

    Kindness towards non-muslims
    "God does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of your religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely God loves just people. 60 / 9

    "For each nation, I have prescribed a law and a way of life. If I wanted, I would have made you all a single community. But I want to test you according to what I have prescribed for each of you [and promote a competition among you.] Therefore, try to beat each other in doing good deeds. You will all return to God and then He will inform you about what your differences were all about."

    Religious Freedom
    "There is no force in belief. The right and the wrong are clearly defined. The one who reject the idols (in any shape and form) and choose to believe in God he has grasped a firm handle which will not break; God Hears and is Aware."

    "If it was the will of your Lord, all people of the earth would have believed (yet He wants to try them with their freedom of choice.) Do you still think you can make them all to believe?" (referring to Muhammed's wrong intention) 10/99

    All the other verses that motivate bigots like terrorist or violent nations are given in the context of a war. Like if you're in an active war, meaning if you got attacked or driven from your home, you're allowed to kill them.

    Take these out of it's context and you have radical believes like "kill all unbelievers" regardless of the situation. Ignorance doesn't serve well neither to a muslim nor others.
    In that case terrorists, other religions' bigots/preachers, evangelical atheists and orientalists work hand in hand.

    People who can't grasp the core notions that I've stated above will always try to impose their own view over this belief. But that doesn't really change anything except creating more hatred and serving to those who benefit from it.

    • people can play this selective excerpt game with any religious text. it's meaningless.Gnash