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  • PhanLo0

  • utopian5

    DOJ files charges against George Santos…

  • Ramanisky27

    • LolPhanLo
    • How can they arrest this hero who rescued Jesus from a Vietnam POW camp, took his mom to the moon, invented almonds, and killed bin Laden?Akagiyama
    • This is fantastic newscrazyprick
    • Twitter BOLDstoplying
    • Who the hell is george santos?maquito
    • Only the best!nbq
  • neverscared1

    Two charged after Hitler speeches played on Austrian train intercom
    Snippets from Nazi leader as well as shouts of ‘Sieg Heil’ played on train running from Bregenz to Vienna

    Two people have been charged in Austria for allegedly playing speeches by Adolf Hitler via the loudspeaker system of a train running from Bregenz to Vienna.

    The two suspects, who were not identified, also allegedly blasted “Heil Hitler” via the train’s intercom several times on Sunday. The authorities tracked them down by analysing video from the train cameras. Spreading Nazi propaganda is a criminal offence in Austria.

    Passengers took notice of unusually loud messages being played over the high-speed Railjet train’s intercom shortly before its stop at St Pölten. Instead of announcing the next stop, the system initially played a series of bloopers by the actor usually voicing the train’s announcements, as well as a fire alarm message.…

  • neverscared1

    Colombia plane crash: Children reportedly survived 16 days in jungle

    fficials in Colombia say four children missing since their plane crashed in the jungle have been found alive and well more than two weeks later.

    Their mother and the other adults were killed in the crash.

    The government's child welfare agency, ICBF, said it had received information "from the field" that the children had been found in good health.

    A pilot said he had also been told the children had been found by indigenous people deep in the rainforest.

    Soldiers taking part in the search, however, have yet to see the children for themselves.

    The Cessna 206 light aircraft they had been in was flying from Araracuara, deep in the Amazon jungle in southern Colombia, to San José del Guaviare, when it disappeared in the morning of 1 May.

    Its pilot had earlier reported engine problems.

    After a huge search effort involving more than 100 soldiers, the plane was finally located on Tuesday, 15 days after it had disappeared.…

  • Gardener7

  • imbecile5

  • imbecile3

  • Continuity0

    Here we go — the ultimate Fuck Around and Find Out.

    We are so fucking fucked as a species. Fuck us. We suck.

    'Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance

    Exclusive: Breakthrough could aid research into genetic disorders but raises serious ethical and legal issues'…

    'The structures do not have a beating heart or the beginnings of a brain, but include cells that would typically go on to form the placenta, yolk sac and the embryo itself.'

    • Gattaca b*tch!ideaist
    • stems cells are used to grow all kinds of synthetic tissues, and I think you are overreactingmonospaced
    • But even if a human could be created, it would require non synthetic genetic material, and then it would just be a regular human. Nothing bad there.monospaced
    • Not to worry though, this isn’t about making people, despite the headline sensationalism. :)monospaced
    • Question of time, mono...OBBTKN
    • Yawn.monospaced
    • Seems like a lot of people get their concept of cloning from movies and fiction. That’s the real issue.monospaced
    • start slapping AI chips in them mfers soon betcotton
  • Beeswax2

    A massive search and rescue operation is under way in the mid Atlantic after a tourist submarine went missing during a dive to Titanic's wreck on Sunday.
    Contact with the small sub was lost about an hour and 45 minutes into its dive, the US Coast Guard said.
    Tour firm OceanGate said all options were being explored to rescue the five people onboard.

    Tickets cost $250,000 (£195,000) for an eight-day trip including dives to the wreck at a depth of 3,800m (12,500ft).
    Government agencies, the US and Canadian navies and commercial deep-sea firms are helping the rescue operation, officials said.

    Titanic's wreck lies some 435 miles (700km) south of St John's, Newfoundland, though the rescue mission is being run from Boston, Massachusetts.

    The missing craft is believed to be OceanGate's Titan submersible, a truck-sized sub that holds five people and usually dives with a four-day emergency supply of oxygen.

    On Monday afternoon, Rear Adm John Mauger of the US Coast Guard told a news conference: "We anticipate there is somewhere between 70 and the full 96 hours available at this point."

    Hamish Harding, a 58-year-old British billionaire businessman and explorer, is among those on the missing submarine, his family said.
    The submersible usually carries a pilot, three paying guests, and what the company calls a "content expert".

    • Musk should be on thisfadein11
    • Where do you poop?refunktion
    • Their hearts will go onPhanLo
    • Sea Monster?jmckinno
    • Orca'ssrhadden
    • Aliens?utopian
    • British rescue mission for Titan was ‘blocked by US officials’ to help in the search of the OceanGate's Titan submersible. – USA #1utopian
    • Have they not seen the movie? It doesn't end well.PhanLo
    • make it yellow...neverscared
    • @fade That would just end in people who actually know what they're doing telling him he's not qualified. Which is him in a nutshell, lol.garbage
    • Then he'll falsely accuse his critics of being pedos. Rinse, repeat.garbage
    • Want to look out of the window? Have to smell the toilet.shapesalad
    • the toilet is in that nose cone before the window..shapesalad
    • ha fade, my thoughts exactly, in my best old-timey superman impression -"This looks like a job for -Shit For Brains!!"_niko
    • lol, preciselyfadein11
    • fart hotboxKrassy
    • Fuck around and find out.palimpsest
    • It's been 2 days, they're deaddrgs
    • imagine spending half a million dollars to accidentally kill your son in front of you.
      Not sure that was in the brochure.
    • you'd think the mother ship would have a tether or something._niko
    • Lol Nairn. 'I'm so sorry son' as the weight of the ocean churns them into a fleshy explosionPhanLo
    • It looks like the CEO is drowned down there. Hamish Harding is one of those silly billionaires that takes "space tours" and pays for Guinness World Records.garbage
    • I guess he was going for "Ugliest Posho With the Dumbest Name to Die on the Floor of The Atlantic".garbage
    • Anyone getting in that thing signed a paper agreeing there was a chance they could die and that they can’t sue as a result.monospaced
    • How could they sue if they're dead?Nairn
    • It don't matter.
      USA! USA!
  • Ramanisky21

    But it’s probably not sufficient enough for the MAGAmooks. Right?

    • MAGA will be pissed because he'll get a lenient sentence. He will because he plead guilty and took a plea deal.fooler
    • Something Trump will never do so he'll get a harsher sentence.fooler
    • He should get the jail for his shit art. Jakeball.PhanLo
  • utopian0

  • scarabin4

    • well, for one thing the immigrant boat is getting 24 hour a day coverage in Greece. The sub is getting little coverage. Same with countries like Pakistan and_niko
    • Italy, I'm sure it's all over their news.
      But there's nothing to be done about the boat. There is still hope to rescue the sub. Same thing with the Thai kids
    • there was still hope. Also, people like train-wrecks, especially ones involving the uber-rich...we almost feel good about their hubristic demise._niko
    • "still hope" ...………
    • D E A DPhanLo
    • "we almost feel good about their demise" - has your heart always been so grim, or is this a learned thing?canoe
    • Wonder how much the traffickers made sending those migrants to their doom? Probably over what the idiot sun men charged to kill their passengersPhanLo
    • Canoe you left out the hubris part. But seriously nobody cares about rich cunts dying after spending 250k for a joyride when children are literally slaves in..._niko
    • ...their factories. They’ve lived a life only a handful of people could only dream of, they’ve got so much money and are so bored with spending it that they do_niko
    • The most absurd things like take a submarine ride to the bottom of the ocean to see the titanic first hand. So yeah it’s pretty hilarious._niko
    • And it’s not just me, the internets are full of these memes…_niko
    • niko, so people who make memes are your moral compass? And it's ok for scientists to explore the ocean, but the people who fund the science can't go. And...canoe
    • of course all rich people have made their money off the back of child slavery.canoe
    • Especially the private jet broker and the guy who owns the fertilizer company who are on the submarine. Laugh it up. It's hilarious. Sicko.canoe
    • Sinking refugee boats are a weekly occurrence
      Logitech controlled submarine game can be played only once
    • I'll go hold a vigil for them, maybe make some t-shirts. #1%LM, maybe we can start a movement._niko
    • Dude, they literally paid some eccentric inventor $250,000 of their pocket change to climb in to a death trap to go take a peek at the Titanic_niko
    • If that isn't the hight of absurdity, then you crying over them certainly is. Don't know about you but I've got a thousand other real problems in my life to_niko
    • ...worry about. The misadventures of rich cunts certainly isn't one of them._niko
    • Carnival rides have more tech than that sub, at least they have some levers and a bunch of switches. This literally had one red button and a game controller._niko
    • Migrants also did a crazy thing of paying traffickers to take them to Europe in hope if free this and that, in a unsafe vehicle.shapesalad
    • In El Pais of Uruguay there were 5 articles about the submarine Yesterday.maquito
    • DIEmaquito
    • The migrants do it through desperation.PhanLo
    • they found it:…
    • niko - you just it's absurd for the rich to spend their money freely, and then said that a carnival ride has more tech than a submarine. Define absurd.canoe
    • You have a million other problems - but still take the time to argue about how rich people should spend their money, live their life and deserve to die. Ace!canoe
    • money still doesn't makes you immortal.sted
    • He at least got to be close to his son, so close that they were probably fused together as some kind of 5 penised meatball for a few seconds. RIPPhanLo
  • scarabin0

    Here’s a tour of that sub

    • What would happen if the batteries went dead in that PlayStation controller? They have a plan for that?shapesalad
    • The whole sub is a big NOPE! But the biggest NOPE-est part is that they seal it closed with bolts from the outside! FTS!microkorg
    • He literally says there are a few backup controllers. It’s also a Logitech controller, not PlayStation. I’ve had the same one 15 years and it’s still perfect.monospaced
    • maybe they got the blue tooth module off the shelf. Furloughing that these are designed to fail overtime.rootlock
    • @shape they have some spares lolmilfhunter
    • Logitech controllers are a weird flex.palimpsest
    • Only thing worse than death is the expectation of impending death. I think by this time they are all smeared in each others feces and have already cannibalizeddrgs
    • the weakest of the 5drgs
    • I think focusing on the controller is silly.monospaced
    • I guess the controllers also had to be inspirational for their target audience.palimpsest
    • It's a good way to show how unprofessional this whole thing is, but to just assume it's the reason for the disaster is silly.monospaced
    • Other than SS, I don't think anybody thinks the Logitech controller is at fault here.
      Flashbacks to the Bud Light post.
    • No need to sell your Logitech shares.palimpsest
    • ^ FLOLgarbage
    • I'm pretty sure death by implosion at that depth had to be quick.

      At least they funded some science.
  • shapesalad7…

    Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg agree to hold cage fight.

    • I like Elon and never much cared for Zuckerberg. But respect to Zuck asking Elon to step up. Zuck would slaughter him.IRNlun6
    • Zuck would fuck him up in seconds.monospaced
    • Who fucking cares? They are both miserable, self-absorbed cunts. The only way I'd watch this shit is if there was a guaranteed ceiling collapse.garbage
    • The Woke Warrior vs. Reptilian Humanoidutopian
    • I've got $100 on Mark.shapesalad
    • Not that I'd would watch, but I don't think Zuck could handle "the Walrus".garbage
    • Plus any BJJ that Zuck claims he's won.. no fucking way it wasn't against a paid fall guy. The dude can't even walk normally.garbage
    • @garbage, huh? He's in a legit organization. Just because you like the idea that he has fall guys doesn't mean your speculation is true.monospaced
    • He doesn't "claim" to win. It's scheduled, ticketed, attended by hundreds, recorded and results are posted publicly. It's just fact.monospaced
    • Bro, the win that he had was a fight that he threw at the gym he attends. They train everything from children to adults if they have the money.garbage
    • He once got subbed, tapped out, and then forced the ref to change the outcome after he got his gi ripped off.garbage
    • If you'd ever fought, you'd see how comically bad his grapple game is, and cage implies striking. I haven't sparred in 12 years and I can tell he's a can.garbage
    • only entertaining when done in drag...neverscared
    • There is nothing legitimate about his fight game at all, just some weird billionaire playing make believe. Guarantee you his circle is laughing behind his back.garbage
    • will end like this…neverscared
    • Oh and to be fully clear: he's not in an organization. He pays dues at a gym that wants his money.garbage
    • any prompts out already ?neverscared
    • garbage, he wants to fight Elon Musk who doesn't even exercise.IRNlun6
    • musk can always to the neo upload fighting thing stuff from- the matrix - with his neuralink connection...neverscared
    • Hell in a Cell 15Akagiyama
    • @neverscared Lol, I wouldn't pay, but I would find a stream for Drag Atlas Shrugged.garbage
    • UI vs UXfadein11
    • @garbage, I hear ya, but it was definitely a BJJ event, not just his gym side thing. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is the report.monospaced
    • Oh that's not even the even the event I was thinking of, but this article makes it even more clear. His coach is Dave Camarillo, lol.garbage
    • 100% he is throwing a 1-2 of brown-nosing and blowing smoke up Zuck's ass for a hefty payday.garbage
    • The dude coached Koscheck ffs. Not doubting that Zuck would win, but how hard is it to rough up a puddle named Elon?garbage
    • Not hating on you mono, to be clear. His coach is just.. infamous for being shit. Guarantee you he saw Zuck's COVID interest in MMA, and then he saw green.garbage
    • Sure. But the fight was legit. No?monospaced
    • Was mcgregor also paid to give praise for the staged match? What about sports illustrated? No hate just trying to figure out how wide this conspiracy goes.monospaced
    • If his coach accepted money for training does that make him no good? I guess you’re saying all MMA coaches do it for free? So confused.monospaced
    • I'm saying he charged exponentially high rates to gas up Zuck. That last link actually has the footage from the match he lost..garbage
    • ..and he intimidated the ref to change the decision after he tapped out.garbage
    • Also a Connor would 100% give social media praise if it got him in the headline. Will concede that Holloway was a bit of a surprise.garbage
    • wait, so charging more makes him a bad coach and the fight non-legit???monospaced
    • you're looking at footage of a match he lost, but he won a match, and it wasn't because he intimidated a ref dude, where are you getting info?monospaced
    • Does google not work for you or something? lol. He legit lost a match. He tapped. That means you give up. Then then bitched about it to the ref..garbage
    • ..and it was ruled a no-decision. In a match where he literally tapped. I don't know what's so hard to understand about it.garbage
    • And also his coach is a notorious hack. There's a reputation there, and I guarantee you he's telling Zuck everything he wants to hear.garbage
    • If you've ever fought, you can tell his technique is awful. I haven't sparred in ages, and I know I could take him. And my BJJ is terrible.garbage
    • There's somebody else on here, forget who it is, but they'd definitely agree. He's a billionaire can.garbage
  • neverscared2

    they found the oldest book- fragment around the corner here at the university graz

  • Fax_Benson2

    • Methinks he's getting used to being a billionaire, or at least a significant % of one.Nairn
    • I read headlines like this and wonder how humanity can still progress.monospaced
    • Inheritancejmckinno
    • America's future looks brighter than ever.utopian
    • QBN, the new generation.palimpsest
    • humans telling humans how to feel. "your reaction should meet my expectation" so perfectly stupid.imbecile
    • Nepo...ideaist
    • ...tism.ideaist
    • ..babyutopian
    • Going on OF is now despotism?
      So woke.
    • Headline has something for everyone. Money, divorce, rap, kink, submersibles, gen-z internet stuff, 90s jock-rock, religion..Fax_Benson
    • ^ !Krassy
    • Ayeeee DailyMail!
      Also how is this news?
    • What's a Cardi B?sab
    • its a vitamin of some sortpango
    • Lolsab
    • I thought Blink 182 died of old agemonospaced
  • utopian3

  • yuekit0

    Rescuers pin hopes on French robot Victor 6000. Search teams 'remain hopeful' as oxygen supplies estimated to have run out…

    • What a waste of resourcesjmckinno
    • If each of the rescuers aren't paid $250,000 EACH in cash, it would be total bullshit.monospaced
  • Gardener4