Iran war/WW3

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  • 422 Responses
  • Nairn1

    So it's looking more and more likely that the recent 737 plane crash in Tehran was the result of a missile strike.

    Fucking d'oh if so.

    The photo of the missile that was doing the rounds over the past couple of days (and suspected of being a hoax) matches one sold to iran and apparently in situ nearby.

    What is it with Russian missiles taking down civilian airliners?…

    • I would imagine an overzealous missile operator made a horrific mistake. I doubt it was an intentional strikeGnash
    • But who knows. Zealots will zealotGnash
    • Oh, I don't for a second imagine it was intentional, if it was the case - hence the "fucking d'oh".Nairn
    • From what I can tell from the system though, it looks to be one that requires a human in the loop to reach the target, so someone's for the high jumpNairn
    • Time for a helicopter rideGnash
    • they'll spin it as a mosad or cia hack on their air defence systems._niko
  • yuekit4

    Soleimani has fueled a lot of nasty conflicts and killed a lot of people, directly or indirectly, many of them American soldiers — though it's worth noting also that much of his recent effort has been dedicated to fighting ISIS (with great effectiveness, by all accounts) in a tacit uneasy alliance with U.S. forces.

    Yet even the worst of Soleimani's record pales in comparison with the most blood-drenched American warmongers. If Soleimani deserves condemnation for arming Iraqi insurgents, then George W. Bush and Dick Cheney deserve 10 times as much for starting the war in the first place. It was a pointless, illegal war of aggression sold on lies that obliterated Iraqi society and killed perhaps half a million people, almost all of them innocent civilians. (Our own Soleimani, General David Petraeus, was connected to the operation of Iraqi torture dungeons and paramilitary death squads during the fight against the insurgency.)

    If Soleimani deserves blame for helping Bashar al-Assad brutally defeat Syrian rebels, Henry Kissinger deserves 10 times as much for orchestrating the bombing slaughter of perhaps a quarter million Cambodians and paving the way for the Khmer Rouge genocide that killed 1.7 million people.

    If any accused war criminal at an airport is fair game, then there are a lot of people in D.C. and Northern Virginia who better start traveling by train or ship.

    Indeed, the Quds Force itself was originally created during the Iran-Iraq War, which was started by a heavily U.S.-backed Saddam Hussein in 1980. A million Iranians died in the grueling eight-year conflict. And the reason the Islamic Republic exists in the first place is because the United States and Britain toppled Iran's fledgling democracy in 1953 and installed a brutal dictator.

    It is not exactly hard to understand why Iran — like about every other country in the Middle East — keeps some brutal, hard people like Soleimani around. It's a violent, unstable neighborhood, and war is an unavoidable reality. And no country is more responsible for that fact than the United States.

    Chauvinist American commentators always presume America has the best intentions, and that the American military is composed of saintly warrior-poets. The reality is that the lumbering American colossus has unleashed a Thirty Years' War-level of violent chaos all around Iran for no good reason at all. We are ruled by a president who recently reversed the demotion of a guy turned in by his own fellow soldiers for war crimes — namely, gleefully murdering helpless prisoners, old men, and little girls for sport.…

    • Sort of surprised to see an article like this on a mainstream American news site. Hard to find anything to disagree with here though.yuekit
    • All these Americans cheering because "Trump killed the evil terrorist" have the mentality of a 5 year old. It makes sense I guess if you selectively forget theyuekit
    • past 50 years of history, including the fact that Trump and his people triggered this most recent confrontation with Iran themselves.yuekit
    • yeah but emails._niko
    • i agree. but i do find it funny u mentioned bush but left out obama illegal wars and blood on his hands as welldeathboy
    • especially the legality of use of executive power especiallyw ith drone attacks.deathboy
    • I didn't write the article, but seems like he's running through the "highlights" of American war crimes. Obama wasn't up there with Bush or Kissinger.yuekit
    • arguing for an hour with my pops picking up my dog on it. bless his heart he is a conservative but being twisted by media in a lump sum them vs us.deathboy
    • my pops doesn't stand for anything of todays rep party. But he gets riled up to follow the lesser sorts promoted by mediadeathboy
    • Also give Obama some credit, when it comes to Iran he's the one U.S. president who wasn't chomping at the bit to invade and actually negotiated with them.yuekit
    • and starting to repeat shit I know he doesnt even beleive in as talking points (challenge and he'll say wait no but... they said it) all because thedeathboy
    • out of defensive instinct to radical left. The AOC and types preaching free everything ignoring any democratic process or fiscal repsonsibilitydeathboy
    • he even questioned wehter i was liek my LA sister socialsit liberal type. thinking becuase i challenged view iran guy shoudlnt get murdered i must be socialistdeathboy
    • liberal type. Bad mouthing america talkign of our foreign policy. he'll get over it or already has. sent him some study materialdeathboy
    • but seeign a change. this polarization of party shit has gotta stop. making peopel lose their objective mindsdeathboy
    • yea ukit obama iran policy was good i thoughtdeathboy
    • it was one of the stronger points of his administrationdeathboy
    • syria libya pakistan... not so much, but maybe why he was friendlier to irandeathboy
    • nk is trumps iran.. goddamn bs politics. sick ogf these few fuckin leaders who ruin countries for the masses ith no loss to themselvesdeathboy
    • but allies and backdoor deals. im sure saudis will like the increased oil prices with aramcio recent ipo. and dems waitign on a terrorist act now to blame trumpdeathboy
    • hoping the bigger the better.sayign you stupid proud orange turd bragging. no you personally killed X amountdeathboy
    • its early but i dont like any future scenario from this actiondeathboy
    • but still american policy despite political party has equally done harm. only playing teams for identity politics will never do shitdeathboy
    • just side line cheerleaders to fuckdeathboy
    • fucking notesboymonospaced
    • everyone cheer for mono and his insecurities!deathboy
    • you go girl!deathboy
    • insecurity? about what? it's you who has the chip on the shoulder for your failed education and future life planning, not me.monospaced
    • I'm just laughing at your habit of writing dozens of notes, and that triggered you into childish name calling. That's textbook insecurity, you fucktard.monospaced
  • Fax_Benson0

    so has Trump just lucked out with this? Iran phoned in their terrible revenge and called the whole thing quits in an attempt to pretend a trigger-happy army-bod didn't accidently shoot down a passenger plane?

    • What's going on robo?
      The Windsors?
    • Of course Trump 4D underwater chess, yes robo?NBQ00
  • hotroddy-6

    You see, trump is a pussy. He didn't counter attack

    • haha. He's a proper handbagged it but i'm sure all his supporters will be like 'he's a tactical genius!'Ianbolton
    • Of course they are. I've already seen "Trump call's Iran's bluff"! Iran demonstrated restraint and the ability to do some real harm if they wanted to.formed
    • Makes Trump look like an impulsive bully, once again. He, and his admin, really looks like a bunch of children without an ounce of experience.formed
    • Bennn's analogy: One neighbor came in the face of the other who in turn came on the carpet. Now they're holding their limp dicks trying to avoid eye contact.deadsperm
  • hotroddy-4

    Unnecessary Bennnsplanation of the Day :

    Iran = Your crazy neighbour that is in a cult
    China = Your hermit neighbour who molests his children
    Russia = Your sketchy neighbour who beats his wife and is in shady businesses.

    Iran is your neighbour who operates a cult like religion out of their own house. They pray 7 times a day, keep their women in beekeeper suits and brainwash their children to believe that other neighbours are evil, democracy is an imperialist tool to destroy their profit (charles manson) and quality of life is over-rated as long as you worship the profit . Any child that expresses an independent thought is chained to to the basement or killed.

    Neighbours keep telling Iran to chill the fuck out. Let other voices in your family be heard. Stop worshiping a crazy man and stop being so controlling and obsessive. Learn to provide for your family and stop feeding them ideological nonsense to prevent them from having their own lives. A little wine will take the edge off. Take a page from your neighbour Isreal. They seem to be providing a decent living for their family even while living in the ghetto with Iran.

    China and Russia need all the friends they can get because they also authoritarian and abuse their family members. They don't want a see domino effect. Plus they get really cheap gasoline.

    You are the neighbour with the riffle who involuntarily signed up to be the sole volunteer in the neighbourhood crime watch because all other neighbours have turned a blind eye and sadly don't give a shit what happening in Mr. Mouhammad's household.

    • "worship the profit" +1robotron3k
    • Amreeki is the pedo priest who molests everybody else's children and thinks that's ok because it's "doing god's work"Khurram
    • USA is a THRIVING democracy with freest press in the world. we even impeach presidents. your theocracy isn't. Go kiss your ayatollah ass.hotroddy
    • Go fuck your mother your arrogant racist cunt. I'm English.Khurram
    • Neither am i "moslem" dumbassKhurram
    • you are a 'regular' dumbass who takes western plurality and democracy for granted.hotroddy
    • With a mind that is incapable of understanding the costs in defending and promoting it.hotroddy
    • the iranian fucks have been fucking up my birth country (venezuela) and is responsible for militaristic regime that it helped establish.hotroddy
    • Democracy is worth fighting for regardless of race. But you can't put two thoughts together without calling it racist.hotroddy
    • Murica is #48 for press freedom, champ:…i_monk
    • Your thriving democracy is gerrymandered to hell: https://en.wikipedia…i_monk
    • for a country of 380 million people - I'll take #48.hotroddy
    • gerrymandering is a problem but both parties use is as a political tool.hotroddy
    • You also have rampant voter suppression, an electoral college scheme that makes no sense, and a lot of other problems a "thriving" democracy shouldn't.i_monk
    • Cananda would have voter suppression too if canada had the same population demographicshotroddy
    • Considering USA was a class based system that could have spiraled out of control like in Venezuela or South Africa... it's pretty democratic.hotroddy
    • Just saying don't believe the hype.i_monk
  • maquito5

    so, who's winning?

    • "Al Bag-Daddy"?NBQ00
    • just know, normal us folks looses lots of public money with every war and the rest of the world too. trump & lockheead martin wins.api
    • People died over this but glad you're having a laugh, psychopath.nb
    • How many people died over the conflict between the US and Iran? Do the 50 mourners at the burial and the 176 from the Ukranian plane crash count as casualties?maquito
    • I understand that I should not worry much about a presumption in a comment from a total stranger, but just in case, sarcasm and psychopathy are different thingsmaquito
    • Have a good day, resentful stranger!maquito
  • MarleyMarl3

    As served up by the almighty organization of truth and facts. #maga

    • German Survey - so not Fox news. Surprised they did this considering how far up Trumps arse they areIanbolton
    • I don't get why people think that pussy-hole Jong Un is such a threat. It's China and Russia you wanna worry about.Hayzilla
    • No one is worried about China and Russia starting a war. They won't. NK, Iran, etc., no one knows what they will do.formed
    • Boris the other 19%?Gardener
  • zaq4

    • but we have a stable geniuszaq
    • And no Hillary, thank gawd.robotron3k
    • hey robo:…zaq
    • I'm too old, but both my parents served, I went to all boys Military Catholic High School (70% Latino) & the girls school across the street.robotron3k
    • The more I think about it... the brilliance it was to make Iran put up or shut up. Fucking goddamn brilliant. We're hunting the hunter and we in control.robotron3k
    • Righto, wasn't long ago you told us you voted for Trump because he was a pacifist and Hillary a warmonger.inteliboy
    • and which of the previous wars you volunteered to serve in @robo?renderedred
    • robo is chicken shit. it's easy to sit back and be keyboard warrior.dorf
    • No I didn't vote for him in 16, I was in traveling in Cambodia but I was watching from my phone laughing so hard Trump won and people cried in NY.robotron3k
    • Bwahahaha, 'i went to military high school" tough guy! How old are you//? You can fight in a war at any age you fucking pussy! lolKhurram
    • Trump is very much a pacifist, he's opposite Obama. Where O managed drone bombings, Trump goes to bed let's the military slay.robotron3k
    • "i did my time, i went to military high school!" LMAOKhurram
    • I'm not a chicken shit dorf because Texans aren't like that, I'm more of a dumbass, everyone knows me here, I should be smart and troll like u.robotron3k
    • Oh i see, you're a fat, overweight, middle aged troll with no life and no worthwhile goals other than coming on here to troll the "libtards".Khurram
    • I don't troll, bitch, i'm 100% authentic, betta aks somebody.Khurram
    • Robo and Trumptards are such Trump ass kissers they'd follow and jump off a cliff like lemmings if he told them to.NBQ00
    • NBQ you know this is all an act. I'm really a pot smoking hippy wanna be actor, QBN pays me to be the evil guy on this show for the ratings. Keep it on the DLrobotron3k
    • Hey Khurram share one of your latest design projects with all of us on QBN...robotron3k
    • In the fantasy world where that was the case and you weren't just spinelessly copping out when people call you out on your bullshit..garbage
    • ahaha, it's a funny day when i see khurram and robotron in the same thread. #oldschool #wondertrollsacitvat...lvl_13
    • should know that you really fucking suck at it. You're not funny, you're not right, you're not smart, and you aren't even a nuisance. A gnat at best.garbage
    • reckless hustle.neverscared
    • By not having directors, the president can "justify" making all the decisions.ShenanigansTV
    • Well, the US had all those people in place in 1988 when they shot down Iran passenger Flight 655 and killed 290 people (incl 65 kids). Oopsie.BustySaintClaire
  • Nairn0
    • Are we died now?robotron3k
    • the neighbour's kids lit some firecrackers on the driveway and ran away (using Bennn's analogy)Gnash
    • Not bad for Iranian's capabilities, quite accurateOBBTKN
    • But, incredible the poor anti-air protection of a massive base like this...OBBTKN
    • Ballistic missiles need to be stopped well before they get anywhere near their target - preferably during the launch phase.Nairn
    • what am i looking at?sted
    • Ain Assad Airbase, earlier today.Nairn
    • @sted the "slap" Iran gave the US.Krassy
    • Yeah Nairn, but was protected only with AA canons... And it's supposed US have got ABM in their arsenalOBBTKN
    • no red circles=no context.sted
    • this is a muslim cultural siteBustySaintClaire
  • NBQ000

    "Al Bag Daddy"

  • Ianbolton10

    It’s all a bit nuts really. We’ve been bombing the Middle East for years. Then giving them bombs to bomb each other. And now we’re still not happy so let’s have another war with them. All because they don't do what we want them to do.

    And before you say anything, shutthefuckup Robo

    • I don't know who the 'we' is in all that btw. I'm not saying us QBN folks have always treated the middle east like shit!Ianbolton
    • We're going to war? Thanks for the amazing insight low information voter.Hayoth
    • @hayoth That's some low-effort foaming at the mouth. Do you annoy people IRL, or do you save it all for us?garbage
    • Save it for you guys because someone needs to call out your communist rhetoric. You have no evidence we are going to war so maybe you should think a little?Hayoth
    • I said it rhetorically "so let's have another war with them". I feel bad for having to explain that to you. But still, carry on being a prickIanbolton
    • @hayoth Lol at calling out our "communist rhetoric". Please elaborate. I'm guessing you can't, because there's nothing there.garbage
    • And you also don't understand that the moves Trump has made in Iraq is kind of like sticking our collective dicks in a fucking hornet's nest.garbage
    • Something that he campaigned on not doing. But I guess we're all in it together. OMG I'M A COMMIE AND SO ARE YOU.garbage
    • QBN talking heads wrong again. Go cry to your MSNBC mamis.Hayoth
    • is that your response when you can't actually back up a statement, hayoth? communist rhetoric how?monospaced
    • Should I state the more obvious, why aren't you saving the Koalas you selfish prick. All you Ian's are all alike...robotron3k
    • Love you really Robo mate ;-)Ianbolton
    • ;-)robotron3k
    • @hayoth If you're not going to back up your claims, stop bitching about people pointing out how stupid you are. Fucking snowflake.garbage
    • Because that's what you are. A giant stupid snowflake. Go get coddled elsewhere.garbage
  • Ramanisky20

    • Um what?garbage
    • 63 Canadians on board, all deadBennn
    • They think Canadian students looking for cheap flights ugh...robotron3k
  • Gardener1

  • Bluejam1

  • autoflavour0
    • I didn't want to see Robo taping himselfNBQ00
    • Yup, we all going "what fires?" now....robotron3k
  • NBQ002

    "All is well!" — DJT

    • Why do I have the feeling that “All is Well” is going to be the next “Mission Accomplished”fooler
  • CygnusZero43

    People that dont think Iran will do anything are morons. They are a far more formidable nation than 90s/2000s Iraq was, and we STILL have not actually won that Iraq war.

    The problem with wars in the middle east is that the mindset of the US being the true terrorists of the world is so widespread over there that when you get into a war with someone like Iraq or Iran, the war spreads far beyond their borders and becomes completely unwinnable. Its like Vietnam but spread over a much larger area, and many, many more millions of people against us than what Vietnam ever had.

    There is a damn good reason why past presidents refused to take this guy out. Everyone knew he was a bad guy, but this may very well head down a road that ultimately may costs 1000s of american soldiers lives, and cost us trillions of dollars, and could sink the world economy. Is one guy who has already been replaced worth all that? Fuck no. The guy that took his place is as much of a problem as he was, so really, we accomplished nothing positive.

    • Moral of the story, this is the kind of bullshit that happens when you put some stupid inept unqualified clown in the white house.CygnusZero4
    • Trump had to be the ultimate bully. People called him weak, so he went and punched the angry, crazy kid in the balls and walked away laughing, like he's toughformed
    • then crazy kid get's more pissed and does something really crazy, making Trump crawl like the little wimpy cockroach.formed
    • < War doesn't have winners.SimonFFM
    • Hey but oil prices are going up, Papa Putin is happy happy happy.mathinc
    • So now they believe Iran will be working to arm Sunni insurgents and create destabilization in the region. Hold on a minute... Weren't they doing that before?robotron3k
    • People who think a nation (Iran) with 1/35 of another nation's (USA) military budget start wars ARE the morons.pr2
    • Love that the Brit Gov is shitting bricks, they know how to colonize and will need to go to war with us like the Aussies...robotron3k
    • @pr2 If US attack Iran, Rassia and China will join Iran. Your point is invalid.Bennn
    • Love that robotron has a throbbing clit for the idea of British imperialism that even Brits haven't believed in for six decades.
      Grandad was a war bastard?
    • I think robo got a google for ChristmasFax_Benson
    • The Rich will bomb the poor until we burn the homes of The Rich to the ground.grafiske
    • ^thisrenderedred
    • Haha robo. so true. Boris is literally shitting himself "oh noes! we're going to have to go to war again for the Americans!" Spineless fucking cowards.Khurram
    • Bennn, you understanding of foreign policy is a blinding light in the almanacs of QBN's political expertise.pr2
    • Russia and China backing Iran? Are you out of your fucking mind. It’s people like you that are wasting the air we breathe. Hey shit for brains, don’t procreate.irrelevant
  • robotron3k-4

    Iran is not going to be killing any American tonight, they need to put on a show, even their people know it's a show.

    They have shot "10s of rockets" at us and they better not hit anyone, else they will wake up tomorrow with no much left of their shitting air force and their lil mighty speedboat navy sunk.

    Someone was dumb enough to post here that Iran was formitable... Pfft, yeah right. Not when they need to draft 18 yr old Iranian boy poets.

    Iran actually has been hitting the USA for decades secretly, but PT ensured they wiill need to fight Iranian style, no more hiding behind IEDs and violent protests. Iran has to make a little show if it.

    But God help them if one American dies because we got a crazy President and we can all sleep good tonight knowing Trump is in the White House protecting us all.

    • Even you downvoters in baby sized countries who benefited from US prosperity for generations is protected by our President Trump. U welcome.robotron3k
    • Don’t you get exhausted being such a fanboy? Defending his every move no matter what. It’s honestly quite bizarre.inteliboy
    • I don't believe the global news. I research and make up my own mind and you should too because the truth is in the middle, and not on either side.robotron3k
    • Also I have tons of Iranian artists on my insta, they chatting about this, laughing at their gov. BTW it was mandatory to attend the funeral or else...!robotron3k
    • You keep citing the global news or MSM as the big bad.... when murdoch is running the show, and the right are in power pretty much across the entire globe.inteliboy
  • whatthefunk3

    • this guy is so woke he's broke.hotroddy
    • true! but forgottenapi
    • My billionaire acquaintance doesn’t make his wife wear a bee keeper suit. Plus I can share a pint with him and discuss science and the persuit of truthhotroddy
  • MarleyMarl0