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  • marychain0

    ok...sorry for the hate. I don't believe in anything beyond the natural world....and I'm tired of atheists as much as super zealous religious folks.

    Believe what you want...just try not to shit on my parade

    I just don't get easily offended people...seems like a giant waste of your few precious years on earth to walk around pissed off and offended all the time.

  • islandbridge0

    This is why The United States needs much more Atheism...…

  • tommyo0

    RE: An Athiest On Miracles. by TBO

    I agree with you. I think a lot of what we perceive to be truth is half preordained by what we want the outcome to be. Self fulfilling in a way. If I look for someone to discriminate against me because of something I'm concerned about, then I will justify a rejection as being the outcome of that concern. If I'm short (which I'm not, and fyi I'm devilishly handsome in every aspect of my physical being) and I walk up to a girl and she rejects me, to me it's because I'm short. The reason why I bring this up is because I think that 'miracles' work in the same way. Religion by nature revolves around ones faith that their belief is true. But I think human nature is perpendicular to the practice of 'faith' as a whole. We are always searching for a logical truth. When we believe in something so fully, and we're faced with people and situations that challenge that faith, we search to somehow qualify and prove to ourselves that what we believe is real. So imo, reality and proof manifests itself out of a need for preservation.

    Mind you, I'm only presenting a perspective and not a persuasion or challenge to religious believers. This is more of just a theoretical resolve at how unexplained events happen. I honestly and truly think that in the end it's an amazing and awe-inspiring thing that we can all be so similar in so many ways and yet so different. I think it really is a beautiful thing; and it would be nice if we could all try harder to recognize it.

  • kelpie0

    The Nutcase Slice is an important part of the balance of any society, they've always been there and always will. We tend to throw them up as massively more important than they are these days. Fuck , there is a massive difference between people who have faith and people determined to use faith to sabotage reason and progress. They don't make such good tele though, so we tend to think they're a bigger threat than they are.

  • gramme0

    Aye tommyo. No one is irrelevant or unworthy of friendship, regardless of what they believe. When the Bible says that Christians are called to be in the world and not of it, that means that I am to represent my faith and not be moved from my foundation in Christ. It means that there is nothing wrong with spending time with "sinners" (I am of course a sinner too), provided we do not endorse people's sin. For example, I have friends who regularly get hammered on weekends. I will not disown them as friends, but neither will I go out with them and get wasted. I'd rather meet them at a pub for just a few beers, go to a movie, dinner, concert etc.

    • hedge. hedge was unworthy of my friendship.TheBlueOne
  • tommyo0

    I just don't fully understand why people of different beliefs need to try and control people who don't agree with them. Personally, I'm an Atheist. When the blond commentator says something like 'We need to stand up and fight for Christianity or soon they'll (Atheists) will have the control!' The control?!?! For shits sake we're talking about PERSONAL BELIEFS here. How'z about you take control of your belief and I take control of mine and we just be happy watching each other celebrate our own personal convictions??

    Jewish people get Hanukkah.
    Christians get Christmas.
    African Americans get a fake holiday (Kwanzaa).
    Atheists get no holiday.

    It's pretty easy. I really don't see why anyone feels the need to desecrate manger scenes or cause a stink when there is a 'Christmas' Parade. It's a fucking Christian holiday, why do other people need to voice their opinion about it? Especially us Atheists.

    The political correctness behind all this just makes me ill. Everyone HAS to be equal and included on a day for the Christians - I know Hanukkah is tucked in this season too. It's like if I was having a birthday party and everyone else wanted a cake too because they might feel bad that it's not their birthday.

    • +1designbot
    • And is she implying that only Christians should have control, and hence fears it's loss. Methinks, yes.TheBlueOne
    • Yeah I agree. It's fucking silly. Is your belief so weak that you think it needs protecting?!?tommyo
    • if your Atheist , why is only Kwanzaa a fake holiday?BattleAxe
    • zingerDrBombay
    • I thought it was a hallmark holiday like Valentines day no?tommyo
    • I'm okay with sometimes being wrong btw.tommyo
    • like a Festivus , got chaBattleAxe
  • Lillebo0

    As long as religion has a political agenda it is a serious threat, kelpie. I don't mind people believing in stupid crap as long as their beliefs does not influence other peoples lives..

  • designbot0

    ^ "...So many people are so busy trying to make people live like they do: politically, sexually, religiously and culturally...."

    The problem with this, is often times simply by sharing your opinion people assume the above. Why does everything boil down to "trying to make people believe". I don't think this is the motif.

    The very notion of "personal truths" is self defeating. Truth is not based on ones emotions, truth cannot be created out of thin air, but is objective. Your truth, if indeed it is actually true, would be true for me and everyone else in the universe by it's very definition.

    Good ideas have benefits and bad ideas have consequences. All ideas are not created equal....some under scrutiny, fail miserably, others are more convincing. To try and lump everything together and say "not one of us has proof of our beliefs" is to say that all beliefs are somehow equally valid and subjective. I would argue that this is certainly not true.

    "Magnificent arrogance I guess. Might also have something to do with the fear of being wrong - propelling you to want everyone to believe what you do in the pursuit of security in numbers."

    again here you are assuming somehow you know peoples motifs....the "security in numbers" idea I can tell you from my own perspective, is not even remotely close to why I would share my beliefs with another human being. Why do you assume to know so many things about people who disagree? What if it is out of Love? Or for another reason?

    Just thoughts......please know I am just voicing my ideas, and I respect yours.

  • gramme0

    The trouble, designbot, is that people assume truth is malleable. This is due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of truth. You end up with the egg claiming it invented the chicken, and nothing makes sense anymore.

    • indeed.designbot
    • I think the trouble is actually that people believe in an absolute 'truth' to begin with.tommyo
  • TheBlueOne0


  • airey0

    i love how full-on some athiests become. almost like they've made a religion / belief structure out of being athiest.

    also, if you're an athiest yet celebrate xmas in any way at all. i love you. awesomeness.

    • dude, jesus is the LAST THING on most people's minds at christmas.epigraph
    • Actually, Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity. It's an old pagan festival (solstice)..Lillebo
    • http://en.wikipedia.…Lillebo
    • Well, not only on Christmas...ItalianStallion
    • 1) I love the fact you use wikipedia to quote from. Laughable source.
      2) CHRIST-mas was merged with a pagon festival to try to convert them in the dark ages, but CHRIST-mas is still a CHRIST-ian festival.
      3) I love you,
    • with a pagon festival but only to try and convert athiests. CHRIST-mas is still a CHRIST-ian festival.beast08
    • i like the way the romans celebrated that time of the year, lots of food and drinksflyingnowhere
    • beast08 are you serious? are you totally ignorant of history?spifflink
    • if you are a christian and you celebrate xmas, I also love you.
  • airey0

    also, anyone else get the shits with the damn church using xmas to push some religious agenda on us all!? talk about cheap! selling some religious crap on a perfectly good holiday.

  • Jaline0

    I can't stop looking at the woman and that "play" button over her mouth. It seems appropriate.

    • That's Michelle Malkin. Ann Coulter wanna be and hates her own race. She wants to be white.TheBlueOne
    • nice herpes lipMal
  • morilla0

    Where's all the religious chix at? I brought fruitcake.

  • MrOneHundred0

    Funny, but not “ha ha” funny.

  • Renegade0

    Christians acting as stupid as all extremists

    • Atheists acting as stupid as all extremists
      FUCK OFF!
    • I see what you did theremarychain
  • gentleman0


    fence sitting - theres better things to worry about.

    if there is a god - scripture says he's looking out for us (granted - if you believe... but what if you dont disbelieve... is he that lenient? if not - i dont want to have nowt to do with him
    if there isnt - i dont want to spend the little time we have here worshipping thin air.


  • KwesiJ0

    atheists unite !!!!!

  • Jaline0

    It's kind of like how some people (usually Liberals) think you shouldn't say, "Merry Christmas". Some things are taken too far. Let people enjoy their holiday.

    • well dont assume everyone is a christian. keep your religion to yourself...iCanHazQBN
    • i will not be offended if you dont say merry christmas to me.iCanHazQBN
    • There IS a reason behind Christmas.Jaline
    • I'm talking about political correctness and how even the school system is trying to say that "Merry Christmas" is too religiousJaline
    • religious to say out loud to people.Jaline
    • if someone at the register of a grocery store said happy hannukah to you as u were walking out....iCanHazQBN
    • ...would you think that was strange?iCanHazQBN
    • It is a bit strange, yes. I wouldn't mind it at all though. The people I know who are too PC think non-Christians are offendedJaline
    • by anyone saying "Merry Christmas", so they are out to change things. This belief is, in my opinion, unwarranted.Jaline
    • the only reason i'm not offended is because i realize americans are ignorant and think everyone is a christian.iCanHazQBN
    • Lol, agreed :DLillebo
    • No we don't. Have a bite of another stereotype. I agree 200% with Jaline.gramme
    • If people actually get offended by "Merry Christmas", they need to chill the f@#% out and get off their high horses.gramme
    • Yes....Chill the FUCK out. How do you handle life for shits sake getting offended at EVERYTHING?marychain
    • Have a coke and a smile and STFU! You could tell me happy Kwanza, Ramadan or Satan's Briss....marychain
    • if I don't celebrate it...I'm just going to smile politely and walk on. WTF is so hard about that?marychain
    • I think that people that raise a stink about some BS wouldn't be Liberal.lifterBARON
    • It's slightly askew to refer to someone with strong beliefs as that to be so Liberal.lifterBARON
  • morilla0

    I also have some myrrh.

    But I think it's a weird gift for a kid since it is used in the burial of the dead.

    • so you're saying i should exchange the formaldehyde?7point34