Global Warming

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  • scarabin1

    i think it's great that you're aware that there's misinformation out there but you're really erring on the side of ruin here. if YOU'RE wrong the entire human race could go extinct. if WE'RE wrong, oops, the air is cleaner.

    • depends on the regulation. error could cause large food shortages. look at corn ethanoldeathboy
    • i feel more secure in natural selection controlling than government policy on the issue. i think humans error far more frequentlydeathboy
    • more frequentlydeathboy
    • and of course i support the 3 R's and measures in a free market that dont cause suffering.deathboy
    • and not to say regulations cant help, its just like playing with fire. look at the politicians these daysdeathboy
    • theyll have good intentions that create great suffering if it promotes their goals, and hollow apogies on top of a pile of bonesdeathboy
    • of bonesdeathboy
    • yes, humans adapt. we won't let people starve because of pollution regulations, we'll change the way we grow food. that needs revamping as well. this is all part of the "industrialization" and "adaptation" you keep referring to.scarabin
    • that needs revamping as well. this is all part of the "industrialization" and "adaptation" you keep referring to.scarabin
    • toscarabin
    • the only way "nature will sort it all out" is by its creatures figuring out how to not ruin it for ourselves. THIS is evolution.scarabin
    • evolution and adpatation isnt done from policy. policy creates a false cost reward bubble.deathboy
    • policy creates housing bubbles. perverse incentives instead on natural state incentivesdeathboy
    • i think that's an incredibly myopic view. policy has done a lot for a lot of people. just because it's a rule doesn't mean it's automatically badscarabin
    • bad. what you're expecting is a sort of reverse entropy herescarabin
  • utopian1

    Biggest jump ever seen in global warming gases

    The global output of heat-trapping carbon dioxide jumped by the biggest amount on record, the U.S. Department of Energy calculated, a sign of how feeble the world's efforts are at slowing man-made global warming.…

  • joeth1

    Who are we to dispute it? Are you doing climatology experiments in your backyard to determine whether or not we're causing it? The facts are:

    - There are a ton of scientists that say it's real.
    - There are a ton of scientists that say it's not real.

    Since science is never final, how can we be so certain that one group is correct and the other is not?

    • more, and i mean WAY more are in the first category and actually publish.spifflink
  • ukit20

    The U.S. is finally trying to take serious action on climate change, and of course the usual special interests are opposed because it might result in the loss of a few jobs. They totally dismiss the potential of crop failure and water shortages across the world, but some guy in Kentucky losing his job is completely unacceptable.…

  • deathboy0

    Occam's Razor works on smaller scale stuff. Say we have a greater understanding in the last 100 years, but for the last 10,000 we really dont know that much, nor all the factors. Even in the last few thousands we have differing views based on different evidence and priority given to evidence to support different hypothesis. Personally I havent found a way to slice away natural dynamics to give a high yield of probability. Like i said i think climate change is as dynamic as life, especially on smaller scale. If i used the razor on larger scale calculations id say we are likely to push the envelope of warming a few hundred years leading to a natural cold cycle. But that would be about as good as a weather man predicting the weather in a 2 month timeline.I just dont think with the varying factor you can have good predictions. I think it needs to be compared to a small scale but as many variables as a single human being. Their life, genetics and choices, random chance.

    Im only arguing against our innate desire of security and our ignorance in thinking we control everything. And of the ability of men to exasperate the ill effects when thinking they can control things. A quick example is the ignorance of greenspan with a more localized economic policy. I dont know. I cant understand how others can take a few variables and time scales and think they know and take it as an absolute.

    But hey let me predict climate will change warmer or colder or both on a timeline and there is nothing we can do except hedge it slightly a bit on the timeline, and theur will be costs. that im pretty certain of.

  • lowimpakt0

    george - I'm still not clear where this global tax is coming from?

    what organisation administers an international tax?

    • the Vogon Construction Fleet surrounding us right now will happily take it.airey
  • airey0

  • reanimate0

    I think people are missing the fact that climate change could cause a huge number of deaths, but only in some parts of the world. Africa and Southeast Asia will be hit especially hard according to the current estimates, with droughts, crop failures, etc.

    If climate change causes a genocide in the developing world, does it change how people feel about it? Considering that countries like the U.S. and China are mostly responsible, and that U.S. media are mostly the ones spreading disinfo about it?

    • pff, too many people in africa and southeast asia anyway, I'm running out o buy a hummer to speed things up a bit_niko
    • Sorry, I know we supposed to joke about everything these days,reanimate
    • but I have a hard time laughing at the idea of millions of people starving or dying of thirstreanimate
    • Carry on though, it's not your problem I guessreanimate
  • GeorgesII-1

    @ low-impact

    How are 3rd world country supposed to devellop their technology & infrastructure if they can make use of fossil and coal sources of energy. If they start taxing carbon emissions, those countries will never be able to afford the cost of productions.
    I can already here the green zealots say "STOP INCREASING OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT"
    you can't really run a mill on solar energy nor wind,
    and please I'm all for the gree cause, I was part of greepeace, but one day you just wake up and just realize its all bs.

    • Great, so what's your suggestion then?TheBlueOne
    • Or are you all ready to just lay down in your grave and die because mankind is doomed.TheBlueOne
    • You seem to take that position everywhere.TheBlueOne
    • I despise you more than the rightwing trolls because your a cynical fuck.TheBlueOne
    • did I touch a cord. I don't despise you TBO, I met people like you everywhere I went, you're do full of yourselfGeorgesII
    • anyways you posted four notes but didn't even commented constructively, you will never understand shit in life untill you CALM THE FUCK UPGeorgesII
    • I'm full of myself? You're the most arrogant ass I know on this site.TheBlueOne
    • I meet people lik eyou everywhere too. Cynical and full of smart comments but no answers.TheBlueOne
    • It is like the anarchist dude bliznutty around here. He is against everything and for nothing.DrBombay
  • Ianbolton0

    If I was to judge humanity by the contents of the two dating websites I'm on, I'd most definitely say this planet we're on is completely fucked beyond all comprehension.
    Even one of my friends who claims to be an environmentalist thinks science is made up yet still believes in homeopathy and crystal healing.

    I guess the earth will win in the end, and we'll all be destroyed because of our stupidity and greed. :-)

  • nb0

    Read the book or listen to these Massey Lectures by Ronald Wright.

    Part 1:

    Massive wake-up call.

  • DrBombay-1

    What is the worst that could happen? We pay more for power and pollute less? BFD

  • deathboy-1

    Hell the environmental effects of electric hybrids are pretty effed up. Hard to tell the effects of pushing them through large subsidies have. The increase in electricity created through fossil fuels/nuclear/natural methods. The environmental effects of creating and disposal of old and new vehicles, the economic impacts of paying 20k more for a car that save about 1200 dollars a year and the how long you hold onto a car to recoup the costs for the sake of the environment. creation and disposal of a growing amount of batteries. Much like the disposal of growing waste of computers.

    Hard to predict the economic/environmental impacts of just pushing one fix. Now tie that into everything else which is currently changing. Hard to tell the effects the costs and rewards over time. Id like to believe there is some number junkies brilliant fucks out there who know all of it. but i find it hard to believe especially looking at the incentives there results are based on.

    Hard to say. Dont want to sound nihilistic but its hard not too. Maybe better to focus energy of climate change math heads to better what we have. Focus on the now. And be very skeptical of incentives of people promoting the same arguments of heaven or hell in decisions.

    • you realize those hybrids are made by the same people, right?scarabin
    • a more specific argument with largely hard to tell future ends. and still many questions and speculationsdeathboy
    • i understand. i see they get great incentive to push more expensive cars and increase profits all for good intentionsdeathboy
    • and have government subsidize it on top of itdeathboy
    • its a great way to inflate an industry and create jobs for awhile. while being ignorant of the real causality of the decisionsdeathboy
    • the decisionsdeathboy
  • joeth1

    People who have been posting that BBC article seem to have missed this part...

    "In addition, say Met Office scientists, temperatures have never increased in a straight line, and there will always be periods of slower warming, or even temporary cooling.

    What is crucial, they say, is the long-term trend in global temperatures. And that, according to the Met office data, is clearly up."

  • organicgrid1

    Google pulls out of conservative political group over climate change

    Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt says the company is pulling its support of a conservative political group because he believes it is lying on climate change.…

  • joeth1

    This (pretend) debate over man's effect on climate will go on forever. The oil & coal industries will make sure of that.

    The debate about whether or not we need to act is over. There's way too much evidence saying we need to cut emissions right now.

  • GeorgesIV-1

    I honestly think people who deny global climate change should be sent to jail or to reeducation camps,
    I'm not even joking, these deniers are worst than hitler

    • Nice strawmen argument, no one said anything like thatreanimate
    • But saying "we're taking it way too seriously" like niko did when it could cause huge numbers of people to die is pretty ignorantreanimate
    • not very helpful either IMOreanimate
  • utopian1

    A refresher crash course for the inbreds!

    • think the his problem is in his approach of smiley faces in both in the true categories. the truth of yes says u can control itdeathboy
    • if we do something cuasing larger costs and it happens it measn less ppl resources for recovery.deathboy
    • afterall if it happens wouldnt it be the same or is the idea that spending money now can control it?deathboy
    • really utopian. Do u think its better to go into an climate catstrophy in a recession or a healthy system?deathboy
    • His work incase theres a cliamte change and suffer mild recession if there is pushes the idea we develop a way to control climate.deathboy
    • control climate and doesnt address it if we dont promote green technologies and there is a climate changedeathboy
    • does that make sense in these small comment blocks?deathboy
  • utopian0

  • uan1