Ban the internet

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  • 174 Responses
  • TheTick0

    The BIBLE is a story. It is "unprovable". As a story of humanity's struggle it is brilliant - up there with the most spiritual and deepest works of human creation in all of history. I am humbled by it's wisdom and insights. But it's not provable, and wasn't meant to be. Why such insecurioty to "prove it" as opposed to having faith in it's message?

    Might as well spend your time building a square circle.

    Aw fuck it - all you idiots are going to actually believe the book of revelations is a vision of the future anyway. Still trying to figure out what the ten headed beast is - when I was a little kid it was the Soviet Union...oh then it became the EU or the UN and now it's the nations of Islam. Whatever. You people just make shit up to satisfy your insecurities...

  • discipler0

    sigh... mrdobolina, i love how you just pointedly say "the bible has been proven wrong." Are you serious? So, the PHD's who eat, sleep and breathe textual criticism and Biblical manuscript history are deluded? C'mon, you can link obscure innernets™ sites all day long if you want. You can cite pagan creation myths (which date well after the canon of scripture and OT manuscripts) til we're all blue in the face. But it's only going to make you appear un-studied. Look, if you want to do an honest ojbective study, at least use sites with correct and acurate information:

    But let's not turn this thread into another petty link war.

  • version30



    i've never heard any athiest bark like the devout

    your belief is your fault as my beliefs are mine

    the only difference is i don't waste my life away trying to change your mind

    it doesn't need links to be petty... you're already posting in it

  • mrdobolina0

    just those facts have been proven wrong, havent they? that is what I was saying. do you think that your view of creation should be in textbooks and not the ones I cited? there are still people who practice those other religions, aren't there?

  • version30

    *liquidates assets
    *buys local church
    *flips cross
    *lines with red neon
    *open's "club sinner"
    *retires earlier than planned

  • discipler0

    Tick, (I'm going to say something I've said here a million times, so forgive) volumes of history which you accept as fact are compiled from 7 - 10 manuscript copies and are riddled with textual variances of the worst kind. Yet skeptics don't call these into question or cast them under the same scrutiny as the Bible.

    In contrast, the New Testament which, incidentally, was originally written in the Greek language between 50 and 100 A.D. There are presently some 5,000 Greek manuscripts in existence, with as many as 25,000 more copies. Just as amazing is the fact that the earliest manuscripts can be dated back as far as 120 A.D. This is tremendous when you consider that only seven of Plato’s manuscripts are in existence today — and there’s a 1,300-year gap which separates the earliest copy from the original writing. Equally amazing is another fact; and that is, that the New Testament has been virtually unaltered. This has been demonstrated by scholars who have compared the earliest written manuscripts with manuscripts written centuries later. And remember, the accounts in the New Testament were recorded directly by eyewitnesses, (or by those who were associated with them) and in fact had close contact with the events themselves.

    Further evidence of Scripture’s trustworthiness. Such renowned and historical scholars as William Albright and Sir Frederick Kenyon have clearly testified that the findings of archaeology have served to underscore the authenticity of the Bible.

  • TheTick0

    Discipliner - Can you disprove Buddhism? Can you disprove Islam? Can you disproove the Greek Pantheon for crying out loud?

    Can you give me some evidence, you know something scientific, that they are wrong and christianity is right?

    Hmm..thought not. So how do you "scientifically" prove christianity.

    The entire Enlightenment was wasted on you. Completely.

    Where is a good Jesuit when I need one...

  • TheTick0

    High holy crap! I had discpler on ignore and this thread had like 90 posts. I just unignored him just to trip out on his stuff and the thread count jumps to 130!

    Bro - you should be a preacher man...

    Going to read what you wrote and then go back to ignoring you. Fair warning.

  • version30

    christians are facists

    to believe that your version is the only one correct is disgusting

    do you also believe that caucasians are a superior race and that women belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant?

  • discipler0

    Tick, I can't disprove any of those belief systems. I wouldn't. They exist. But their existance doesn't make them right (or wrong). I believe that Christianity is in a different category altogether, apart from world religions. The common link that binds the systems you mentioned is that... if you were to go (hypothetically) to the graves of the founders of those systems, you are forced to say, "here he lies". However, if you go to the tomb of Christ, you are forced to say, "Where is he?". The point being that Christianity is a relationship with a living savior. It cannot be earned thru religious ritualism or performance. World religions follow dead prophets and teach a works-based system of self earned righteousness.

    Furthermore, Christ dealt with sin thru his sacrifice of himself on our behalf. Founders of said religions make no such claim and did not claim to be divine saviors.

  • discipler0

    version3, what the skeptics don't tell you is how Christ elevates the role of women in a culture that repressed them. Just read it for yourself. He taught the equality of all races and that they are all loved with a relentless love.

    I think you are confusing what hypocrites who profess to be Christians have demonstrated, instead of what the Bible actually teaches.

  • version30


    i dont read your essay posts,

    people i respect can't change my mind, luckily for me they respect me as well so they dont waste my time trying to "convert" me

    have i mentioned that priesthood has the highest percentage of molestation charges againt them of all professions in America?

    cuz its true

    how bout this?

    if your god is real, he might back you up on this.

    i'm going to bury you in the ground 6 feet deep, if you rise from that in 3minutes to 3days i'll convert, if you die, i'm guessing god doesn't exist and that mary wasn't a technical virgin, but merely a young woman who gave life to some fool similar to yourself

  • moural0

    christians are facists

    to believe that your version is the only one correct is disgusting

    (May 19 05, 10:53)

    I smell irony.

  • TheTick0

    Version3 - Christians in general are not fascists. Certain sects of american christianity ARE proto-fascist though.

    I consider myself christian - in the sense I think Jesus' sermon on the mount is one of the most challenging and deepest messages we have as a species. Not the only deep message by any means, but a good one. And it is the heart of what christianity is all about.

    All this bullshite about dinosaurs and evolution is all about insecure people looking for a giant nipple to suck on. Smoke and mirrors for a power grab to make sure that they feel all safe in what is a forever unsafe world. So they never have to confront anything different than themselves.

    We do need some biblical courage - the type that had hereos pressing on when they're is nothing but faith left. This evolution/ID shite has absolutely ZERO to do with the human condition.

    So what, we came form Apes..maybe god engineered the transformation form apes. Big freakin deal.

    Jesus is about love brother, not about where we came from.

    Again - in a country that is overwhelmingly christian why do they bleat and vleat endlessly about how they are persecuted. Christians were persecuted in Rome. They were put to death, crucified, hunted down and fed to animals. They're persecuted here?

    American christians ar eso weak that they don't even know what persecution is. Persecution here is a bad OpEd in the NY Times. "Oh No" We're being persecuted!" It's unsfae to be a chrustian in the US!" Give me a break. When churches and bibles start burning and christians are nailed to crosses again you can talk to me about persecution, until then shut up.

  • kld0

    I believe...

    I can fly

  • version30

    well i can touch the sky

  • kld0

    somebody needed to kill this thread ; )

  • TheTick0

    Yes please killit. I will do my part but not putting another post here, just let me say for the record:

    Suck my big giant hairy 'roided out ragin wookie nads of the Science.

  • discipler0

    version3, i generally don't respond directly to your rants because you're vindictive and often contractory in what you say. But...

    I don't know anything about priests - I'm not Catholic. Nor do I believe priests or Catholicism represent Christianity.

    Secondly, if you did read my "essay posts" you'd understand that I'm responding directly to questions and criticisms - a far cry from trying to convert people.

    Not sure what you are getting at about me rising from the grave in 3 days. Bottom line - history attests that the resurrection of Christ is an immutable fact. Take it or leave it. Being intolerant and calling me a fool doesn't garner you much crediblity.

  • mrdobolina0

    show me unarguable historical fact that Jesus was ressurected.