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Out of context: Reply #134

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  • TheTick0

    Version3 - Christians in general are not fascists. Certain sects of american christianity ARE proto-fascist though.

    I consider myself christian - in the sense I think Jesus' sermon on the mount is one of the most challenging and deepest messages we have as a species. Not the only deep message by any means, but a good one. And it is the heart of what christianity is all about.

    All this bullshite about dinosaurs and evolution is all about insecure people looking for a giant nipple to suck on. Smoke and mirrors for a power grab to make sure that they feel all safe in what is a forever unsafe world. So they never have to confront anything different than themselves.

    We do need some biblical courage - the type that had hereos pressing on when they're is nothing but faith left. This evolution/ID shite has absolutely ZERO to do with the human condition.

    So what, we came form Apes..maybe god engineered the transformation form apes. Big freakin deal.

    Jesus is about love brother, not about where we came from.

    Again - in a country that is overwhelmingly christian why do they bleat and vleat endlessly about how they are persecuted. Christians were persecuted in Rome. They were put to death, crucified, hunted down and fed to animals. They're persecuted here?

    American christians ar eso weak that they don't even know what persecution is. Persecution here is a bad OpEd in the NY Times. "Oh No" We're being persecuted!" It's unsfae to be a chrustian in the US!" Give me a break. When churches and bibles start burning and christians are nailed to crosses again you can talk to me about persecution, until then shut up.

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