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Out of context: Reply #130

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  • discipler0

    Tick, I can't disprove any of those belief systems. I wouldn't. They exist. But their existance doesn't make them right (or wrong). I believe that Christianity is in a different category altogether, apart from world religions. The common link that binds the systems you mentioned is that... if you were to go (hypothetically) to the graves of the founders of those systems, you are forced to say, "here he lies". However, if you go to the tomb of Christ, you are forced to say, "Where is he?". The point being that Christianity is a relationship with a living savior. It cannot be earned thru religious ritualism or performance. World religions follow dead prophets and teach a works-based system of self earned righteousness.

    Furthermore, Christ dealt with sin thru his sacrifice of himself on our behalf. Founders of said religions make no such claim and did not claim to be divine saviors.

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