as drunk as a lord

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  • chach0

    *crushes paper cup on forehead and continues to drink

  • grayhood0

    if you're gonna spew, spew in this.

    *hands supes a paper cup.

  • supes0

    this thread is making me queasy.

  • idsgn0

    a few years ago i hit the pub with a friend around 5 to pre drink for a party happening that aft. get pretty sloshed and make our way to the liqour store. buy piles of liqour and head to this party and drink it all fairly quick. go back to get more and continue to drink this even more quick. by this time im completed smashed and know it, start feeling a bit ill so i figure its time for me to walk home, about an hours trek.

    make my exit from the party. dont remember much after this point other than being by a river somewhere, which is weird because i lived downtown not really near any rivers. the next thing i remember is being awakened by the sprinkler system as i slept in a park. scrambled out of the park soaking wet, got my bearings and went home to bed. got home at about 5am.

    talk to my friends the next day, turns out i left the party at 10pm. and have no idea what happened between then and waking up in the park. walking down the street i see this cute art school girl who comes up to me and starts talking to me and knows my name and was asking if i had a good time last nite. never seen her face before in my life. too this day i never figured it out.

  • sajets0

    when i was in 10th grade i was known as toilet seat hugger. That came from while vomiting into white vortex, i was like head on the porcalain, toiletseat around my neck and hands over it.

  • BXCAR0

    some drunk evening I stole a bicycle near the church where I live. It had these bagsn on both sides.

    Morning after I searched those bags, a leopardprint umbrella, some paparazzi magazines, reading glasses, some fresh-from the-market vegetables and a grannie raincoat... shit.
    Dumped it all at a clothes-recyclecontainer... ate the vegetables though.

  • nessdog0

    also... i got run over when i was drunk and the car drove off. hit and run stylee. my vision was so bad that i couldn't see anything and just crossed the road without looking. what a fool.

  • nessdog0

    I once came out of a club when i was at uni and fell backwards into the road. my flatmate couldn't move me, so the bouncer offered to give us a ride home in his 2 seater Jeep thing. So, there were 3 of us in this 2 seater vehicle, when the police started following us. Then the police car pulled up alongside us at some traffic lights... just in time to see me puke out of the window.
    It would've been embarrassing, but i was way too pissed to give a shit. Luckily the police were ok and just made me get out of the car and walk home.

    Another time i was completely off it at a party and fell asleep in their bathroom in a pile of someone elses puke.


  • BXCAR0

    I never understood the Ad Fundum thing. Its tasteless and makes you sick.
    There are better things to get you exported in no time.

  • r_gaberz0

    I once won 10 euro for drinking a bottle of redwine ex.

    I never tried that with harder stuff. Once saw a tv report about a kid who tried this with vodka and died immediatly.

  • r_gaberz0

    Ahh the joy of excessive drinking!

    Unfortunatly I can't remember most of the stuff I did..... I am really shocked you can :)

    I once woke up in Bratislava and I am from Vienna... go figure

  • sajets0

    funnily i've never drank Stroh although i've wanted it. But always come my favourite rum. 60 vol rum called Portorico. It's tastes like wax-remover that is used on old furniture, makes you really hot inside and is easy to abuse :)

  • solmo0

    I was thinkin what it was but i think your right. it was a small bottle about 40 cl

    but still... they had to empty his stomach with a pump.

    woke up the other morning didnt know were he was...

    He still my best mate. we did stupid things when we were young

    Ha : )

  • rasko40

    stroh 80? that shit is 80% and disgusting, I'm amazed he managed to drink half a bottle its fucking disgusting and burns your insides quite severely. good chap.

  • solmo0

    sitting on a square pretty drunk. my mate pulls a bottle with stroh rum. 60% or something. my other mate grabs the bottle and swallows halve of it.

    He turns purple, blue and red and we ended up in the hospital with him.

    He's alive and kicking.

  • sajets0

    the other story... i was 16 then...

    Mates from our school soccer/football team went to play against some other smalltown schools team. Pointless to my mind because we were an art-school while they were school of hopeless kids from country who had nothing better to do than sport.

    So on the bus there we start out with vodka. When we arrive we're pretty drunk and without getting sober we were told to go on the pitch. Ended up with losing 6-0 with one goal coming straight from corner and i was a goalkeeper :)

    ok the night went on and we drunk lots of cheap beer. So when we were really wasted we decide to go and look around. So one of my mates is going in front up the hill which turned out to be a garage built into ground. mate who went in front suddenly dissappeared. We were like where the fuck is Tõnis, when we hear painful sounds 2,5 meters below on the pavement where my mate lied. :D Bruised his ankle really bad.

    But it didn't stop him and us getting tottally pissed. I ended up throwing up next to my sleepingbag :P not a pretty sight in the morning

  • sajets0

    my first bad memory with alchohol. I'm 15, a birthday party of my mate.

    I started off with vodka... flirted with some girls. Then some of the lads went to get some beer, i ran after them and tell them to bring some more. Head spinning... Mate arrives with 1 litre of whiskey. I take it hosatage and empty half of it in 3 gulps (what was i thinking). Last thing i remember was dancing with one of the girls of my class... well if you can call it dancing bacause she just had to carrie me. Now it was 9 pm at that time. I wke up 2 am and ask, who wants a drink? Then get up, face the mirror, and there it was .. me looking like i hade crawled through satans shithole. Puke all over me...

    when i got home the next morning i excused myself saying i fell into salad bowl. hahaa.. parents bought it

    and i didn't drink whisky or any coloured hard stuff for 3 years. only vodka after that

  • BXCAR0

    last one as im waiting for a massive print to roll out.

    my birthday this year.
    had too much booze and decided to stay over at a friends house who runs a papershop.
    after burning my mouth with hot pizza (happens always when I'm drunk) we got home and I said to Sven iI wasnt feeling very good and was going to stay awake.
    Didnt fancy spraying Svens refurbished house. He went to sleep. After fifteen minutes i fugured out to catch the first train to Brussels. When I tried to open the frontdoor (of the shop) it seemed close with the key in Svens pocket, couldnt wake him up...

    after that > BLANK

    Sven woke me up as I had fallen asleep in the shopwindow in between the nice etalagestuff. Its a very busy street and could see lots of grinning faces. What a laugh?! Everytime now I have to hear the story.

  • fets0

    went with an friend of me downtown amsterdam and... eh... damn! I was that drunk I can't remember a thing!

  • grayhood0

    i have one involving absinth in Prague, or Praha i guess i should say. i was staying with a friend but he had a business meeting, so i went to a bar with some Irish kids i had met the night b4, my friend had no idea when his 'meeting' would be over and i had no idea where his place was, so we agreed to meet at midnight in the old town square, then if he wasn't there i would come back every hour and eventually we would meet up. so i drank absinth for about four hours, stumble out of the bar at midnight to the square, wait 10 min, he doesn't show, no problem, back to the bar and Irish accented fun. 1am, not there, 2am, not there. and now the bar is closed. i sit on the bench and the only thing keeping me awake is the constant stream of seedy looking fellows asking me either if i would like to buy or sell hash. i start to become annoyed with the drug dealers and become belligerent, start telling them to fuck off and what not, i notice i am getting looks from Chech police. someone taps me on the shoulder, i turn and take a swing, miss, fall flat on my face, ripping my pants at both knee and bloodying myself, i get up and puke in a trash can, then finally i look and see it was the good Irish who had tapped me. they took me back to their room, clean me up and let me spend the night.

    it turns out my friend got wasted and just forgot to come and get me. it could have been so much worse if that had been a cop i swung at.