as drunk as a lord

Out of context: Reply #73

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  • BXCAR0

    last one as im waiting for a massive print to roll out.

    my birthday this year.
    had too much booze and decided to stay over at a friends house who runs a papershop.
    after burning my mouth with hot pizza (happens always when I'm drunk) we got home and I said to Sven iI wasnt feeling very good and was going to stay awake.
    Didnt fancy spraying Svens refurbished house. He went to sleep. After fifteen minutes i fugured out to catch the first train to Brussels. When I tried to open the frontdoor (of the shop) it seemed close with the key in Svens pocket, couldnt wake him up...

    after that > BLANK

    Sven woke me up as I had fallen asleep in the shopwindow in between the nice etalagestuff. Its a very busy street and could see lots of grinning faces. What a laugh?! Everytime now I have to hear the story.

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