as drunk as a lord

Out of context: Reply #87

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  • idsgn0

    a few years ago i hit the pub with a friend around 5 to pre drink for a party happening that aft. get pretty sloshed and make our way to the liqour store. buy piles of liqour and head to this party and drink it all fairly quick. go back to get more and continue to drink this even more quick. by this time im completed smashed and know it, start feeling a bit ill so i figure its time for me to walk home, about an hours trek.

    make my exit from the party. dont remember much after this point other than being by a river somewhere, which is weird because i lived downtown not really near any rivers. the next thing i remember is being awakened by the sprinkler system as i slept in a park. scrambled out of the park soaking wet, got my bearings and went home to bed. got home at about 5am.

    talk to my friends the next day, turns out i left the party at 10pm. and have no idea what happened between then and waking up in the park. walking down the street i see this cute art school girl who comes up to me and starts talking to me and knows my name and was asking if i had a good time last nite. never seen her face before in my life. too this day i never figured it out.

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