as drunk as a lord

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  • sajets0

    the other story... i was 16 then...

    Mates from our school soccer/football team went to play against some other smalltown schools team. Pointless to my mind because we were an art-school while they were school of hopeless kids from country who had nothing better to do than sport.

    So on the bus there we start out with vodka. When we arrive we're pretty drunk and without getting sober we were told to go on the pitch. Ended up with losing 6-0 with one goal coming straight from corner and i was a goalkeeper :)

    ok the night went on and we drunk lots of cheap beer. So when we were really wasted we decide to go and look around. So one of my mates is going in front up the hill which turned out to be a garage built into ground. mate who went in front suddenly dissappeared. We were like where the fuck is Tõnis, when we hear painful sounds 2,5 meters below on the pavement where my mate lied. :D Bruised his ankle really bad.

    But it didn't stop him and us getting tottally pissed. I ended up throwing up next to my sleepingbag :P not a pretty sight in the morning

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