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  • utopian-2

    Do depressing!

  • utopian1

    • I honestly wouldn't doubt it.dbloc
    • I’m pretty sure there are videos of bats at that married and pangolins and everything else_niko
    • Another theory is that it came from nearby farmers who harvest bat guano for fertilizer and they plural brought the virus to the market which is why they can’t_niko
    • ...find patient zero.…_niko
    • There is only one lab and about a million other potential sources, so statistically it's unlikely unless there is some direct evidence.yuekit
    • I think people are latching onto this theory the same reason they do with other conspiracy theories, it provides a nice simple explanation for what happened.yuekit
    • "Evil Chinese communists engineered the virus in a lab" as opposed to "bat bit cow and farmer sold the cow at a market" which is probably more likelyyuekit
    • and actually more disturbing since it's completely random, could easily happen again and no one to blame.yuekit
    • yuekit +1hardhat
    • Too many coincidences regarding the lab for it not to be a contendershapesalad
    • shape this is the building I work in…kingsteven
    • it's a BSL-4 lab, 2 other BSL-2 labs i know in our building (level of wuhan lab/ standard level for virology) they are incredibly common...kingsteven
    • Thousands in every country and some of them are going to be working on coronaviruses. There could be one 500m from your house and you wouldn't know.kingsteven
    • it's just as possible it came from anywhere/ was discovered first in wuhan because they have expertise to spot it.kingsteven
  • NBQ001

    Walt Disney World to Furlough 43,000 Employees:…

  • utopian1

    Uninsured Americans with COVID-19 would pay an estimated average of $73,300 for a 6-day hospital stay…


    How Much Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Cost Hospitals?

    They found that a hospitalized COVID-19 patient will incur an average of $73,300 in costs. However, the total average allowed amount per commercially insured patient is just $33,221.…

    • Covid hospitalization is billed to Medicaid I heard. But also I think the Fed get invol6and the body may be considered toxic. Hence the refrigerator trucks.robotron3k
  • sted2

  • yuekit3

    • Great presentation thanks for the link, more people need to watch this to give them a better picture of what it is, where it came from and how we’re working on_niko
    • ...fighting this and future epidemics. Long but we’ll worth the watch...what else are we doing?_niko
  • whatthefunk3

  • yuekit0

  • dbloc-3

  • NBQ000

    Explosive Report: Wuhan Biolab Captured Bats From Caves Traced To COVID-19 Outbreak, Had US Funding:…

    • The truth is out thereutopian
    • Nothing disturbing or explosive, just research. We already know corona viruses come from bats. Go on, nothing to read here.grafician
    • we share 99% of DNA with chimps. to mutate from the 96% similar bat virus it would take 40+ years. so unless it escaped the Wuhan lab in 1979...kingsteven
    • reversed.uan
  • shapesalad-3

    Good reporting:

    • check your sources bro. This isn't journalism.pr2
    • It isn’t CCP sponsored either...shapesalad
    • It was good to hear how WHO members was money on expensive suites at expensive hotels etc.shapesalad
    • i heard 3 strains as well, but now that im googling shit im only seeing it on BS news sites so it maybe fakemoldero
    • shape, you basically said anyone who says something you already believe in is credible. that's insane.pr2
    • Never said I believe it. But some of the points made in that video were first time for me to hear them.shapesalad
  • shapesalad-1

    • Time for the WHO to be dismembered and a better true Organisation established. Without Chinese manipulation.shapesalad
    • i actually used to think you had a bit of sense to you shapesalad. wha' happon?kingsteven
    • He's went full PJW.PhanLo
    • I had to google PJW... I remember cringing at some of that lads vids before, but now I know he was born on the exact same day as me. Thanks Google.kingsteven
    • I think its the Lockdown effect. This thread was 9/10 early on for finding out what was happening.
      I'd give this page of it 2/10 (being generous)
    • now krassy is complaining about all medical R&D :-s it's good to observe such a diverse set of 'opinions' but quite depressingkingsteven
    • All the early chat was really good for understanding how horrible it was, learning about what was happening in Italy.
      My in-laws didn't take it really seriousy
    • until Boris started to get sick and they'd got a letter from the government. Father in law uses oxygen but also reads the Daily Mail and kept wanting to go toPhanLo
    • get one each day.PhanLo
    • the social aspect is the most telling for sure. had a post written there about my folks but think i may be done with qbn for now, shits just getting me down tbhkingsteven
    • This clip was sent to me from my friend in Taiwan, I’m just providing some balance here as most of you seem to take China at face value.shapesalad
  • Krassy-5

    I can't help but wonder a bit about all the 'experts' and 'researchers' out there getting paid big $, yet they appear lost at the moment when it comes to combating a virus outbreak.

    The amount of money spent on R&D for health (including Virology) in the past 30 years is absolutely insane, but here we are, the US (and the rest of the world) caught knowing very little about a virus that is taking people's lives, and is crushing the economy, and has absolutely paralyzed human life.

    So many experts out there (110,000 researchers from around the world), so much money spent ($60 Billion per year in the US alone the past 15 years, $30 Billion of which directly allocated to the NIH), and all we got is "stay at home" and "wear a mask" and "wash your hands with soap."

    Where is the accountability for money spent on Virology R&D?

    • Well, having a vaccine in under a year considering otherwise it would take 5...grafician
    • Then again why we spend so much paying politicians and gov, with them being so useless rn...grafician
    • It's expensive because it's still beyond our medical capabilities and could be catastrophic—just due diligence.monoboy
    • while paying so little to "essential" workers and so on and so forthgrafician
    • the vaccine almost certainly already exists (there are 21+ in trials) it takes a year to make sure it's not going to kill people.kingsteven
    • not to mention Chi na dropped the ba ll this time bigtime, so they should at least send a few trillion PPEs our way and stop eating batsgrafician
    • So a search for a vaccine is all we got? After 30+ years of research and half a trillion dollars spent? Hmm. Dunno.Krassy
    • It’s not as simple and easy as throwing more money at it.monospaced
    • ^ agreedKrassy
    • but the money spent should be justified by some more breakthroughs than just a search for a vaccine and "wash your hands" adviceKrassy
    • I guess it goes to show how complicated this is and not all viruses respond to vaccines, in fact most don't especially when they mutate so readily._niko
    • it took us 40 years to come up with a reliable ebola vaccine and that was with tons of money and research thrown at it. at the same time we discovered the_niko
    • smallpox vaccine almost buy luck by exposing a person with the similar cowpox virus and letting the body form antibodies and thus immunity to smallpox._niko
    • Right, we have solar energy, wifi, satelites in orbit, brain embedded medical devices, self-driving cars, etc yet we got "wear a mask" when it comes to VirologyKrassy
    • Sounds like a lot of Virology 'scientists' and 'researchers' are doing fuck all and just collecting grant $. No breakthroughs. No accountability.Krassy
    • sounds like a pretty reductive way to view science and medicine.inteliboy
    • I also DEMAND to know why we can't reverse engineer millions of years of evolution and natural selection. Maybe it appears simple but it's far from it.dorf
    • Krassy must be one of Trump’s top advisors.imbecile
    • I can't get my head around the level of ignorance in Krassy's posts here. There are over 21 vaccines being trialled within 2 months of discovery of the viruskingsteven
    • it's like he's seriously asking. 30 billion a year and we can't live forever yet? as the world gets smaller the risk of pandemics gets biggerkingsteven
    • How dare you krassy. You are so ignorant to question the experts. Get him QBN! Protect your precious communism!Hayoth
    • there were multiple coronavirus vaccines researched at the time of SARS but funding was pulled. 6 months after this is over it'll be forgotten about tookingsteven
    • @imbecile, please don't make this political, as I didn't either. (For the record, I can't stand Trump prob as much if not more than you)Krassy
    • @kingsteven please enlighten me as to the 'level of ignorance.' What an I ignorant about? I am full aware of the vaccines being developed.Krassy
    • I celebrate scientific advances and am not here to discredit any efforts made! I just question the use/misuse of funds and the vaccines-only approach.Krassy
    • There appears to be a lack of research in the field of functional medicine, particularly in studying the microbiome.Krassy
    • maybe this will help you understand... top mathematicians and statisticians with the most powerful computers can not predict lottery numbers.imbecile
    • ^ LOL! what!? haha. Silly 'analogy' to what I am talking about. Tnx much for helping me understand . Pffft..Krassy
    • the virus reacts to human dna in a very particular way, the result varies from virus to virus, to cure or subside the effects takes a very particular antibioticimbecile
    • you expect them to guess what the virus does and cure it before they ever find the new strain? Krassy, you'd top trump aid for sureimbecile
    • *vaccineimbecile
    • Krassy believes this tweet :D…imbecile
    • it's a legit question, we can say the same for cancer research and that budget is many times greater. We also now have supercomputers crunching data_niko
    • making calculations in minutes that would have taken us decades to make, and still we're no closer to curing cancer._niko
    • "There appears to be a lack of research in the field of functional medicine, particularly in studying the microbiome."yuekit
    • Haha are you even remotely in this line of work Krassy? Where did you get a quote like this from?yuekit
    • Not saying this is necessary wrong as I know nothing about it either. Just find it funny how everyone is an "expert" these days on every topic.yuekit
    • From what I am reading here...
    • ..."functional medicine" does not sound like something I would want the government to be investing billions of dollars in.yuekit
    • i think krassy is on to something he just isnt seeing it. yes the increased amount of spending is asinine. Mainly due to know matter the amount of throwingdeathboy
    • money at problems solve them. Better solution is seeing gov spending and third party systems contribute to so much financial waste in a system drivendeathboy
    • mostly on gaming insurance and federal subsidies. one awesome thing about this is the billables in medicine not related reducing salariesdeathboy
    • hopefully that pressure might help some peopel to split...though our local hospital just got a ton of people to sign non competes... i do like that right now ideathboy
    • can order contact lenses without renewing a prescription through an eye doc. One swhihc usually will do every test to max out insurance payments at no cost to udeathboy
    • it took them something like 4years to identify the virus that causes AIDS in the 80‘s.uan
    • Lol! Haven’t seen ‘prayers’ and ‘thoughts’ solve anything yet either but people still give them money. Also... ‘presidents’... you are a moronscruffics
  • Ramanisky20…

    A few weeks ago OAN News and Chanel Rion broadcast on their channel that Dave Bowman from 2001 Space Odyssey is “a monitored source amongst a certain set in the D.C. intelligence community.”

    LOL “I’m sorry Dave.....”

    Oh also the coronavirus was created in
    a Government Bio Lab in North Carolina.


    • OAN News can go fuck itself.Akagiyama
    • This has got to be a network like The Onion. I mean, come on ... no-one could be that dramatically retarded, could they?Continuity
  • Ramanisky22

    #FireFauci .... hmmmm.

    • everybody seems to have fucked up here... I can show you clips / articles / quotes of media & politicians on both sides way back in Feb (or b4) fucking upPonyBoy
    • All the American presidents fucked up on the Coronavirus the last few weeks, not just one. :)monospaced
    • Conservatives have reached the point where they treat the President of the USA like their own retarded special needs child...yuekit
    • “He’s trying his best...gosh who could have known...”yuekit
    • All the leaders fucked up. Trump doesn't run that little city you live in, mono... you know—the one de Blasio was telling everyone to come and enjoy!PonyBoy
    • de Blasio: It's just a Flu or a Cold!!!!…
    • barely 1 month ago that was shot... "only 25 people... blah blah de blasio!!"PonyBoy
    • You guys want to see the clip of Pelosi fucking around in Chinatown San Francisco... telling everyone everything is alright?PonyBoy
    • Point being... the Orange Turd is far from the only person we should be shitting on.PonyBoy
    • You guys want to see the clip where fuckNut Biden calls trump a Xenophobe for blocking a good portion of travel to and from China?PonyBoy
    • *giggle... you might want to include those three fuck-ups in your next Special Needs class, yuekit. One wants to be Preezy & another is 3rd in line now—scary.PonyBoy
    • I'm sure you can dig up stupid quotes from Democrats too...but the idea that no one could have known it was a threat three months ago is ridiculousyuekit
    • I mean this is not distant history...we can all look back to January and see that the media and public health officials were already taking it seriously.yuekit
    • Even people here on QBN were talking about it. Are we really that smart? :)yuekit
    • What's funny is our own 'cosmo' from NT/QBN past works for a media outlet and has been 'warning' me for over 3 months this was coming... I laughed it off. :/PonyBoy
    • Anyway... I'm not gonna Mon Morning QB this shit anymore... gives me a headache. 'Everyone' got this shit wrong at the start and has changed their tune.PonyBoy
    • That's what Trump would LIKE you to believe but it's very easy to go back and see it's not true.yuekit
    • Yeah. Sure. But the president went beyond just ignoring it. He called it a hoax and went against best advice several times.monospaced
    • His actions spurred Fox News to spread misinformation and endanger many. They credit trump for it too.monospaced
    • not all leaders fucked up, pure nonsense, just look at the scales of fuck uppery .. and than rank el trumpo loco.neverscared
    • who was dumb enough to call it hoax. bolsarano maybe , there u have your degenerated morbid suckers...neverscared
    • "I'm not gonna Mon Morning QB this shit anymore" thank fuck! If you could also stop Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun that would be fantastic. off you fuck, ponyscruffics
    • People perceive reality based on political ideology. The reality is NO COUNTRY will be handling this well until we find a vaccine.hotroddy
    • politicians in power will down play it (to not cause panic) while politicians seeking power will blame them for ithotroddy
    • what hotroddy said.
      Also—I'd love to respond to some of you but you're twisting shit as usual... shame we can't live in reality.
    • https://www.snopes.c…PonyBoy
    • You guys should let go of that 'hoax' shit too... you look dense to anyone who's bothered to listen to the clips or read the transcripts. You just look dumb.PonyBoy
    • There are so many obvious reason to dislike the orange turd yet for some reason you guys (and the like) repeat dumb shit. You're going to get him re-elected.PonyBoy
    • I really could care less about Trump, sick of talking about him. However it's VERY well documented that he ignored the warnings on this.yuekit
    • And I'm saying well documented aside from the fact that he was on TV for a month comparing it to the flu :)yuekit
    • The fact that conservatives think they can rewrite history when the whole thing literally just happened a couple months ago is baffling.yuekit
    • That same history where you fail to mention nearly ALL the big leaders on the left did the exact same thing? And don't tell me it was cuz TRUMP was doing it. :)PonyBoy
    • Anyway if you are really interested you can read this article.
    • Like Pelosi or de Blasio would fucking follow suit w/Trump? *gigglePonyBoy
    • Or this one from a couple days ago
    • The difference is that lots of people within Trump's own administration repeatedly warned him and spent weeks trying to get him to pay attention to the issue.yuekit
  • imbecile3

    Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus…

  • NBQ006

    • Someone like him will probably become POTUS one day with a Youtuber as vice and an influencer at defenseBennn
  • imbecile0

    Unemployment Websites Are Crashing Across The Country…

    While some states are getting deluged with so many unemployment claims their computers are crashing, President Trump continues to downplay the impact of the coronavirus on the U.S. economy.

    • #maga

    • This is how it works, the States handle the crisis and if they need the Govt. responds. Ngl, sounds like the States need better a software...robotron3k
    • so according to bobos logic from now own the its called states of north america and the government.sted
    • -own thested
  • nb0

    So, we are now using Medicare to pay hospitals for anyone who needed Covid treatment.

    Mark my words: in a few years (or less!) Republicans will be sharing numbers to argue how we should get rid of Medicare because it's so far in debt. "Look how much we spend on Medicare!", they'll say.

    • Its probably a good thing, who wants to be saddled with a massive financial burden.robotron3k
  • Krassy0

    USS Theodore Roosevelt Sailor Dies From the Coronavirus…