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  • grafician1

    "Rogue antibody and mystery pathogen behind AstraZeneca blood clots: study"

    "A rare gene combined with exposure to a mystery pathogen may have caused the blood clotting issues that plagued AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine."…

    • rogue vaccine would be another way of describing things.zardoz
    • anyhow, that's for folk who took the vax to fret over.zardoz
    • any astrazenecistas here? how do you feel about this news?zardoz
    • I bet they dead pleased.…
    • *feelChimp
    • Of about 13 million doses of AstraZeneca administered in Australia, there were 173 blood clotting cases and eight deathskingsteven
    • Before roll out the UK MHRA estimated that out of 20.2 million doses then administered, four per million were at risk of blood clots.kingsteven
    • (after roll out to elderly) which is lower than pfizer and moderna estimated, in hindsight thirteen per million in aus. I'd feel pissed if it was mandated too.kingsteven
    • Don’t forget adverse reactions are grossly under reported. Meanwhile there are mysterious excess deaths in the more highly vaccinated countries.Chimp
    • This all coming from muppets who ignore that covid killed millions.monospaced
    • Mono, you're missing the point.Chimp
    • We're pushing back against all the lies and propaganda that supported taking away human rights, pushing us towards Chines style state control.Chimp
    • This is mono when someone questions the safety of the vaccine.…Chimp
  • Chimp2

    Some doctors sharing their concerns about the covid vaccine.

  • grafician-5

    Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at…

    Chinese officials estimate about 250mn people or 18 per cent of the population were infected with Covid-19 in the first 20 days of December, as Beijing abruptly dismantled restrictions that had contained the disease for almost three years.

    The estimates — which include 37mn people who were infected on Tuesday alone, or 2.6 per cent of the population — were revealed by Sun Yang, a deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a Wednesday health briefing, according to two people familiar with the matter.

    Sun said the rate of Covid’s spread in the country was still rising and estimated that more than half of the population in Beijing and Sichuan were already infected, the people briefed on the meeting said.

    • the numbers are simply staggering
      In another article it was something like 5K dead per day!
      without good vaccines they are fucked :/
    • Nah, it's just the sniffleszardoz
    • And stats out of Chyna are worthless,zardoz
    • Oh no, it's on

    • We're stopping publishing covid stats here in the UK. Problem solved,zardoz
  • Hench-6

    This is what Jacques Attali wrote in 1981, who was then an advisor to François Mitterrand, Former President of France.

    “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.

    Overpopulation is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself."

    -- The Future of Life - Jacques Attali, 1981, Interview with Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l’avenir collection, éditions Seghers

    • "This text is completely made up... It is in no way close to the initial excerpt. It is like saying that I wrote ‘Mein Kampf’", Attalikingsteven
    • I bet you found that on one of the thought police fake fact check sites that come up on the first page of Google, didn't you? LOLHench
    • Snopes, by chance? You'll literally believe the first thing you see that informs your b, won't you? You Sir, are one of the people they're trying to get rid of.Hench
    • Confirms your bias*Hench
    • Quoting Snopes is like saying 'Hitler said so, so it must be true" lol. You people are beyond help.Hench
    • It's in his book printed in 2006. You no longer possess your own mind when you take the first link on Google that confirms your bias. Google = thought policeHench
    • From 1b to 8b people in 100 years and you GENUINELY believe they'd not try and tackle that unsustainable growth. You really, genuinely believe that?Hench
    • Or are you just wishing because it's too painful to even acknowledge for a second that you've just destroyed your immune system with a lethal injection?Hench
    • Far easier to find the first link on Google that makes you feel better and get back to your comfortable denial. I'm sure.Hench
    • Hench can you explain why some guy saying something back in 1981 means anything?yuekit
    • You're a fucking bellend Hench. Overpopulation isn't an issue when countries like Japan are choosing to not even having children.Ianbolton
    • Population will level out, but hopefully you don't have kids pushing he nonsense you doIanbolton
    • He's just making the same mental leap as every conspiracy theorist -- some random guy who worked in the French government said something,yuekit
    • therefore it must be official policy of the New World Order. Even before you talk about overpopulation you should maybe consider if this really makes sense.yuekit
    • Conspiracy theories are almost always based on this kind of flawed reasoning. Everything has to be significant, nothing is ever just a coincidence.yuekit
    • think how many squillions of coincidences had to fall into place in order for us to exist and be here, now, discussing this shit with set.Fax_Benson
    • some people just need a narrative to explain away all the randomness.Fax_Benson
    • I translated and read the chapter of the book, and then read the quote from attali saying it's BS. Where's your research Hench. Just copy pasta? Yepkingsteven
    • starting with 50 years old would be better...neverscared
    • we are all going to mars...there will be not any overpopulation soon enough obviouslyneverscared
    • Perhaps yuekit and hench are the same person and their alternative egos fight it out in here.Chimp
    • I don't have anything against Hench/set at all, I thought some of the design stuff he posted here was really good. But cmon guys,yuekit
    • You're asking us to believe that vaccines are killing lots of people, and now on top of that we have to believe 5G beams are causing COVID, also the virusyuekit
    • doesn't exist apparently. Is it too much to ask for some evidence of any of this?yuekit
    • “ It is estimated that only 10% of serious reactions and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported.”Chimp
    • It could be even lower now that there is so much pressure to shout anti vaxxer at anyone who mentions deaths caused by the vaccine.Chimp
    • So I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth. Especially when the PM has shares in moderna. Talk about a conflict of interest.Chimp
    • I know 2 young healthily people who died after taking the booster. Utopian has 2 friends that suffered a stroke shortly after.Chimp
    • I'm sorry about your friends or people you know but you realize this isn't a good way to prove something right?yuekit
    • It also doesn't make sense to say something like "it might be true but because they covered it up, we'll never have the evidence... therefore it's true."yuekit
    • This is circular reasoning that can literally be used to prove anything. Conspiracies tend to follow the same pattern again and again and this is one of them.yuekit
    • But could the vaccines be dangerous? I'm not ruling it out, I'm just saying I haven't seen any good evidence for it.yuekit
    • And it seems strange not to have that evidence when a majority of the entire world has been vaccinated.yuekit
    • Evidence isn't anecdotes and stories, it's data and experiments that prove something is true. If billions of people were being given a toxic vaccine, you'dyuekit
    • think this would be easy to prove.yuekit
    • only coz u have two friends actually does mean pretty much zuero ... there could be one guy with 20 friends if the critical proportional number isneverscared
    • distributed through the population to render the 20 numbers harmless in quantifing evaluations obvsiously.neverscared
    • I think with all the conflicts of interest over the vaccines, it’s sensible to keep an open mind.Chimp
    • myocarditis, blood clots are a side-effect of any infection or vaccination. folks are acting like it was a surprise that people died, by the time <65'skingsteven
    • got vaccinated the stories of deaths were all over the news. still, less risk than getting the OG virus and i've seen no evidence that there's any risk beyond akingsteven
    • ...few weeks after the vaccination (also known at the time). it shouldn't have been mandated. why anyone healthy <65 gets the booster is beyond me.kingsteven
    • if u think medicine is not designed asymptotically u have a open mind inside pure naivity ..neverscared
    • Beyond COVID, it looks like mRNA vaccines might be a major innovation in medicine so don't be surprised if you end up taking them someday :)yuekit
    • oh, no doubt. next deadly pandemic get it in me.kingsteven
    • please tell us how 5G is involved .pango
  • Hench-3
    • @Utopian, what happened your 2 friends who suffered a stroke after taking the booster?Chimp
    • * to yourChimp
    • I like how everyone is silent when irrefutable facts and numbers are involved. Funny that, init...Hench
    • I've officially given up trying to talk to these brain dead retards. The brainwashing is too strong.Hench
    • Imagine having two friends that suffered strokes after taking it and still defending it. That's some serious mind programming.Hench
    • Utopia seems like a good chap. I’m sure he’ll see that not all is well with the vaccines.Chimp
    • Where are the numbers here? I see a few stories about people who got myocarditis. No one ever claimed this isn't a side effect.yuekit
    • If you can't even quantify how many people are dying or disabled from vaccines then why would you be so convinced about this in the first place?yuekit
    • its the end of the year lol we're busy with friends and families.pango
  • grafician-2

    "The WHO estimates of excess mortality associated with the COVID-19 pandemic"

    "The World Health Organization has a mandate to compile and disseminate statistics on mortality, and we have been tracking the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020"

    "We estimate 14.83 million excess deaths globally, 2.74 times more deaths than the 5.42 million reported as due to COVID-19 for the period. "…

    • And that number is probably very conservative too...grafician
  • mg332

    Had a great weekend in NYC with my wife, went to her office holiday party, made some new friends, saw a good friend, ate good food, lots of pizza, bought new records, took a lot of photos


    I had it once before in January. Mild symptoms; if I hadn't taken a rapid test this morning I probably would have thought it was a mix of a regular cold and exhaustion from working on a new biz pitch I'm presenting tomorrow.

    Talking to my doctor about Paxlovid and hoping maybe that speeds things up. Anyone else taken it?

    • still undefeated

      Nairn has it or had it recently
      Maybe a few more but they don't know it

      Should be mild af now
    • Seems to be a familiar pattern of people going to xmas parties and coming back with covid.shapesalad
    • I went on a biz trip and everyone got it. My Dr gave me Paxlovid and I cleared up quicker than anyone else...fooler
    • One advantage of being "older" and "heavier" than most of my co workers. They're only giving it to "high risk" patients.fooler
    • Lol, you people really are big pharma's whores aren't you? UnbelievableHench
    • I felt fine just a mild cold but a big pharma provided test told me I need to go to big pharma and ask for some drugsHench
    • if that's your conclusion, Hench, then you're probably not running on all cylinders.monospaced
    • Explain how I'm wrong. All you've ever done is give some half arsed ridicule as a responseHench
    • No? Right thenHench
    • People on here seem to think ridiculing or insulting someone is some sort counter argumentHench
  • yuekit-2

    What people don't seem to realize is that all these anti-establishment narratives -- from anti-vax to ivermectin, the Great Reset/ World Economic Forum, the lab leak theory, even the ridiculous sounding ones like 5G causing COVID -- all of them are being pushed and funded on a massive scale by governments and people with an agenda.

    For instance here's a study showing how hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID was astroturfed into existence. The motive was to undermine support for lockdowns so that businesses could stay open by claiming there was already a cure.…

    The easiest way to influence society is now through these anti-establishment social movements. There's no barrier to entry and it's never been easier to run an astroturfed PR campaign using paid trolls, bots etc. People who distrust the government and "the establishment" are the main targets of this kind of propaganda.

    • This is the real danger of social media IMO, that someone like Elon Musk ignores as he goes on and on about free speech.yuekit
    • After the first wave Madrid never locked down and was fine. Sorry to upset your conspiracy theory.Chimp
    • What does that have to do with anything? Does that mean governments and corporations aren't running disinfo campaigns?yuekit
    • Here's another article on how the main lab leak story of 2020 was actually planned and funded by a Chinese billionaire working with Steve Bannon...yuekit
    • https://mediamanipul…yuekit
    • I remember people posting this exact story here. Is it not worth pointing out that this was intended to manipulate you?yuekit
    • Or one on the Epoch Times:
    • Hey are you ok?Chimp
    • lol, yeah are you? I'm not saying mainstream is always right just there's an ocean of bullshit out there in alternative media.yuekit
    • There are loons on both extremes.Chimp
    • What's surprising is the extent they will go to trick people, in some cases even fabricating entire science papers.yuekit
    • Pfizer, have had some of the biggest criminal charges of all time brought against them.Chimp
    • Never said corporations don't do bad shit. But at least they're subject to regulators, the media etc. There's zero accountability for online disinfo.yuekit
    • Also the true story of this stuff is in some cases weirder than the conspiracy version. In the article on Epoch Times it talks about how there are troll farmsyuekit
    • in Europe where Falun Gong cult members spread COVID and anti-vaxx disinfo, then take a break to meditate and do breathing exercises at work.yuekit
    • Yep there are always loons online. And don’t forget Pfizer funds the FDA that’s supposed to regulate it.Chimp
    • I agree that's a real issue. But the whole point was it's not just loons, these are well-funded, organized campaigns.yuekit
    • Chimp rests his entire cases on anecdotes and hyper localized examples so he’s the most right.monospaced
    • The idea that the government didn't want lockdowns is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've seen so far in an all of thisHench
    • They really have some a number on you. You genuinely believe that no anti establishment narrative is real and that you're being told the 100% truth about everytHench
    • Idiocy beyond measure.Hench
    • "You genuinely believe that no anti establishment narrative is real and that you're being told the 100% truth about everyt" is not something I said lolyuekit
    • Great. Share one anti establishment narrative you believe in...Hench
    • Mono brain getting triggered again by facts.Chimp
    • I think in some cases the lockdowns absolutely did more damage than they prevented. Particularly to the working class in developing countries.yuekit
    • However as far as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vaccines not working, the virus not being real...of course I'm not going to agree with things that aren't trueyuekit
    • And in general the idea that non-experts are more trustworthy than experts... imagine how annoyed you'd be if people applied that to the field you work in.yuekit
    • It's the equivalent of the client standing over your shoulder saying make the logo bigger...except the client is now telling you an entire alternate theory ofyuekit
    • design, typography, coding, etc. Imagine how absurd and obnoxious that would be and you can start to understand where scientists are coming from.yuekit
    • I would add there are serious questions around making vaccines mandatory and restricting human rights for those who don’t take them.Chimp
    • Plus, in Spain masking outside was imposed which was ridiculous. Anyone who questioned it was branded a conspiracy nut.Chimp
    • It’s naive to think that we should believe everything the so called experts tell us as they don’t always have our best interests at heart.Chimp
    • The British PM has shares in moderna.
      Pfizer funds the FDA who is suppose to regulate it. Pfizer has connections to Reuters.
    • Because of this, it’s best to keep an open mind about what is being said while not going off on a 5G conspiracy nut case rant.Chimp
    • At one point so called experts told us that Iraq had WMDs. 100,000s died based on this lie.Chimp
    • yeah, no Chimp, facts are not what you're wielding, sorry bromonospaced
    • Mono, sorry bro but what I’ve mentioned here are all facts. They just go against your woke viewpoint. Best out your mask on and find a safe space to cry.Chimp
    • As far as Iraq War goes experts didn't say that, politicians did. I think you can trust scientists and experts more than politicians and online grifters.yuekit
    • Yep the politicians are the real snakes. The scientists in the Great Barrington Declaration spoke up against these.Chimp
    • The expert predictions of Sage have also been proven wrong.Chimp
    • The policies enacted like Chinese style internment camps in Australia, forced vaccination in Austria, prohibited use of public transport in Italy.Chimp
    • These were all terrible policies that were abuses of human rights.Chimp
    • I actually agree there were some inhumane policies. But if zero COVID is on one extreme the Great Barrington Declaration is on the other. Their predictions wereyuekit
    • also wrong and there were governments that more or less followed their approach: the USA, Brazil, didn't turn out well for these countries.yuekit
    • What about Sweden and Madrid? It's very difficult to compare countries or even cities. Florida has had a better outcome than California...Chimp
    • https://www.aljazeer…yuekit
    • Anti-lockdown people would probably agree with everything India was masks, encourage large gatherings.yuekit
    • But the result of this was hundreds of thousands (more likely millions but they don't know the true number) of people dying horrible deaths.yuekit
    • Why was Florida better off than California that had stricter measures?Chimp
    • Why was there little difference between Madrid with relaxed regulations compared to Barcelona that introduced Covid passports?Chimp
    • These Chinese style restrictions on human rights did little to protect people and were more about control.Chimp
    • Supporters of these CCP style human rights abuses are now clearly on the wrong side of history. It didn’t work in Italy and it didn’t work in China.Chimp
    • I don't think you can directly compare two places because things like climate, demographics, population density could influence how bad the outbreak is.yuekit
    • What you can say is that in some places where they tried the herd immunity approach it was a total disaster. Other places did fine with it.yuekit
    • Countries like Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea took a more strict approach (but not like China) and did better than USA and Europe for the most part.yuekit
    • I think it all depends on the situation. Omicron is not worth locking down over but if there's a virus with 10% fatality rate you'd probably stay inside right?yuekit
    • Covid never came close to killing 10% of those infected so the lockdowns weren’t justified. It’s estimated to be, 0.53%-0.82%Chimp
    • Yuekit, they've even admitted they didn't test the vaccines for transmission. They don't stop people, transmitting, or getting sick or dying from covidHench
    • How is it a conspiracy theory that the vaccines don't work?Hench
    • Unless you're one of the nutcases that was hospitalised with covid sheet vaccinating and say 'well it would have been worse without the vaccine'Hench
    • You sound fairly reasonable. Surely you're not that far gone?Hench
    • After vaccinating***" Apologies - phone typingHench
    • You're misunderstanding the data. Yes vaccines don't stop transmission very well. But of course they reduce deaths.yuekit
    • The whole point of a vaccine is that it's similar to getting the virus but without actually getting sick. It trains your body to block the actual virus.yuekit
    • So which part are you saying doesn't work? They can measure the presence of antibodies against the virus after people are vaccinated.yuekit
    • You can also clearly see that vaccinated people made up a much smaller percentage of hospitalizations than non-vaccinated.yuekit
    • https://scontent-sea…yuekit
    • Or comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated states
    • I could post about a hundred studies like that, what does it take to convince you guys?yuekit
    • The obvious implication...if you zoom out to the whole that vaccines, the thing you're against, saved millions of lives.yuekit
  • robotinc-7

    Hench, thanks for the links! I started with looking up Arthur firstenberg (author of the rainbow book). Turns out hes the inspiration of sauls brother in better call saul (

    That in turn lead me to a story from Minnesota about stray voltage. Not the same thing as electromagnetic radiation, but still an interesting read…

  • _niko10

    Guise, 100% of the people who died yesterday, all drank water at some point during the past year.

    water = 5 letters

    wake up sheeple!.

    • Ah, yeah.
      Dihydrogen monoxide.
      Horrific stuff. It'll kill you.
    • It's a horrible death. The army stocks up on this thing.palimpsest
    • Counterpoint: 100% of the people who died yesterday all took their last breath.

      breath = 6 letters
    • They think we don't see...YakuZoku
  • Nairn12

    I had Covid a few weeks back. So, we bought loads of PCR tests and the weirdest thing about them is - they worked. They consistently described my having it and consistently described my partner and daughter not having it. Then, weirdly, after a few days they consistently described none of us having it. I'm unsure how they've managed to program these so effectively, and with no visible electronic interface too. Perhaps they're remotely controlled by 5G and are somehow able to consistently distinguish the user, maintaining coherence of The Plan. I'm quite amazed by the tech. I'm also impressed by The Powers That Be planning our demise so far in advance, tuning pandemics to developments in radio wave technologies, although I'm surprised they've so plainly left these correlations open to human observation. Seems to me like a chink in their plan, but what do I know? I'm clearly not smart enough to resolve the vast cathedrals of 5D thinking in anticipation of The Cull. Thank God some people are though, and thank God they are so capable in sharing their findings. It'll really make the difference!

    • I've got a knot in my stomach about the cholera correlation though - that seems so far out there and fucking stupid, I just can't get their devious logic.Nairn
    • Ah, Nairn. I could only hope in my wildest non-human dreams to even aspire to your level of enlightenment. Never mind being actually that enlightened!Continuity
    • I'm just an non-human pawn of our masters with a ... *checks notes* ... further four years of life left.Continuity
    • Maybe have a lie down and stay away from the strong cheese for a few days?shapesalad
    • Actual effects of 5G…
    • Next up on CNN:

    • I'm glad we are finally coming together as a community to fight The Powers That Be.
      Stay strong, we shall prevail.
    • The genius thing about the way The Powers That Be have set up The Cull is that they'll end up sharing the world with conspiracy theorist wingnuts ...Nairn
    • anarchist malcontents and people who harmonise their chakra with crystals, rather than a broad base of useful, compliant human drones.Nairn
    • I can't say with any certainty what flavour of genius this is, but I'm certain it'll lead to Utopia.Nairn
    • Preach!palimpsest
    • and who will play the post-cull sports now that all the sports guys are deaded.Fax_Benson
    • How's your book going Nairn?OBBTKN
    • Get topic:blog by user:Nairn.
      Feed to AI and presto!
    • Well done, enough Graphene in your bloodstream now, with all those covid-test you rammed up your nose, you'll be fine, for the next two to five years or so...Elwin74
    • They ran the PCR test results at higher cycles at the beginning of the pandemic to give false results. Did you totally miss my point or what?Hench
    • I don't think you can even see what I said through the smog of your own ignorant smugness.Hench
    • They ran the tests at higher cycles until people took the vaccine. To give a false impression of how rampant covid was.Hench
    • Your smugness suggests you seem to think your anecdote proves something wrong when it's clear you've totally and utterly missed the point. .... "lol"Hench
    • I'm surprised you can keep track of what your point is, given how much it veers all over the place to fit your alt-genius narrative.'Smug indeed' hahaNairn
  • Beeswax-1

    Even if MRNA vaccines have lethal effects Anti-vaxxers are doing this the wrong way and often get mocked because their anti-vaxxing package comes with extras like the new world order, 5g, Putinism and so on... You guys need to pick a fight.

    I'm a skeptic so I stand in between, I'm vaccinated but I always know that there are potential risks especially with new medical technologies.

    My reasoning is simple. At the beginning Covid was highly deadly so I accepted the risks of a new vaccine, but as the time went on the virus mutated into a less harmful version so the risks of further vaccination started to outweigh the risk of dying from covid.
    Here is an article relying on the numbers from Israel. The causality is contested.
    What's not right is shutting down any research that can prove the otherwise. Unfortunately scientific world sometimes gets in a zealous frenzy and dismiss or don't consider other perspectives. And then the tiny bit of research gets grabbed by these nutjob sites and lose already little credibility.
    A counter perspective could be looking at the countries that didn't use MRNA tech like China. It's obvious that they are having hard time dealing with covid more than mrna vaccinated countries but not enough data from there...…

    • Maybe the real conspiracy is that the establishment is using these nutjob sites to discredit any research into vaccines.palimpsest
    • A conspiracy theory I'm surprised no one thought of... what if corporations selling non mRNA vaccines are behind the disinfo campaigns about mRNA vaccineyuekit
    • @Beeswax I think you have to keep in mind that anti-vaxxers aren't just this community of people concerned about vaccines, so much of it is astroturfed byyuekit
    • different groups with an agenda. The Russian government is doing this, so are right-wing billionaires in USA. And probably others we don't know about.yuekit
    • Anti-establishment narratives are in reality now the easiest way for wealthy and powerful interests to manipulate society.yuekit
    • it's terrifying how quickly "scientists" can spew lies by making seemingly matter-of-fact statements even though there is zero evidence for it.pr2
    • the first sentence of that paper couldn't be made with any certainty back in august when the paper was written (and has been proven false now)pr2
    • It says both the disease itself and vaccines can cause heart issues. Which one of those is false?yuekit
    • There's no question vaccines cause side effects for some people, but if you look at the numbers they're talking about it's in the single digits each day...yuekit
    • At a time when they were carrying out a mass vaccination campaign across the country. That's enough to concern scientists to figure the cause butyuekit
    • people wrongly interpret it as "vaccines are dangerous." If you gave everyone in the world aspirin, a small percentage of people would have side effects.yuekit
    • There needs to be a sensible discussion on vaccine safety. There are loons on both sides of the extremes.Chimp
    • I agree that it shouldn't be like a taboo topic or something. The evidence supports that they do cause heart issues but not on a large scale.yuekit
    • Can you at least agree that the media rammed every covid death down your throat but haven't mentioned one single death from the vaccine?Hench
    • You don't think that's strange? You think they care about your health when it's covid related but not when it's vaccine related?Hench
  • Hench-7

    Athletes Around the World are Dropping Like Flies with Heart Problems…

    • and what does it mean when people died of covid and didn't even get vax?
      so many case for me to screen shot but i just can't be bothered.
    • at this point what are you trying to achieve? save people on internet who constantly mocks you?pango
    • or prove that you're right?
      but you're so knee deep in it even if your gut says you should stop, you won't. you rather go in without lube than be a loser?
    • get some help dude.pango
    • Died OF covid or WITH covid?Hench
    • And if there inventor of the PCR test himself has told us you can find almost anything in anybody with it, what are you even basing your data on?Hench
    • A test that doesn't work? Cool story bro.Hench
    • can the PCR test find a dick up your ass?
      lol sry i just couldn't be bothered.
      you're not gonna accomplish anything on the internet with that.
    • As usual every person here ridicules and then leaves without sharing anything worthwhile. Did they OF covid or WITH covid?Hench
    • Die*Hench
    • Can you prove that you can't find anything in anyone with the PCR test? Even though the inventor himself tells us you can?Hench
    • SUN rays every day!
      Cures anger and fear in the the long run.

      at some point you start to feel alive again.
    • If the testing method is bogus, then your data is bogus. They were adding heart attacks and car crash deaths as covid deaths if they tested positiveHench
    • with enough time the mortality rate goes up with 100%. why do you bother living?pango
    • can the PCR test find a dick up your ass tho?pango
    • You're very obviously not worth discussing this with.Hench
    • i thought it was very clear i was more interested in what you were hoping to achieve here.pango
    • was i not clear?
      for real asking.
    • Hench/set you don't seem to realize you're being used. Certain ultra wealthy people see democracy and liberalism as the enemy. They'd love to tear down theyuekit
    • existing system and replace it with a more authoritarian, elitist one along the lines of Russia and China (this is the worldview of someone like Peter Thiel andyuekit
    • other billionaires). These people fund online disinfo not because they believe it, but because it destroys trust in society.yuekit
    • lol and locking people in their homes, forcing them to close their businesses, stopping them travelling and blackmailing them with vaccines...Hench
    • ... and and health passports isn't totalitarian? You are so backwards it's beyond belief. This is the excuse for totalitarianism in the westHench
    • We just had two years of open totalitarianism and you're suggesting the people going against the covid measures are supporting totalitarianism?Hench
    • The media really has worked wonders on your mind. You're supporting your own enslavement.Hench
    • Have you seen what's happening in China because of 'covid'? They'd be doing that in the west by now if everyone thought like you.Hench
    • wait... didn't the virus come from chinese lab? i'd say the lock down and protests are all a show. made up for the west. in reality they're all fine.pango
    • I'm suggesting that people took advantage of the fear and distrust. That doesn't mean the lockdowns were always justified. I think what China did with the "zeroyuekit
    • COVID" was insane. But in case you missed it, even in China the lockdowns are over. They did a 180 and are now going for herd immunity.yuekit
    • See this is how I know that your belief system is 100% given to you by the media. You genuinely believe covid measures are over in China?Hench
    • If you had even a shred of critical analysis and independent research you'd know that large parts of China are in full totalitarian lockdown due to 'covid'Hench
    • People are dying of the cold queuing for miles to get a positive test so that they can buy food. You've just proved you know literally nothing other that what..Hench
    • ... The news tells you. The fact you're so woefully ignorant is means alone for me to give up trying to have a conversation with youHench
    • Negative test*Hench
    • There are millions in China right now protesting the lockdowns. Do you know why you're ignorant to that? Because your media aren't reporting itHench
    • You are embarrassingly ignorant which simply bolsters my pointHench
    • So if you're ignorant to that, what else are you ignorant to? The millions that have died due to the vaccine? I think so.Hench
    • If someone died of a heart attack but tested positive for covid, you'll hear about it. If they died 5 minutes after taking the vaccine... Media silence.Hench
    • Time to wake up. You're late.Hench
    • wake up hench. china lock down and protest were all staged for the westpango
    • lol...yes there were protests in China, a few weeks ago. I posted about them in the China thread.yuekit
    • But within the past week the CCP has totally reversed this policy. They’ve gone from daily mandated PCR test to having no idea how many infections there are.yuekit
    • https://www.bangkokp…yuekit
    • Unfortunately China still faces a terrible situation because as it happens there really a virus spreading that sickens and kills people, and they have almost noyuekit
    • immunity to it. But what it shows is that even in China there wasn’t any well-planned conspiracy... it was much worse than that,yuekit
    • the people in charge had no idea what they were doing and were just making it is almost always the case in real life.yuekit
    • They knew exactly what they were doing . They were following to the letter the Rockefeller document from 2006 called LockstepHench
  • Hench-9

    • I owe you an apology for taking the piss out of you on the 5G thing, set. You were were right, it's horrifically bad for you.Continuity
    • I mean, look, 5G made your brain as smooth as a baby's arse.Continuity
    • I guess you think it's a coincidence that they released 5G first in Wuhan early 2020 right around the time 'covid' emerged there.Hench
    • 1909 radio released. Spanish flu. Doctors on record physically not being able to infect people with it. That's because it was electromagnetic poisoningHench
    • 1979: 1G released - Influenza outbreak
      1991: 2G released - Cholera outbreak
      2003: 3G released - SARS outbreak
      2009: 4G released - H1N1 outbreak
    • Every time they release a new electromagnetic technology, humans have an immune response and they blame it on viruses and sell you vaccinesHench
    • Your ridicule just makes you look bad. Your bewildering ignorance is shameful. Best of luck.Hench
    • oh no! did you screen shot from CNN?! you know you can't trust them!pango
    • I'm dying to know which new electromagnetic technology was released to cause the bubonic plague.Continuity
    • oh shiet! i just saw that! he's bringing up 5G!! LOLpango
    • So your logic is that surely electromagnetic radiation can't cause sickness because some sickness certainly isn't caused by it.Hench
    • That's your logic? You people are genuinely as thick as shit...Hench
    • Here I was years before all of this, warning of the dangers of 5G, and then in the exact same place and at the exact same time that they released it...Hench
    • .. we have a mysterious new illness emerge. And not only have you not made the connection yet, you're still ridiculing it. Truly unfathomable.Hench
    • When you consider that it's naturally occuring, that's precisely what I'm saying. By your logic, our immune systems would shut down catastrophically every timeContinuity
    • .. there's a thunderstorm.Continuity
    • That is the most idiotic thing I've heard yet.Hench
    • It's like trying to discuss shakespeare with a dog. My mistake to even try.Hench
    • LOL
      You do you, smooth brain.
      But, I do suggest finding yourself a therapist specialised in treating personality disorders.
    • One day you'll feel sick to your stomach at the truth you ridiculed and the lies you defended. Or maybe you'll die in your ignorance. Take careHench
    • One last time...Hench
    • Here I was years before all of this, warning of the dangers of 5G, and then in the exact same place and at the exact same time that they released it...Hench
    • Of course I will, dear.Continuity
    • ... we have a mysterious new illness emerge. And not only have you not made the connection yet, you're still ridiculing it. Truly unfathomable.Hench
    • I know you're not interested in the truth or evidence, but this is a great read if there is a shred of critical analysis or independent thought left in there...Hench
    • set, you realize that other viruses exist and that when people are infected with these viruses, they get sick right? Did you hear about SARS-1?yuekit
    • It only infected a small number of people in China, Singapore and a few other countries. So what technology was that caused by?yuekit
    • Why did hundreds of thousands of people in rural India and Africa where they don't have any 5G die of COVID?yuekit
    • Why did SARS-2 spread out of China, to other Asian countries, then to Europe and finally USA if it was caused by 5G?yuekit
    • Lots of questions you could ask about this theory of yours, if there's no good answer you might want to consider the possibility it's not real.yuekit
    • You're using the same logic as the other fool. Did I once say that ALL viruses are created by EM radiation? No... So I really don't understand your point.Hench
    • The fact is that the microwaves of 60ghz 5G radiation (it's not always that high) make the oxygen molecules spin so no matter how much...Hench
    • ... you gasp for air, the oxygen cannot connect with the hemoglobin in your blood. That's what we saw with the people that needed respirators and diedHench
    • The rest was a coordinated effort to rebrand the flu, of which a hundred thousand die of each year in the USHench
    • Plus they were adding any death, be it a car accident or a knife to the heart, as a covid death of the patient tested positive for covidHench
    • Africa was barely affected by covid. That's one of the smoking guns. In fact there were three presidents that didn't play ball with the hoax and all three...Hench
    • ... Were executed. Tanzania was one of them I forget the other two but can find it if you're interested.Hench
    • This whole fake pandemic was a mix of people having reactions to 5G and then falsifying the numbersHench
    • Hospitals were getting paid commission to add covid as the cause of death, even when it wasn't. You can look this up for yourself.Hench
    • sooo... your plan to warn the world the danger of 5G was to... post on QBN? LOL
      what did you expect QBN to do even if we were convinced?! LOL
    • I had 5G before covid breakout. Derp.monospaced
    • There's no 5G in rural India and yet people died in massive numbers from COVID-19. How do you explain that?yuekit
    • There's no 5G at all in Iran except in the capital city but it was one of the worst hit countries.yuekit
    • I've told you multiple times now, they rebranded flu deaths as covid. They added heart attacks and strokes to the death toll. The numbers are falsifiedHench
    • Iran is a different story. Many of the top politicians there died of 'covid' right at the beginning. They're at war with the West so obviously that's fishy as fHench
    • Especially considering that not one single prominent politician in the west died of covid. Not one Hollywood actor. Not one sports person. EtcHench
    • GASP! The CONspiraCY!pango
    • https://media.tenor.…pango
    • "Especially considering that not one single prominent politician in the west died of covid. Not one Hollywood actor. Not one sports person"yuekit
    • https://www.nytimes.…yuekit
    • https://www.nytimes.…yuekit
    • https://www.the-sun.…yuekit
    • https://www.dictiona…yuekit
    • it doesn't count if he doesn't know or remembers itpango
    • Yuekit you can't be serious? You're sighting people that are older than the average live expectancy? Really? Wow.Hench
    • Life expectancy. Now show me people dying that are younger than the average life expectancy in the west and then MAYBE you MIGHT have a leg to stand onHench
    • matter what I post you'll come up with some loophole. You said *NOT A SINGLE politician or sports person...yuekit
    • Here you go...a Grammy award winning jazz musician, died of COVID age 59
    • Nick Cordero, a Canadian actor, died of COVID age 41 (I think someone here on QBN even knew him and posted about it)
  • Hench-6


  • Hench-8

    Must be climate change

    • Over 400 athletes world wide have died in the past year. You're fucked and no matter how much you try to convince yourself you're not, you are.Hench
    • It's your fault and you deserve it.Hench
    • I take full responsibility. You can't sue me though, I'm not human.palimpsest
    • And can we legally really consider a women's basketball player an athlete?palimpsest
    • 100% true, October 22nd (Henry Anderson) to December 7th (Tamari Key) is a little over a WEEK.kingsteven
    • 60m ppl die each yearsted
    • they're all fine. one recovering from surgery, one is back playing already, another back training with his teamkingsteven
    • https://www.mclaren.…imbecile
    • @Hench how many blood clots or strokes are typical for this population for this duration of time?pusherbot
    • That's it, no more sports for me.MrT
    • Because athletes never have blood clots or strokes. Ever. Fucking idiotmonospaced
    • Nice try moron, kris Letang had his first stroke in 2014, nothing to do with covid_niko
    • Of course not a single athlete on the planet died from Covid. Not a single one. Derp derp.monospaced
    • What happened to Utopian’s two friends who had strokes just after taking the vaccine? Are they ok?Chimp
    • Why do dumb conspiracy posts (no offense to set) get upvoted so much on this site?yuekit
    • Also Ukraine stuff gets downvoted, and everytime I try to post accurate info about vaccines or the origin of COVID it gets massively downvoted.yuekit
    • I don't think those are actually majority opinions among the 20 or so people posting here, so I suspect someone may be gaming the system. #QBNFilesyuekit
    • And it might not have anything to do with the fact the three of the four athletes pictured here play high-impact sports, where concussive injuries are a thing?Continuity
    • No? OK.Continuity
    • @yuekit
      When I buy QBN I'll release the files.
  • Hayoth-5
    • None of the unvaccinated are dying. None. Only the vaccinated are dying. What a surprise.Hench
    • Its true, majority means 100%robotinc
    • lol hench. Where did you hear that unvaccinated people didn’t die of covid? Lolmonospaced
    • Show me numbers that died of covid and not with covid.Hench
  • oey_oey2

    Is Hench set?

    • I meant: "...?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!"oey_oey
    • We've talked about this before.Continuity
    • I thought it was a joke the one time I saw it, sorry.oey_oey
    • fucking hell!...oey_oey
    • the prodigal son has returned.pango
    • I'm only here to tell you what you don't want to hear. You've committed euthanasia and it'll be no longer than 4 years.Hench
    • cool coolpango
  • robotinc0

    Thanks for providing links, always welcome. I may not agree your choices, but its helpful to understand your point of view.

  • monospaced0