CBD Oil - Any users here?

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  • 62 Responses
  • utopian-8

    Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don’t



  • ben_0

    My wife uses it for anxiety as well. Sleep's been stressful while on mat leave, she says it helps a ton and in the 10 months she's been using it, she hasn't complained of any side effects.

    I tried it out for 40 year old skateboarder joint pain but didn't notice any real improvement, that said I have some friends who swear by it.

    Good luck!

    • What type of anxiety does she have and how has it helped?HijoDMaite
    • It's not diagnosed, but is consistent with what new moms go through, then the anxiety of going back to work/leaving child in day care...ben_
    • About 2 months after our daughter was born, she started having trouble sleeping (not the normal kind, our daughter has been a great sleeper)...ben_
    • so she says it helps her relax and probably more specifically not wake up in panic, similar to melatonin before bed.ben_
  • mg33

    Curious of any of you use CBD oil and if so for what purpose? I’m starting to have people recommend it for better sleep and lowering anxiety. My barber swears by it and said a drop before bed would change my life.
