Intellectual Dark Web
Intellectual Dark Web
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- Last post
- 204 Responses
- palimpsest0
- When Musk is the voice of reason.palimpsest
- Benzos for breakfastPhanLo
- Haha. Has anyone ever tried the JP meat-only diet? Sounds fucking stupid. Even if it did miraculously save his demented familyIanbolton
- I wouldn't be surprised if some here did try it out.palimpsest
- Just don't mix it with cider! Mind when he drank some and stayed awake for 25 days? LOLPhanLo
- And now his wife can do the full hitler saluteSlashPeckham
- ^ L O L !
Throwing meat at eat other all the way too.PhanLo - Yeah great for weight loss and diabetes but also great for clogging arteries and exploding your heart and as a bonus scurvy!_niko
- “My wife had a pain in her shoulder for years and then she started eating just meat and the pain went away” is she still eating just meat? “No she’s dead”_niko
- you'll never shit again!sarahfailin
- palimpsest0
- need some tough men to create some good times! Just punching fuck out of everything til quality of life improvesPhanLo
- yuekit2
- "There's a war...for your MIND"yuekit
- i can't decide if this looks like a bush-league wrestling channel, a show about psychic phenomena, or a nasty Robot Wars knockoff.face_melter
- hairpiece guy explaining to Jones that it was 'ghosts' that made him take photos of his neighbour's 15yo daughter.face_melter
- it's all real if you look hard enough.Ianbolton
- How hard do you think you look?Ianbolton
- It's actually all of those things are more facemelter... weird thing is Weinstein was supposed to be part of the "Intellectual Dark Web."yuekit
- He was promoted by people like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher. Others repeatedly pointed out he's actually an insane conspiracy theorist..yuekit
- I like the nasty Robot Wars knockoff idea.Continuity
- Dawkins is the only reasonable person in that list. Harris and Maher are fucking morons, they are right up there with Hairpiece.garbage
- shitty, two-bit, robots with names like 'Ephebophilia Enforcer' and 'Ayn Rand's Sweetspot'.face_melter
- I don't like how the F aligns with the Omisterhow
- I N PO W A R Sface_melter
- _niko3
I don't see the intellectual part...or the dark web part for that matter. I just see a bunch of idiots preaching to other idiots who have drank the Kool-aid for clicks, likes and $$$$
- PhanLo-1
- palimpsest1
- Our hero nails it again! I've made some great chilli sauces recently but I feel as though the Trinidad scorpion chillies are fucking up my taste.Ianbolton
- There is a point at where chillies are no longer about the food and more about the ride. I'm not willing to take it that far.palimpsest
- i´am connfident the art is the xcuse for not coming there although its really his persona why they don´t like it at his place..neverscared
- Mental midgetutopian
- I just can't. There is no way that anybody with a brain wouldn't laugh at this drivel.garbage
- is this ai?Nairn
- palimpsest1
Since they took our hero Jordan Peterson down. How many of yall's still down with David Goggins?
- What's Goggins ever done? He just chats with Rogan and says 'fuck' a lot. Some of his stories are pretty funnyIanbolton
- I like Goggins, I find him insane, but fair fucks to him. Stay Hard!PhanLo
- Stay hard!palimpsest
- Haha. i wish i could stay hard long enough to make a differenceIanbolton
- lolNairn
- I'd just like to point out that the fucker has never ran the UTMTB.
hashtag SLAYpalimpsest - hero lolmonospaced
- I want Jordan's Benzos!fadein11
- palimpsest1
I'd like to salute the OGs that were down with IDW from day one. You're the true heroes.
- I was shitting on JP since day one. Remember that, cucks********
- You're not a hero.palimpsest
- Tell me you're a butthurt cunt without saying you're a butthurt cunt********
- I just told you.palimpsest
- You're dumb as fuck********
- Indeed.palimpsest
- I was shitting on JP since day one. Remember that, cucks
- yuekit1
- Prompts?Nairn
- "moron whose unwarranted self-worth is only outpaced by his bad dress sense farts himself into a sunburn, hilariously insecure"garbage
- Make the logo bigger.palimpsest
- Never judge a book by its jacket.fadein11
- "Riddle me this... when is a man a woman, and a woman not a man... buddy"yuekit
- where can i buy this superkool woke look?....more exuberant than any draq queen...neverscared
- Gobbler's hero.utopian
- Hilariously Insecure will be the name of his reality show.CyBrainX
- It was Peterson's grandmother's dream he become a fashion designer, google 'Jordan Peterson grandma dream' to read more.i_monk
- he looks like a Bat Man super villain with that blazerYakuZoku
- dressed in the channel logo.uan
- He been tanning with Tucker? Getting their balls roasted alpha style?PhanLo
- lol defug is with that suitpango
- The suit is his logo and check out his signature on the lapel.
Genius!palimpsest - @CyBrain I would only watch if it was some Truman Show scenario. He would never see the truth, and it would be hilarious.garbage
- Dude’s got style, i’ll give him thatscarabin
- funny that this fella is constantly raging against postmodernism and than wears an outfit that couldn´t be more formal postmodernistic...neverscared
- funny is not the right word... stoopid and uninformed works better..neverscared
- i still dont understand why he lied to everyone that he's a neurologist.pango
- @never You're assuming his drug-addled crybrain understands Postmodernism 101.
@pangz Because he's a liar.garbage - The ruling against him when he first started bitching and moaning about being cancelled.. doesn't even say that. He's a media whore, and that's it.garbage
- "The order is not disciplinary and does not prevent Dr. Peterson from expressing himself on controversial topics; it has a minimal impact on his right to freedogarbage
- Way too big of a "calm down you idiot, you have nothing to be enraged about" response to fit into a note. It goes on for pages, but you get the drift.garbage
- This dude is completely deranged, and is full of delusion of grandeur.utopian
- So is he being ordered to take a Social Media correcting test or whatever? To stop him posting stuff that people don't like? I've not been followingIanbolton
- Prefer this suit to the Hogwarts one. But I'm guessing this post wasn't about how much of a nice suit he's got?!Ianbolton
- His online behaviour reflects poorly on his licensed and regulated profession, which the College is right to protect.i_monk
- what being on jellies for years, getting brain damage from rotting in a coma in a Russian basement, eating nothing but meat, crying at cider, does to a mf'er.face_melter
- I always like your take Facemelter, cider and jellies is what he should be on, screaming at cultural marxists in a Jungian cagePhanLo
- Why isn't anyone defending him?palimpsest
- Too busy tidying their bedrooms?fadein11
- @pamp Who wants to defend emo Rush Limbaugh? That's literally him for the past 8 years or so.garbage
- MAGA types want to be like "nuh uh, we got a doctor" and glommed onto him like he wasn't a pathetic junkie that was lying about his credentials.garbage
- I remember him having a few fans here back in the day.
Just stirring shit, as usual.palimpsest - wasn't SS one of them? explains a lot.pango
- Lol@ ‘make the logo bigger’Gnash
- Make the logo my jacketyuekit
- Nairn1
I will never not smirk when this thread gets bumped.
'Intellectual Dark Web' indeed.
- PhanLo0
Failed Hollywood writer is sad.
-- Even nepotism couldn't help Bennie Boy succeed in Hollywood, he must have been completely shit at writing. But he has still made money being a cuntPhanLo
- Did you manage to sit through any of this? I sadly lasted 22 minutes because I had it on in the background and couldn't work out what was annoying me to fuckIanbolton
- was it my drink? Am i a little too stoned? Is that draft from the window annoying me? Have i eaten too many crisps? Am i just tired? Do i need a shit?Ianbolton
- Is that a tight chest pain? All those thoughts disappeared as soon as I found the tab to switch it offIanbolton
- I never watched it, I can't stand his voice. Sorry for putting you through that Ian :-(PhanLo
- Haha. It's alright mate. I sometimes find him kinda funny - but not because he's funny.Ianbolton
- :-)PhanLo
- the fragile minds like good little authoritariansHayoth
- hayoth, Ben cannae get his wife wet, I think he essentially likes the sex with her to feel like rape. He's a sad little man.PhanLo