Intellectual Dark Web
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- 204 Responses
- idles11
- Haha. So divisive. “If you even mention this one guy I’ll judge you as being an alt-right misogynist.” Hope Steph is doing alrightIanbolton
- Looks like Steph might have a few issues.Chimp
- lol , this isn’t divisive.monospaced
- Sounds like she has an issue with people who bring up this asshat as if he were intellectual.monospaced
- Works both waysdrgs
- Mono has a hard on for StephChimp
- excuse me?monospaced
- Jordan Peterson is a certified prick. Elitist whose expectations of others are disgusting in comparison to his own demands of freedom.imbecile
- I have a hard on for Stephpango
- pango has a hard-on for mono.Nairn
- why would anyone cite an idiot?oey_oey
- eh, originally Peterson had some interesting points to make, especially in regard to male responsibility, but he jumped the shark years ago.Nairn
- peterson's relentless ad on yt seem desperate. fuck off already! i need to know what the kadashians are up to!pango
- But harsh. He’s alright. Some of his podcast episodes are good. He’s very smart. And he’s messages have help many young men who don’t have any voice of reasonshapesalad
- To hear in their lives. Plus. This Stephanie lady sounds really judgemental. Seems like the kind of woman that reads Woman’s Own magazine.shapesalad
- apple cider********
- is he make more incels or less incels? he seems to be particularly popular among incels.pango
- if he's making less incels that's great. they're insufferable.pango
- make ciders, not incels!sted
- Let's start a thread to list things that aren't divisive. Someone already thinks that's a bad idea etc etc.MrT
- ^ A good night sleep********
- i jokingly asked a chick wtf is NFT cuz she's into crypto. she wouldn't stop talking about it for the rest of the night... never again.pango
- Sounds like she’s educated and knows quite wel what a waste of air Jordan is and that guys who are into him are probably pieces of shit.monospaced
- Of course Jordan’s supporters immediately invent imaginary issues with Stephanie because they’re too fuckinn retarded to say anything else.monospaced
- And then of course revert to childish sexual comments that only expose their own sexual ignorance.monospaced
- Not you chimp. You’re not that idiotic. Right?monospaced
- Steph wants to speak to Jordan's manager.Chimp
- I read it as a joke.dmay
- yuekit7
I was never a fan of Jordan Peterson but damn...this is a rather grim turn of events.
- Apparently he’s had a serious drug addiction for a long time, went into a coma and now can barely function.yuekit
- Dear Mr self-help guru, Rule #6 "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."Khurram
- Theres no mention of a comacannonball1978
- first paragraph: "Jordan Peterson is recovering from a severe addiction to benzodiazepine tranquilizers and was recently near death in an induced coma"PonyBoy
- Oh i played the video didnt read my badcannonball1978
- Oh no. Another fucking idiot idol of the alt-right that has fomented discord in my country is on Death's door. Darn. Dang. Shoot.garbage
- lol here we gocannonball1978
- alt right? lol. man it's scary how easily opinions of this guy has been skewed by media spin.inteliboy
- Wasn't his wife really ill with cancer? I think that's how he got on the gear.PhanLo
- alt right? it's scary that someone that continually preaches anti marxism and modern conservatism calls himself a classic liberal and people believe himkingsteven
- @kingsteven. Why is it scary? And how is it that you KNOW the truth about what he believes better than he does?Morning_star
- I wouldn't call him alt right necessarily. Maybe a reactionary social conservative self help guru?yuekit
- i was just mimicking inteliboys reply to the comment that he's an idol of the alt-right. no one has called him alt-right. he's a centrist who's need forkingsteven
- promotion has skewed his own beliefs by allowing the right wing (who share his anti hard left beliefs) to promote him.kingsteven
- ie. someone who aligns themselves liberal, denigrates postmodernism on the left but will cosey up to the trumps on shared political beliefs isn't worth a wank.kingsteven
- Understood. I catch your drift.Morning_star
- He's just sick of all these trannies running around getting him to call them he, she, they and whatnot. And you know what?? So am I!!!Khurram
- A "charlatan" who gives "the most elementary fatherly life-advice" while adding "convolutions to disguise the simplicity of his mind".Khurram
- Rule #12 "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street."Khurram
- That’s crazy, “Russians have the guts to get people off meds where North American doctors treat them with more meds” I can imagine him being restrained by a 300_niko
- Lb orderly named Olga. “Vhat kind man are you? Stop crying” lol_niko
- Another rule - "God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve!"Khurram
- How come women get to show off their toes and men can't??? Then they complain about getting called sweetheart!!!Khurram
- Lobsters don't take druuuugszBonSeff
- To be fair I don’t mind him at all, he’s a blowhard a lot of the time but he’s quite entertaining._niko
- Gotta love the self-righteous schadenfreude :)Gnash
- People who insult him on a personal level are people incapable of countering his discourse.hotroddy
- This is very sad. I like prof. Peterson's messages for the most part. I dont agree with everything he says but calling him alt right is just not accurate..eryx
- Anything that I have watch or listened to has nothing to do with racism or hate. He might be pompous or arrogant at times but tell me guys like Bill Marh aren'teryx
- He is at times very critical of the left and that is what I like. I hope he makes a fully recovery and gets back into public life.eryx
- He's a misogynist.BonSeff
- LolGnash
- expectedBonSeff
- He'd take away my rights if he could, so fuck him. Imagine the gall of a drug addict telling people how to behave and structure society.i_monk
- what rights would he be taking from you? the ability to refer yourself with a feminine pronoun?hotroddy
- Yeah I hope he turns out OK, but hard to escape the conclusion that the guy was literally high on drugs while lecturing people about morality.yuekit
- No one called him alt right!kingsteven
- He should have ate some vegetables.PhanLo
- JP's message is about language and living in biological reality. He could give two fucks who you marry or put your dick in. Words count to the man...PonyBoy
- ... he (like many) are fucking tired of folks demanding legislation that does nothing more than accommodate one's feelings cuz someone got your gender wrong.PonyBoy
- JP is a bore, and his fans are arsehole that use his erratic far spanning, vintage philosophy of the world to reinforce their narrow minded viewskingsteven
- king—is being against both speech and thought control (to the point of legislation) a 'vintage philosophy'? Do my feelings override your right to free speech?PonyBoy
- Have you even read any of his work donkeyboi? His "12 Rules for Life" - the work that made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.Khurram
- I slogged through that shite last summer. The most insipid piece of Christian moralising, that I've ever read. Godawful book.Khurram
- If all he was, was a crusader against identity politcs, ala JK Rowlings or Lionel Shriver, he would have an audience in me.Khurram
- I'm an old skool feminist and have struggled to accept trans-issues into my politico-ethical framework.Khurram
- well as safe spaces, "cultural appropriation", micro-agressions - it's all bollocks to me.Khurram
- But he's more than that. He writes about living a perfect moral life, an "antidote to chaos." I gave him a fair shot, trust me.Khurram
- It's sad when we react to mental health with mockery and drug addiction is fucking serious and can afflict anyone.Khurram
- I have ample personal experience with this and I'm completely sympathetic with anyone who goes through this hell.Khurram
- But somone who gets rich as a self-help guru but fails to live up to the basic tenets of what he proselytises...Khurram
- A clinical psychologist apparently so utterly naive to the dangers of benzodiazepines...Khurram
- That's a complete failure of his public image - an image I find very distasteful.Khurram
- Khurram... that's his own personal morality but he doesn't toss it on you nor does he demand legislation demanding you live by his way of life.PonyBoy
- So if that means he's going to shut the fuck up now and his fans are going to be without their posterboy. Then great!Khurram
- If you find his books to be 'insipid' etc... nobody is demanding legislation that you read it. JP can write his books and preach his ways all fucking day long..PonyBoy
- ... just as those on the complete opposite spectrum can do just the same. That's called free speech. Legislating laws demanding someone...PonyBoy
- Great point PonyBoy!Khurram
- ... use specific words merely to protect one's feelings (as your feelings don't override actual biological science) however is BS. And we agree. Yes?PonyBoy
- And he does have an issue where i put my dick. He's ranted ad nauseum against people choosing to live non-monogamous lifestyles. He can fuck off with that.Khurram
- Cuz that's all I'm getting at. If you don't like him because he writes books about shit that helped him become who he is—well—don't read his fucking books :)PonyBoy
- Yes we do agree. Good point!Khurram
- Khurram... his issue w/where you put your dick isn't up for legislation. Those books you keep mentioning are his own beliefs of which nobody is forced to read.PonyBoy
- Understanding who he is / what drives him (the shit you read in his books) doesn't dismiss his reasoning that feelings shouldn't override facts / reality.PonyBoy
- Meaning: Stop trying to legislate labels... else I'm going to demand everyone refer to me as PonyMan from now on (I'd accept DonkeyMan too)PonyBoy
- @Khurramm can I refer you to 25:33 in a specific youtube video where he reinforces my views... oh wait you trad his book? What about my freedom of speech!kingsteven
- says a lot about the state of the media where someone as tepid as Peterson can muster up this much opinion. he says some good stuff, some bad stuff. wow!inteliboy
- He's a misogynist.BonSeff
- LolGnash
- Wtf.. self-help, beef diet.. are people normal anymore?maquito
- I can't understand why people are so triggered by Peterson. He's basically saying the sort of advice your grandpa would give you. Why the vitriol?monNom
- Unexamined groupthinkGnash
- If you don't know his affiliation with the alt-right, you don't know much about the history of the alt-right.garbage
- He was heralded by them as a bastion of braininess around the time of Gamergate. Then he was mildly critical of Trump, and is now self-described as "alt-light"garbage
- In the end he's an arrogant idiot with a efficient platform to foment hatred and lies to people even less intelligent than him. So yeah, have a nice coffin.garbage
- Wonder what Ben Shapiro thinks about all this.PhanLo
- Silly Phanlo. Ben Shapiro isn't capable of thought.garbage
- Garbage, Why is he an idiot?Morning_star
- lol. being addicted to jellies was the only vaguely interesting thing about him. fuck him.face_melter
- You call him alt-right because you were told he is or because he criticizes the left. That doesnt automatically make him rightwing, idiots.cannonball1978
- lol @facemelter. Intellectual heavyweight, drug taking lightweight.PhanLo
- Maybe people that paint him alt right forget that he’s Canadian.They feel they need to put him in one of two American ideological buckets._niko
- At least with all the time off, he'll have plenty of time to tidy his room.PhanLo
- hotroddy he's on record against my right to marry and adopt. Fuck him.i_monk
- @morningstar He's a champion of incels everywhere because he's actually argued for "enforced monogamy" because it will keep women in line and men from being badgarbage
- @cannonball I don't know why I bother responding to you because in this thread I explained why he's no longer a sweetheart of the alt-right.garbage
- The IDW / alt-light is a band of pseudo intellectuals that came together when they didn't appear to bend the knee to Trump.garbage
- But they were a valuable asset to the movement 2015-2016 during the election cycle because they were lauded in ways like "Hey this professor said this".garbage
- And maybe you weren't paying attention, but they were the sweethearts that they felt gave validity to the alt-right movement at the time.garbage
- So yeah, I'm not on some reactionary "aww he hurt my feelings because somebody told me so" trip. You're misinformed, and have no grasp of political nuance.garbage
- Correction, Peterson was the one ranting about "enforced monogamy". Off the top of my head, Shapiro has said dumb things like "America wasn't built on slavery".garbage
- These twats are interchangeable.garbage
- @ Garbage He has never argued for enforced monogamy, ever.…
So, why is he an idiot?Morning_star - ^^ you just posted, exactly why he's an idiot. Did you even listen to that?Khurram
- Sounds like a fucking idiot.Khurram
- Holy fuck this guys the best. Rants about his objection to enforced gender pronouns but advocates enforced monogamy lol_niko
- @garbage that's all just stuff you're saying. Your "sweethearts" thing's a streeeeetch, also just something you're saying. Essentially, immaterial shit-talking.cannonball1978
- Enforced monogamy thing? Not advocating for enforcement by law, but drawing comparison between social norms, effecting how relationship opportunities play out.cannonball1978
- Look, the guy's work has been always from a principal base of helping people, however you take his "political" positions.cannonball1978
- But it's really kind of pointless to discuss. You are certain, and ready to shit-talk the point to death with whatever he-said she-said reasons you have.cannonball1978
- Cannonball and Morningstar lack basic reading comprehension skills: Confirmed.garbage
- And yes, I will proudly talk shit. Fucking idiots like you have led to political movements that are going to bury this country if left unchecked.garbage
- #snowflakegarbage
- Well at least you're aware thats all you are doing.cannonball1978
- Case in point: you aren't informed about anything pertaining to what is "like me".cannonball1978
- Garbage, you seem irrationally fearful and emotional with regard to opinions that don't align with yours or you don't understand. Why is that?Morning_star
- When you have defend him with "he's allowed to say it, you don't have to read it" you've conceded the debate.i_monk
- They're not even trying to defend him at this point. "Intellectual Dark Web" my arse lolKhurram
- Why would he need defending?Morning_star
- Ha, fearful? Sorry that I'm not handling your lack of argument with kid's gloves.garbage
- I've no issue getting into the weeds with you on this. What would you like to arguing about? Make your point.Morning_star
- (In case people want to have a real discussion)cannonball1978
- I already have. You obviously can't read. Yawn.garbage
- By point, Garbage means his own unsubstantiated shit-talking. And Morningstar is referring to whether there are substantiated points.cannonball1978
- (Which there are none)cannonball1978
- Um yeah, I totally didn't give you a basic history of the development of the IDW and how they were championed by the alt-right and then dumped because they..garbage
- ..weren't quite stupid enough. Then you got your feelings hurt because I pointed out that you're being obtuse.garbage
- Thanks for teaching me that the most boring personality type possible requires thin skin and a thick skull. Yaaaaaaaawn.garbage
- You're amusing. It would be nice to discuss some of the ideas raised by IDW but you seem to completely miss the point and focus on the person. You're probably..Morning_star
- ...the type who would take the piss out of Stephen Hawkins disability rather than consider his ideas. I bet you think Einstein had a stupid haircut.Morning_star
- Thats not "a history" nor was it comprehensive or informed by anything. It was just you saying things as if they were factual instead of some shit-talking.cannonball1978
- Like, even the yawning is pretty unsophisticated, pal. At some point you have to be an adult and communicate with people who think differently than you.cannonball1978
- And that requires a discussion where you prove your points instead of trotting out someone else's loose associative arguments about "alt right sweetheart"cannonball1978
- or whatever. and that would require you to come up with your own ideas. These aren't your ideas. They don't pass the smell test. You could be replaced withcannonball1978
- pretty much anyone else who uses this "guilty by proxy" reasoning. I know because I've seen this "sweetheart" term deployed elsewhere by others.cannonball1978
- Just think for yourself, man. And if you disagree, disagree on your own terms, not someone else's. I dont agree with Peterson on some points, but I sure as heckcannonball1978
- don't try to re-characterize him to better suit my argument or personal political agenda. Especially if the guy has made his lifes work in the name of helpingcannonball1978
- people, and then is in the middle of some fucked up personal hell.cannonball1978
- Case in point: I don't necessarily agree that polyamorous relationships fuck up the natural order. But I also know he WASNT advocating for legal enforcement.cannonball1978
- Serious question: Can you read? I even addressed how the IDW has made an effort to distance themselves from the alt-right after it became a bad look.garbage
- Nobody said he was saying WE NEED TO MAKE EVERYONE GET MARRIED. It's more that he has a medium to telegraph that idea.garbage
- His idealism is a time machine to the 50's & 60's. This patriarchy bullshit he preaches is a dead scene. Women are smartBonSeff
- Sorry if they don't want to fuck youBonSeff
- I’m sure your doing great…Gnash - Alright everyone, that's a wrap! Thank you for the dramatic reenactment of the classic Wondermark Sea Lion strip:…i_monk
- renderedred3
- Hahahaha - Finland Doesn't Existjmckinno
- this is great lolfadein11
- well, that's an hour gone in no time.Fax_Benson
- This shit is why I love Hellboy, bprd and xfiles._niko
- and the original coast to coast AM with Art Bell_niko
- omfg, this is hilariousmonospaced
- ahah thats awesome :Dsted
- Door Dogs?mekk
- 'Eggless travel' and 'Trees are mammals'... I fuckin knew it.Morning_star
- Tier 0 (Rebirth):
Pornstars leaching your energymonospaced - Tier 0: All conspiracies are true. There are no conspiracy.renderedred
- *is :)renderedred
- Arnold's Real Height, LOLzarkonite
- Lol @ downvotefadein11
- who the fuck is downvoting this?kingsteven
- ^the intellectual dark web has spoken :)renderedred
- Tier 5: Russian Crime Dungeons - Who wrote this?!?! LOLjmckinno
- Yurimon was probably preparing to graduate to Tier 6, when last we saw him.Continuity
- JFK shot himselfpablo28
- My google is gonna be confused as hell in 2 hourslajj
- 'Eggless travel'…
lolwtfBluejam - PANCREAS DENIALstoplying
- yees! pancreas denial!renderedred
- Dead Rabbit Radio - Grand Soy Unified Theory: Explained…renderedred - tier 9: despair code…renderedred - this is destroying my search history!!sarahfailin
- While this does make one smile, the comments are interesting that most of you all are concerned about your cooperate search history!mugwart
- yuekit1
- Prompts?Nairn
- "moron whose unwarranted self-worth is only outpaced by his bad dress sense farts himself into a sunburn, hilariously insecure"garbage
- Make the logo bigger.palimpsest
- Never judge a book by its jacket.fadein11
- "Riddle me this... when is a man a woman, and a woman not a man... buddy"yuekit
- where can i buy this superkool woke look?....more exuberant than any draq queen...neverscared
- Gobbler's hero.utopian
- Hilariously Insecure will be the name of his reality show.CyBrainX
- It was Peterson's grandmother's dream he become a fashion designer, google 'Jordan Peterson grandma dream' to read more.i_monk
- he looks like a Bat Man super villain with that blazerYakuZoku
- dressed in the channel logo.uan
- He been tanning with Tucker? Getting their balls roasted alpha style?PhanLo
- lol defug is with that suitpango
- The suit is his logo and check out his signature on the lapel.
Genius!palimpsest - @CyBrain I would only watch if it was some Truman Show scenario. He would never see the truth, and it would be hilarious.garbage
- Dude’s got style, i’ll give him thatscarabin
- funny that this fella is constantly raging against postmodernism and than wears an outfit that couldn´t be more formal postmodernistic...neverscared
- funny is not the right word... stoopid and uninformed works better..neverscared
- i still dont understand why he lied to everyone that he's a neurologist.pango
- @never You're assuming his drug-addled crybrain understands Postmodernism 101.
@pangz Because he's a liar.garbage - The ruling against him when he first started bitching and moaning about being cancelled.. doesn't even say that. He's a media whore, and that's it.garbage
- "The order is not disciplinary and does not prevent Dr. Peterson from expressing himself on controversial topics; it has a minimal impact on his right to freedogarbage
- Way too big of a "calm down you idiot, you have nothing to be enraged about" response to fit into a note. It goes on for pages, but you get the drift.garbage
- This dude is completely deranged, and is full of delusion of grandeur.utopian
- So is he being ordered to take a Social Media correcting test or whatever? To stop him posting stuff that people don't like? I've not been followingIanbolton
- Prefer this suit to the Hogwarts one. But I'm guessing this post wasn't about how much of a nice suit he's got?!Ianbolton
- His online behaviour reflects poorly on his licensed and regulated profession, which the College is right to protect.i_monk
- what being on jellies for years, getting brain damage from rotting in a coma in a Russian basement, eating nothing but meat, crying at cider, does to a mf'er.face_melter
- I always like your take Facemelter, cider and jellies is what he should be on, screaming at cultural marxists in a Jungian cagePhanLo
- Why isn't anyone defending him?palimpsest
- Too busy tidying their bedrooms?fadein11
- @pamp Who wants to defend emo Rush Limbaugh? That's literally him for the past 8 years or so.garbage
- MAGA types want to be like "nuh uh, we got a doctor" and glommed onto him like he wasn't a pathetic junkie that was lying about his credentials.garbage
- I remember him having a few fans here back in the day.
Just stirring shit, as usual.palimpsest - wasn't SS one of them? explains a lot.pango
- Lol@ ‘make the logo bigger’Gnash
- Make the logo my jacketyuekit
- BonSeff5…
ME: jordan peterson sucks. he just says dumb shit like "the vagina is an energy vacuum"
JP SUPERFAN: you're taking him out of context. what's the quote in context
[we go to the tape]
JORDAN PETERSON: "the vagina is an energy vacuum [10 mins of indecipherable sobbing]"
- - - - - - - - - -
Is there a problem between men and women in the workplace? Maybe.
Is it the women? Maybe.
Is it the men? No.
So it's the women?
I'm not saying that. I'm just saying there's a problem, and it's not the men, and I'm too chicken shit to stand by my own beliefs.
- - - - - - - - - -
JPFAN: This 15min video is out of context! You have to watch the full hour!
JPFAN: This hour is out of context! You have to watch his 3hr presentation!
JPFAN: TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT you have to watch the full series!
- Extraordinary, both inaccurate AND unfunny. The IDW must be doing something right to garner such ‘sophisticated’ ad hominem arguments. D+, could do better.Morning_star
- LOL********
- Morning, everyone knows ad-hominem is the pinnacle of debate, you cum-fluted twanger :)********
- Indeed, you rancid salt-lick. To hear it from the pustulated mouth of the worlds most renowned horse rapist is praise indeed. :)Morning_star
- I asked for consent and she said "neigh".********
- Bareback. Bridle, Dismount. Harness. Ride. many places to go.Morning_star
- It could really run and run. Best to put this to bed now - if only to remain stable.********
- it's certainly pasture bedtimeGnash
- I shudda farmed this out to another, less sensitive herd.BonSeff
- lolSalarrue
- But hay, it is what it is.BonSeff
- The western world has become far too brittle when a softly spoken Canadian professor who says pretty ordinary things is the point of so much contention.inteliboy
- ^ the church of Social Justice zealots will come for you when you blaspheme using the words of the oppressor... or whateverArchitectofFate
- yeah. Its his very well educated opinion. He's worked hard in his life, read (it seems) extensively and he is brought onto hour plus shows to be attacked.mugwart
- why cant we have opinions. We really seem to be pushed to conform to one (very limiting) opinion.mugwart
- people laugh and attack different thinkers but it was different thinkers that brought us to where we are in culture.mugwart
- If Peterson's ideas are what will bring progress to our culture I consciously choose to be on the wrong side of history.********
- I'm not against the existence of such ideas or them being posted here. Just don't expect them to be taken seriously by everybody.********
- I enjoy them on QBN as much as I enjoyed docpoz. Make of that what you will.********
- Out of interest Sound, could you summarise your understanding of his ideas? because i don't think you have a clue what he thinks.Morning_star
- @Morning_star
I might take the time to summarise my understand in the future. For now I would like to point on how much you reinforce the joke in this post.******** - In my best Cathy Newman impression:
Are you saying that the reason I don't buy into his ideas is because I am uncapable of understanding them?******** - Nope. I'm saying that he and the others have such a wide variety of positions it would be impossible to agree with all of them BUT to dismiss his position, as..Morning_star
- ...a whole is difficult to understand. The IDW is about the exploration of rational ideas and discussion. The IDW isn't one idea.Morning_star
- I never said it was one idea, either for Peterson or the rest of the crew.
I always used the plural: ideas.******** - I also said that I wasn't against the existence of those ideas or them being posted (read discussed).********
- And I specifically to Peterson, not the rest of the crew. You came to conclusion that I didn't support his ideas because I didn't have a clue of what they were.********
- Suggesting that if I were to properly understand his ideas I would have nothing to say against them.********
- This goes against your "exploration of rational ideas and discussion" comment.********
- The idea that you can never summarize or read into the context behind someone's views is one of the silliest aspects of the "IDW" -- especially since they don'tyuekit
- follow the same rule themselves when it comes to other people.yuekit
- @Sound, You said..."If Peterson's ideas are what will bring progress to our culture I consciously choose to be on the wrong side of history".. to me that...Morning_star
- ..suggests that you've dismissed the ideas as a whole. Which is why i thought you'd be able to summarise your position.Morning_star
- @yuekit - The point i was trying to make is that, as we've seen with Harris/Peterson, they hold fundamentally apposing positions and there for sweeping dismisalMorning_star
- ...of the IDW's Ideas is just not possible because they don't agree.Morning_star
- There are certainly key views that they share. Against political correctness, the academic left etc. Regardless soundofreason was talking about Peterson.yuekit
- BTW -- modern feminism is also a broad movement with a wide range of views. Better stop critiquing them since you can't possibly summarize it all :)yuekit
- Peterson might have great ideas about brushing one's teeth but I choose to dismiss him as a whole based on the ideas he is known for.********
- I pay more attention to the interests he serves than the one's he cleverly chooses to be identified with.********
- His reactionary views, his hyper-focus on individualism only serve the ruling class. His ideas go against the people that want to stand up against injustice.********
- QBN is know for their misunderstanding of words. Just in case:
https://en.wikipedia…******** - @yuekit
Great point on that last comment!
You have no clue, man.******** - Just a brief bit of research reveals that Feminism and all it's varying facets are well defined and can be summarised to one sentence. You keep suggesting...Morning_star
- ...that the IDW and Peterson etc have a common ideology that could be summarised in a similar way. Have a look on wiki and see what it says about the IDW.Morning_star
- If you dig a bit deeper than Googling a Wikipedia article (or even if you do) I think you'll find that feminism isn't some monolithic thing.yuekit
- Nor is post-modernism for that matter. That's a very complex movement with a lot of different, often contradictory ideas.yuekit
- As opposed to, you know, a few middle aged guys on a podcast :) My point is not that you can't summarize the key tenants of a movement BTW.yuekit
- But it's certainly easier to summarize one guy's views (i.e. Peterson's in this case) than those of dozens or hundreds of academics and philosophers.yuekit
- I get it Yuekit. I understand your point completely. It's (as you point out) a matter of resolution. For instance 'Feminism = Illogical SJW Sheep' is not...Morning_star
- ...a helpful definition for anyone. In the same way, the 'comedy' in this post comes from a similar surface level analysis.Morning_star
- Morningstar -- I think that's fair. But part of my point is that JP and his pals are themselves constantly oversimplifying and caricaturing ideas such asyuekit
- post-modernism, Marxism/ socialism, feminism, etc. In particular lots of young people now equate post-modernism with identity politics which is a completelyyuekit
- reductionist view of a movement that created a lot of the great art/ music/ design of the past half century.yuekit
- religion has also motivated the creation of millennia worth of great art, music, etc. and many young people now a completely reduction view it as well.Gnash
- now *have* a...Gnash
- criticism of an ideology is always considered to be a misunderstanding of that ideology by those who adhere to it's dogmaGnash
- Yeah but I think Peterson's demonization of these terms actually does contribute to widespread misunderstanding.yuekit
- It's a classic conservative tendency, particularly in the U.S. to rant against the evils of scary new-fangled ideas like "post-modernism" without actuallyyuekit
- understanding what they are. I mean are we gonna go back to modernism? Should we discourage people from reading someone like Vonnegut because he's post-modern?yuekit
- @Morning_star…******** - @YK i would think the vast majority of vonneguts readers have no idea about the post-modernist attributes of some of his books.Gnash
- I think that would apply to most post-modern art - in any form.Gnash
- so most people would just experience art at face value and the either connect or not.Gnash
- But you're right that they may avoid reading baudrillard's catalogue, or books about post-modernism or critical theoryGnash
- Gnash,
You too grown for this shit.******** - Or perhaps they should simply avoid Peterson's paranoid, "commies are coming to get us" type rants on the topic instead and learn the actual history.yuekit
- well, he has spent most of his career studying the psychology oppressive regimes. when your tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nailGnash
- one could argue that there is also an irrational tendency to see 'literal nazis' around every corner.Gnash
- It's a trope that as far as I can tell he simply borrowed from earlier American fringe conservatives.yuekit
- PhanLo12
- colin_s3…
The terms of service for the new site take an extreme position on free speech. Peterson said: “Once you’re on our platform, we won’t take you down, unless we’re ordered to by a US court of law. That’s basically the idea. So we’re trying to make an anti-censorship platform.”
- i don't get why this is funny. where's the punchline?Gnash
- 'Rightwing academic'
Peterson doesn't identify as rightwing therefore #fakenews.deadsperm - I concur. Explain yourself, laughing boy.Morning_star
- because it's thoroughly ridiculous to associate thoughtful debate with something the government is going to take downcolin_s
- unless your goal is to provoke reaction and generate more of the clickbait / trigger economy than have sustained discourse (which is his fallback)colin_s
- you're so right. so much better discourse when rando autistic unicorns can woke-tweet a shut down.Gnash
- Benjamin, the guy so censored he got to have a public, cross-platform discussion about raping an MP while standing for election to the EUFax_Benson
- The problem with this idea is that there isn't actually a huge amount of censorship on the major social media sites. 99% of users are never going to noticeyuekit
- anything missing and so they'll be no reason to give up the better user experience and content of the main site just for some abstract principle.yuekit
- The "anti censorship" site therefore ends up attracting only the extreme fringe, which in practice means it becomes a haven for neo-Nazis and the far right.yuekit
- At least, that's what happened with Voat and Gab, which were both based around a similar concept.yuekit
- yuekit gets it. it's a PR campaign trying to attract trolls and brand their anger as intellectualism. it's just marketing for self-righteous foolishnesscolin_s
- the kind of people actually offended by Peterson are offended by everything. The people who just don't think what he's peddling amounts to muchFax_Benson
- don't want to censor him.Fax_Benson
- yuekit & colin s sitting in a tree, K_I_S_S....Morning_star
- i still don't get why it's funnyGnash
- @gnash because it's so pathetically transparent and self-importantcolin_s
- If you don't like something... don't engage with it. Life is simple.robthelad
- @colin_s i'd understand your position if there wasn't buckets of content out there that gives a little more explanation, nuance and resolution to the issue....Morning_star
- ...that 'the cunt' is trying to overcome. You need to dig a little deeper rather than regurgitate uninformed view.Morning_star
- Fighting censorship is a worthy goal, on the other hand Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin launching a site called “Thinkspot” based around having deep conversationyuekit
- sounds like something out of a Spinal Tap style movie ;)yuekit
- If and when an uncensorable social media platform takes off it will be because it’s good in its own right, not because it’s marketed as such IMHO.yuekit
- I agree Yuekit but I think there's a bigger issue that they're trying to address. That is, how you monetise platforms that aren't attractive to advertisers...Morning_star
- ...Patreon was potentially a great way but they've got all 'holier than though' with regard to it's users.Morning_star
- Not into Petersons pseudo-mystic religious stuff, but the rest is more thoughtful than the regurgitated progressive takedown talking points that lead to "lolll"cannonball1978
- Petterson is cashing good money over his fansSalarrue
- Not too difficult to build an independent crowd funding site. I think there was even one called "Hatreon" that was intended for unpopular viewpoints :)yuekit
- The challenge is always going to do you ensure total free speech ON the platform that is also the most popular?yuekit
- I’m not sure how encouraging freedom of speech encourages people to be nice. Build a platform that encourages positivity, and intellectual thought.Ianbolton
- A bit like this…Ianbolton
- why is the goal that people have to be nicecannonball1978
- I’m saying encouragement of positive discussion is desirable. Think about your language. So-called freedom only encourages people to say WHATEVER they wantIanbolton
- I think we know we have certain levels of freedom of speech already just encourage a more meaningful dialogue.Ianbolton
- _niko7
I've been listening to Jordan Peterson for a while now and he's very difficult to follow. He meanders and talks 500% more than he needs to, to finally get to a point. Most of his speech is unnecessary filler.
Also, He's not funny and probably takes himself too seriously.
Someone who I do enjoy is Steven Fry. So well spoken so eloquent and poetic in his delivery, also quite witty.
- < Steven Fry is a Comedian and an Actor. So...probably better at comedy.MrAbominable
- Steven Fry certainly doesn't take himself too seriously... :|Nairn
- @_niko, if you are looking for something short, concise and entertaining may i suggest you try Nickelodoen.Morning_star
- don't get me wrong I enjoy him smart ass lol but watching the munk debates when he was on the same team as fry, i found myself enjoying fry more that's all_niko
- He makes some good points but he never laughs, ever. Never trust a man who never laughs.********
- I mean I watched him for 3 hours on Joe Rogan and he didn't really laugh once, or barely even smile. He's quite clearly deeply unhappy and insecure********
- Which is fair enough and all but I don't really want to be listening to life advice from someone like that.********
- Yeah, that is a bit weird. Literally no amusement shown at all. Maybe he's cracking dick jokes and larking around off stageFax_Benson
- colin_s1
peterson is a cunt
- socialism is cancerMorning_star
- haha. A lot of hate in this thread. And i think young Colin here hates a lot of things. Chill man. Take some acid and try sucking your own dickIanbolton
- fuckinglol, ianNairn
- Go on then, It is Friday after all.Morning_star
- peterson is a cunt though. it's a shame as he may have a poin.... nope! i jest, he's full of shit too, and sounds like kermit the frog.kingsteven
- there is just nothing controversial about what he goes on about. I find it so amusing how triggered people get by himGnash
- He does have a voice like Kermit, and we all know how that green amphibious prick is a Jew hating nazi. The clues are there if you’re a delusional socialist.Morning_star
- he's a cliff notes version of right-leaning philosophy for people that enjoy the idea of ayn rand without actually considering the world at largecolin_s
- he's representative of western individualism and pseudo-intellectual debate for the self-serving. also, i'm not a socialist there morningstar.colin_s
- Individual thinking (taking care of 'you and yours' first) is better for the 'world at large' than trying to create a' one size fits all' method IMHOPonyBoy
- :)fadein11
- i suppose there are two types.
'we're all in the boat together' &
'I've got mine, fuck you'
personally, i think we're all in the boat together.exador1 - Jesus colin shut up. Peterson isnt right or left and hes not threatening whatever garbage you follow.cannonball1978
- @exador1 you say that like: those are the only two choices we have in every part of our lives; and once you choose one, you can't choose the other.Morning_star
- nope.
i say that as someone that has reached middle age, raised to kids and has seen a thing or two.exador1 - and I've noticed
a) there are those that think we can all work together to make things better.exador1 - and
b) those that don't.exador1 - my guess is that if you think 'socialism is a cancer' you know which section you belong in.exador1
- i inhabit both a) and b) and neither. i too have raised two kids, travelled the globe and i'm the wrong side of 40 and i don't think socialism is cancer but...Morning_star
- can be. The social hierarchy we live in would suggest it's perfectly acceptable to put your own children first before others. Does that mean i'm in...Morning_star
- ...category b) for every decision i make? No.Morning_star
- @canonball i said he's representative of. libertarians are right-leaning and i'd say he's closest to that, and he hates leftist ideas... so, seems right-leaningcolin_s
- @ponyboy i think that that when systems are designed to divide people they end up with significantly disparate pools of despair among the peoplecolin_s
- to which the only commonality between people is their anxiety but no fix can be agreed upon because of such radical divisionscolin_s
- XanaxMorning_star
- @colin libertarianism is not right leaning. Libertarianism is anarchy with a market, so less, neither left or right. Disabuse yourself of polarized thinking.cannonball1978
- @cannon, to my mind markets without regulation are inherently right-leaning, empowering accumulated wealth, "wild west" type psychologiescolin_s
- anarchy is the concept we would all be just and good to one another, forming a society that would benefit all without the need for a state; trade, not marketscolin_s
- and that the community, not the individual, would be responsible for any necessary acts toward justice and the betterment of allcolin_s
- libertarianism (as practiced today) is right leaning! and is as mutually exclusive from anarchism as objectivism is of altruism. i can take the 'socialism iskingsteven
- cancer' shite in that it's inevitable as it runs against the libertarian status quo. i don't get how folks don't see that sanders 'market socialism' is not thatkingsteven
- as i don't get 'left wing = cultural marxism = pronouns' or 'anarchism = individualism' that's not how it works, just don't be a cunt and we might all make it.kingsteven
- Colin anarchy does not subscribe necessarily to any of the things you said it does.cannonball1978
- Libertarianism’s old name was “corporate anarchy”, so yes, it is precisely a flavor of anarchy.cannonball1978
- This is getting off track though. I havent seen Peterson say he is a libertarian (or anything) anywhere.cannonball1978
- when was group thinking ever good? groups teach you not to question. groups teach you to conformhotroddy
- science and western progress was built on a few individuals who were not afraid to questionhotroddy
- peterson is so good at challenging your SJW thoughts that all you can do is call him a cunt.hotroddy
- market anarchism is not anarchism as market socialism is not socialism. fully developed anarchism is free association: social anarchism.kingsteven
- i'm not SJW in the slightest. a bit on the anarchist marxist side i'll admit but riled by many of the same issues... i just don't like Petersonkingsteven
- a few of these cunts I don't mind irregardless of him possibly being a nazi harris's, neuroscience based meditation stuff is great.kingsteven
- where i'd draw a line on SJWs i'd also generally draw a line on reactionary right/ conservative activism thats at the core of peterson/ IDW movement.kingsteven
- it might be necessary to a degree to stop chunks of leftist postmodern philosophy, but trump is postmodernist. peterson's 'cultural marxism' frames the left forkingsteven
- something that exists in the extremities of both sides. meanwhile defence of the individual is mostly in face of the attack proposed by the left on the 'dollarkingsteven
- hunting man' like individual wealth / market libertarianism is the only thing to defend...kingsteven
- when the real front-line of trans activism/ SJW movement is the battle with old school leftist feminism. IDW is a side show.kingsteven
- Wtf is an “anarchist marxist side”. Anarchy is the government of the self, not the group. Therefore it is not left or right. It does away with that moronic modecannonball1978
- it's not that hard... communism without the state, or libertarianism without private ownership of the means of production... take your pick.kingsteven
- That sounds a recipe for lots of dead people. Any examples of how this has worked in practice?Morning_star
- Theres no communism without a state. That’s just called being a neighbor thats not an asshole.cannonball1978
- ha, have you even heard of marx? don't believe it's ever been used in practice (outside business and being the basic principle of open source development)kingsteven
- it's a well theorised post-capitalist utopia. the assumption being that capitalism will take us to the brink and technology will remove the need for the state.kingsteven
- i'm not a communist btw :-D but i see these reactionary blows to marxism from folks that are essentially free-market anarchists all the time.kingsteven
- to get back to the topic... how can you defend peterson's linking between postmodernism and 'cultural marxism' via trans activism? other thankingsteven
- right wing, conservative, anti-revolutionary, ideological protectionism... IDW is a late capitalist panic-mode side show.kingsteven
- I don't think you've listened to Peterson/IDW at all. I think you carry a huge sack of sensational misconception and bias with regard to what's being said....Morning_star
- ...Could you shed some light on what 'via trans activism' alludes to?Morning_star
- Peterson was forced to stop teaching at university of toronto (and launched his speaking career off the back of) criticising the adoption of gender pronounskingsteven
- which would be a terrible thing (as it is in the case of Bret Weinstein/ Evergreen) if he didn't come across as an absolute cunt.kingsteven
- You know nothing. He criticised compelled speech. You know, the law dictating what a person utters. The fact that it was legislation about gender pronouns...Morning_star
- I agree MS, i'm picking and choosing from his vast repertoire. There's just there's plenty of folks making the same points while not being cunts.kingsteven
- largely irrelevant.Morning_star
- Have a listen from 21:35…Morning_star - he's still a full professor at UofTGnash
- Yes, but he hasn't taught in a couple of years. He criticised compelled speech, but he launched his speaking career because of the media controversy of hiskingsteven
- disputes with trans activists. I'm not sure what your getting at with posting that video, I've seen it before and many others...kingsteven
- he talks about the authoritarianism and group identity politics of the far left and compares trans activists to Mao. which IS fucking ridiculous...kingsteven
- comparing a bunch of reactionary students, a murderous communist regime and marx... i've seen him squirm out of his defence of this argument a bunch of times...kingsteven
- the only commonality in his work I can find is that it appeals to the mentality of his supporters, engaging them with logical responses to their existing biaseskingsteven
- directing them away from revolutionary thought to the center right/ conservatism.kingsteven
- (as much as you may like the sound of it, he wasn't "forced" to stop teaching)Gnash
- I'm STILL not sure how he's actually a cunt. That's a pretty sharp term to use on someone who's tried to be an encouragement for peopleIanbolton
- He was forced, in that I think he would have liked to continue lecturing.kingsteven
- he's chosen to milk his new-found fame and lecture to wider audience. Saying that he was "forced" suggested that the he had no choice. which isn't at all trueGnash
- for now, he choosing not to waste his time lecturing to a small group of ass-hats who think pulling fire-alarms is an appropriate way to get ones' point acrossGnash
- where did you read this? he can't lecture and would have been fired if not for tenure. i believe he has said so himself.kingsteven
- i watched the whole thing evolve from a local news story (i live in toronto) to what's it's become now.Gnash
- besides, a lot more reasonable commentators on extremist activists have been fired for less. i think you're giving him the benefit of the doubt!kingsteven
- I'm sure UofT would love to shed themselves of the controversy, and I'm sure they are thrilled that he's touring instead of teaching there.Gnash
- the school knows that trying to stop him from teaching would spark a shit-storm of neg publicityGnash
- they know they don't really a have a leg to stand on to fire him, and either way it goes they lose.Gnash
- well, that's meant to be the point of having tenure after all... but it doesn't give him the right to teach there. i'd also say peterson wouldn't want to bringkingsteven
- the academic system in to further disrepute by challenging the faculty further and getting fired.kingsteven
- What disrepute has Peterson caused Academia or UofT?Morning_star
- (he can absolutely teach there is he choses to, though.)Gnash
- referring to the disrepute the system is in by harbouring the sort of hyper moralisation/ laundering of extremist identity politics that he spoke out against inkingsteven
- the first place, if he turned up to give a lecture with armed guards only to cause a riot it's not going to look good for anyone.kingsteven
- i'd have to say i'm very weary of public intellectual blueprint in general but you don't see Dawkins writing books about 'happiness', i just don't trust that...kingsteven
- it's like he saw harris picking up steam going from atheism to neuroscience backed meditation (while being a bit racist)kingsteven
- and thought "i've got a platform now", "i'll teach the world how to be a canadian conservative." :-Dkingsteven
- i_monk7
You're confusing scientific research with pop psych assertions.
Have you seen the video? Here it is:
His argument against gay marriage:
1. If it's "backed by cultural Marxists" he's against it.
2. It must integrate gay people into mainstream society and decrease promiscuity. No mention of promiscuous heterosexuals or married heterosexuals who are otherwise not part of the mainstream.
3. Legalizing it hasn't "decreased the demands of the radical Left" so it lacks merit.
4. The model of marriage he would hold gays to ignores things like divorce and childless straight couples/infertility, and the even more historic and traditional role the extended family plays in raising children. He's basically holding up a postcard of the 1950s Nuclear Family ideal and saying "this is how it's always been" when even 10 minutes of research would demonstrate otherwise, even in the Western tradition.
How you can conclude he's NOT pushing an agenda is absolutely baffling.
- Halfway through he admits his position is confused, meaning he has a conclusion and is trying to justify it. Hardly scientific.i_monk
- For a man who is very careful about what he says, ‘confused’ is an admission that he isn’t clear about what he thinks. How can that possibly be an ‘agenda’.Morning_star
- Also I_monk, thanks for your post.Morning_star
- jp loses me on this issue. two people in love are certainly capable of raising children and being a family, regardless of gender.Gnash
- That’s pretty much what he says in the video I posted.Morning_star
- true, but it takes him so long to get there.Gnash
- so it ends up feeling forced.Gnash
- Two people in love don't need to have a kid (or plan to have one) to justify getting married. He doesn't hold straight people to that standard, ergo he believesi_monk
- homosexuals should be second class.i_monk
- If that’s the conclusion you come to, that’s cool. However I think you’re choosing to represent his view through the lens of your existing prejudice.Morning_star
- peterson fans are blinded by the smug. impossible to convince it's a just a style of debate only achievable by several iterations of climbing up your own holekingsteven
- Haters gonna hate. He provides a well needed alternative narrative. A lot of you guys seem swayed by popular opinion.robthelad
- Existing prejudice? You and he are the ones saying marriage and children must go together because that's traditional.i_monk
- You're the ones saying a historically oppressed group should remain oppressed because that's traditional.i_monk
- Safe bet your rights have never been considered debate-worthy. Prejudice indeed.i_monk
- nothing to do with the narrative rob, how the fuck is it alternative to question the motives of minority groups? there are many people pushing the same pointskingsteven
- Firstly. Just because I post something doesn't mean I agree with it. So don't assume my views are reflective of Petersons or anyone elses for that matter. I...Morning_star
- mush more sensitively... the "grievance study affair" is a populist narrative that shares many of petersons issues with gender/ sexuality but without thekingsteven
- liberal conservative bias.kingsteven
- ... meant, when i said 'existing prejudice', that you come to this with preconceived ideas about what he means. Even he doesn't know what he thinks, so...Morning_star
- ...assuming his views manifest in some kind of oppression is a step I don't think you can make. He tends to focus the family unit around the child and his ...Morning_star
- opinions based on research both his and others concluded that the optimum family uint is Dad, Mum, Child. If you have Dad, Dad, Child or Mum, Mum...Morning_star
- ...Child then issues can arise surrounding the nurturing benefits from a Male and Female perspective. However he says again and again a loving family unit is...Morning_star
- far better than a Loveless or Disfunctional Family unit. Whether that be Gay, Straight and everything in between. He also doesn't give two fucks about..Morning_star
- ..who is married to who. He looks at marriages as ultimately the most productive environment for a child. For those that aren't considering children...Morning_star
- doesn't matter.Morning_star
- Also, i'd rather you didn't start assuming shit about my personal situation. You know nothing.Morning_star
- @Kingsteven, how about the Ideological Socialists bias, should we ignore that too? Or maybe we listen to both and come to our own conclusions.Morning_star
- His own prejudice tying marriage to making babies, shines through. Now two men are going to produce a baby no matter how often they bang, so why should thati_monk
- factor into whether they should be allowed to marry? And if you're defending him instead of questioning him, yeah, I'll assume you agree.i_monk
- And if you can't see the danger inherent to a populist demagogue telling his followers gay people aren't equal, that's your prejudice on display.i_monk
- i-monk. Can you show me where he says that men shouldn't marry? Can you show me where he says gay people aren't equal? I'm not defending his position, i am...Morning_star
- ...attempting to explain his position rather than, as you seem to be, assuming his conclusions based on a stubborn need for him to be discredited. He clearly...Morning_star
- ...doesn't say what you're claiming.Morning_star
- drgs0
What Peterson keeps protesting against is politicization of LGBT culture
To use Pride Month in this thought experiment:
Initially Pride Month was meant to be a time when everyone could embrace who they are, and equally importantly: where straight people could join and express their personal support for the LGBT minorities
Now assume for a moment that this kind of support becomes mandatory by law, ie. you are required to participate in one form or another. The moment this happens, the number of people who express their personal support for LGBT is zero
Like in the army -- everyone gets a buzz cut, looks the same and accepts it whether they like it or notThis is an unthinkable scenario, with some exceptions like that dad who got jailed for misgendering his daughter, transgender pronoun bills etc.
However, in America the there is this overwhelming peer pressure, the fear of being canceled out, completely paralyzing taboo to even mention any of these topics, so it practically becomes an unwritten social law, and the effect is exactly similar -- there is no way to show your own free, personal support for LGBT, because by default you already do
Peterson's stance (and mine) is not anti-transgender, its specifically against legislation/politicization of LGBT
You can prohibit negative attitudes, like racial slurs, hate speech etc, but you cannot impose a positive attitude, because due to human psychology it immediately flips 180 degrees, and the cretins do not realize that they are doing LGBT a bear favor
- there's always been "legislation/ politicization" of LGBT, the difference now is they can marry and won't be prosecuted for having sex12xu
- the biggest problem with Peterson isn't that he's a hater but that he's a subpar intellectual12xu
- Sorry who's being forced to support gay pride month? Does that exist in any country in the world?yuekit
- Peterson wrote a crude, ugly tweet talking about someone's breasts and calling a doctor a criminal. Predictably Twitter doesn't like this tweet, Petersonyuekit
- then gets to play the victim. Coincidentally he just joined the right-wing culture war site The Daily Wire.yuekit
- Go to the site and you get a popup with Jordan Peterson's face asking you to sign up for a paid subscription lol.yuekit
- Are you sure he's really taking a principled stance? Isn't this just more culture war nonsense to promote himself?yuekit
- No one forces to support pride month, that example was hypothetical, gays are no longer interesting to anyone, his main feud is pronouns and compelled speechdrgs
- I think this is exaggerated on Twitter and you'll easily find conservatives ranting about "child grooming", their latest weirdyuekit
-'ll find openly white nationalist accounts with large followings. It's only when you direct the hate at someone personally like Peterson didyuekit
- that you get your account penalized like that (not even banned).yuekit
- No doubt he appeals to them, not sure if this is his intention. Peterson is convinced that we are heading towards criminalization of non-preferred pronounsdrgs
- so he's deadnaming all trans people just in spite. Twitter ban is an obvious side effectdrgs
- How different is this comedy bit from what Peterson is doing:…drgs - I think the reason why some on the left don’t like Peterson is that he calls out their absurdness.Chimp
- They can’t respond with a reasoned argument so they attack him as a person or just hurl unjustified insults.Chimp
- Peterson wouldn’t be famous if it wasn’t for the crazy identity politics being played by some on the left.Chimp
- No, he wouldn't be famous if he didn't play identity politics. You wouldn't know who he was if he didn't constantly bitch and moan..garbage
- Haha yeah reasoned argument...meanwhile this is what he posted.…yuekit - ..about identity, LGBT rights, etc until eventually he curls up and starts crying again. He's a fucking dinosaur, and he can't handle it.garbage
- Same as how Gervais' joke is just indicative that he's an out of touch, and his way of dealing with it is writing bad grandpa jokes.garbage
- So you've got a 60 year old ranting about someone half his age getting surgery is this not creepy as hell?yuekit
- Obviously trans people can have a difficult time, I'm sure it's very helpful for someone to make such a crude demeaning comment to his millions of followers.yuekit
- As well as call her doctor a criminal (which he isn't) at a time when right-wing nutcases are gunning people down. Totally normal stuff.yuekit
- It's surreal to see people pretending this is a reasonable comment...for all we know Peterson was in a benzo fueled delerium when he posted this.yuekit
- Maybe he does perform for his public. I dont really follow him, I remember him fighting against gender expression being added to the canadian human rights actdrgs
- Because the law would allow to fine people for not using someones pronouns, and I'm with him on that. This would immediately turn everyone against transdrgs
- Sure I think it can be debated...but why target someone personally like that?yuekit
- he targets the physician, but not personally.uan
- anyway he is probably better off without twitter. he has to much anger inside...could probably use some integral psychology therapy sessions.uan
- can he look sadder?pango
- wait... someone got fined for not using someone's pronouns?pango
- In Canada...drgs
- Pretty intense story...the craziest part is it all started with him trying his daughter's all-meat diet.yuekit
- Peterson apparently had a bad reaction to this, so he starts taking drugs to deal with the pain...soon he's a total drug addict, becomes suicidal.yuekit
- He's diagnosed as a schizophrenic but rejects the diagnosis and flies to Russia to undergo "alternative treatment" where they give him even more drugs...yuekit
- The drugs put him in a coma and he almost dies...also gets COVID at the same time. Now he's back to tell you how to live your life.yuekit
I liked him in that BBC interview thoughdrgs - @yuekit attacking JP for his personal struggle, family dynamic, diet is a little hypocritical particularly when you criticise him for doing exactly the same...Morning_star
- ..I rarely see you engage and debate his ideas or perspective. He has his faults but who doesn’t. We’re not destroying light bulbs everywhere because Edison...Morning_star
- ...was a cocaine fiend.Morning_star
- i want to know who got fined for not using pronounce.pango
- Some dude was ordered by a court not to misgender his son/daughter, but he did it anyway, went to jail for itdrgs
- https://www.gaylawne…
Page 4, 2cdrgs - It’s not mandatory, so this entire post is rendered pointless.monospaced
- He does a lot of things but he fails entirely at calling out the left. All he does is make himself look absurd with his insane, hypotheticalsmonospaced
- Morning_star what ideas? This is what Peterson posted:…yuekit - What drgs wrote was actually more substantive. It seems like Jordan Peterson has a problem with trans people, otherwise why is he so angry about an actressyuekit
- deciding they want to identify as a man and having some cosmetic surgery done?yuekit
- Then he says "I'd rather die than delete the tweet" It seems over the top doesn't it?yuekit
- Why does it look like he was fined for something else...pango
- peterson is the getaway drug to nazism thats why the altright adores him so much..neverscared
- @yeukit. I’m not sure it’s productive to ringfence a tweet and claim you don’t understand the idea behind it. Your either choosing to ignore everything else....Morning_star
-’ve written in these threads or you truly don’t know anything about him.Morning_star
- The blanket argument is that you can't deny all the IDW are sacred cows of the alt-right. "Look they have Dr. beside their name".garbage
- They're all libertarians at best, and Joe Rogan just threw his hat in the ring for Ron DeSantis so.. lol at any liberal cosplay from him.garbage
- @Morning_star You keep suggesting there is some more nuanced version of what these people are saying but I watched the video here...yuekit
- Just like with Bret Weinstein when you listen to the full version it's worse not better lol. Why is he so angry?yuekit
- I'm willing to believe that unlike Weinstein, Peterson has written intelligent stuff back in the day..but at this point he's just another culture war demagogue.yuekit
- The question that he's consistently asked is 'when do the left go too far?'. We see the rise of fascism GLOBALLY and we're still not sure where 'too far' is.Ianbolton
- He conflates a lot of things to the left overstepping a line, yet we're still not sure where that line is when it comes to the degredation of democracyIanbolton
- @yuekit In that video, in a nutshell, what do you think he's saying?Morning_star
- @Yeukit, 'nuanced' is probably not the most appropriate term, however, it works for brevity. Of course I can see when JP is awkward, blustering rand full of...Morning_star
- ...rage. He IS or was a drug addict. He DOES have a strange diet however, not every single thing that comes out of his mouth is valueless and in particular...Morning_star
- ...loaded with political rhetoric and opinion.Morning_star
- I genuinely don't think he's saying much...rather than asking me can you pick out the intelligent or reasonable part of what he's saying?yuekit
- I think you have to be careful not to assume substance where there isn't any...these guys like Peterson and Weinstein often wrap up obvious or stupid pointsyuekit
- in pseudo-profound rhetoric. Like in this video he spends time ranting about this seeming contradiction he's identified... if Elliot Page was already a man whyyuekit
- did he need to get breast surgery? Peterson seems to think he's hit on some killer argument but it's just idiotic isn't it?yuekit
- It's also funny how he's so outraged at getting a penalty of his Twitter account...then he asks why did I get the penalty and goes on to list a numberyuekit
- of what seem like totally valid reasons...he personally attacked someone, called her doctor a criminal, the "pride" thing can be interpreted as anti-gay, etc...yuekit
- The tweet hints at violence...all of that before you even get to the pronouns issue. Like on some level it's impressive that he managed to include so manyyuekit
- ban-worthy things in one tweet, but in that case why is he pretending to be shocked/ outraged? It comes across as performative, like he's being a drama queen.yuekit
- I don't disagree with most of what you've said. I'm not sure i'd interpret it as hinting at violence...that seems a bit of a stretch. I think his fundamental...Morning_star
- is the search for moral/human truth and understanding. It's doesn't have a political perspective. His adoption of universal truths found in most ...Morning_star
- ...religious and social myths/stories applies (in his world) as a measure for everything. 'Pride' in the pantheon of myth is a negative action that has eons...Morning_star
- ...of experience and learnings. Where he misses the target i think is his insistence that 'Pride' and 'Pride' are comparable.Morning_star
- As for his attack on Elliot, i don't think he's wrong from a medical/psychologica... perspective. Elliot has a genuine issue with gender and has made the quite...Morning_star
- ...extreme decision to have corrective surgery. In JP eye, this doen't address the underlying psychological issues and is likely to cause Elliot problems in...Morning_star
- ...the future.Morning_star
- The doctor that performed the surgery has likely done it without the necessary psychological care that is inherent in his hippocratic oath. JP feels that,...Morning_star
-'s not just a case of doing what the customer wants. There should be a complete duty of physical and mental careMorning_star
- Again you seem to be giving a more moderate version that is nowhere to be found in the words of the so-called expert himself.yuekit
- He doesn’t say there needs to be additional psychological care, instead he seems to be saying gender surgery should never be allowed at all.yuekit
- And then goes on to state that if this causes mental suffering for people who are transgender, too bad.yuekit
- We're looking at this through different lenses Yeukit. You're looking for reasons to criticise and take him down. And, I just see a clumsy but logical...Morning_star
- ...extension of his attempts to understand truth. I don't think his intentions are malicious I just think he's evolved...Morning_star
- ...into adopting shortform media channels and it doesn't do him any favours.Morning_star
- Just to be clear I don't spend much time hating on or worrying about Jordan Peterson lol...I do think the public would benefit from better quality discussion.yuekit
- This hysteria about trans people, whether you are on the left or right, has reached ridiculous levels. Less than 1% of college students identify as trans...yuekit
- The number of people getting gender surgery in the USA is on the order of several thousand per year in a country of 330 million.yuekit
- So in a world where trans people are more accepted what changes? Almost nothing...just like with gay marriage it's doubtful anyone will even notice unlessyuekit
- they go out searching for reasons to be offended (as Jordan Peterson apparently does). If you want to talk human nature, a far more interesting phenomenon mightyuekit
- be this ability to invent moral panics out of nothing...similar to the hysteria about Satanism in the 80s they talk about here.…yuekit - I think you just made his point for him, why should less than 1% of the population dictate the language everyone has to adopt. Language evolves naturally...Morning_star
- ...over time to reflect the common parlance of the day.Morning_star
- OK so Canada has this law that could penalize people for publicly misgendering person has been charged so far back in 2019. No other country hasyuekit
- Which side is panicking? Seems to me there far more bluster and faux offence from the LGBT camp than Peterson and his cohorts.Morning_star
- this that I'm aware of...also some irony in Peterson demanding total free speech but he wants to dictate other peoples' entire life choices.yuekit
- 12xu8
- the benzo face..neverscared
- dont get me wrong he can do what he wants but what did the gender swap have to do with the plot of s3?trooperbill
- accommodate the appearance difference and to avoid bad wig.pango
- those were some terrible wigsat the beginning of the season.pango
- Fax_Benson8
This is interesting and might explain why seemingly rational debate can generate such angry responses.
I think Harris is an example of someone who innocently uses the 'decoupling-ritual' whereas Peterson, D Murray - even Dawkins - are more likely to use it deliberately and then cite it to distance themselves form the fallout.
- good articleGnash
- the intention behind the decoupling ritual — whether it’s use is innocent or deliberate — doesn’t change the truth of the initial statementGnash
- The fallout comes from misconceptionsGnash
- nice read, thanks fax_niko
- What gnash said. Decoupling isnt a strategy to provoke because concepts are already inherently decoupled. It’s just a way to point that out.cannonball1978
- kingsteven6
- This thread has been suspiciously quiet ever since the debate. *Googles Hegel*
Fucking LOL.deadsperm - i've been avoiding watching it. I just know it'll be painfulGnash
- the debate, not this clip
<<Gnash - I've only watched post-game analysis clips. Some of the left are still complaining, Peterson fans cling to the civil discourse narrative.deadsperm
- What I've most enjoyed were the memes pointing out how unprepared and out his league Peterson was.deadsperm
- I'd have continued to join in, but my comments come pre-canned.see_thru
- just watched the whole debate, poor jordan out of his league :)renderedred
- Hmmm I finally watched this. Didn't seem like much of a debate to be honest. Peterson gave a very standard critique of communism. Zizek did one of hisyuekit
- talks where he throws out a million different ideas at once, making Peterson look simple-minded by comparison. But there wasn't much real interaction, they wereyuekit
- on two different tracks the whole time.yuekit
- @yuekit, i don't know if the organizers or peterson himself thought that zizek will defend marxism. zizek is NOT a marxist and that's where all fell apart imhorenderedred
- I think Zizek does draw on Marx's ideas to some extent but it's a very post-modern take on them -- being fully critical of 20th century communism and mergingyuekit
- with other ideas. That's my understanding anyway based on attempting to read a couple of his books :)yuekit
- I'd say what he takes from Marx is more the mode of analysis rather than adhering to any particular "socialist" economic system. You can easily use a Marxistyuekit
- framework to critique all the past attempts at Marxism. But yeah didn't seem like Peterson had watched or read any of his works.yuekit
- This thread has been suspiciously quiet ever since the debate. *Googles Hegel*
- i_monk3
Isn't this just the alt-right without the screaming?
- no - its people expressing a different view. Right or wrong its their viewmugwart
- kinda sick of the “just differing view” claim. You can find those anywhere.monospaced
- everyone has a voice and a growth. No one can take their right to express their life as they want to. For me its only wrong when they act out badly to others.mugwart
- You get that you can express something and still be fundamentally wrong, yes? And that your free expression can actually cause harm?i_monk
- You being sick of differing views doesn't make them alt-right.cannonball1978
- I'm not sick of differing views at all! I'm saying I'm sick of people using that as a catch all explanation for why believe someone doesn't like something.monospaced
- For example, i've heard the claim that liberals don't like the alt right simply because of differing views. That is simply not the case.monospaced
- It's not because the views are different, it's because they are despicable in most cases. There is a distinction. Different views aren't an issue by themselves.monospaced
- yep mono.fadein11
- Neither Harris or Peterson identify politically as ‘right’. Both claim to be liberal centrists. I think it’s symptomatic of the ‘left’ ideologoy to attempt to..Morning_star
- ... label a group and then project an agenda driven and fictitious description on it. Truth is often brushed aside for the sake of convenience.Morning_star
- are you fucking high?BonSeff
- Has Peterson ever criticized the right to the same degree?i_monk
- I think his main target is Marxist and post modernists but he does lay into fascists and the alt right as well_niko
- I think he sees one as ridiculous and the other as dangerous_niko
- BonSeff2
- This is an outrage. Way to destroy a beautiful piece of meat.IRNlun6
- That's what she said.palimpsest
- Yes, drain the fat of a wagyu steak. wtfBonSeff
- Wagyu Jerky.
Think for yourself.palimpsest - Wagyu is over-hyped. The poor cows are fed grain, caged up:…shapesalad
- Always, always get grass-fed, free to roam beef.shapesalad
- Any meat fed on grain, has in it's fat, a load of shit and you may as well go drink veg oil and eat McDs.shapesalad
- Fair enough. It's also super expensive so its a rare treat. Certainly not frozen and air fired.IRNlun6
- This sounds fine to me. Freeze to keep the inside cool, while crisping the outside to get the Maillard reaction that brings out the flavor. Fat preserved in jusmonNom
- I would let it air dry overnight and boil it the following day.palimpsest
- It's effectively browning two sides on a hot skillet, done in an air-fryer,monNom
- As long as we're taking cooking tips from self-help gurus.palimpsest
- Dude eats nothing but meat. I suspect he's learned a thing or two.monNom
- @monNom
Can't argue against that logic!palimpsest - room temp and quick seared in a pan, doneIRNlun6
- With the boiling technique you get to cook all sides at the same time, giving it an overall more uniform texture.palimpsest
- If you can’t taste the difference, you’re not cooking anything that matters.palimpsest
- ok, will try this weekend and report backIRNlun6
- Post pics!palimpsest
- It's gotta be on gas burner though to catch all the flavors, otherwise use a microwave.palimpsest
- there is no sear in a god damn fucking air fryer on a $200 steak. the boil comment really made me laugh, well done. /punBonSeff
- As if there was any further evidence needed that this guy is constantly talking outside his lane.garbage
- We dunno if you're referencing the boiling or the air fying there, buster. You need to be more specific.palimpsest
- As of my lane if the boiling is done is a gas range it will retain more of the flavor. If you don't have the luxury of gas, microwave is a good alternative.palimpsest
- this your handy work?…BonSeff - @BonSeff…palimpsest - I don't see nothing wrong.palimpsest
- grindin' on that boiled meat, yoBonSeff
- Imma meat & potatoes kinda guy and they both go in a big boiling pot of water.palimpsest
- I've been doing the cold pan method, scary at first, excellent result:…shapesalad
- "Dude eats nothing but meat. I suspect he's learned a thing or two.". Hmm, this is what we thought I thought about Argentians too, but fuck they obliterate meatNairn
- @palim Boiling or air frying A5 meat is.. hilariously bad. Both would extrude the fat that is the whole point of that hilariously overpriced cut.garbage
- @Nairn I'm dead, lol.garbage
- Are jus kidding mestoplying
- @garbage
Thanks for the tip.
The More You Know.palimpsest
- mort_6
- ahahahhasted
- and inside this cup is the stuff equivalent of jordan petterson mind...neverscared
- Yeah, that guy truly lost the plot...tank02
- oh shit oh fuck, brodoesnotexist