What skill do you wish you had?
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- 42 Responses
- bainbridge
What skill do you wish you had? What job is completely different from what you do that seems interesting?
I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I wasn't involved in arts as a child.
- pango3
X-ray vision. Pro poker player.
- <bklyndroobeki
- X-ray vision. Pro voyeur filmmaker.VectorMasked
- caveat: you're dyslexic and have trouble making out the cards.garbage
- MrT6
It's completely different to what I do, but it does reflect feelings I have towards one or two clients.
- lolmoldero
- LMAOsureshot
- follow your dreams, man!iCanHazQBN
- You'll need a very specific set of skills.BK
- lol BKiCanHazQBN
- scarabin1
wish my parents had gotten me into music as a kid
- says the jack of all tradesbklyndroobeki
- i enjoy making instruments (i made an electric tank drum and some chiptune devices) but stuff like guitar just seems to elude me, despite lessonsscarabin
- bklyndroobeki0
Singer songwriter.
- so... to play acoustic guitar incredibly well.bklyndroobeki
- Adelemonospaced
- Hello...bklyndroobeki
- mg333
I would love to know how to build wooden furniture. Slow, methodical, extreme attention to detail and perfection. Nice Scandinavian type of stuff with great wood grain and sharp edges.
- you and me both.lvl_13
- Me too, then i look at my friends who do know how and i think of all the tools and garage space i dont have.HijoDMaite
- bezoar1
Mechanical Engineer.
- VectorMasked0
2 things I guess. I would loved to be smart and amazing at math and physics so could become an astrophysicist, or just simply have been exposed very early to classical music so I could become amazing at playing cello.
- utopian0
I wish I had the free time to work with metal and wood.
- you can pick up an a cheap arc welder and basic supplies on amazon for like $200, get yourself a grinder and some cutting wheels for $150scarabin
- there are some great videos on youtube on how to use 'em... welding is really fun and opens up a lot of new stuff you can doscarabin
- welding is fun. i used to do a bit and recently picked up a Flux-Cored Wire Feed cheapie so i can build bumpers and racks for my truckprophetone
- i have all the crap now, just need to find time to have some fun with the dry weather finallyprophetone
- As long as you have some space that can get dirty and smelly, metalworking is super fun and cheap for the most partprophetone
- ********0
I wish I could breathe underwater. No scuba gear. I would have gills like a fish and explore deep space within the Earth
- Squaman!!
http://cdn1.sciencef…pango - you'd get gill cancer in a yearcannonball1978
- Steve + Ned Zissou.nb
- Job skills, dude. Not gills so you can swim with Nemo.iCanHazQBN
- i'm pretty sure i can get a job if I can breathe underwater. just saying.********
- LOL. Touché.iCanHazQBN
- Squaman!!
- microkorg0
I was going to wish that I could predict lottery draw numbers.
But then I thought, maybe you'd get away with it twice maybe even three times before you'd get banned from being allowed to play - much like card counters are not allowed in Casinos.
And then you'd probably become a celebrity from having this ability and you'd have every nutter on the planet wanting you to tell them next week's numbers.
- Pixter0
I feel like I could perform well in a variety of fields, but I was always hold back by my lack of self-control. Somehow this weakness has diminished after having a baby (almost 1yo), I just hope it's not too late.
- So, this is the skill that I wish I had, better self control.Pixter
- Self control would have prevented that baby toocannonball1978
- aaahahahahagarbage
- ApeRobot0
Extrasensory perception
Time travel
The ability of better selling my skills will be fine...
This, and a perfect body and mind to be an astronaut, this would be ace
- Maaku0
Product designer or sculptor.
Miss working with my hands. (freshman year back in college was the best, no computer for anything).
- CygnusZero40
Boobs. Its honestly the most powerful thing on the entire planet. If you have them, particularly larger ones, you can basically get whatever you want in this world.
- This is possible if you have moneyApeRobot
- or you can grow man boobs by getting fatApeRobot
- Manboobs don't get you a leg upgarbage
- Nah I dont want boobs. Just making a statement. If you have them, nice ones, life is going to be pretty easy for you. LolCygnusZero4
Wish i knew more about building/restoring vintage motorcycles and cars.
Was thinking of taking classes somehow or finding someone to teach me in between my regular job.
- iCanHazQBN1
This thread diverted from job skills to superpowers very quickly.
- "wish"imbecile
- Excatly, "wish". Which SKILL do you wish you had. Not Which superpower do you wish you had. But.. go nuts, weirdos....!iCanHazQBN
- Hehehehehehehehehepango