Does your camera hang low?
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- CincodeMayo
And swing freely around your neck? Or do you use some kind of carrying case? About to go to Japan with a new camera. Thinking about getting something to protect it but I usually just let it hang. What do you do?
- moldero0
- < yephans_glib
- samebklyndroobeki
- ayemicrokorg
- wut? how do you operate your lens like this? or the shutter?mekk
- CincodeMayo0
So just a grip? That protects it enough?
- Gnash1
.... does it wobble to an fro
- https://en.wikipedia…Gnash
- +1********
- That's what she said.CyBrainX
- doesnotexist0
strap, depending on what i'm doing/how i'm shooting it hangs or it's wrapped around my hand.
i hate cases, never used one. just a nice lens protector.
- i used to have a case back in college. collected dust.bklyndroobeki
- exactly. and then everyone knows where your camera is.doesnotexist
- CincodeMayo0
Definitely using this for tourist stuff this time around. Taking the Fuji X-T10 to Japan for the week. Strap might be the way to go. Just inboxed it last night and the neck strap does seem a little thin. Might need to upgrade or pick one up in Tokyo.
- zarkonite0
I've got a really cushy strap with quick release.
I keep my touristy camera (5D) around my neck hanging at chest height to keep it from swaying too much but still easy to reach for quick shots.
The mamyia, when out of the house, never leaves my hand.
- CincodeMayo0
Any recs for a good neck strap?
- ********0
i use one of these…Only thing is i think mine is slightly too big. I think i got the L-XXL and the L size isn't as snug as i'd like
- also worth springing for the arca swiss mount for it if u run that on tripod.********
- also worth springing for the arca swiss mount for it if u run that on tripod.
- imbecile0
get a neoprene neck strap for lugging your camera around during long walks, takes the strain off the back of your neck. i usually keep it slung over one shoulder / under the other arm, myself. I also have 2 grip straps connected in both landscape and portrait mode so I can keep a tight grip on my camera at all times. I also have the lowepro slingshot to wear instead of carrying the camera with the strap.
- ********0
i don't like it around my neck for too many hours.
- microkorg0
I dump camera in a little shoulder bag for when not taking shots when on holidays etc.
But when I'm sightseeing or taking photos and the camera is out I have a neckstrap that's usually wrapped round my wrist a few times and I just hold the camera.
- CincodeMayo0
May pick up this strap...seems pretty decent and looks fairly comfortable.
- neoprene straps have bounce / give to them so the weight isn't as pronounced on your neckimbecile
- Seems like a good thing, no? I'll be wearing it most of the day so I could use a little weight off my neck.CincodeMayo
- it's a fully good thing, that's why I suggested them twice above, this link isn't neoprene though.imbecile
- Almost bought a neoprene one but this one gets pretty good reviews. Made of light weight material. I'll return it for neoprene if it sucks.CincodeMayo
- i don't ever really feel the weight on my neck with a shoulder strap, can pretty much where one all day. just depends on how it hangs on side/back********
- I currently have spider holster. It takes the weight of your neck. But makes you looks like a tool if not at work.
http://spiderholster…pango - I love it though.pango
- This guy gets a pretty good review as well. http://www.blackrapi…pango
- Checked that one out too...not bad looking. May swap it out if the one I ordered doesn't work out.CincodeMayo
- few models of that line has memory compartment in the padding :)pango
- sureshot0
I use my smartphone.
- pango0
X100 isn't that heavy is it?
- I'm using the X-T10 which I think is even lighter than the X100. But I'll be traveling around Japan for 8 days. Think a strap will help.CincodeMayo
- Mattjanz3n0
I own and used this on hiking trips.…
But most of the time I just use a normal sling from