Sexual Predatorette

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  • 68 Responses
  • Miguex0

    I'm not talking about this particular case, but in same cases, by law, the difference could be of just a couple of days and should still be considered a crime.

    There was one case where the teacher went to jail and when the student was of legal age and she was out, they got married. I'm not making this up.

    What is wrong with want to hear what the victims had to say?
    What about those kids that rode their bicycle to pay to have sex their first time with a hooker? Would that be considered rape?

    I think boobs is just pointing out the fact to a sensitive issue, everyone is quick to lecture him, but what he is saying (weather right or wrong) is not uncommon to hear, come on we've all joke about that, it was on a southpark episode because I'm sure most man will instantly joke about the situation, yes or no?

    He (boobs) never said she is innocent, or that what she did is legal, I think he just pointed out the obvious in terms of how society perceives this issue differently depending on the sex of the victims.

    • Ok, I guess he just sort of said she was innocent while I was reading thisMiguex
    • I get that. My point is that it should still be a crime, whether you're a man or a woman.juhls
    • Same goes for women who sleep around being called "sluts" and men being praised. I don't believe in that either.juhls
    • Well, then you don't believe in the reality of contemporary life.boobs
    • Sure.juhls
    • Just because it's "traditionally accepted" doesn't mean it should remain that way for all of eternity.juhls
    • It's like if women were always favoured to get custody of their children because they're the ones who carried the baby.juhls
    • Juhls, still does happen like that 9/10 times. Left me a bitter child because of it.rounce
    • That's what I mean. I shouldn't happen just because of the gender.juhls
  • Sep0

    How you can state that an underage boy can't possibly be psychologically scarred by sexual abuse by a women, simply because he's a boy is beyond me...

    So, just to get it straight:
    Underage boy used for sex by adult man: Bad
    Underage girl used for sex by adult man: Bad
    Underage boy used for sex by adult woman: Hubba Hubba?

    • I'm curious if it's OK for an adult man to have sex with a young boy too.juhls
    • If he's gay at the age of 13, or thinks he is, etc.juhls
    • That's a good question juhls. And I'm not really sure what the answer is.boobs
    • It's still a young boy involved with someone he wants to be involved with. Wouldn't your answer be "yes"?juhls
    • Ostracization, sure. Pregnancy, no. Although I suppose it doesn't follow your points in the below post.juhls
    • Nevertheless, it's pretty convenient to claim that its OK for only young men and adult women to have sex.juhls
    • I think if a boy's 13 and gay and he's doing the "pitching" then it's probably good._niko
  • boobs0

    Well, I've laid out my reasons. If you have some disagreement, let me know why.

    Saying, "how can you possibly believe that?" is not an effective argument.

    But, you know, tell me what is the harm that has befallen these boys? What they did was biologically natural, traditionally accepted, and, as we've seen from previous posts, has made other men jealous of them.

    Tell me what harm they have suffered.

    • well, if by some reason they were forced into it, like violently and they were crying out for help, then there was damage right? it's still rapeMiguex
    • right?Miguex
    • Yes. If it were violent, and they were literally forced into it, it would be very very bad. But instead they got XBoxesmonospaced
    • and cash for gamesMiguex
    • Prostitution, fun for the whole family.Sep
    • You are a moron or a paedophile, actual harm is not the point. Potential harm is.comicsans
    • It is like arguing that driving drunk is OK if you don't have an accident. It is not.comicsans
  • Sep0

    I'm glad my first time was a positive expierence, not in a car with a manipulative serial-abusing women old enough to be my mother, throwing money at me...

    At such a young age shit like that can have a seriously negative impact on your sexuality, your view on women and relationships in general.

    If you can't acknowledge that I'm afraid you're living in an American Pie movie.

    • Good point. I guess it's hard to picture this particular situation as the same "violent" rape that we hear about so oftenmonospaced
    • I mean, it sounds like the worst thing she did was seduce them. I admit, it would be weird at 13-15 years old.monospaced
    • I remember at 13-14, I tried to hatch a plan to get a teacher of mine to seduce me; she was well hot. Didn't work out, though.Continuity
  • Miguex0

    Sep, my question to you..
    what if it was you right? (hypothetically speaking), and the rapist looks like this:

    You are 13, and you just watched "Transformers" and you couldn't stop having "dreams" about this chick.

    Suddenly your are playing with legos or whatever, she shows up to your place, throws 50grand cash at you, (but doesn't hurt you) you pick it up, and you have a "pattern on the pants, optical illusion"

    she asks, you want to go for a ride?

    and you do it, and even if she didn't threw money at you, you've been dreaming about this chick since the movie and now is in front of you.

    tell me.

    have you been raped?
    or you died in the next 3 days from high fiving?

    • You were never in the debate team in high school, were you?Sep
    • ;)Sep
    • I presented you with a situation that require a direct response from you, and you avoided the question...Miguex
    • My thought right now is that I could say you were never in the debate class either :)Miguex
    • Yeah, but you could say the same thing about a young girl wanting to get with Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom.juhls
  • vitamins0

    The reason for double standards is because women release more oxytocin chemicals after sex. It's a scientific fact so women are screwing themselves over by becoming more attached while a guy can fuck anything and not care. Also, women can get pregnant, but with condoms it's different today.

    I think if I was 14 and fucked my teacher, i'd have no problems with it. I actually lost my virginity in the backseat of my car. I'm such a manwhore.

    Main thing in this case is if the young boys were "taken advantage of", then it's a crime.

    Again, as far as double standards men and women ARE physically different. I have more respect for women who aren't slutty. Plus, there's going to be jealousy issues with people fucking anything these days.

  • Ancillary0

    It has to be taken on a case by case basis.
    It's probably not right for a fully grown adult to have sex with someone underage, but there are probably some instances where the underage person might have enjoyed it (like if the younger person was a pubesent male and the perpetrator was an attractive female), that doesn't mean they weren't taken advantage of

  • instrmntl0

    When I was 13, I remember how old 20 year old seemed, let alone a 30 year old. They were beyond old adults. She was 39 when she had sex with a 13 year old. When you're 13, that just seems ancient.

  • fxone0


    Girl here looks 15 dude...…

  • comicsans0

    It would be fascinating to read this discussion on a forum largely populated by women. I suspect the general conclusion would be broadly the same, adult male, under age either gender, very very bad; adult female, under age either either gender, meh! where's the harm. Double standards are wonderful things.

    In a civilised society adults are expected to be responsible which includes, amongst other things, not exploiting children.

  • ali0

    she's a dirt bag

  • pillhead0

    Hilarious how this went on for 2 years, I guess playing the Playstation and doing someone from behind at the same time get real boring, real quickly.

  • ahli0

    great argument boobs, fair play to the boys.

  • set0

    Its different because girls get pregnant, underage female sex is not cool. Men, underage or not, just wanna fuck. All the time. And its cool.


    • Good thing she'll be labelled a pedophile for the rest of her life. With thinking like this...juhls
    • what fucking everset
  • SrSamaurai0

    might as well get all the pedophile threads bumped up together for some of you to feast on

  • cerberus0

    Some of your reasoning is shocking. You sick fucks. Male or female, it's wrong. If you can't see that they are one in the same you have issues.

    I can't believe I breathe the same air as some of you fucking morons.

    • wooooooooaaaah duuuude
      easy, we are all friends here
    • let's keep it clean pleaseMiguex
    • you sound like a jumped up take life too seriously piece of shit cunt, actually.set
  • ceiling_cat0

    I'll fuck anything

  • boobs0

    You folks keep saying, "it's wrong" and leaving it at that.

    What is so wrong with an adult woman having sex with a teenage boy that should cause her to go to prison? And not for, you know, a couple weeks. But months and months--if not years! It seems insane to me to treat this woman on the level of someone who's committed armed robbery, or shot someone.

    What is the harm to the teenage boy? Beyond breaking some taboo (which no one here seems to even be able to name, which I find very telling), what has occurred that will damage the kid? How?

  • cerberus0

    ^^^You are a fucking idiot.

  • Sep0

    "At such a young age shit like that can have a seriously negative impact on your sexuality, your view on women and relationships in general."

    That was my direct response to your question "where the real harm is." It's like you don't want to read these replies.

    Not enough potential damage for you there? If they grow up with the idea that it's ok for adults to have sex with children, and start doing the same? All ok for you? Not one solitary alarmbell goes off in your head?

    For fucks sakes, she was 42 and the boys 13. She's in control. Her age puts her in a position of power. She has the overwhelming advantage over these kids and she used it to get herself off.

    Your only argument seems to be: Boys can't get pregnant and they probably enjoyed it..."

    I don't see how I can be more clear about it. But I'm starting to suspect your whole view about women/man relationships are warped, so I wonder why I even bother...

    • I don't want to have a go at you man... But I have pretty strong feelings about this subject.Sep
    • Sep:
      what if she was 22 and the boy was 18, he looked for her, not he way around, does she still go to prison?
    • goes to prison?Miguex
    • If the person is 18 or above, that's obviously different. With underage kids, it doesn't matter who looked for who.juhls
    • That's obviously a completely different situation, Miguex.Sep
    • cool, my point was that she is still a woman, she is still older than him, but the situation can not have the same consecuencesMiguex
    • consequences, so sometimes that law can't be applied the exact wayMiguex
    • The law IS applied the same way for all underage kids. As it should be. You're talking about older people.juhls
    • so juhls, if she is 19 and he is 17& 1/2, she should go to jail w the rest of the pedophiles?Miguex