Sexual Predatorette

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • Miguex0

    I'm not talking about this particular case, but in same cases, by law, the difference could be of just a couple of days and should still be considered a crime.

    There was one case where the teacher went to jail and when the student was of legal age and she was out, they got married. I'm not making this up.

    What is wrong with want to hear what the victims had to say?
    What about those kids that rode their bicycle to pay to have sex their first time with a hooker? Would that be considered rape?

    I think boobs is just pointing out the fact to a sensitive issue, everyone is quick to lecture him, but what he is saying (weather right or wrong) is not uncommon to hear, come on we've all joke about that, it was on a southpark episode because I'm sure most man will instantly joke about the situation, yes or no?

    He (boobs) never said she is innocent, or that what she did is legal, I think he just pointed out the obvious in terms of how society perceives this issue differently depending on the sex of the victims.

    • Ok, I guess he just sort of said she was innocent while I was reading thisMiguex
    • I get that. My point is that it should still be a crime, whether you're a man or a woman.juhls
    • Same goes for women who sleep around being called "sluts" and men being praised. I don't believe in that either.juhls
    • Well, then you don't believe in the reality of contemporary life.boobs
    • Sure.juhls
    • Just because it's "traditionally accepted" doesn't mean it should remain that way for all of eternity.juhls
    • It's like if women were always favoured to get custody of their children because they're the ones who carried the baby.juhls
    • Juhls, still does happen like that 9/10 times. Left me a bitter child because of it.rounce
    • That's what I mean. I shouldn't happen just because of the gender.juhls

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