Sexual Predatorette

Out of context: Reply #43

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  • boobs0

    Well, I've laid out my reasons. If you have some disagreement, let me know why.

    Saying, "how can you possibly believe that?" is not an effective argument.

    But, you know, tell me what is the harm that has befallen these boys? What they did was biologically natural, traditionally accepted, and, as we've seen from previous posts, has made other men jealous of them.

    Tell me what harm they have suffered.

    • well, if by some reason they were forced into it, like violently and they were crying out for help, then there was damage right? it's still rapeMiguex
    • right?Miguex
    • Yes. If it were violent, and they were literally forced into it, it would be very very bad. But instead they got XBoxesmonospaced
    • and cash for gamesMiguex
    • Prostitution, fun for the whole family.Sep
    • You are a moron or a paedophile, actual harm is not the point. Potential harm is.comicsans
    • It is like arguing that driving drunk is OK if you don't have an accident. It is not.comicsans

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