Sexual Predatorette

Out of context: Reply #60

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  • Sep0

    "At such a young age shit like that can have a seriously negative impact on your sexuality, your view on women and relationships in general."

    That was my direct response to your question "where the real harm is." It's like you don't want to read these replies.

    Not enough potential damage for you there? If they grow up with the idea that it's ok for adults to have sex with children, and start doing the same? All ok for you? Not one solitary alarmbell goes off in your head?

    For fucks sakes, she was 42 and the boys 13. She's in control. Her age puts her in a position of power. She has the overwhelming advantage over these kids and she used it to get herself off.

    Your only argument seems to be: Boys can't get pregnant and they probably enjoyed it..."

    I don't see how I can be more clear about it. But I'm starting to suspect your whole view about women/man relationships are warped, so I wonder why I even bother...

    • I don't want to have a go at you man... But I have pretty strong feelings about this subject.Sep
    • Sep:
      what if she was 22 and the boy was 18, he looked for her, not he way around, does she still go to prison?
    • goes to prison?Miguex
    • If the person is 18 or above, that's obviously different. With underage kids, it doesn't matter who looked for who.juhls
    • That's obviously a completely different situation, Miguex.Sep
    • cool, my point was that she is still a woman, she is still older than him, but the situation can not have the same consecuencesMiguex
    • consequences, so sometimes that law can't be applied the exact wayMiguex
    • The law IS applied the same way for all underage kids. As it should be. You're talking about older people.juhls
    • so juhls, if she is 19 and he is 17& 1/2, she should go to jail w the rest of the pedophiles?Miguex

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