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  • 403 Responses
  • kelpie0

    like christianity, oddblog rapidly grows to resemble its rival ever more with each new wave of poularity

  • ian0

    Look I can't be expected to keep track of 2 blogs, ok. I barely know wahst going on the normal slighlty odd blog let alone this one. Can everyone just come of back to the other one. Spooky you owe me some biscuits.

  • Khurram0

    Yeah, i'm not into that spiritual shit. Tho i have a deep appreciation of Eastern philosophies/religion, as well as meditative practices - some of the ritual leaves me codl.

    I had to skip through a lot of donwloaded videos to find one that seemed "hardcore" enough to me minus the pan-pipe music in the background.

    Bikram Yoga is basically the standard yoga (Hatha/Ashtanga) but its done in a heated room so you sweat like a punk. Apparently Andy Murray and other sports people are into it.

    • curly haired scottish idiotkelpie
    • Scotch idiot!Khurram
    • Therin lies the yoga schism.. for sport or for spirit... two different disciplines really. I don't need to tell you my missus is the latter. Girls eh!Horp
    • Girls eh!Horp
    • if "sport yoga" leads to "spirit yoga" for me, as an entry point for later life. Then all the better i say!Khurram
  • Fariska0

    ah, i see now

  • Fariska0

    but i refuse to be part of it.

  • magnificent_ruin0

    upon approach, the edifice reveals cracks. It is a magnificent ruin. But unlike "lower"mineral forms, it will not survive death.

    • I believe only prions can be considered to 'survive death' in as much as they are immune to it.Horp
  • Fariska0

    actually i consider this my shitplace

  • Fariska0

    Probably there is no OddBlog
    Relax and enjoy the blog

  • Khurram0

    • that's Horp in the middle, me on the right, and kelpie's the white dudeKhurram
    • HAs Kelpie got the makings of a semi lob on?Horp
    • why i do declare....Khurram
    • it looks that way at rest guys, what can I say?kelpie
    • i want to cup you.Khurram
    • and I was the one with the 2finger mustachedigdre
    • Digz... bold!Horp
  • Horp0

    I wonder if Redant would like to discuss her conspiracy theories in the Oddblog thread?

  • Khurram0

    I believe in the OddBlog thread...

  • Horp0

    Well now, I've just added a project to my website. Its something I did for Scotch&Soda last year and although the project was never completed I quite like the work anyway. It would have been a great project to complete but the creative/build was really way too lavish for the two months they'd allowed and it got cancelled. I still got paid though because they liked what I'd done for them.

    I'd like to provide a link directly to the project but I am lame and my website skillz don't extend to that sort of thing, so you'll just have to look for Scoth&Soda in the margin, left, if you want to see it.

    The work looks a bit choppy but that's becuase it had to be fully animated so kept on layers and not blended in as it would be otherwise.


    • my mate Mike works for S&S as the 'lead designer - denim' which always makes me chortle...neue75_bold
  • Khurram0

    So a little light flirting with design girl claire. She's cute but i had a principal not to bone people i work with. But then i spoke to Hugh in sales who told me of one guy who fucked 3 girls here (out of a couple of hundred)... so well, not to be outdone...

    I will start with claire as she is very attractive to me right now and i can tell she fancies me.

    I needed to send over the copy to her for the magazine, and i'm running late so she emailed me:

    "We’re due to sign off on Thursday, so Tues should be ok. I know where you live, though, (or at least where your desk is) SO DON’T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE AND DECK YOU


    to whit i replied:

    "Honey, i'm too big for you. x"

    Brevity is key, as is maintaining sexual dominance and familiarity with the inclusion of the word "honey".

    I enjoyed that flirty exchange of email with her and i've decided to pursue her with full vigour - a quick fuck in the disabled toilets.

    Wish me luck!

  • Horp0

    There is nothing quite like office flirtation. Its soemthing I miss I suppose, as a solo operator. I met my missus at Bamberforsyth through such shenanigans.

    Anybody who says "SO DON’T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE AND DECK YOU" is clearly flirting with physical rough and tumble. She likes your roguish presence, no doubt.

    Its always good to savour the dance before consumating the urge. If that were me I'd want to tease it out for a long time.

  • Khurram0

    Well yes, we have been eyeing each other up for a while. But i work closely with her so i don't want to make things awkward, as i am emotionally unavailable right now.

    • "didn't" want to. I do now.Khurram
    • Just enjoy the electricity of the tease then. Good for the morale!Horp
  • Horp0

    Right then Oddblog, the time has come for me to say Goodbye for now, possibly until Monday morning. You may well sink a number of pages back but rest assured I will revive you on my return.

    Goodbye Khurram, have a nice weekend.

    • You as well mate. I'm off up t' Leeds tonight. Will be back on Tuesday or summat. Lates! xxKhurram
  • Horp0

    Watching A River Runs Through It.

    • Can't say I'm particularly focissed on it though. Just waiting for Underworld to start.Horp
    • A River Runs Through It is good.moveinspace
    • It does look good but I missed first 30mins, ate supper for the next 30, so now it just washes over me, scenically.Horp
    • Seems to revolve entirely around fly fishing lore and anecdote though.Horp
  • e-pill0

    my fav toys til to this day are Matchbox cars and Hotwheels and Fastones...

    • Matchbox and Hotwheels I like, Fastones is not a make I know. Maybe they didn't come to UK.Horp
    • they were cars that never existed. like monster cars... they rolled all the way and sidewalk best!!e-pill
  • Horp0

    Picked up some more book cover work today, and a client wrote to say a book cover I did last year has been proved and looks amazing. Personally I struggle with that. I really didn't feel the artwork at all. It was one of those cases where I was required to do what the client wanted... it was on the cusp of being okay and being utterly pants during development, but then in the editors meeting it suffered the classic and ubiquitous set of editor's changes that tipped it, for me, firly into the pants barrell.

    But my client says it looks really great so I'm just really quite perplexed by that.

  • Horp0

    In considering the requirements for the rehabilitation of the democratic world; the physical loss of enthusiasm; the visible destruction of motivation; hopes, spirits, and self esteem was correctly estimated.

    But it has become obvious during recent months that this tangible collapse was probably less serious than the dislocation of the entire fabric of the moral landscape. For the past ten years conditions have been abnormal. The feverish consumption and the more feverish upgrading of products engulfed all aspects of national economies.

    The will has fallen into disrepair or is entirely obsolete. Under the arbitrary and destructive rule of credit, virtually every possible enterprise has been geared into the great money machine.

    It is already evident that, before the people can begin to alleviate the situation and help start the democratic world on its way to recovery, there must be some agreement among the countries of as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken. It would be neither fitting nor efficacious for anybody to undertake a unilateral program designed to place democracy back on its feet until then.

    This is the business of the bankers. This is a job for the money men. The initiative, I think, must come from the city. The role of the city should consist of friendly encouragement in the drafting of a new consumer program and of credit support for such a program so far as it may be practical. The program should be a joint one, agreed to by a number, if not all, democratic nations.

    I am sorry that on each occasion I have said something publicly in regard to our international situation, I've been forced by the necessities of the case to enter into rather technical discussions. But to my mind, it is of vast importance that our people reach some general understanding of what the complications really are, rather than react from a passion or a prejudice or an emotion of the moment. Such passion and impulse should be held in check until the great sale begins, after midnight.

    As I said more formally a moment ago, we are remote from the scene of these troubles. I myself shop exclusively online via a pay-per-month concierge service. It is virtually impossible at this distance merely by reading, or listening, or even seeing photographs or motion pictures, to grasp at all the real significance of the situation on the high streets. I don't even know what poor people smell of.

    And yet the whole of the future hangs on a proper marketing of even more stuff poor people can buy. It hangs, I think, to a large extent on the realization of the people that they still need stuff to feel good about their shitty selves.

    What are the reactions of the people? What are the justifications of those reactions? What are the sufferings? What is needed? What can best be done? What must be done? What can we sell you? What can you buy? What can you afford? What can you put up as security against a loan?

    Thank you for your time.