Global Warming

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  • deathboy-1

    Im not discounting the negative impact on the environment that people make. Im just speculative to the extents and the level of the effects. Most studies look in the last 100 years or so. Few look at a large timeline scale because its almost impossible to calculate or quantify all the variables. And if they cant provide a result deeming their continued grants necessary theyll be out of a job. So easyier to do small scale and focus on factors that will provide the results your looking for. And those research people are usually funded by corps and gov agencies that are looking for the answers that fit their agendas. Its a business afterall. Scientists arent altruists that are doing it out of a common good. They need to keep their jobs.

    And i question the effects climate change alarmists will have on people promoting their research through regulation and policy. If we dont have that much effect, and we slow the industrialization down to a crawl while the populations increase, it could lead to as much suffering as a possible climate change. after all industrialization also correlates with populations, would like to see some growth charts of pops and industrialization to go with the climate models that are trying to drive changes. but than again those will likely be biased in favor too. So ill just shrug. And say fuck it.

    But i prefer nature to balance things better than people. The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

    • if your stance is all about the allocation of funding, i think you should be more concerned with the militaryscarabin
    • i really don't think spending any amount of time or money on studying the effects of humanity on the planet is misplaced. you say "we just can't know all the variables" but with study hopefully we can come closescarabin
    • say "we just can't know all the variables" but with study hopefully we can come closescarabin
    • not about funding. i dont care who wants to fund what privately. Its how the data is manipulated through fear to gain controldeathboy
    • gain control. I dont think it can be calcualted or quantified. we cant predict the weather a month in advance let alone a weekdeathboy
    • week accurately. its just absurd. its about control/money through fear.deathboy
    • best way to gain quick control is to destabalize through policy, blame soemone and offer hollow promisesdeathboy
    • of course i think its more about cronie capitalism than pwoer mongering right now. but a good angle to work off of if your power hungrydeathboy
    • power hungrydeathboy
    • if it's about power then, you should consider who would benefit from a misinformation campaign. the wealthy who gain their wealth through carbon-producing practices like oil, or the people who are concerned about their effects?scarabin
    • their wealth through carbon-producing practices like oil, or the people who are concerned about their effects?scarabin
    • i consider both those gaining it and the leaders pandering to it.deathboy
  • lowimpakt0

    i see the opposite re. industrialisation. climate change is a massive driver of innovation and open up new frontiers for technology, urban planning, architecture etc.

    the people that spread the phrase "climate alarmism" tend to be people and companies that want things to remain the same because they are tied to polluting technologies and they are unwilling or unable to innovate.

    • security to keep those things they want is a motivator on both sides. i think control and security is only an illusion.deathboy
    • and how is industrialization done through subsuidies and unsustainable real innovation?deathboy
    • and if u want to curb the sympton of co2 gases, would u support populations controls?deathboy
  • numbers-1

    Some kind of population control is probably inevitable. The world can't support 15 billion people all living like Americans.

    • haha yea. just wondering if it will come from natural event or man. If from man im a bit more scared of what will happen with that. on an evolutionary scaledeathboy
    • that on an evolutionary scale. especially looking at what giving food to the hungriest people in africa does to their best in the tribesdeathboy
  • Hombre_Lobo-1

    ^and now we move on to high levels of mercury found in several modern day vaccines including swine flu H1N1.

    Mercury causes infertility btw and bizarrely some test show it causes autism.

    what a wonderful money driven world we live in :D

  • lowimpakt0

    the world population isn't going to continue growing like it has. we will enter a phase of decline because of a number of socio-economic factors.

    • you think poor people are going to stop having kids? aren't they statistically, the biggest reproducers?scarabin
    • I'm with Scarabin on this one... a little worriesomejfletcher
  • lowimpakt0

    sorry, to be more accurate i meant the rate of growth won't be the same.

    this is a slightly better description of what I mean-…

  • BRNK0

    Fucking this.

    • (Looking at you, deathboy.)BRNK
    • i said climate change is going to happen with or without us. And i question wether we adjust by 10,100,or 1000 years.deathboy
    • unless of course that little ice age was man made and could have been prevented?deathboy
    • i also think the cliamte change is fear mongering like heaven or hell as an outcome. a simple method of controldeathboy
    • to what end though? to scare us into being more conscious about our pollution?scarabin
    • it's only the wealthy polluters who even have a reason for fear-mongering misinfoscarabin
    • politicians have no incentives? they cant gain any support by preaching some sort of security?deathboy
    • through political lobbying. again corn ethanol ring any bells.deathboy
    • corps sell into politicians, politcians sell it to as greater good with a larger markup.deathboy
    • we didnt buy the corps markup. but are more likely to buy it at others costs. or forced toodeathboy
  • deathboy0

    ^ pretty silly. Proving climate change isnt happening is like suggesting you can stop climate change. Anyone on both those pitches are silly.

    But he did mention to what extant we do it. And i still find that data almost impossible to calculate. Sea currents, flares, the moons orbit getting farther away, earthquakes, historical climate cycles(much liek seasons but in the thousands of years) and man throughout different countries and different levels of industrialization in different localities, all being measured to equate something in a non biased way? And sure other factors im missing, i bet the magnetic field, levels of ozone and other shit matter too. I think the "science" of it is quack for the msot part to push funding and grants and special subsidies.

    Can u predict when a man is going to die or what hes going to do in ten days with all the factors and random variables involved? Climate change isnt a science or some sort of more stable thing like gravity. The idea we can control it is a gross ignorance of our importance and role in nature. And the negation of looking at the cause and effects of trying to do so and thinking we're awesome is retarded.

    "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either
    a daring adventure or nothing."

    Thats the approach i take to this. We're all gonna die. So lets not be afraid and try to change the inevitable through policies that will only hinder and cause suffering with the time we got. If better tech comes and at a lower cost than awesome im all for that. But im not for oh no this is pollution so stop that and see 1000s if not mroe suffer from a few peoples need to feel secure or protect their ways.

    • i think climate change is more like life. immortal but still life, until sun collapses and swallows the planet of coursedeathboy
    • This is not a rebuttal to the video above.BRNK
    • Even if trying to change the climate, not trying to change the climate (even in vane) is irresponsible.BRNK
    • I meant "Even if trying to change the climate is silly," derp.BRNK
  • BRNK0

    Well aren't you an expert.

    • no are u? how bout the meteorlogists on tv? can they accurately predict the weather? and in what time frame?deathboy
    • Im saying with all the dynamic factors its basically impossible. let go of the idea of controldeathboy
    • if not your gonna be controlled by the people who beleive they have controldeathboy
    • i like the security of a certain climate as the next person. i more concerned with how far scared ppl who think they can control it will godeathboy
    • control it will go, especially in times when its stable. ill take chances with adaptation then man thinking theyre better than naturedeathboy
    • nature
    • Occam's Razor, bro.BRNK
    • translation: "i'd rather die ("adaptation") than care for the earth any more than science can prove i must"scarabin
  • scarabin1

    i think it's great that you're aware that there's misinformation out there but you're really erring on the side of ruin here. if YOU'RE wrong the entire human race could go extinct. if WE'RE wrong, oops, the air is cleaner.

    • depends on the regulation. error could cause large food shortages. look at corn ethanoldeathboy
    • i feel more secure in natural selection controlling than government policy on the issue. i think humans error far more frequentlydeathboy
    • more frequentlydeathboy
    • and of course i support the 3 R's and measures in a free market that dont cause suffering.deathboy
    • and not to say regulations cant help, its just like playing with fire. look at the politicians these daysdeathboy
    • theyll have good intentions that create great suffering if it promotes their goals, and hollow apogies on top of a pile of bonesdeathboy
    • of bonesdeathboy
    • yes, humans adapt. we won't let people starve because of pollution regulations, we'll change the way we grow food. that needs revamping as well. this is all part of the "industrialization" and "adaptation" you keep referring to.scarabin
    • that needs revamping as well. this is all part of the "industrialization" and "adaptation" you keep referring to.scarabin
    • toscarabin
    • the only way "nature will sort it all out" is by its creatures figuring out how to not ruin it for ourselves. THIS is evolution.scarabin
    • evolution and adpatation isnt done from policy. policy creates a false cost reward bubble.deathboy
    • policy creates housing bubbles. perverse incentives instead on natural state incentivesdeathboy
    • i think that's an incredibly myopic view. policy has done a lot for a lot of people. just because it's a rule doesn't mean it's automatically badscarabin
    • bad. what you're expecting is a sort of reverse entropy herescarabin
  • deathboy0

    Occam's Razor works on smaller scale stuff. Say we have a greater understanding in the last 100 years, but for the last 10,000 we really dont know that much, nor all the factors. Even in the last few thousands we have differing views based on different evidence and priority given to evidence to support different hypothesis. Personally I havent found a way to slice away natural dynamics to give a high yield of probability. Like i said i think climate change is as dynamic as life, especially on smaller scale. If i used the razor on larger scale calculations id say we are likely to push the envelope of warming a few hundred years leading to a natural cold cycle. But that would be about as good as a weather man predicting the weather in a 2 month timeline.I just dont think with the varying factor you can have good predictions. I think it needs to be compared to a small scale but as many variables as a single human being. Their life, genetics and choices, random chance.

    Im only arguing against our innate desire of security and our ignorance in thinking we control everything. And of the ability of men to exasperate the ill effects when thinking they can control things. A quick example is the ignorance of greenspan with a more localized economic policy. I dont know. I cant understand how others can take a few variables and time scales and think they know and take it as an absolute.

    But hey let me predict climate will change warmer or colder or both on a timeline and there is nothing we can do except hedge it slightly a bit on the timeline, and theur will be costs. that im pretty certain of.

  • deathboy-1

    Hell the environmental effects of electric hybrids are pretty effed up. Hard to tell the effects of pushing them through large subsidies have. The increase in electricity created through fossil fuels/nuclear/natural methods. The environmental effects of creating and disposal of old and new vehicles, the economic impacts of paying 20k more for a car that save about 1200 dollars a year and the how long you hold onto a car to recoup the costs for the sake of the environment. creation and disposal of a growing amount of batteries. Much like the disposal of growing waste of computers.

    Hard to predict the economic/environmental impacts of just pushing one fix. Now tie that into everything else which is currently changing. Hard to tell the effects the costs and rewards over time. Id like to believe there is some number junkies brilliant fucks out there who know all of it. but i find it hard to believe especially looking at the incentives there results are based on.

    Hard to say. Dont want to sound nihilistic but its hard not too. Maybe better to focus energy of climate change math heads to better what we have. Focus on the now. And be very skeptical of incentives of people promoting the same arguments of heaven or hell in decisions.

    • you realize those hybrids are made by the same people, right?scarabin
    • a more specific argument with largely hard to tell future ends. and still many questions and speculationsdeathboy
    • i understand. i see they get great incentive to push more expensive cars and increase profits all for good intentionsdeathboy
    • and have government subsidize it on top of itdeathboy
    • its a great way to inflate an industry and create jobs for awhile. while being ignorant of the real causality of the decisionsdeathboy
    • the decisionsdeathboy
  • utopian1

    A refresher crash course for the inbreds!

    • think the his problem is in his approach of smiley faces in both in the true categories. the truth of yes says u can control itdeathboy
    • if we do something cuasing larger costs and it happens it measn less ppl resources for recovery.deathboy
    • afterall if it happens wouldnt it be the same or is the idea that spending money now can control it?deathboy
    • really utopian. Do u think its better to go into an climate catstrophy in a recession or a healthy system?deathboy
    • His work incase theres a cliamte change and suffer mild recession if there is pushes the idea we develop a way to control climate.deathboy
    • control climate and doesnt address it if we dont promote green technologies and there is a climate changedeathboy
    • does that make sense in these small comment blocks?deathboy
  • deathboy-1

    oh and i saw your comments now scarabin.

    adaptation and evolution and progess isnt created through policies. policies distort natural incentives of growth. policy can help but the path to hell is paved with good intentions and politcians prefer to push good inentions instead of reason these days. Most are unsound without much research. Their good intentions are smokescreen to promote their own self interests. They probably believe the good intentions will work out. But its so much easyier to believe a sweet lie than bitter reality.

    And i not rather die than worry about environment. I think my views support a more natural take than a few cronie capitalist/politicans 1% saying they have the best of intentions that also serve their interests. I personally take the time to lower my impact because i care. The ones that are self serving in my natural environment. It just the right thing to do. Hell i dont plan on having any kids how much do i save there for global impact? Not to say other shouldnt, its up to them. But adds to a hypocritical viewpoint of the ones that believe strongly in conservation and changes in policies based environment control.

    Its just a lot of bullshit and peopel playing tug of war to serve their own self interests and say its for the greater good. Once you accept the nature that stopping climate change or controlling it is out of the question its far easier to see the motives behind it.

  • deathboy-1


    Why is the true boxes on both different? How does not planning and having a strong economy and everyone happy different than a mild recession if the shit hits the fan and a strong climate change happens. He draws to large conculsions from this without explaining his reasoning. I assume he wants u to assume spending and creating a recession will lead to the ability to control climate change. while the other of just doing what works for the larger number will create a bad future when climate change happens. If both take the same climate change blow id think the healthier economy with less of a recession will better weather the storm than those in the recession. right? if thats the logic... Unless there is implied climate controls and unequal climate effects based on decisions. If thats the case than what climate control supports were created at the cost of the recession and what did the naysayers do that create such a distructive outcome for them? I cant help but think that outlooks is silly too since its trying to generalize to viewpoints and make no claims in why they what reason they differ.

  • utopian1

    NASA sees giant crack forming in Antarctic glacier

    NASA scientists are watching a giant crack forming over a vulnerable Antarctic glacier and they think it will soon break off into an iceberg the size of New York City.……

  • utopian1

    Biggest jump ever seen in global warming gases

    The global output of heat-trapping carbon dioxide jumped by the biggest amount on record, the U.S. Department of Energy calculated, a sign of how feeble the world's efforts are at slowing man-made global warming.…

  • omg-1

    It's unstoppable. The 99% can only sit back and watch the world burn.

  • deathboy0

    Dammit why cant we control these darned flares. We're the 99% we should be able to kick the suns ass. OR fine maybe the sun is 2% but we got the numbers.…

  • utopian0

    I am 99% sure that the Big Oil does not give two fucks!