paris riots

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  • skt0

    I say grab up your stuff, head back to the country of your forefathers and see how you feel in about 2 months.

    Trust me, they'll be crying for ol' Paris and not worried one bit about burning sh*t.


    it goes back to what you said Cactus. It's like, well no sh*t, it's been going on for a while and then sh*t hits the fan, which should be no surprise to anyone, because people get tired of having less than others and living in crap conditions. Human nature to me.


    So what's your point jaz? Should they fuck off home or should they revolt at being marginalised by main stream society? And I stand by what I said, more than once on NT have you showed yourself to be intolerant to other races.

  • Crouwel0

    "then call me a big fat isolationist"

    exactly. simply because you are racist. you call all immigrants poor and angry and cancerous and what not. you make me sick with your strongly racist and narrow minded view on reality.

    here in NL a lot of immigrants are highly educated, often with a degree and they are lawyers, doctors, politicians, writers etc. Yet some still work here illegaly, washing dishes in restaurants and what not while they are prepared to be more helpful to society with their intellect and skills.

  • MX_OnD0

    Have to agree with Crouwel and skt on this one.

    bashing immigrants whether verbally or physically is just about the lowest you can stoop.

    I remember the last time I spoke to my cousin in Switzerland...he couldn't say 2 sentences without going on about "fucking immigrants"

    Eventually I'd had enough:

    "Hey don't forget that you're talking to an Auslaender !"

    "That's different, you have the Swiss passport"

    "So do half of the people you're moaning about"

    "Ah but you're Scottish, you're not a Yugo or Black"

    "Listen fuckwit, the only reason you don't have a problem with Scottish people is that there aren't enough of us here, if I manage to round up a few thousand to come over, you'll have a problem with *my kind* within a week. Cunt"

    Last time I ever spoke to the guy. He is now an immigration officer at Zurich airport,


  • vespa0

    *sings burt bacharach softly into thread's ear

    what the world
    needs now
    is love
    sweet love
    it's the only thing
    that's there's just
    too little of...

  • skt0

    *gets a semi

  • skt0


  • KuzII0

    To those who think these riots have in some way to do with “unchecked immigration of unskilled workers” as the cause of these disturbances – the majority of rioters aren’t immigrants, they’re 2nd and 3rd generation North Africans born and bred in Paris, put through the French education system.
    I was there when the Bradford race riots swept through the communities I grew up in, and there were white northerners then who said “we should have never let them into this country”. Well fuck you. Both my grandparents fought for the British to defend their Empire during World War II, one of my grandparents was there during the liberation of Italy. The majority of immigrants who came in the 60s and 70s were in someway connected with administering the British empire or were cannon fodder in the British army – that’s the only reason they were allowed in.
    France and Britain who are now complaining about race riots and “self-segregation” should maybe come to terms with the fact that they had empires all over the world only 40 years ago. Where their own citizens ran thiefdoms. The French were the worst in North Africa, where they completely unpicked Algeria’s institutions and built it from the ground up as just another province of mainland France. The only difference is that the hundreds of thousands of white French who lived in Algeria lived in the finest quarters of the city. Whilst the Algerians in France today, well let’s just say that Clichy-sous-Bois is hardly the Casbah.
    I grew up in your typical northern working class town, complete with the Victorian terraces that are now the stereotyped residences of Pakistani’s in this country. Packed and overcrowded and 100% Pakistani was where I lived – and fucking grim. My uncle recently moved out of that area and moved into a nice suburban area - front and back garden, and a garage. 100% white that area. The only brown faces on that street are him and his family. They’ve had their windows broken FIVE times in the 4 months they’ve been there, by white youths from the area. He’s got young kids for fucks sake!

    I was glad when the Bradford riots happened here. I thought it was the Pakistani communities “Brixton” moment, release of the pressure valve, getting rid of some bad blood. What’s more, it was a sign of ownership. It was a declaration by the Pakis that this is our country, our communities, and we’re not scared of being sent-back to wherever we came from like our grandparents generation.
    Most of you who don’t know what it’s like to be an ethnic minority will find it difficult to understand the anger and hate egendered in young men having to put up with the most insidious forms of racism. It’s the reason why I left Leeds to live in London. Cos I was sick of having to chose between going out in “white clubs” and “Paki clubs”; of working part-time in factories where the managers didn’t think twice in plastering BNP posters all over the factory floor (to the non-British, the BNP is the British neo-Nazi Party). And this is just my views, the most Anglocised of Pakis that I know.

    I don’t know how much of this applies to what’s happening in France now, but I’m making this as a general comment to those who say “they should all go back to where they came from if they don’t like it here”, like the giant idiot that is Jaz X.

    //end rant

    *waves to skt and lowimpakt


    Remembers to me the 80´s here in the basque country.
    Same fire. Sad news...

    Are all the guys, really young boys? Or is somebody making biz with the themme??
    This is not the way to solve the problems. Not the firing way, not the police violence, not the "ethnic-represion-justifies-all" way to think.

    First to extinguish the fire, they will extinguish other problems.
    I think.

  • winter0

    these idiots exclude themselves. it's not the system. the only thing repressing them is those religious leaders instigating revolt over their own adoptive country. in fact, these things are organized by people who simply like to fight the system not knowing there is not a better one. if there was we would have it already.

    in fact, i know a few extreme left-wingers. i cannot read their minds. they level of envy and destructive will is so immense that i cannot understand it. There's no aim in their anger. must be some deep freudian shit. i think they know they are not the better ones and simply want to control stuff. terrorism has the same nature: it's the reaction of people who know that their world is about to end.

    deep freudian shit. nice name for a band.

    this is clearly a case of betrayal.

  • lowimpakt0

    hands up who hates ignorant racists.

    * raises hand

  • MX_OnD0

    *raises hand

    **stands on upturned bucket and raises hand so others can see it too

  • eerieechidna0

    What's funny is that ppl think Paris is burning ... but all this is happening in the far suburbs, which have been abandoned for years by privileged people and look like war zones...
    I don't think you can analyse the situtation by just quoting BBC -- or even worst CNN -- news!
    And "La Haine" is really old school, 90's, things changed a lot since then ...

  • IRNlun60

    well f'ing put Kuz.

  • fadeproof0

    lol at lowimpakt.

    (the f*ck outta here..).

  • vespa0

    "And "La Haine" is really old school, 90's, things changed a lot since then "
    (Nov 4 05, 05:24)

    but that' s the point eerieechidna, it would seem things haven't changed much in all that time and the same sentiment is just growing and growing.

  • JazX0

    ahhhh look more brilliance, copy cat demos:…

  • canton0

    Oh the horror.

  • moural0

    None of this would happen if the conditions in Africa were actually respectable.

    It's like the US and Mexico - the US pours millions of dollars into border control and immigration deterents instead of going to the root of the problem. If they used that money in cooperation with the Mexican government to create a fertile economy in Mexico, the number of immigrants would be reduced... dramatically.

  • abhi0

    ahhhh look more brilliance, copy cat demos:

    (Nov 4 05, 07:03)…

    You might need to read subs in case you dont understand french so I'm hoping this doesnt stretch your intellect.

    However, I think you will follow this since it has pictures and sound.

    Perhaps copy cat will mean something different to you then.

  • IRNlun60

    I personally think that governments don't touch upon the idea of root cause in these situations because it's self-incriminating. By admitting culpability opens the doors to liability and lawsuits. Acknowledgment that something needs to be done and doing something is as far as it's going to go.