- bainbridge
GF, Wife, S/O Career?
Just curious how many of you have a partner who works in the same/a similar field as you.
Are you collaborators?
- bainbridge
Custom site?
In response to:… I am curious if most members here work on custom sites for clients and themselve…
- bainbridge
Plain hooded sweatshirts?
Looking for a good quality, heavy, basic and no-logo hooded sweatshirt, zipper or pull-over.
Any suggestions?
- bainbridge
Burning bridges?
How many burned bridges or severed connections have you had in your career?
Ever had a client who gave you Tiny projects and p…
- bainbridge
All caps script?
Any good examples of a logo that uses script but is all caps?
- bainbridge
iMac slow these days.
My older 2010 iMac is acting slower these days.
I recently upgraded to CS6 from CS5, but that seems minor. I only have 500 font…
- bainbridge
Photoshop Freezing?
Why does Photoshop keep freezing for me. I recently installed CS6 on my iMac and it freezes after a few minutes or whenever I try …
- bainbridge
NY = Unhappiest City…
The National Bureau of Economic…
- bainbridge
Activated fonts?
How many activated fonts do you have at any given time on your computer?
I use FontExplorer and have about 900 out of 5000 font…
- bainbridge
Lame client?
I have a person who gives me only the smallest and lamest work. Sometimes she needs help making a .pdf and most times she wants to…
- bainbridge
Instrumentals / Jazz / ?
Want some new tunes for work. Anything with lyrics can be distracting.
What are some good instrumental, jazz, classical albums …
- bainbridge
Website design credit?
When do you credit the designer for a website and when don't you? Is that a thing some firms/studios insist on?
- bainbridge
Responsive slideshow?
What's the best simple Jquery one?
Looking for something that displays one image at a time and loads slides lazy.
- bainbridge
Background image size?
For a website, if you want an image to fill the whole background and size according to the browser window, what is the best size f…
- bainbridge
Small investments?
If you had a extra few thousand, maybe up to 10K, is there anything smart you can do with it to make more money? Or is it not enou…
- bainbridge
Custom Squarespace?
Anyone have examples of good sites that use Squarespace as a platform? Or do most people just use the templates as is?