- bainbridge
A family friend needs help on something they've been working on in "Pages". Never used the program before. Am I getting in trouble…
- bainbridge
Was going through some images I bookmarked today. What are your interiors of your dreams, residential or other?
- bainbridge
Domain Registration?
My domain is expiring and Godaddy wants $16.99 + $9.99 for private registration PER year.
That seems like a lot for very little…
- bainbridge
What makes you happy?
Man, 50, sells his life on eBay and moves to a deserted tropical island in Panama with no electricity and 10 resident chickens
- bainbridge
Gmail: Plain text or Rich?
If you use Gmail or Google Apps for mail, what format do you use for email?
Plain Text gives bad line breaks on iPhone, but Ric…
- bainbridge
What images say America to you, in a positive way?
- bainbridge
InDesign color + border?
How do I do something like this to text boxes?
I have some text boxes that I want to add a co…
- bainbridge
Web: Overhanging graphic?
Is this possible?
I want to put a graphic on a website that is always at the bottom and is only about 70% visible.
I want to…
- bainbridge
Illustrations of People?
Looking for inspiration for hand drawn portraits. Nothing too detailed or perfect.
Any ideas?
- bainbridge
Drop shadow / tablet?
I added a box-shadow to a site, but it doesn't seem to work on iPad / tablet?
Are there any alternatives? I want a uniform shad…
- bainbridge
LA vs. NYC?
What's better for quality of life? Is having a car a good thing or burden?
- bainbridge
Cringe worthy?
This ad is currently on TV in America.
You think it's actually effective?
- bainbridge
Website image naming?
Is there really any reason to worry about how you name your images on a portfolio website (besides being able to organize them you…
- bainbridge
Circle logos?
What are some good circular logos?
- bainbridge
Happy new year?
What's the most interesting New Year's you've had?
Just realized I'm doing basically the same thing this year that I did last y…
- bainbridge
Some sugar isn't vegan?
Gross and strange:
If you aren’t on a vegan diet, chances are you didn’t know that all sugar isn’t considered vegan. It doesn’t…
- bainbridge
"Objective" on a resume?
Who came up with the idea that people should put their "job objective" on their resume?
Does anyone here think it's a good idea…