- bainbridge
What are some good logos that are "cute" looking?
- bainbridge
GMAIL breaking up signature?
I started manually pasting my email signature into emails because I want it right at the bottom of my latest reply (not at the ver…
- bainbridge
Old versions of iPhone apps?
Is it possible to download older versions?
I just updated one and my iPhone 5 is having trouble handling it.
- bainbridge
Product photography?
I want to photograph some objects for a project. Nothing over 12 inches but ideally on different colored backdrops. I have a frien…
- bainbridge
How many black dots?
How many black dots do you see?
- bainbridge
iMac so Slow?????
I have a 2010 iMac and run Adobe CS6. It was great for years, but lately, it's just been so slow for everything like Chrome and Il…
- bainbridge
Delete Font Book?
Can I delete Font Book from my Mac? My computer is slower lately and I think it's because I switch font management programs and al…
- bainbridge
Facebook Message Alerts?
Is it possible to get email alerts for new messages on FB?
I don't use FB much. Do I need to download the app and get alerts on…
- bainbridge
I'm tired all the time now.
It's hot, but I feel like I'm sleepier and achier than ever. I don't drink coffee.
What food should I be eating to give me more…
- bainbridge
What Laptop?
I do design work, not video though.
What laptop should I get? 13 or 15 in? Macbook Pro? Is Retna worth it?
Anything new comi…
- bainbridge
Going to Las Vegas this weekend. What are some things I should see? What is the best buffet?
- bainbridge
Phone number on site?
Do you have your phone number on your portfolio website? I've been getting more spam phone calls lately from fake credit card comp…
- bainbridge
Gmail line breaks?
Is there any way to turn the line breaks off in Gmail?
I just sent an important email and looked at it after it was sent and Gm…
- bainbridge
Block Google Analytics?
Do you or your workplace block Google Analytics? Is it still the primary statistic tracker?
- bainbridge
What skill do you wish you had?
What skill do you wish you had? What job is completely different from what you do that seems interesting?
I sometimes wonder wh…
- bainbridge
Responsive image blog?
What's the best way to make a simple image blog that's responsive?
Can I code it all in CSS or do I need Javascript or Jquery?
- bainbridge
InDesign took 15 minutes to open?
My computer has been slower lately, but not that slow and things are working alright. But InDesign wouldn't open today, so I resta…