Star Wars Episode VII

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  • pablo281

  • kona-5

    could you imbeciles try a little harder to NOT spoil this movie?


    • This is a discussion about the film.

      Go see it, then read the thread mafaka.
    • ^fadein11
    • lol. Oh set I wish it were that easy but life has gotten in the way.kona
    • Then stay out of the thread until time allows your to see it. What do you expect but opinions and spoilers here.ETM
    • once the movie is out spoilers are expected on the threadernexbcn
    • ugh, can you PLEASE stop talking about the particulars of Episode VII in the Episode VII thread!? gosh!monospaced
    • It's the Walking Dead thread all over again.ETM
  • monospaced6

    I just watched Empire Strikes Back last night to see how it holds up and to start gettin caught up before I see this. Guys. Please remember that the originals were also pretty corny sci fi flicks. So much of the standard everyone is holding them up to is based on the way imaginations grew them into over the years.

    I haven't seen the new one yet but if it's as fun as the crazy adventures in Empire, has some laughably lame sword fighting and one liners, and has a fucking green stoner muppet rummaging through food and chuckling, I'm all in.

    • amen.docpoz
    • yep. the originals had plotholes big enough to drive an x-wing through but people have been enjoying them just fine for almost 40 years.scarabin
    • people are butthurt about this film and it's AT LEAST on par with the originals and waaay better than the last threescarabin
    • ^ you need to chill out - people are entitled to debate and have an opinion on this film. You sound butthurt.fadein11
    • he's the opposite of butt-hurt, hahaha, he enjoyed the film; this is his opinion in the debate, and he's entitled to it alsomonospaced
    • i'm all smiles mate!scarabin
  • prophetone2

  • nb1

    So, now that Disney owns the franchise, everyone is saying they'll have a new SW film every year or two, right?

    It's weird that people care so much about it.

    Who cares if this one is good or bad? Don't we now get to have a new one every couple years for the rest of our lives? It's an endless opportunity to find a SW film that meets your demands.

    I say stop caring about it and try to enjoy it, even if it sucks.

    • Disney is doing exactly what Marvel has done. Releasing movies in the same "universe" and profit. I don't mindOP31
    • some will suck some will be good. either way its not going anywhere.OP31
    • same reason why people care about their sport team winning or losing.inteliboy
    • Sure, but they enjoy watching their team, even in a losing season! I say enjoy your stupid space war film, even when it sucks!!!nb
  • set2

    Utterly meh

    • You're being dramatic, but yes, it could have been better so easily, it's sad.raf
    • didnt seem too dramatic. the movie was just kinda meh. not awful, not very good either. it could have been a LOT better.CygnusZero4
    • Not dramatic at all. Meh meh meh mehset
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯pango
  • scarabin2

    me and a friend finished our lightsabers, ate some acid and went to a 5000+ person ightsaber battle downtown where we dueled with folks for several hours before seeing a midnight show. fucking epic day!

  • docpoz0

    JJ delivered a near perfect contemporary Star Wars film. It's a little bit cluttered with action but that is the kind of pace that the younger generations are used to. It was a thrill ride with just a little room for characterization and drama.

    I think they went a little bit overboard with the motion blur but maybe that was the projector or because I was seated really close to the screen so I will reserve judgement on that but I was very entertained and it was totally worth the price of admission.

    The next one I think will be even better because now theres a new world to explore with a bit more time. Going with another director is a good idea so it has a different feel.

    The shot compositions were elegant and well designed for the most part and I loved the space photography so much. It had that original series feel to it. Definetely the 3rd best of the series after episodes 4 + 5.


  • scarabin2

    it was everything it needed to be. i'm excited about the franchise again :)

  • docpoz0

    A variety of sources – Flash Gordon movie serials, the films of Akira Kurosawa, and mythological hero narratives, among others – influenced the creation of the Star Wars franchise. But some argue that an uncredited influence on Star Wars is the French science fiction comics series Valerian and Laureline. Created by writer Pierre Christin and artist Jean-Claude Mézières in 1967, Valerian and Laureline depicts designs and adventures that are similar to some elements in the Star Wars films.…

  • Gardener0

    Aha, I've never even been into coke, but even I worked that one out!

  • bezoar0

    Took my 4 yr old son to see it, also his first theater movie. Great time. I have my gripes about the movie, but the dogfight scenes are excellent. I plan on watching in regular 2d rather than imax 3D. Those recycled glasses are a crapshoot.

    Biggest movie complaint: need more titties

    • jesus.. you took a 4 year old to that? i just watched it tonight.. there is no way i would take a small child.. not even my 5 year old and he loves star wars.autoflavour
    • you are aware its PG 13..autoflavour
    • So what auto? Maybe your son would enjoy the movie as well.bezoar
    • Hmmset
    • Lemme rephrase that, it's early: perhaps a kid can enjoy the movie without negative effects.bezoar
  • CygnusZero40

    I need to see it again and do some more reading on some of these things that the movie didnt have time to get into and some of these things might sit better with me, but first reaction was this is Star Wars Into Darkness.

  • autoflavour0

    definitely felt some of music was a bit paint by numbers.. felt a little too much like standard orchestral fare you find on any xmen/transformers/action film..

    it was the classic themes interspersed with mediocrity..

    its the only place i could fault it..

    that and Kylo Rens voice is ridiculous .. it just sticks out like a dogs balls.. what, was the mixing engineer sick the day they did his part..

    • all the flaws are fine really... very rare for a film to be perfect. BUT the music actually did bother me. Star Wars is supposed to be all about the music!inteliboy
  • inteliboy0

    Just saw it. Glad to see people here liking it. Was it perfect, no. Was it fun - fuck yeah.

    ///** SPOILER **//

    Good things:

    All the key characters are great. The acting is great. Nothing is cringey at all. Luke. Holy shit. Powerful.

    How the story was told was really well done and unexpected despite the mirror duality of A New Hope --- opening with Poe, then the camera moving over to a Storm Trooper.... I was like "wow this is cool". Even that moment with Rey, Kylo and Fin in the snow - perfect.

    Bad things:

    Snoke. Ugh, so generic, so CGI, so crap.

    That CGI tentacle monster in the corridor scene.

    The editing. JJ fucking REFUSES to let a scene play out and get emotional in this film (and all his films). Every time it's about to get deep and epic some stupid explosion or noise or something interrupts the scene and boom... we're back into the fast bang bang bang pace of the movie. Ended up making everyones motivations feeling empty as we never got to dive into their emotions.

    The music. Dull. Non memorable and just a wash of notes and orchestra with no emotion. This is Star Wars ffs! With a better score, like a bandaid, the above problems could have disappeared.

    • yeah Snoke felt a bit like Lord of Rings troll level of animation.. why bother..autoflavour
  • PonyBoy2

  • spl33nidoru0

    Agree with you on not capitalising as much as they could on the music, and snoke seeming a bit off in this universe.

    This being said, I saw it again today, enjoyed it much more without fear of disappointment and the things that bugged me at first didn't bug me that much anymore.

    With additional viewings it's also easier to put oneself in the director and team's shoes, and considering the pressure what they delivered is nothing short of amazing, and like we all said before very truthful to the original ones, if to a fault sometimes.
    I'd even go as far as to say that Lucas gets extra points for daring to go in a completely different direction with his prequels. Made me want to watch them again.

    I still found the first 45 minutes perfect in every way and beautiful moviemaking. And I believe this new episode (rather than the original trilogy) will be the standard the next 2 chapters will be judged by.

    • Nothing is off in the sw universe lmao. Ever see jedi? Theres talking teddy bears in it.CygnusZero4
    • lucas has said he wasnt trying to recreate the originals with the prequels.CygnusZero4
    • I wont fault someone for taking a risk. Thats what he did with the original star wars.CygnusZero4
    • Have you finally seen it or what ?!spl33nidoru
    • In like 2 hours dudeCygnusZero4
    • Cool, have fun and report back!spl33nidoru
  • Krassy1

    George Lucas has been vocal about his film influences, but never credited the ACTUAL place where he stole LOTS of what's in Star Wars: "Valerian and Laureline," created by writer Pierre Christin and artist Jean-Claude Mézières in 1967.

    The French dudes remain furious that NO credit has ever been given to them, despite the blatant rip offs!

    Check it out:…

  • jagara0

    So... according a text message from my (somewhat elitist) friend, a graduate from London film School, and a film reviewer on a Danish newspaper, who just saw TFA:

    "It's... unneccesary. That's all i'll say for now".

    • *tojagara
    • Oh, and he's a major original trilogy lover / prequel hater.jagara
    • oh, you tease...docpoz
    • http://c0.thejournal…Bluejam
    • I've forced myself to keep my expactations neutral...jagara
    • he's in a tiny minority.fadein11
    • since ive not seen one person that thought it sucked, hes probably some wanker that hates everything popular.CygnusZero4
    • "There is a shift in tone that brings the material closer to the feel of a Steven Spielberg film ...not entirely, to the good." Hollywood Reporterjagara
    • "It won’t save the world, not even Hollywood..." New York Timesjagara
    • "A somewhat thin, derivative story that ... doesn’t exactly fire the imagination anew." Varietyjagara
    • "A good movie, nothing more." Village Voicejagara
    • "Like far too many franchise films today, [it] is too invested in planting seeds for future movies instead of telling its present story succinctly." Ain't It Cojagara
    • "TFA boils down to a couple of genuine lump-in-the-throat moments, and those are due to nostalgia. The rest? Seen it, done it, been there" Movie Nationjagara
    • a hand picked selection of quotes, a convincing argument does not make.Bluejam
  • ernexbcn7

    Loved it! it's pure star wars and by that I mean IV V VI not the green screen midi-chlorians abominations.

    Can't wait for the next.

    • like that description, pure star wars!_niko
    • i liked the prequels. not great movies in general, but lots of cool sci fi shit in them.CygnusZero4
    • Eye candy is not worth the dialogue and delivery that makes ones ears bleed, IMO.ETM
    • The script and acting sucked, but i still liked the star wars shit in it. LolCygnusZero4