Star Wars Episode VII

Out of context: Reply #510

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  • inteliboy0

    Just saw it. Glad to see people here liking it. Was it perfect, no. Was it fun - fuck yeah.

    ///** SPOILER **//

    Good things:

    All the key characters are great. The acting is great. Nothing is cringey at all. Luke. Holy shit. Powerful.

    How the story was told was really well done and unexpected despite the mirror duality of A New Hope --- opening with Poe, then the camera moving over to a Storm Trooper.... I was like "wow this is cool". Even that moment with Rey, Kylo and Fin in the snow - perfect.

    Bad things:

    Snoke. Ugh, so generic, so CGI, so crap.

    That CGI tentacle monster in the corridor scene.

    The editing. JJ fucking REFUSES to let a scene play out and get emotional in this film (and all his films). Every time it's about to get deep and epic some stupid explosion or noise or something interrupts the scene and boom... we're back into the fast bang bang bang pace of the movie. Ended up making everyones motivations feeling empty as we never got to dive into their emotions.

    The music. Dull. Non memorable and just a wash of notes and orchestra with no emotion. This is Star Wars ffs! With a better score, like a bandaid, the above problems could have disappeared.

    • yeah Snoke felt a bit like Lord of Rings troll level of animation.. why bother..autoflavour

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