Star Wars Episode VII

Out of context: Reply #511

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  • spl33nidoru0

    Agree with you on not capitalising as much as they could on the music, and snoke seeming a bit off in this universe.

    This being said, I saw it again today, enjoyed it much more without fear of disappointment and the things that bugged me at first didn't bug me that much anymore.

    With additional viewings it's also easier to put oneself in the director and team's shoes, and considering the pressure what they delivered is nothing short of amazing, and like we all said before very truthful to the original ones, if to a fault sometimes.
    I'd even go as far as to say that Lucas gets extra points for daring to go in a completely different direction with his prequels. Made me want to watch them again.

    I still found the first 45 minutes perfect in every way and beautiful moviemaking. And I believe this new episode (rather than the original trilogy) will be the standard the next 2 chapters will be judged by.

    • Nothing is off in the sw universe lmao. Ever see jedi? Theres talking teddy bears in it.CygnusZero4
    • lucas has said he wasnt trying to recreate the originals with the prequels.CygnusZero4
    • I wont fault someone for taking a risk. Thats what he did with the original star wars.CygnusZero4
    • Have you finally seen it or what ?!spl33nidoru
    • In like 2 hours dudeCygnusZero4
    • Cool, have fun and report back!spl33nidoru

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