Paris terrorist attack Nov13th 2015

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  • 157 Responses
  • tank020

    Trump is a douche. The united states weekly have this amount of deaths in gun related killings.

    • Looks like about 250 gun deaths a week in the USA.iCanHazQBN
  • D4W33D0

    • If i could make love more often, it would be cool, for the rest i am agreeD4W33D
    • what a cute picture, "they hate our freedoms". please take your heads out of the sand and realize what the west has done in iraq & syria.dorf
    • ^inteliboy
    • Oh you mean like Your fucking of BushD4W33D
    • Our fucking of Bush?iCanHazQBN
    • They don't hate you for your croissants. They hate you because the western coalition thought it was a good idea to invade and occupy a countryiCanHazQBN
    • that had nothing to do with 9/11.. resulting in the deaths of 100's of thousands of innocent Muslim lives.iCanHazQBN
    • We can't just go and occupy a fucking country of our choice and expect the people their not to be angry, especially when everyone there hasiCanHazQBN
    • likely lost a loved one because of this war. Now do you understand why they're mad? Now do you understand the uprise of so many 'radicals'??iCanHazQBN
    • It's not your fucking croissants. I suggest you take one of those tasty pastries, put some warm butter on it, and shove it up your ass.iCanHazQBN
    • All your post does is prove how ignorant you are of the situation. What a stupid conclusion this author has drawn of the reason for this act of violence.iCanHazQBN
    • & I'm a secular atheist who hates religion, & Paris would be my 1st choice to live in the world. But I'm not gonna sit here & deny the reality of the situation.iCanHazQBN
    • All my post prove how ignorant i am?
      Really. The pict i post is a caricature, and my response is a caricature too.
    • And I hate religion but love humor during this dark day, i don't tell you, you are so far from reality, i am just sad for you...D4W33D
    • Sad 'cause you believe most of people think like you try to explain.D4W33D
  • ApeRobot0

    • where's this?hotroddy
    • So stupid. This received massive coverage.BusterBoy
    • < is this the Assad gas attack?Gnash
    • Assad?? But these are Africans. Anyone know what this is?iCanHazQBN
    • Garissa University College attack back in Aprilgoldieboy
  • Morning_star1

    "For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love. This is an unalterable law" - The Buddha

    • Shame the Buddhists in Myanmar missed this bit.MrT
    • That's true. However, as we're all very aware of, all religions tend to have their own horrible cunts.Morning_star
    • Although these Islamists are well beyond any point of caring about your love.IRNlun6
    • religions? the population as a whole is littered with horrible cunts. Religion just makes them easier to target/blameIanbolton
  • bliznutty2

    • Shame he was sp full of hate and didn't feel like this at all later in his short life.fadein11
  • Beeswax0

    According to this France hit ISIS with air strikes.
    Although it looks more like a civilian area in Syria.…
    *dead people in the video

  • autoflavour0

    Some people seriously need to be just crushed in a compactor..

    Danish MP thinks we should start bombing civilians..

    "When asked if that meant he thought the West should bomb women and children, Espersen said “yes, of course”. "…

  • hotroddy0

    too soon?

    • I thought about this... it's so tempting... but i had the restrain to not post it...pango
    • you are a better man than me pangohotroddy
    • lolDillinger
  • _niko1

    This is part of the confusion and the lack of a game plan that the west finds itself in, there is no clear cut enemy, no target, they are in Syria and they are in your back yard. Strike either of those places and you risk high civilian casualties, the days of wars between professional armies are long gone, now it's guerrila warfare, sleeper cells and terrorists.

    Let's imagine for a second that the worst happens, a terrorist group gets their hands on a dirty bomb, or worse and kills 100,000 in a single strike on a city in Europe. How does the west respond? Can they respond? Where and against who?

    • Just have a sick feeling that this is going to get a lot worse for both sides before if ever it gets better_niko
    • I Just read the article above,
      “We need to develop the war into a real war, otherwise we will lose,” Espersen added. this is what I was fearing
    • Beyond turning Isis cities into rubble causing huge civilian casualties, they would also create internment camps in Europe to protect against home grown threats_niko
    • Dark days ahead, hope it never comes to that._niko
    • If it came to that, the middle east would have to weed out the "bad" ones, execute them, etc. If not, it'd be WWIII in the middle east and the west would aimformed
    • to take over the entire region, not worrying about civilians (if a dirty bomb happened, people wouldn't care about collateral damage, they'd want revenge).formed
    • There is a clear cut enemy. Radical Jihadists.IRNlun6
    • Agree it's the jihadists but they might as well be invisible._niko
    • The real problem is getting consensus that it's a religious ideology that needs to be confronted.IRNlun6
    • The fact that many still avoid calling it Islamic in fear it will inspire more terrorism speaks volumes in itself.IRNlun6
    • President of France calling to dismantle mosques that radicalize is a great starting point.IRNlun6
    • But no doubt this unfortunately is a war that will last a generation if not more.IRNlun6
    • And of course the conspiracy theorist narrative will be that this is exactly what the U.S. or the military industrial complex or Israel wants and planned_niko
    • Yup, just look what Israel has to deal with. They're being attacked daily but still accused to have somehow plotted this. Makes no sense.IRNlun6
    • This is a convenient "reason" to bring ground troops in to Syria, oil oil oil.formed
    • If, heaven forbid, an attack like that happened, parts of the Middle East will be turned to glass. People in charge would demand blood immediately.face_melter
    • i was under the impression that "dirty bombs" can kill people for a long time. they cant, however. just makes the area uninhabitable. look it up :)sarahfailin
  • Ben990

    Saudi Arabia is the head of all this. And USA are feeding them.

  • dorf2

    • Sunnis are the more dominant form of Islam at least 80% of Muslims worldwide. Sunni dominated countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Syria.utopian
    • And the Shia majority countries are: Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Bahrain.utopian
    • Why must the western countries always meddle in someone else's business? Let Muslims take care of their own problems.utopian
    • ^
      we can't because there is oil there, take the oil out and no one would care
    • “He who controls the spice controls the universe.” ― Frank Herbert, Duneutopian
    • Video from Council on Foreign Relations.. one of the biggest illuminati organisations there is..autoflavour
    • @auto did you get your tinfoil hat on etsy?dorf
  • monospaced0

    Don't worry. Anonymous is on it.

    • Yay. Another DDoS attack and a few Twitter account hacked. That should save the world.Raniator
    • Totally. The numbers they're claiming are impressive though. Can't hurt, right?monospaced
    • The prophecy is coming true... They are going to get fucked by 72 virgins after all.
      (not my joke)
    • ^
    • True, monospaced. Anything is better than nothing I suppose.Raniator
  • Ben990

    Belgian Man Identified as Mastermind of Paris Attacks


    • isn't "mastermind" a bit of a stretch?Gnash
    • guy looks like he spends too much time in amsterdam..autoflavour
  • Ben990

    • nice humvee. i wonder where they got that from2002
  • Ramanisky2-1

    best comment I've read today ....

    "Amazing how we all of a sudden have so many ISIS / ISIL experts on facebook with strategies and advice that supersedes entire nations and collective governments. Your profile reads filmmaker but clearly you left out military and social strategist titles in your bio. How does it feel being so clever that even years worth of worldwide collaborative think tanks could not come up with your overnight solutions? Bravo! Hats off to you. I hope you get the amount of likes you were looking for. I am sure NATO, the UN and worldwide leaders will be banging at your door for advise.

    I have no answers. I am just a person who films shit. "

    • I was thinking the same today. It's like when I go to the football match and the fat sweaty bloke next to me is telling the players what to do.breadlegz
    • I see lots of this stuff on FB from people who have absolutely no idea about any of this in any way. And they can't handle that perhaps some of theirmg33
    • friends are very well read, and full of knowledge on the topic.mg33
    • but i have PhD in Political Science and read a lot - so what if i stay home for a living - i know the answers2002
  • nb0

    This is a good read, an interesting opinion that seems to be growing in popularity.…

    • This is a very smart piecejacklalane
    • Saw a pretty fucked up video I won't post. Basically a professor in Sweden I believe , played a video in his class on how gays view islam.IRNlun6
    • Probably no more than 10 seconds into it, most in the crowd loose their shit. Attack him, and literally almost start a riot where police needed to get involved.IRNlun6
    • Apparently it was used as justification for later attacks against the public. ISIS will never build the caliphate they want. Reform is the only way.IRNlun6
  • BusterBoy0

    • He's totally wasted on that dumb show.MrT
    • True.bobkat
    • all i remember of the Project was it was one of those terrible Channel 10 in house productions.. yet everytime i see Waleed im impressed.. what gives..autoflavour
    • Your memory serves you well. Aly left the ABC around the time its funding was cut. I like to blame Abbott regardless of the facts, which of course was his MO.MrT
    • 1.58, in the VT behind him, doesn't the guy at the front look like the "Mastermind of Paris Attacks"?dee-dubs
  • autoflavour9

    Letter from Husband whose wife was killed on Friday..

    "Vous n’aurez pas ma haine”
    Vendredi soir vous avez volé la vie d’un être d’exception, l’amour de ma vie, la mère de mon fils mais vous n’aurez pas ma haine. Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes et je ne veux pas le savoir, vous êtes des âmes mortes. Si ce Dieu pour lequel vous tuez aveuglément nous a fait à son image, chaque balle dans le corps de ma femme aura été une blessure dans son coeur.
    Alors non je ne vous ferai pas ce cadeau de vous haïr. Vous l’avez bien cherché pourtant mais répondre à la haine par la colère ce serait céder à la même ignorance qui a fait de vous ce que vous êtes. Vous voulez que j’ai peur, que je regarde mes concitoyens avec un oeil méfiant, que je sacrifie ma liberté pour la sécurité. Perdu. Même joueur joue encore.
    Je l’ai vue ce matin. Enfin, après des nuits et des jours d’attente. Elle était aussi belle que lorsqu’elle est partie ce vendredi soir, aussi belle que lorsque j’en suis tombé éperdument amoureux il y a plus de 12 ans. Bien sûr je suis dévasté par le chagrin, je vous concède cette petite victoire, mais elle sera de courte durée. Je sais qu’elle nous accompagnera chaque jour et que nous nous retrouverons dans ce paradis des âmes libres auquel vous n’aurez jamais accès.
    Nous sommes deux, mon fils et moi, mais nous sommes plus fort que toutes les armées du monde. Je n’ai d’ailleurs pas plus de temps à vous consacrer, je dois rejoindre Melvil qui se réveille de sa sieste. Il a 17 mois à peine, il va manger son goûter comme tous les jours, puis nous allons jouer comme tous les jours et toute sa vie ce petit garçon vous fera l’affront d’être heureux et libre. Car non, vous n’aurez pas sa haine non plus.

    "you will not have my hatred"
    Friday night you stole the life of a being of exception, the love of my life, the mother of my son, but you won't have my hatred. I don't know who you are and I don't want to know, you're dead souls. If this God for which you kill indiscriminately made us in his own image, every bullet in the body of my wife will have been a wound in his heart.
    So no I don't make you this gift of hating you. You have it coming yet but respond to hatred by the anger that would be giving in to the same ignorance that made you what you are. You want that I'm afraid, that I look at my fellow citizens with a look suspicious, I sacrifice my freedom for security. Lost. Same player still plays.
    I saw her this morning. Finally, after many nights and days of waiting. She was as beautiful as when it is a party this Friday night, as beautiful as when I fell head over heels in love there are more than 12 years. Of course I'm devastated with grief, I admit this small victory, but it will be short-lived. I know she will accompany us every day and that we will find ourselves in this paradise of souls free to which you'll never have access.
    We are two, my son and I, but we are stronger than all the armies of the world. I did not more time to devote yourself, I must join melvil who wakes up from her nap. He has 17 months ago, he'll eat his taste like all days, then we'll play like every day and all his life this little boy will make you the affront to be happy and free. Because No, you won't have his hatred either.

  • utopian0

    The "Good Muslims" of Turkey celebrating the attacks on Paris.

    • its on the internet. its true.Ben99
    • every time there is a wedding in Berlin this happens.. not entire sold on that its because of Paris..autoflavour
    • Flying ISIS flags from cars?utopian
    • or Al-Nusra flags?utopian
    • Al Nusra, Al Qaeda... ISIS (ISL)... can we just use one name now?PonyBoy
    • ^ typical dumb thinking2002
    • why are you posting shit like this to fan more flames of the ignorants?2002
    • not dumb thinking... Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra tries to appear 'moderate' but has the exact same goal as ISIS / ISIL— full sharia / caliphate— just slower fullfillmentPonyBoy
    • i have watched that video about 5 times now, i am impressed you can see anything on those flags.. all i can see is pixellated shitautoflavour
    • Dudes this is clearly celebrating isil's 2-1 victory against Azerbaijan in World Cup qualifying_niko
  • instrmntl-1

    NYT Graphics ‏@nytgraphics

    What we know so far about the links between the Paris attackers.…

    • all fought in Syria seems to be the common thread. that and young and impressionable and psychopathic._niko