Scottish independence

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  • rosko_picachu0

    The truth is the Dark Propaganda and Playback counter intelligence machine rolled into overdrive with every kind of trick you could think of. A bunch of scared up pensioners who were phoned up and told they'd lose their pensions swung the vote.
    That's pretty shocking behaviour. Let's go scare some pensioners. This is the mindset of what we've been up against.

    Church of Scotland got to the pensioners as well. The Orange Order played their part, helped by laws to attempt to introduce anti sectarianism and HMRC almost putting Rangers out of business. Orange lodge teamed up with right wing groups from northern ireland and UKIP.

    I'd love to find out how much money it would cost to rig the daily news in such a way, but a lot comes down to tax breaks and London based legalized money laundering systems. Ahem, the license fee, which is often threatened.

    All it really highlighted was just how seemingly easy it was to mis-guide the public with lies and intimidation.

    It still came down to just 5% and a million people not voting, so when you say all of Scotland, you'd have to also factor in under the age of 55, Yes won and they'll be the future voters, whereas the no voters will die off by the time the next one rolls along.

    English people seem to take it personally that their ownership of Scotland has been called into question and it's gonna be called into question in a remarkable way at the next election.

    Lib. Dem. Conference had like five people at it. Public opinion for Labour and Conservative votes is only gonna diminish even more.

    At the next election you'll see exactly how Scotland would have voted without the lies having such a big impact. People will be free to vote without such an end of the world scenario thrown at them for no reason other than it was an end of the world scenario for England.

    That was what was at stake - England, not Scotland. Financial freedom for corporations. Not pensions and that is the one thing that won this election, that and the sectarian divide of one football club brought to it's knees - which probably equates to easily a following of over a million people.

    Of course the counter intelligence people know all this fine well.

    It's unimaginable all the things that were setup to make the Yes vote fail, but yet it came mighty close and this is just the beginning really.

    • Cool Conspiracy Brosem
    • I love the bitter people on the losing side of democratic vote. Just because their view didn't win, it's a conspiracy.ETM
    • Exactly ETM, it makes me laugh. And they take it so seriously, so many feels lolsem
    • You sound like a Québécois.i_monk
  • chossy0

    Conversely babaganush the rest of the UK can't keep the house we paid the mortgage on. You want to keep sterling fair enough but do understand we will not contribute to it's debts. We would start off with a blank balance sheet propped up by and incredible amount of oil we absolutely would not need to borrow any money. Our oil fund would swell very quickly and we would be set up quite nicely.

    Norway in 24 years built up around 1trn us dollars of a n oil fund, our oil will run out in 50 + years I'm not sure why this is a burden. Especially if we didn't take on any UK debt. Scotland oil makes up 15% of it's GDP and Norways oil makes up 30% of it's GDP.

  • rosko_picachu0

    No matter what, it is happening.

    Gimme the facts then, lets hear the numbers?

    Come on then, i'll begin 8billion barrels of oil none of the tax is devolved to Scotland.

    Where's your facts?

    • You've had numbers time and again in this thread. All been written off as coming from evil 'corporations'babaganush
    • I clearly contradicted a 'fact' from you two posts ago.babaganush
  • sem0

    Would be funny if the stubborn Glaswegians went independent on their own.

    That said I'm not sure the rest of Scotland would mind, their crime rates would drop dramatically.

  • rosko_picachu0

    Better Together's White Paper. On the topic of a lack of information, our white paper is a 670 page book. Better Together sent out this:

  • sem0


    Rest of Scotland

    • Thats a joke btw, before anyone gets upset.sem
  • chossy0

    Generated by trading with everybody on newly negotiated terms, where else will the rest of the UK get 20% of it's beef for example? ship it frae france aye? mind we have 25% of Europes renewables which will be invested into using oil money for example, in addition to this we will be able to control our fishing grounds as well. We can start new contracts with absolutely every country on the planet there is nothing stopping our trade whatsoever. I don't think for one minute the rest of the UK would cease to buy from us just as we would not cease to buy from you. UK stops buying from us we stop buying from you a sword cuts both ways.

    • So ... We'd tolerate you walking away from 'British debt' but wouldn't buy your beef. Dream onbabaganush
    • *wouldbabaganush
  • rosko_picachu0

    @chossy, i don't know if you were on the tinned wine last night fella, but i guess The Telegraph edited their footage as well:) Their doesn't seem to be any problem with their edit, the audio is the same in both.

  • lessfloor0

    It will be great if Scotland vote yes - will be a big 2 fingers up at England as it is now the land of shit! and fuck NWO.


  • babaganush0

    I just outlined why no one will tolerate walking away from its debt any more than Greece could. So I am answering your questions. It's been clearly said that however the debt arose, it cannot be written off without recourse. So if you make a fortune from oil / that will be the primary source of recourse that countries will want to use as collateral. Writing off your debt to the Uk will make you a credit wrote off to a country with an established banking system. Hence why they are all considering moving.

  • chossy0

    I love reading about myself here it's incredibly enlightening.

  • chossy0

    No debt means no need for credit, incidentally Ireland (which pays it's pensioners more than we do) has less healthy finances than the UK and yet they enjoy better lending rates than the UK.

  • babaganush0

    But you already have debt. Look online to economic thoughts on Alex Salmond saying walking away from debt is an option. Never going to happen. Just to clarify, you really think walking away from proportional debt is a possibility? Without come back?

  • rosko_picachu0

    • When the hell was this filmed?!…
    • first colour film shot in UKlowimpakt
    • NewsNet faked the film. BBC standards wouldn't have fixed that loq freq hum, my friend does that as a jobsem
    • More proof that Rosko is desperate for valid proof that he will resort to fake youtube videos.sem
    • It was edited also he didn't even move his lips when saying 'Sovereignty' loool Rosko give upsem
    • 2 days ago
  • sem0

    @bumdrizzle Erm no, I think you'll find I was pointing out the irony of someone being forced to vote for freedom.

    And I don't think its new to anyone in the UK that both Rangers and Celtic fans have issues and much footage can be found of both sides being as bad as each other.

  • chossy0

    As I said babaganush, if you don't share we don't pay. You don't buy we don't buy. This is exactly why it will all be fine. We share currency we give you a couple of oil fields perhaps, maybe some more access to fisheries, possibly cheaper rates for electricity that kind of thing. Negotiations they happen all the time, we give you give. This is how things work.

    You are coming at it from an incredibly hostile stand point and this I'm afraid will never work in negotiations.

  • Wolfboy0…

    I assume we will be told that this is a lie because the BBC reported it, but it doesn't make good reading.

    The Herald say the funding gap is £450m by the way:…

    • They're all co-conspirators...ob... will get oil transfusions...babaganush
  • sem0…

    "Glasgow University has announced that it will withdraw investments worth £18 million ($29 million) from companies that produce fossil fuels"

    ""The university recognises the devastating impact that climate change may have on our planet, and the need for the world to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels"

    loooool, it was only a month or so they were in Glasgow proud of all the oil they have. This is funny.

  • sem0

    People in Glasgow for example complain that London gets more attention as does the rest of the UK. Yet this people ignorantly ignore WHY that is.

    Glasgow's population is around 500k
    London's population is around 8m

    So maybe ask yourself WHY London is getting a load of attention from the Government, because that is where a huge amount of this countries population are. There are small borough's within London that almost fit Glasgow's entire population into it.

    There are many theories as to why, most commonly due to racism and the main cities (London, Birmingham etc) being the only places minorities feel they can integrate but hey...thats just a theory, there are just as many immigrants all over the rest of the UK and Scotland than in London right? lol, sure.

    Add to this the amazing fact that despite London having around 25% of that 8m population in poverty ( of which we know is a huge cause of crime. Glasgow is actually has higher rate of violent crimes per 100,000 people ( because life is so hard on them 500k being put a lower priority to 7.5m others so they have a right to be so violent. Seriously, this is how the argument looks to most English, its embarrassing.

    So yeah, we might miss out on some odd oil money while it lasts, but the UK's crime rate will drop considerably when Glasgow and such out of the picture. And Scotland would no longer be able to blame the fact that the UK has priorities for their problems. Bring on the YES vote.

  • rosko_picachu0

    First on the list Bob Dudley.

    The oil boss received $8.7m (£5.2m) in salary, bonus and share awards last year, according to the company's annual report, compared with $2.6m in 2012.

    When contributions to his PENSION were included, Dudley, 58, got $13.2m for 2013 and has already accumulated a retirement package worth $2m a year.

    said a BP spokesman. "The great majority of his potential pay is directly dependent on BP's performance in areas essential both to the delivery of the company's strategy and to the long-term interests of its shareholders."

    So how does he go about doing this:

    Dudley has already disposed of around $40bn of assets and in October BP said that it expected to sell off a further $10bn of assets by the end of 2015, with the proceeds largely used to fund share buybacks.

    Interests in company strategy and "long-term" interests of his shareholders, not the people of Scotland.

    • ...or the people of England, Ireland, Wales, America......corpora... don't give a fuck about peoplerosko_picachu