Ever been bullied?

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  • 82 Responses
  • bainbridge0

    I wonder is social media and instant messaging has made lives worse and escalated bullying?

    • Much worse. People don't feel as bad doing it as they would in person.doggydoggdog
  • microkorg0

    At high school a guy in the year above me always used to trip me in the corridor.

    One day I tripped him back at the top of the stairs and he went tumbling down them in front of loads of others including his friends who pissed themselves laughing.

    He never picked on me after that.

    • ...because he died that day of a broken neck.monNom
    • did you see this story in a cheesey 80s film?fadein11
    • Haha, nope it happened. His ego was bruised.microkorg
  • oey0

    does anyone else here feels that we've somehow bullied fredddddd?

    • ya..... i feel sorry for that guy... he wasn't intensionally trolling...pango
    • exactly. there's people far worse here. some extremists. some rednecks! perverts! he was not that bad and not a troll.oey
    • ha, unintenionally trollingdoggydoggdog
    • oh hell yeah fredddddd was bullied here. not sure cirque was, possibly more mental health stuff.ohhhhhsnap
    • QBN can be hostile pending on how you use it.ohhhhhsnap
  • monospaced0

    I'm so glad the internet didn't exist in this state when I was younger.

  • MHDC0

  • sureshot0

    never been bullied. Maybe online once or twice, but the internet isnt real.


    I'm surprised to read that so many of you have experienced this first hand. First world problem?

    • Creative types have a difficult time fitting in. Natural enemy of the jocks/'normal' people.Continuity
    • no way in hell it's a first world problemmonospaced
    • Can science prove there is such thing as hell?ORAZAL
    • it can disprove it, yesmonospaced
    • Ya I'm the youngest one in my siblings too.pango
  • _niko0
  • monospaced0

    I was bullied between ages 7-11 when I had crooked teeth. Then I got braces, and was teased for those for a couple years. In my hometown the population is half "white" and about half native Mexican, which caused a fair amount of racial tension—and hence, bullying—among the children. At some point in highschool I was jumped by a group of the hispanic kids just because I was "white" (that's what they said).

    • "white"set
    • well, I put it in quotes because it's a gray area just generalizing "white" as a racemonospaced
    • I'm not even 100% caucasianmonospaced
    • : )set
    • you are white and what else, curious?utopian
    • Like I said, "white" isn't a race. I have Russian/Mongolian blood in me.monospaced
    • I went to prom in 99 with a mongolian chicks, I could have been your dad ehehehGeorgesIV
    • that means I'm older than youmonospaced
    • well.... racist rarely care about your race accurately. they only care what you look like.pango
    • that's true, pangomonospaced
  • dirtydesign0

    i grew up with an older brother and sister, and 10 older cousins who were always around. they taught me how to take a beating so i never took shit from anyone. fought back when i had and learned to walk away from bigger things.

    these days i'm a little scared for my own kids. cyber bullying is rampant these days.

  • pinkfloyd0

    Kinda makes sense how i'm dealing with my issues today based on my past experiences. Wondering how to beat it, and coming out stronger.

    • i'm absolutely not a certified expert on this. maybe not give as much fuck as you are currently giving it? :\pango
    • that's part of it :)pinkfloyd
    • It's easy to say just ignore it. That's an ignorant comment. If it were that easy nobody would have problems with anxiety.Josev
    • "absolutely not an expert" : \pango
  • antimotion0

  • elahon0

    I got a lot of shit in grade school for being a fat kid. Then on into high school, I joined the theatre group, and my whole group of friends were targets for most of our HS career. Called "theater fags", pushed around, etc.

    I can remember I pierced my right ear in HS, and apparently, according to the jocks and rednecks, piercing only the right ear means you're gay. So of course I got shit for that. The only reason I did my right was because I'm right handed and it was easier for me to clean it! haha!

    But, my circle of friends was pretty tight, so I think that helped quite a bit. I remember one year, junior year, I think, there was an openly gay character on MTV's The Real World that had died of AIDS. This one asshole, for about a week, really amped up his homophobic game towards us, it was pretty nuts. I actually got into a pushing match with him and fists were almost thrown when a teacher came running up and broke us up. Which is crazy, but I'm a total pacifist (read theatre fag, haha). But, again, my friends were tight, so we all got each other through it.

    It really puts a pit of fear in my stomach for my son, who is 6. He's totally innocent and sweet, but I know I can't protect him forever... But he's in karate, so he's learning a lot about self confidence, and his teacher does a lot of work on "bully busters", so that's good.

    • theatre kids always get it for some reasonmonospaced
    • probably majority of the boys were taught boys should be "a man" masculinity. if you're not you're weird.pango
    • and theatre were labeled "pretty gay". personally i blame the parents and society for that conception.pango
    • in my school, and all the schools nearby, theatre did have a huge majority of gay boys in itmonospaced
    • so, at least in our districts, the stereotype was backed up with reality, unfortunatelymonospaced
    • That's funny...I remember the ear thing too. Left ear vs right ear :)ukit2
    • We did our left ear, we were all certain the right ear meant you were gay. I've heard it was the other way round though hahahaset
    • I tried my left ear once, but I'm dumb with my left hand, couldn't keep it clean during healing and it got infected, lol! Right it is!elahon
  • GeorgesIV0

    Yep, but you grow up and get over it

    • Some do, I'm sure. Certainly not all.set
    • or become a copmoldero
  • sine0

    i picked on a girl with a physical disability at school when i was like 8 or 9. i was young and dumb, and probably had a crush on her...

    she was very upset, and her dad came to talk to me one afternoon. and this was the good part about it... he didn't get mad. he didn't threaten me. he spoke to me like an adult and explained to me that I really hurt her feelings and that it's silly and unnecessary. the next day i apologized to her, and we became good friends. #lifelesson

    • Nice. I wonder how you would have continued if he'd have shouted and threatened you...set
    • there's a proper adult.pango
    • yeah set.i will always remember this. he also acknowledged me a few days later by nodding and smiling, and it made me feel good.sine
    • ... and it made me feel good.sine
  • Continuity0

    I was routinely bullied when I was a teenager.

    Consequently, I now take it out with relish and glee on fredddddd.


    i was 100% that a main reason we congregate here is because you were all bullied

    • pensively scratches chin stubble in contemplationmonospaced
    • YUP :]
      and i made sure they regret it.
    • Not that i'm tough. probably stupid cuz most of the bullies were bigger than me.pango
  • TheeOtherJuan0

    I did as well back in sixth grade (first year of middle school). This kid (younger brother of our a local high school football star) kept flicking my ear lope when he past by my seat during first period. He did it a total of three times. Everyone laughed at me, etc. So on the fourth time he came around, I just kicked my left leg out, bam, he fell on his face. Easy. Kids now laughed at him. He then told me I will "get it' at the end of the period and insulted my whole family. blah blah.

    As soon as the 1st period bell rang, he was at the door talking all this shit and wouldn’t let anyone pass through. Being a twin and getting my brother (weaker twin) out of trouble in the fifth grade, I pursued to the door and started to fight. This younger brother of a HS football star didn't know how to fight. So he just put me into a head lock and didn't let go. After about a couple of minutes on the floor an unknown teacher got us both off the floor. He still maintained that headlock. I then slipped my arm between him and I to break away and gave the best THREE UPPER CUTS in my life. I blew the air out of him and he NEVER bothered my again and actually we became friends.

    What came after is even a longer story. As a 6th grader i had so much respect from sixth and seventh graders. Kids were acting like they knew me. What I did not know was I open a can of a shit storm. I grew up in East of Los Angeles, 99% Hispanics during the early 90's and having done what I did just brought me more assholes to my front door. By the time I was in eight grade I had high school guys come to my middle school to fight me.

    In high school I just became a bigger target. But what I learned at a very young age was HOW TO AVOID fighting.

    And yes to this very day (35 years old) I still get my twin brother out of fights.

    Oh yeah my point is, it came to a point where my presence (with my fighting history), I then was looked at as a Bully. Sucks.

  • pinkfloyd0

    Looking back, i've been in a shitload of altercations.

    Was in a playground in junior high, threw a ball at some kid's face by mistake and he got furious and came at me swinging. I fought off his swing, and slapped him in the face and ran off.

    In high school, some bigger kid came at him, I used his weight and threw him to the ground.

    7th grade, there was this new fat kid who put me in a headlock and kicked my legs but he was too strong and was my bully.

    4 years ago, I was in the subway and some guy bumped into me. We squared off and said some words so I shoved his ass to the ground. People were screaming stop, so I fled the scene.

    • "he ran off" in the first partpinkfloyd
    • I didn't slap him and run away, that would be a bit of a pansy thing to dopinkfloyd
    • "some bigger kid came at me", second story editpinkfloyd
  • moldero0

    i was a scrawny little mixed breed kid growing up, back then being anything but pure white in certain places sucked. back in Montreal at age 6 i was held down by 4 teenagers while they put their cigarettes out on my back.

    at age 4 - 6 in Montreal my babysitters older son used to hunt me, and when he caught me he used to beat the shit out of me so most of the time i would be hiding under some random snowy staircase in the neighborhood till my mom would pick me up.

    Age 8 moved to Arizona, it wasn't as bad as Canada, they would only spit in my food or throw me in dumpsters n crap like that, no big deal, i remember just being grateful i wasn't getting my face punched in.

    moved to cali at age 14, after getting robbed and carjacked a few times I got into the families martial arts, Kali and weightlifting, ever since then i always kind of looked for trouble, but for someone else to start it with me or someone else before going ape shit on a bully mother fucker. funny thing is, the body language of a guy that can handle himself is like a shield in itself, so i never got messed with just walking down the street, most of my incidents were in cars

    • damn dudesine
    • positive side....
      they made you stronger would you say?