Explosions at Boston Marathon
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- 981 Responses
- desmo0
What the fuck?! Geez
- moldero0
- looks like were going to war with a country that had nothing to do with it againmoldero
- Hopefully North Korea.CygnusZero4
- We went to war IN Afghanistan, not WITH Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda was, genius.CygnusZero4
- unfortunately i agree with cygnus.
sea_sea - i was referring to Iraqmoldero
- and 9/11moldero
- and WMD'smoldero
- That was something else. They didnt bomb us. They were defying the United Nations.CygnusZero4
- about bombing north korea.
apparently i'm not a pacifist. sorry.sea_sea - Iraq welcomed our inspectors to go in and search, they didn't want to go to war with us.moldero
- screw NK they cray craymoldero
- clazymonospaced
- exacrymoldero
- You know Iraq had buried enrichment equipment in gardens and hidden it in mosques, don't you ?mikotondria3
- I had been a couple block away, not 30 minutes prior to this...with my son.YearzOne
- Shut up all of you. this is about an explosion in Boston.cannonball1978
- < tru dat, will do
but no i didnt know that miko, i dont watch fox :pmoldero - @sea im far from a pacifist, see my older FB profile pic :)moldero
- ideaist0
Humanity is in trouble; always has been and always will be, I guess?!...
- jaylarson0
coulda been a gasline. why jump to people doing it?
- 2 simultaneous explosions exactly on the finish line on the day of the race?********
- Happened a few seconds apart. We have gas line problems in Boston so it is a possibility.IRNlun6
- But are there ever explosions? And how often? Common sense says this is too coincidental********
- there was a possibility that it was a gas line, but yeah, I agree with you pig.IRNlun6
- 2 simultaneous explosions exactly on the finish line on the day of the race?
- IRNlun60
Fuck, either it's a gas line or there's someones planting explosives. I'm about 5 miles from there...
- CygnusZero40
Noone died. CNN will shift to another topic tonight.
- Fox will stretch this coverage for weeks.utopian
- lolCygnusZero4
- There needs to be deaths for CNN to stay with it for a long time.CygnusZero4
- yupmoldero
- I read 2 dead, 23 injured.Gucci
- utopian0
Thanks Obama!
- sureshot0
- Love that some of the runners kept going! LolCygnusZero4
- :34 their still joggingmoldero
- HAHA we thought the same shit/same timemoldero
- At the end of 42km; you're body is jelly... You stop moving and you're done...ideaist
- If there was an explosion near me, I would also keep runningmonospaced
- they'rebenfal99
- looks like gas to me. no flame or shrapnel.Beeswax
- What dat orange shit?CygnusZero4
- cruddlebub0
what is wrong with people..
- Possibly not terrorism. Could be a gas explosion.CygnusZero4
- If it was , let's hope the poor bastard who last worked at the spot didn't have a beard.see_thru
i know i also hate runners when im driving but this is a little extreme. dont you think?
- cruddlebub0
3 dead apparently, many missing limbs
- ********0
Could this be a bomb that didn't explode with it's intended capacity? Surely if you're planting a bomb at that location you'd intend it to have a larger impact? (so to speak). It seems to have blown the hotel, but not reached the road?
Unless this is the largest device that could be hidden given all the security?
- 74LEO0
Sucks that old guy/girl was so close to the end then the splosion made him or her break and ankle.
- GeorgesIV0
Please god, let the arabs out of this,
Please god, let the arabs out of this,
Please god, let the arabs out of this,- ?monospaced
- exactly what i was thinking monocruddlebub
- Remember what happened the last time 19 arab men allegedly attacked the us?GeorgesIV
- Looks like a Saudi National is behind this shitutopian
- ashe.ohhhhhsnap
- Beeswax0
People say it could be a "homegrown terrorist" related to the Newtown Shooting.
*homegrown terrorist is a really weird phrase by the way.- not really that weird... it's quite specificmonospaced
- Better than Ready-made Terrorist or Microwave Terrorist....see_thru
- Organic GMO-freesseo
- McTerrorist********