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  • shapesalad-2

    Boris will pass away on Easter Sunday.

    • Stop teasing us like that.Continuity
    • the most probable thing you have ever said on this site.fadein11
  • shapesalad-3

    Johan Renck will Director "Wuhan - The Virus" but critics will give it 1/2 a star less than his Chernobyl series in the reviews.

    • Is the title going to be 'I Found The Source of The Corona Virus'?webazoot
  • utopian0

    The US Government will sue China over the Wuhan Virus.

      They can try I suppose but they knew it was coming.
    • Which court presides over this type of case again?nb
    • This is such bullshit. Should the rest of the world sue the USA for causing the last 2 recessions?zarkonite
  • Continuity6

    A rich field of ideas centred around pestilence, isolation, loneliness, despair, and social breakdown will herald a new Golden Age of Heavy Metal.

  • Nairn0

    Someone comes up with a news aggregator that filters out CORONAVIRUS2020 content. Becomes huge. Buys Pornhub, who'd recently bought Google.

    2022: We're still all dying.

    • I wish I'd stayed in digital and gotten better at programming and web stuff - I'd make a C-19 filtering news aggregator in a heartbeat.Nairn
    • In fact, there's a germ of an idea - a news aggregating service that filters whatever Big Story you want. Royal Wedding? Nix. Inbound Comet? Nix.Nairn
    • ^ add to the disaster boxGnash
  • Nairn0

    Doesn't matter how the first and second tier countries of the world manage to deal with CORONAVIRUS2020, what does matter is what happens in the billions of unwashed masses in the third and fourth tier countries.

    Second wave? pfft - try tenth.

    2022: We're all dead.

    • Watching what's happening in South Africa and India and by fuck if this isn't an obvious thing to moot, Probs not all actually dead in 2022. Just, most of us.Nairn
    • Looking at CORONAVIRUS2020, I'm irritated they didn't name the disease COVID-20. Missed an opportunity there.
      Brand cohesion, n'all that.
    • yeah but wasn't it first noted in 2019? #pedantryliveshans_glib
  • monNom8

    Warm water antiviral rinsing therapy (drinking small sips of warm water (never cold!), every 15 minutes), is shown to not only prevent corona virus infection, but also proves to be effective against several forms of cancer, heart disease, shingles, stomach ache, the shivers, and sleep apnea.

    As a proven medical therapy, the FDA swoops in to limit access to warm water for use by prescription only. In a massive crackdown on black market trade, they seize all teapots and hot plates, and make it illegal to leave cool water sitting in direct sunlight without visible icecubes floating in it.

  • kingsteven2

    Some big ol' guesses to pass the time:

    Testing will confirm that Covid-19 patients are no longer infectious in the decline phase... The virus is currently still detected for up to several weeks by tests but will be found to have been rendered inactive by antibodies. More accurate testing will be developed that will allow patients to be released from ICU/ isolation earlier.

    Estimates on the timing and original location of the first transferal from animal to human are skewed because the virus had mutated back on itself in loops resembling earlier strains meaning it was spreading in Europe undetected in early December.

    Viral testing will be required for all outbreaks of influenza-like illnesses in Schools, Hospitals, Care homes.

    Serology testing will confirm antibody profiles which greatly increase the chance of serious illness/death (ie. if you've developed antibodies for certain viruses in the past you will be at far bigger risk of dying from lower respiratory issues/ cytokine storm when your immune system attempts to fight Covid-19)

    This will develop in to serology tests being introduced for combinations of antibodies... combined with other tests for general immune maturity this will be the 3rd type of testing rolled out (after Covid-19 detection and Covid-19 antibody detection) to identify further at-risk patients who haven't yet had the disease. This will cause many people to isolate until a vaccine is available and we'll forget they exist except for occasional articles "How some are coping 1 year in to SARS-Cov2 isolation." ... They may be the only people to ever receive the vaccine.

    Headlines like "a cold you had years ago may kill you yet" and further popularity of tests like the above will create a boom in 'immune fingerprinting' (i thought i just invented that term but its a thing) people will pay to send swabs to private testing companies to find out their infection risk and get an 'Ancestry DNA' style profile of diseases they have had (and may have not even realised) and sign up to alerts that notify them of their risk to new viruses. This may even end up as a credit-rating style service for immune defence.

    Studies will show that mass chronic stress, lack of sleep and malnutrition caused by social distancing and isolation measures contributed to the ease of spread of the virus by lowering the immune response of the populous and in some individual cases made the difference between mild and severe symptoms.

  • Ramanisky2-2

    Someone will post ‘RIP Coronavirus’ in
    the RIP of the day thread.

    • It’s never gonna RIP. It’s going to become like Measles. First Line vaccine for everyone. And even then, you can carch it.maquito
    • Fyi: 140.000 die from measles every year. Even with a vaccine available.maquito
  • BustySaintClaire0

    Dystopian TV series, directed by Denis Villeneuve starring ??

  • Nairn5

    After Germany's helping out France and Italy's worst C-19 cases, 51% of people in Britain appreciate the benefits of Stronger Together and engage parliament to nix Brexit.


    Haha, just kidding - we'll have learnt nothing.

  • Continuity3

    I predict I'll never have sex again, if this continues.

    • If you bought plenty of toilet paper like the rest of us, then you will have no problems.utopian
    • so... you'll just be living up to your name?
    • Now I get the toilet paper hoarding!webazoot
  • srhadden8

    Pornhub buys google

  • pablo281

  • Gardener2

    Live Aid III

  • utopian1

    Expect massive lines for "soup and bread" in the USA by the end of the summer. And another 10 million unemployed. But no worries...corporations will get additional massive welfare bailouts.

    • I’m worried about Jeff Bezos. He might not have 120+ Billions in the bank by summer but only 110BNBQ00
    • all will be Tip Top.Ramanisky2
    • oooo this is going to be great though just what the republicans have dreamt of, an armed populace rising up against tyrants.
      oh wait...
  • Beeswax0

    I really hope this scenario doesn't become true:

    This is not my prediction, this is from a report that was prepared in 2012 by Germany's Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Asistance Organization

    "It will take 3 years to develop a vaccine and it will hit the world in 3 waves. Whenever the infection curve gets flat governments will loosen the precautions and it will bounce back.
    During this time the virus will mutate and will be able to infect a previously infected person again."

    It's in german and whole detailed scenario starts at page 55. It's unbeliavably accurate so far. They guessed that it will evolve from a food market in China, it will hit the world in march(they missed that by two months.)…

  • BustySaintClaire-1

    Terrorist groups (domestic & international) realize they've been using the wrong weapons

    • Nazi's in the US already wanted to weaponise the virus.PhanLo
    • CRISPR genome altering isn't a stretch for anyone with a university education, some basic kit and a spare room.monoboy
    • (Geneticists).monoboy
  • monNom4

    China claims to have 'defeated' covid-19 - the 'American virus'. No new cases in official stats for some period. Suddenly, the outbreak re-emerges in China and is blamed on foreign reintroduction, maybe from a regional adversary like Taiwan. China makes the case domestically and to the world that they must secure the homeland by defeating the virus abroad, the same way they did already. Cue regional military action to enforce their 'proven' measures.

    There's a timing aspect with this virus. First in first out. The country that conquers it first will have an advantage over those still locked down in the belly of the curve.

    On the global stage, as China emerges a few months ahead of the rest of the world, it uses its manufacturing clout to deliver international aid in the form of medical equipment and supplies to favoured nations, and limits export to competitors. This shifts global alliances and strengthens China's existing role on the world stage. Belt and road signatories fare much better due to availability of medical supplies from China.

    The US suffers terribly from mass casualties and a devastated economy - many insurers go bankrupt due to the large numbers needing treatment. Lack of public health care leads to much worse outcomes than other industrialized nations. Massive stimulus to industry, and falling tax receipts due to lockdowns lead to unsupportable debt, and the US defaults on debt or experiences rapid inflation as they print their wat out of it. International trade stops being priced in unstable dolllars and starts being priced in the most stable currency at the time. Maybe gold? maybe renminbi? A battered USA must turn to China for aid during the darkest hours and in doing so will need to give up control of economic assets similar to the UK following the second World War.

    The USA eventually recovers, but their position on the world stage, and their ability to project power, is never the same. They become like Great Britain. A once global empire now compelled to follow another country's lead.

    • Your last paragraph will come to pass anyway, but one thing about the US is its ability to mobilise and it 70 odd years of eternal war footing/manufacturin...Nairn
    • I don't trust Trump to lead, but I do 'trust' the MilitaryIndustrialCo... that's been running laps around the rest of the world since long before we were bornNairn
    • I don't put much faith in the MIC. Look a Boeing. Incompetence propped up by guaranteed contracts and regulatory capture. Too big to fail.monNom
    • But yes, all else being equal, the USA military is nothing to triffle with.monNom
    • One thing about an emergency is that it gets the engineers and thinkers back in the loop, rather than bottom-line focused mngnmt, which was Boeing's problemNairn
    • I would read this bookyuekit
  • sted1

    Spreading fake news, rumours on Covid-19 -> Jailtime
    Spreading fake news, rumours about Trump -> Jailtime with harvey weinstein