Shooting of the Day

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  • Ramanisky21

    Here he is ... shocked they haven’t found him yet.
    Possibly killed himself.

    • Scratch that ...
      just saw that he has been arrested.
    • Bobo?utopian
    • Bobby Bobo IIIRamanisky2
    • something, something white replacement theory_niko
    • The Ballad of Bobby BobbyPhanLo
    • We can see by this picture that he probably has a very high IQBennn
    • With his eyes that far apart, how did he not see the cops coming?Akagiyama
    • He looks like a trump supporter.monospaced
    • ^ oh he most def is. Many pics of him at Trump rally’s.Ramanisky2
    • No shit? Wow.monospaced
    • Now Scooby-Doo has to find a new home :(NBQ00
  • Ramanisky23

  • Ramanisky23

    Bobby Bobo III made this charming little video a few months ago.

  • Bennn2

    The United States is collapsing

    The specter of a new civil war is not impossible now.

    In a commercial posted two weeks ago, a former Missouri governor, Eric Greitens, announces, rifle in hand, that the hunting season for "RINOs" is open and urges the public to participate.

    The risks of violence are omnipresent in the minds of several observers of American political life, who are alarmed at the risk of further abuses while the January 6 commission analyzes the underside of the Capitol assault.

    Some analysts even go so far as to warn against the possibility of a new “civil war” in the United States.

    Stephen Marche, Canadian writer and journalist, discussed this possibility in a book called The Next Civil War , which explores through various scenarios - including an attack targeting the president, a dirty bomb attack or an environmental disaster - how the situation could escalate and lead to a wave of large-scale violence.

    “The collapse is going to happen faster and more suddenly than anyone predicts, but it won't be a surprise. America is cracking on all sides, ”says Mr. Marche.

    He evokes the failures of the electoral system, the extreme tension between elected officials and supporters of the Republican and Democratic camps, the loss of confidence of Americans in political and judicial institutions, the accessibility of weapons, the fear of the decline of part of the white population and the proliferation of far-right militias as factors likely to fuel a serious crisis.

    The political system would need to be reformed in depth to put the country back on track, but the avenues to achieve this seem blocked.

    The USA isnt a Democracy anymore... it's now an Anocracy.

    Barbara F. Walter, a researcher at the University of California, San Diego, also issues a warning about the evolution of American democracy in a recent book entitled How Civil Wars Start.

    The author warns that the country "is closer to civil war than many Americans would like to believe".

    She mentions in particular in support of her analysis the fact that the United States regressed democratically during the mandate of Donald Trump to become at the end of 2020 an "anocracy", an intermediate stage between authoritarian regime and democracy, on a scale ranging from -10 to 10 produced by the Center for Systemic Peace (CSP).

    This research institute, long funded by the US government, concluded that the country's rating was then 5, the upper limit of the anocracy zone, while it has been for decades in the democratic zone between 8 and 10.

    The risks of large-scale violence are higher in an anocracy, Ms. Walter explains, in part because the government is often too weak to respond effectively to the needs of the population and at the same time suppress the actions of radical groups.

    The potential for drift is even greater in a context of extreme political polarization.


    Percentage of voters who believe that violent action against the government can sometimes be justified

    Democrats: 23%

    Independents: 41%

    Republicans: 40%

    Source: University of Maryland


    In numbers

    58% of Republicans see the Democrats in a "very unfavorable" way (21% in 1994)

    55% of Democrats see Republicans in a “very unfavorable” way (17% in 1994)

    Source: Pew Research

    • Civil War is so far from the worst case scenario for the US. I'd say it's probably in the top half of positive outcomes.CyBrainX
    • But a formal separation without war is possible. That's by far the best case scenario. Don't even pretend this country, as is can ever get better.CyBrainX
    • The problem with the split is the states that borrow more fed dollars are red, where the states that make fed money are blue.aliastime
    • Well, that's a problem for the states that are the problem. I'm not feeling any sympathy.CyBrainX
    • I just don’t see anyone taking sides over anything worth warring over. Abortion isn’t that.monospaced
    • nothing like a war to bring the people together, wonder which war USA could join right now...shapesalad
    • 99% think it's ok to take up arms against people that take up arms. I'll be one of those and have been considering buying a gun...just in case.formed
    • Downward SpiralBennn
  • Bennn7

    This is the kind of people who speaks to crowds in the USA and ask why do people are so scared of showing force against the Government.

    The USA are collapsing. Things need to change quick.

    • These are the people that need to be wiped out, quickly. They threaten everything that is decent in this country, all to show off how big their guns are.formed
    • The future's unset and the end is always (and has always ben-n) near. It gets extra bad every3-4 years during power cycles a.k.a election cyclestoemaas
  • Ramanisky26

  • idles6

    • Video, movies, lack of parenting, lack of education, no congress...America is beyond fucked.utopian
    • Wake up white mooks!utopian
    • this shit is straight out of "Minority Report."
      holding kids accountable for words uttered while playing a violent computer game?
  • mg338

    The Highland Park shooting was 20 minutes northeast of my town in the north Chicago suburbs.

    We were driving to our parade just a mile away and wondered why nobody was along the route. We pulled into a neighborhood and started to see posts on Twitter and NextDoor.

    Our daughter is 7 1/2 and could tell we looked worried and shocked. This ended up being the catalyst for finally explaining shootings to her, because she didn't know why the parade wasn't happening.

    As a parent, protecting my kids' innocence is important. I tried to explain things to her as delicately as possible. I wasn't ready for that conversation though. I just tried to tell her that sometimes people do bad things with guns, that they are mean and evil.

    It really took the wind out of me and I felt numb for the rest of the day. I still do.

    • Glad you're ok mg33! I was wondering if that was close to where you live.Bennn
    • Thank you Bennn. I actually go up there every 4-5 weeks to get my haircut. It's a nice town, one of the wealthy suburbs along the lake north of Chicago.mg33
    • Stay safe. its like nobody is safe anywhere :(Bennn
    • you are the parent, so you know best course of action for your family but i wouldn't expose my 7 yo to this info. against what mass media wants us to believe...pr2
    • ...this sort of events are way, way, way more rare than we think.pr2
  • Ramanisky20

    Da Fuq did this mad cow say?!?!?

    Arizona is not sending their best.
    This country is beyond fucked.…

    • Americans are afraid of themselves.. It won't end well, problems seems impossible to be solved at this pointBennn
    • Surely she said 'shooting them' having forgotten to change the subject focus to people threatening her grandchildren.shapesalad
  • Ramanisky25

    I remember seeing the photo of this 2 year old child who got separated from his parents during all the chaos. He was looked after by a kind stranger who posted this pic and said the child was safe.

    I just found out both parents were killed.

    What a sick and disgusting country, where this continues to happen unchecked.

    • absolutely devastating. ugh.sarahfailin
    • The lil guy can personally thank the NRA and GOP.utopian
    • I'm wondering how many gun fanatic, right wing, hate mongering, Christian, Anti-abortion, Jew & Gay hating Repubilcan's want to adopt him now? - Amen 卐utopian
    • so sad. how do you explain a 2 year old that both his parents are gone?NBQ00
    • poor kid.microkorg
  • Ramanisky20

    Disguised himself as a female to blend into the crowd after the chaos he unleashed.

  • jagara0

    The disease is spreading.…

    A gunman has killed three people and injured another four at a shopping mall in Denmark's capital Copenhagen.

    The victims are two Danish 17-year-olds and a 47-year old Russian. Two Danes and two Swedes were wounded - one remains critical.

    Police said the suspected shooter, 22, had mental health issues and there is no indication of a terror motive.

    The suspect, who was described as "an ethnic Dane" by police, will face questioning by a judge on Monday.

    Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Denmark had suffered a cruel attack.

    She said she wanted to encourage Danes to stand together and support each other in this difficult time.

    "Our beautiful and usually so safe capital was changed in a split second," she said.

    The deadly shopping mall attack took place as Denmark celebrated hosting the first three stages of the Tour de France for the first time.

  • jagara-3

    • Remember kids, he's a carnivore and a drug addict.Morning_star
    • Also he's got interesting and relevant things to say.jagara
    • @jag Agreed. Apparently, according to some on QBN being a drug addict and carnivore precludes him from having any valuable opinion, despite his experience.Morning_star
    • If only society had got those guys some pussy. They wouldn’t have murdered people.PhanLo
    • @PhanLo pretty sure that would actually do it, or at least help.jagara
    • Not that governmental pussy should be a thing.jagara
    • legalize prostitution? christian won't allow that. they hate Mary Magdalene.pango
    • So create a safe space for them?PhanLo
    • i can make up suppositions too, will you link my YT video?imbecile
    • This is good advice.nb
    • We def need more dads hugging and embracing their sonsnb
    • wait thats what he said? what a revelation! whats wrong with people today that this needs to be said? dont tell me "bekind to others" a revelation as well lolpango
    • People been saying that for decades. But you only listen when this guy says it?pango
    • lol...I wasn't criticizing him only for becoming a drug addict after trying his daughter's all meat diet fad.yuekit
    • Just pointing out that for a guy who judges other people so harshly, saying trans people don't have the right to make their own choices in life,yuekit
    • his own life seems to be a trainwreck.yuekit
    • Beyond that of course you can question his ideas..are they based on anything? The same way if you asked someone on the socialist left what causes mass shootingsyuekit
    • and they said capitalism, for Jordan Peterson everything gets explained through his critique of modern society. Masculinity is being oppressed, the mass shooteryuekit
    • needed to play more contact sports as a kid, something about political correctness...but is any of this actually true?yuekit
    • He doesn't provide any evidence. And you could question whether it explains other mass killings like suicide bombings in the Middle East or stabbings in China..yuekit
    • Dude lost it. Normally you'd never listen to any advice from a druggy, so fuck him and fuck his cunty fans. ELLIOT PAGE, MOTHERFUCKERbabydick_
  • Ramanisky20

    Once again, Arizona is not sending their best

  • garbage3

    Former Japanese PM Abe shot with an improvised shotgun, is probably dead.

    Holy shit.

    • Crazy...apparently this happened in Nara, the ancient city with all the deer walking around.yuekit
    • Shot in the back and the neck...yeah I'd be surprised if he survives sadly.yuekit
    • RIP...…
    • Very fine people...on both sides of the ocean.utopian
    • He dead. News not talking about all the scandal crap he did, lining his own pockets...shapesalad
    • White supremacist? Let’s see!Gnash
  • PhanLo5

    17 good guys with guns

    • POS Cowardly Pig Cops!utopian
    • I would have to take someone's life if they let my child die. Not sure how else I could handle it. Would literally break me and turn me psychotic, guaranteed.FNP14
    • That’s what was happening to parents outside while this went on.monospaced
    • pussiesYakuZoku
  • PhanLo4

  • idles-1

  • utopian2

    Two parents and their 6-year-old daughter were fatally shot Friday at an Iowa state park, while their 9-year-old son survived the attack.…

  • nb0

    • If only they would brought along a AK-15 with them....instead of Marshmallow S'mores and sleeping bags.utopian