New Google Chrome Logo
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- 27 Responses
- hellogrid
This might be old news, but I just updated and noticed this beauty in the dock.
- sofakingbanned0
mo betta
- ********0
i like the flat... but what does that icon have to do with chrome?
- ********0
google beachball
- i_monk0
Amateur hour.
- JoeGrizzly0
I like the refresh.
- dbloc0
better, but still a goofy looking logo imo.
- dbloc0
Google is not really known for great logos though.
- nb0
Looks like a roomba.
- dorf0
- OfficeFurniturePhil0
I like the new logo. It seems much cleaner and less busy. Google Chrome is one of the most reliable browsers out there. This will help them even more.
- utopian0
Kurt is in pain
- monNom0
Poor implemention for .html documents when chrome is you default browser (every document is a big round multi-coloured circle). It should really be a page with the logo in the top corner as other programs tend to do.
- IE Started doing that at one point on some configs. looked fucking awfulanimatedgif
- nb0
- no.********
- No?nb
- dont google own picasa ?liveforever
- It's their logo anyways.section_014
- multicolored aperture blades in a real lens would give great chromatic abberation effects!vaxorcist
- no.
- animatedgif0
both pretty much sucked but at least this one looks like a google product, unlike the silly 3D one.