Cheney's tax - WTF

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  • 82 Responses
  • ukit0

    Yes some rich people have worked hard to get where they are. However, that is certainly not true of all. Take a look at Lil' Bush do you think that ---- would have made it out of the hood if he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth I think not. For every Sergey Brin there are ten Lil Bush or Paris Hiltons.

  • killerqueen0

    "... making anyone pay $600k in taxes is ridiculous... that's one's family's share? No fucking way.– PonyBoy"

    If you pull down a couple million a year, it's perfectly fair and square. You're such an idiot Ponyboy.

    Taxes aren't just assigned arbitrary numbers. I thought we cleared that up in my first post. They are a percentage of the wealth you create, a byproduct. Not some punishment.

  • killerqueen0

    I encourage all of you to start referring to PonyBoy by his full and legal name "Kevin Ross" so that when Google indexes this page, his clients can start seeing what a blowhard idiot he is.

    How about that, Kevin Ross?

    • quit being a douchebag, you douchebag. does everything have to be personal?emukid
  • killerqueen0

    "outside of the fact that this country penalized people for being 'succesfull'. HOW DARE you take away from those who work hard? 40% is bullshit..." - Kevin Ross

    "I was that kid you made fun of during lunch...but 'the world is yours' if you just be patient." - Kevin Ross

    Kevin Ross, you're a loser and you'll always be a loser. Your hatred and anger towards paying some taxes isn't about any logical economics argument, it's about you being a loser since you were a kid, and a loser now.

    "Do you need a 'stable gov' to make sure I have a roof over my head and your health? Hell no." - Kevin Ross

    Yes, you do need a government for that, you stupid fuck. It's called private property, and without that being ensured and enforced by the government, the whole game collapses.

    "What do you have against looking out for yourself? Why should 'rich folks' who HAVE WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF... wipe yours and your family?"

    Again Kevin Ross, let's move those rich people to Zimbabwe.

  • PonyBoy0

    lol... you got me, Queen! :)

    //You're just inundated with class, my friend.

    And yep... it's still my opinion that it's ridiculous for any one family to pay out $600k regardless of their success...

    ... please explain to me (and no one has yet... you've just all managed to call me out as being an idiot 'let them eat cake' kind of guy)... how is it that one family's share is $600,000?

    I realize they made a load of money... and are well off regardless... but once again - WHAT RESOURCES DO THEY USE MORE OF THAN YOU AND ME that makes them have to pay out that much more?


    I didn't work for it... neither did you... but plenty of you are ready to go on redistributing other people's money as if it'll help 'the poor' not be poorer....

    ... keep that cycle going... //it's working really well.

    My real point: Taxes should not be based on the % of income you make... if that's the case... then THANK GOD FOR RICH PEOPLE... because they pay for 40%+ of everything we have in this country anyway...

    ... you should be thanking them... not berating them because you're jealous of their success.

    • how is it that one family's share is $600,000?
      because another families share is $1,500. That's the proportional part.
    • of proportional taxation. so all your earnings don't go to the gov't... and still leave a short fall.monNom
  • killerqueen0

    We do thank the rich. No one is disputing their contributions, except you, Kevin Ross. We also scoff and criticize when they, the rich, try to avoid paying what they are meant to pay.

    Consider, Warren Buffett, the third-richest man in the world, who pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. He criticizes the US tax system for this inequity of loopholes that the poor often can't take part of.

    You want a disasterous Flat-tax, that is ultimately the opposite of the progressive tax-rate increases the USA has now. Flat-taxes creates a regressive system that punishes the poor instead of the rich.

    If you were the government, and you had to take some money in order to ensure property rights and safet...Kevin Ross, you're telling me you'd make the poor pay out the ass, while the Rich pay what they make in a day?

  • killerqueen0

    "... you should be thanking them... not berating them because you're jealous of their success. " - Kevin Ross

    Again, this comes back to you being the loser in the lunchroom. No one is jealous of success. But we NEED taxes to maintain a stable government. We need them.

    So the question is, how do we get these taxes? From the poor? From the rich?

    I say the rich.

    Honestly Kevin Ross, if your theory of Taxes being some great evil is so correct, why do entreprenuers continue to flock to the USA? Why are the worlds richest people from the USA? And in such large quantities?

    Of the top 100 richest people, 65 are Americans. That's more than the next top 3 nationalities combined.

    Clearly you're wrong on the practical effects of taxes, Kevin Ross, and it comes down to your own psychological fears and inadequacies. You fear taxes as a proxy for your fear of success. Your fear is why you're still a loser.

  • Dr_Rand0

    I can't imagine sympathizing with cheney about anything

    • he should pay 100% of his earnings as taxesDr_Rand
    • he hates his daughtervrmbr
    • is there anything this man doesn't hate?vrmbr
  • PonyBoy0

    Queen... I'm not against taxes at all... Ben Franklin was right. :)

    It just seems wrong that one man's family pays $600k while another's pays $10k... yet they drive the same roads etc. etc.

    I suppose I take back a few of my 'loser' comments as they were drunken in tone earlier this morning. :) The folks I'm arguing with on here have known me for years and we trade names like this often.

    We don't, however... call each other out and start trying to get them recognized in a derogatory OFFLINE way just because of their opinions. Not sure why you have to make it overly personal and center me out w/my 'irl' credentials.

    --- Back to the topic:
    Where are you getting this idea that I think taxes are a great evil?

    The only thing I've argued on this topic is that I don't think one man's share is ever $600k.

    The only real reasoning anyone in this thread has given me is 'because they have the money.'

    So... I guess because my neighbor can afford a car... i should just automatically get one too?... Hell.. that neighbor should be the one to buy it for me too - because they have the money... right?

    It's a pretty simple point.

  • cosmoo0

    keep the same tax rate for everyone and this conversion wouldn't be required. SAME TAX RATE FOR MARRIED PPL TOO! SIMPLE!

  • TheBlueOne0

    So if you don't believe percentages of earned income is a fair method of determining taxes, and you say that flat tax is looney, please do tell PonyBoy what would be your approved method of figuring out who pays what....seriously, I'm curious...

  • PonyBoy0

    ... haha...

    ... I never said I had a solution. :)

    I really can't think of one outside of keeping with the status quo as I don't think the country would be able to sustain and massive overhaul w/out creating a big mess...

    ... i'm just passionate about the fact I don't believe any one family uses $600k in 'public resources'. As a matter of fact - everything they 'need' they pay for and are taxes through nose on anyway.

    And once again... Cheney is a war mongering douche. :)

    I'm not championing for Cheney... I'm championing the idea that no person / family uses $600k in public resources and therefor shouldn't have to pay that much money... that's all.

    Solutions?... I'm a moron with money... so yeah... I got none. ;)

    • make those below the poverty line pay 100%Dr_Rand
    • going by that logic everybody should pay basically the same because we all use the same amount.oozie
    • actually if you're rich you'd drive more, use roads more so you should pay more.oozie
  • Drno0

    sober pony?

    • kinda... thinking about getting back 'into it' though. :)
      sorry for being the drunk douche i can be. ;)
    • I also see the decrease in caps lock
      you seem alright boy
  • joyride0

    I think Cheney uses more then 600K in public resources... you don't think he pays for where he lives at the moment, or flights, or security... but, i get what you mean. And the tax systems is based off, higher taxes for people that make more. The ways to reduce taxes have always been there.

    I think people are forgetting that just because he paid 600K in taxes, what about the charitable donations he's made to XXXX to pay that little in taxes. The charities are getting a lot out of it too so it's not like he gets to keep all that money... some $$$ go to good causes that the government doesn't have to support.

    • u have a point about his travel/security... i was just talking about that offline...PonyBoy
    • ... but let's take Cheney out of the picture and just apply it to your everyday american.PonyBoy
  • Josev0

    You're thinking about this in a simplistic manner. No, the individual didn't use 600K in public resources, but the company he/she worked for did. There are costs associated with generating that kind of income/wealth. Do you really think that all it took to earn $2.5 million was driving to work, mailing a few letters using the post office, etc. Google the social costs of wealth.

    • That was meant for Pony.Josev
    • and that company didn't pay taxes?... any company has to match what their employee has w/held in taxes.PonyBoy
    • i do understand it... but these companies shell out millions in taxes each year... so putting it back on the emp...PonyBoy
    • ... doesn't seem to make much sense to me.PonyBoy
    • actually, research that -- you'll find that many large corporations are paying very few taxes.Josev
  • oozie0

    i find it tough to beleive that people in the usa consider paved roads a privledge when a child can die from a treatable desease because some cheap ass insurance company is holding out for some bogus reason. see where there's public health care, thanks to taxes, this wouldn't be an issue... and the roads are paved.

    • Not all Americans are against public healthcare.Josev
    • no i get that i just mean that attitude exists in the usa. just pointing it out, it exists here too it's just in this context.oozie
  • skelly_b0

    The tax system is intentionally designed to punish the middle class and below (usually employees). And it intentionally rewards the rich (usually employers and investors). This is because the rich are doing the government doesn't want to do. The rich tend to create jobs, provide housing, organize labor, and so on. Now when I say rewards and punishments I am speaking to percentage of income. At the end of the day the rich and corporations pay the grand majority of the nations taxes.

    The best idea I have heard to date is the Negative Income Tax.…

    In the meantime I will grumble and moan about the big fat tax bill that landed in my lap today. It is all more real when you have to write a big check. It's easy and invisible when your employer slips it out of check before you see it.

    Be nice to Mr. Ross, I can't think of any reason he deserves so much venom. Chill out... death and taxes will march on either way.

  • Drno0

    Read this…
    then read the comment from "FanOfTheTruth "

  • oozie0

    haliburton stock has risen like 4000% since 911, i'm sure cheney owns a few of those. that should send off alarm bells.

  • chossy0

    It's simple ponyboy.

    I earn £100 I pay 25% that leaves me with £75 pounds in which to live on , I earn £1000 I pay 25% that leaves me £750 pounds to live on it is fair because the same percentage of my money is being taken from both parties. I don't give a fuck about how much people earn as long as they are contributing the same amount percentage wise it is ok. People who earn ten times the amount of money as you do still have ten times the amount of money you do left over.

    • it's not quite that simple manephix
    • with this system a lot of charities don't get funding and don't exist. you get tax breaks for doing good thingsjoyride