Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #67

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  • killerqueen0

    "... you should be thanking them... not berating them because you're jealous of their success. " - Kevin Ross

    Again, this comes back to you being the loser in the lunchroom. No one is jealous of success. But we NEED taxes to maintain a stable government. We need them.

    So the question is, how do we get these taxes? From the poor? From the rich?

    I say the rich.

    Honestly Kevin Ross, if your theory of Taxes being some great evil is so correct, why do entreprenuers continue to flock to the USA? Why are the worlds richest people from the USA? And in such large quantities?

    Of the top 100 richest people, 65 are Americans. That's more than the next top 3 nationalities combined.

    Clearly you're wrong on the practical effects of taxes, Kevin Ross, and it comes down to your own psychological fears and inadequacies. You fear taxes as a proxy for your fear of success. Your fear is why you're still a loser.

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