Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #69

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  • PonyBoy0

    Queen... I'm not against taxes at all... Ben Franklin was right. :)

    It just seems wrong that one man's family pays $600k while another's pays $10k... yet they drive the same roads etc. etc.

    I suppose I take back a few of my 'loser' comments as they were drunken in tone earlier this morning. :) The folks I'm arguing with on here have known me for years and we trade names like this often.

    We don't, however... call each other out and start trying to get them recognized in a derogatory OFFLINE way just because of their opinions. Not sure why you have to make it overly personal and center me out w/my 'irl' credentials.

    --- Back to the topic:
    Where are you getting this idea that I think taxes are a great evil?

    The only thing I've argued on this topic is that I don't think one man's share is ever $600k.

    The only real reasoning anyone in this thread has given me is 'because they have the money.'

    So... I guess because my neighbor can afford a car... i should just automatically get one too?... Hell.. that neighbor should be the one to buy it for me too - because they have the money... right?

    It's a pretty simple point.

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