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  • PonyBoy0

    ponyboy, so the minimum wage should stay static and not increase with inflation? I don't understand...

    and with health care, go download sicko. seriously.

    (Jun 25 07, 18:34)
    well... yeah... raise it with inflation... but don't raise it to the point of it being worthy of make a living off of... most minimum wage jobs aren't worth more than 20k/year (and that's @ 10 bux and hour... which is far too much money to work a drive-thru window for instance)...

    ... someone mentioned the 4.1 corpo turn-around... YEP... :) ... they TOTALLY EXPECT THAT!!... Who wants to KEEP DOING that job?!!

    I did it AS A KID... it was all I was qualified for (yay McDonald's!!)... then I got off my ass... took advantage of the SUBSIDIZED gov loans...

    ... mind you... i had cruddy grades in high school (I applied to college w/a 2.1 GPA... cuz I hated high school.. anyway... )...

    ... I also took on TWO part-time jobs both making near min. wage plus tips and got through college in 3 years instead of 4...

    I guess I'm just saying from my personal experience... and that of MANY others I've know who are 'poor' by EVERY means of the word...

    ...they too did the same thing.

    All it takes is a little motivation to break the minimum wage barrier... you don't even have to go to college... Hell.. my brother's been working at McDonalds since he was 17... he's 33 now...

    ... kid started working the NUGGET DRAWER!! (hahaha)... and now he's a regional manager... making much more than the minimum wage folks he's got working his store windows/registers and grills...

    ... and if they decide to stick with it themselves... work hard... they too can 'move up'.

    Now... Healthcare... it's pricey... that's harsh... I agree... I'M SUFFERING because of it... I have to have some major freakin' surgery soon and I'm not exactly sure how i'm going to go about doing it...

    ... but the truth is that Health Care costs should be FORCED down... but not socialized...

    ... again - I want to choose who's holding the scalpel... I don't think that's too much to ask.

  • PonyBoy0

    ... just another thought...

    ... because of the immigration crack downs as of late... notice how some California Farmers are actually packing up and moving their farms to Mexico?

    Now... I know this isn't an apples to apples comparison...

    ... but the reason the Farmers are moving is because they're forced to pay higher wages to those who live here legally. If they kept doing that... the price of a head of lettuce would sky-rocket... right?

    It's the same thing w/the min wage... fast food shops etc are priced in a discount fashion... expect those businesses to dwindle... or raise prices... which will in turn make them dwindle/close stores etc...

    ... keeping w/inflation is one thing... but mundane jobs that require 2 hours of training do NOT deserve wages worthy of building a life on... they can be stepping stones to the next job though.


    problem being is there's no way you can have enough jobs that will sustain someone's life. the economy works on low paid labor all over the world, if nike didn't have factory workers working pennies then they would have to raise prics etc. socialized foundations actually help this problem, people can worker shit jobs but have less of a burden

  • PonyBoy0

    it's a nasty circle then Moneycide... because if those companies raised the wages of all their employees... many of those businesses will raise the prices on their product...

    ... good bye business. Even if you knocked the knees out from underneath the CEO's etc (take away their millions and redistribute)...

    ... the biz would still go under as consumers more than likely will keep their money to themselves...

    ... I think we both have valid points... which is why I'm more than ready to start quoting the Bible... cuz only God's gonna get us out of this one. :)

    *anxiously awaiting dobly's responses and 'godboy' comments... haha... :)

    (dobby!! I quit the 'funny stuff' completely btw... destroyed all my apparatus for intake... clarity is SCARY!!... but my poor lungs and heart were paying the price in the worst way)...

  • TheBlueOne0

    And what about htis continual lower taxes crap? They always use the argument that your taxes pay for "welfare queens". Bullshit. Your taxes pay to keep the infrastructure up and running, pay for cops, etc. And who uses the roads? WHy businesses shipping their goods. And the more reliable the roads, the better for business. Who needs good security and law enforcement? Business, to ensure that their shit doesn't get stolen. Who needs healthcare - business to keep a healthy and efficient workforce.

    All this shit actually benefits business and America, but no one wants to pay for it and we're on a steamroller back to the goddamn middle ages with only a few people owning the money, and when they get enough money, well they'll start privatizing all the infrastructure to keep out the poor people and to make it sure runs best for there interests and not the common good. That's just the way shit has been throughout all of history. We were lucky that we got smart enough to know that we gave rights to the Commons to everyone instead of some sort of nobility. But oh well, back to the Good Old Times. And you fuckers keep voting for the guy that will "cut mah taxes"..everyone is a lazy pussy who wants everything and wants no responsibility. And as someone in the Nixon administration once said, "Thinks that can't last forever, won't."

  • mrdobolina0

    Fast food workers in my neck of the woods already make upwards of $8/hour. They just do, and it isn't like Taco Bells are closing down. Grocery store clerks etc all make upwards of that hourly too, store's stay open. That is a completely false statement based on absolutely no hard data.

  • mrdobolina0

    Continued tax cuts - unsustainable

    Continued expanded use of petroleum - unsustainable

    Health Care in this country - unsustainable

  • BonSeff0

    roads are paid for with gas sales tax. law inforcement and welfare is paid by sales and luxury taxes like alcohol, tobacco, registering your car ect... state medicare is also funded by sales tax. schools are funded by property taxes. and all this is assuming your state isnt some broke ass state where these revenues can support it, then of course you have a state income tax.

    all these are state revenue. regullated by your govenors and mayors. not federally.

    federal income tax basically pays for national defense. and medicade pays for federally funded health care. and of course there is social security.

    but just to clarify, the bulk of taxes that fund the infrastructure you and i live in locally, are paid for by sales and luxury taxes to the state.

    so when politicians say they want to lower taxes, as in a federal level, im all for it. i believe we need smaller government and our military should not be policing the world.

    but at the same time, when they say they want to lower taxes, its a bunch a hot air, cause they cant regulate the state level.

    this is a point i like to make to rednecks that say that imigrants dont pay taxes. well maybe not federal, but they pay all the state level taxes.. sales and luxury. and they may not pay property taxes, but they rent from people who do.

  • BonSeff0

    also, constitutionally, the american worker was never meant to pay taxes on his labor. corporations were supposed to pay taxes on their profits. but once the federal reserve was founded, it was signed into law that our labor can be taxed as well, to help fund it. aint credit grand. look at our debt, both federally and personally. we are slaves

  • kreydle0

    he's satan

  • material-10

    the face of pure greed and evil.

    love him on lil bush though
    "meh meh meeeh meh"

    haha so true

  • spk0

    Isn't this type of behavior treason?

  • TheBlueOne0

    All of a sudden, after 200+ years of constitutional governance, the VP office is no longer part of the executive branch? And who's telling us this? The same guy who said their were WMD's in Iraq, that the invasion would be a cakewalk, that the insurgency was in it's "last throes" three years ago, and who won't let anyone see the list of who visits him.

    Oh, sure I trust him.

    Impeach the fucker. Now.

    Yeah, and where the fuck is Osama you fuck. It took only three and a half years to get Hitler and Hirohito and they had fucking armies. You can't find a fucking guy in a cave in Pakistan.

    Useless. Absolutley useless.

  • material-10

    cheney made treason legal in a small bill attached to the clean driveway act

  • BonSeff0
  • TheBlueOne0

    I just finished reading a book about John Boyd, who was an American Air Force colonel. interesting guy - combat exp in Korea & 'nam, father of the f-15 & 1-16 and after he retires essentially rewrites Marine corp and army battle doctrine. Interesting that back when Cheney is SecDef under Bush I he consults with Boyd about Desert Storm (DS is essentially Boyd's plan). All these guys at that time who liked Cheney and were military and were Boyd's compatriots absolutely hate the fucker now and despise the current Iraq operation. It really opened my eyes to alot of stuff..

    And what was even more interesting was that this Boyd guy came up with a whole new set of modern operational tactics - ala Sun Tzu - which is modern marine corp doctrine - and after reading about all of it I can see how Cheney was influenced by it and is using that very method to run his office. It was like plain as day...

  • BonSeff0

    sounds like an interesting read
    what is the book title?

    ive always heard about the OODA loop, now i know who created it

  • MrD0

    anyone watch EndGame on PBS?…

  • TheBlueOne0

    sounds like an interesting read
    what is the book title?

    ive always heard about the OODA loop, now i know who created it
    (Jun 26 07, 06:55)

    Here's the book:…

    You can also check this online:…

    But after reading deeper into the whole OODA loop thing and then learning how Cheney got full briefings on it back when he was SecDef and supported it, and then seeing how he runs his's fucking clear as day he's using it as a strategy bluprint.

  • material-10