
Out of context: Reply #42

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  • PonyBoy0

    ... just another thought...

    ... because of the immigration crack downs as of late... notice how some California Farmers are actually packing up and moving their farms to Mexico?

    Now... I know this isn't an apples to apples comparison...

    ... but the reason the Farmers are moving is because they're forced to pay higher wages to those who live here legally. If they kept doing that... the price of a head of lettuce would sky-rocket... right?

    It's the same thing w/the min wage... fast food shops etc are priced in a discount fashion... expect those businesses to dwindle... or raise prices... which will in turn make them dwindle/close stores etc...

    ... keeping w/inflation is one thing... but mundane jobs that require 2 hours of training do NOT deserve wages worthy of building a life on... they can be stepping stones to the next job though.

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